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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Hmm, going to have to evaluate some stats on some mods after that promo.


I'm going to say this, because I don't know what is and isn't true about the whole thing. I just been following the storyline, and I'm going to predict something.... I ussually don't, as I would rather watch and hope to be surprised, but this is a "WOW!" thing here.


I think everything has been a "work". From the whole "won't sign you unless you give us your name" to this promo (although I think it was a "shoot" promo... he was allowed to do what he wanted there).


I think the sound went off, as it would always go off (the end part) and then we would see the WWE Logo.... This time no logo, as they opted to show us Punk ranting up till the end. This screamed "work" to me.


I don't know if he will be working right after Money in the Bank, but I sincerely believe he already has a contract agreement, and the only thing I think might happen is he will take time off for a couple of months or something along those lines (if that long, or at all for that matter). Right now, he's too hot to let go anyways. At least in my opinion.


In other words, I don't think Vince (and company) is that nuts to let this guy go at this point, especially AFTER tonight. I didn't believe they were letting him go in the first place, after being able to catch the whole "Summer of Punk" run-down on youtube and other places. ROH are nothing more then WWE's new ECW, and have been for years. I think they know exactly what they are doing here.

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ROH are nothing more then WWE's new ECW, and have been for years. I think they know exactly what they are doing here.


Now, I know you're a WWE enthusiast, chris, so I don't want to take this the wrong way so could you explain this in greater detail? I ask because I see absolutely no evidence that what you're saying is actually true. WWE isn't integrating key parts of ROH's product into theirs. WWE isn't signing ROH's top talent in wholesale fashion (you've got what, Punk, Cabana, Black, and...? Three workers in seven years?). So how is ROH "nothing more than WWE's new ECW"?

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Now, I know you're a WWE enthusiast, chris, so I don't want to take this the wrong way so could you explain this in greater detail? I ask because I see absolutely no evidence that what you're saying is actually true. WWE isn't integrating key parts of ROH's product into theirs. WWE isn't signing ROH's top talent in wholesale fashion (you've got what, Punk, Cabana, Black, and...? Three workers in seven years?). So how is ROH "nothing more than WWE's new ECW"?


Rumor has it that Kings of Wrestling have offers on the table after a tryout. Not signed yet though.


Plus Matt Stryker and Danielson.



Not saying I agree, but just thought I add to the list.

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My post is now irrelevant--beaten to the punch.


I don't think Matt Stryker was ever signed by WWE though, was he? (Matt Striker and Matt Stryker are two different people.)


Matt Sydal = Evan Bourne



Edit to fix my mistake.


For some reason I put Stryker down instead of Sydal and I can't really think of why.

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Now, I know you're a WWE enthusiast, chris, so I don't want to take this the wrong way so could you explain this in greater detail? I ask because I see absolutely no evidence that what you're saying is actually true. WWE isn't integrating key parts of ROH's product into theirs. WWE isn't signing ROH's top talent in wholesale fashion (you've got what, Punk, Cabana, Black, and...? Three workers in seven years?). So how is ROH "nothing more than WWE's new ECW"?


I don't mean "Product" wise, although in this particular case, it seems a blatant storyline.


I meant in terms of respect. Everything I've ever read on how the WWE feels about ROH, respect is top of the list of it. I feel that WWE respects them, and wouldn't do anything to hurt them. I think WWE respects NJPW as well. I don't think they respect TNA, but again, they have never said anything bad... Fact, the only thing I heard Vince say about TNA is in reguards to Kurt "I'm certainly happier with him going their then the alternative" in which he meant happier Kurt went to TNA rather then MMA fighting.


The only reason I think Punk was allowed to say NJPW and ROH was because of that respect.


EDIT: WWF respected ECW, and actually tried to help them out on more then a few occassions... even going so far as to give their worker's screen time on WWF programming.

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Why are all these websites calling it a shoot? The term is a "worked shoot" - something that is planned to sound like a shoot. A shoot is unscripted, unplanned, kayfabe breaking. Clearly they wouldn't let CM Punk go off and say whatever he wants and let it air.


