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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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looking at the spoilers for next week, that shoot Punk did looked legit


Come on, they'd have cut his mic off like ten minutes earlier than they did if they didn't want him saying that, they wouldn't let him talk about ROH or New Japan, and then be all "Oh, he's mentioning the bully campaign now?! OKAY, CUT"

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Well, to be more thorough he said "let me tell you a personal story about Vince McMahon", which prompted the cutting off. He had barely said the words "anti-bullying" when it happened - thing is though, that seemed like the perfect lead-up, scripted-wise, to have your mic cut off too. Worked shoots just need to get realer and realer as time passes by. :cool:
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Well, to be more thorough he said "let me tell you a personal story about Vince McMahon", which prompted the cutting off. He had barely said the words "anti-bullying" when it happened - thing is though, that seems like the perfect lead-up, scripted-wise, to have your mic cut off too.

"He can mention other promotions, he can insult me, my daughter and my son in law, but I'll be damned if I let that son of a (gun) talk about the anti-bullying campaign!"

-Vince McMahon

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WWE.com just posted this:


Monday Night Raw’s abrupt conclusion last night was not due to technical difficulties. The decision to suddenly end the broadcast in that manner was made by WWE Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon, who gave this quote to WWE.com:


“CM Punk was suspended indefinitely for his unprofessional conduct as soon as Raw went off the air.”


With his WWE contract expiring on July 17, one can only assume that this suspension effectively terminates CM Punk’s tenure with WWE.



great great promo by punk. i can only hope this is the begining of something huge.

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His Facebook page too. It's pretty funny how it's all going, especially with people like Maryse, Josh Matthews, Grisham, JR and Austin praising the promo on Twitter.


Edit: He single-handedly got ROH trending on Twitter. Now how many people can do that :p


Anybody who mentioned ROH while working for the WWE on live tv.

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