And just so this doesn't turn into another Daniel Bryan "firing" situation where some people still insist it was legit even after the fact, let's make this clear right now. If CM Punk stays in the WWE, if he's on Raw and wrestles at MITB, there is a 0.0% chance that it was a shoot. If CM Punk (or any wrestler) did that without permission, his name would never be mentioned on air again. So we'll know beyond a shadow of a doubt whether he did this with or without permission very soon.


I'm open to the possibility that, like somebody here said, he may have just been given an open mic and allowed to go wherever he wanted. Personally I doubt it, but 5 hours ago I never would've believed they'd let him give that promo under any circumstances.


And like someone else said, this really makes me believe he re-signed with them, and maybe this storyline was a condition of his return. And if that's the case...I can't help but think he's going to win the title at MITB.


In response to the spoilers...



I COMPLETELY disagree with the notion that they "messed it up" by making the stipulation that if Punk wins, Cena is fired. And I even more strongly disagree that this means Cena will win. How many times have we seen guys get "fired" in a storyline before? Hell, we've seen it with Cena himself. And I don't know if you heard, but a couple weeks ago there were reports that Cena was working hurt...if that's true, this could be their way to write him off TV until he gets healthy.



It is kind of sucky timing for them, that they did this in the middle of a double taping. Could've really built up the anticipation for next week's Raw.

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Guest codey
Well, outside of the internet, there is anticipation. The only people that really know are the fans in attendance and those of us online. Really, we make up a miniscule part of the audience. Most fans don't even know it's a double taping and are eagerly awaiting next weeks "live" RAW is WAR (I just miss saying that:D)
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I'm a smark and while I was watching his worked shoot promo, I thought that it, well, wasn't worked. But I am honestly shocked that they allowed him to say those things on air. I really hope that he renewed/signed a new contract with WWE, because he has really shown that if they give him free reign of what he says on the mic, he could become a true legend. He's already got great in ring skills, IMO they just need to let him say whatever he wants on the mic and he will become a legend up there with the likes of The Rock and Stone Cold!



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I loved this. Read a transcript first thing this morning. Just watched the promo on Youtube. I don't watch WWE any more, but this makes me want to start.


It'll never happen, but I would pay cash money to see Punk take the belt to ROH. I'd fly to America to see that happen.

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WWE Chairman Vince McMahon suspends CM Punk

Raw’s abrupt conclusion Monday night was not due to technical difficulties. The decision to suddenly end the broadcast in that manner was made by WWE Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon, who gave this quote to WWE.com:


“CM Punk was suspended indefinitely for his unprofessional conduct as soon as Raw went off the air.”


With his WWE contract expiring on July 17, one can only assume that this suspension effectively terminates CM Punk’s tenure with WWE.




Lol, this makes things very interesting, this could turn into one of the best storylines in years. It was clearly a work though, no way they would've allowed him to talk for so long if it was a shoot.

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Absolutely staggeringly good. Don't post much at all, just come here to read you folks' take on things, but to me there are a few clear conclusions to be taken from this.


1) Punk is unbelievably good at his job. That people are wondering how legit his rants were prove that, and his blurred the lines between a work and real gripes beautifully. The crowd in attendance cheering him saying he was the best was priceless, and he reacted to that by putting them down, one of the heelish things he could have done (and likely improvised based on their reaction). Stunning.


2) There is no way Punk is leaving permanently. He may lose and take a hiatus, he may not leave at all, but I cannot see how he could be allowed to become THAT over and then walk out. Remember that the storyline only has a few weeks to run before his supposed leaving date. If he really were to leave forever, there is no way he'd be allowed to rise at pace to the top like this. He is now top dog, no question.


3) I actually give the E a great deal of credit for allowing Punk to go as far as he did. Again, I've no doubt what he said was with permission, but to take what many know to me some of his real issues and run with them to that degree would sit uncomfortably with most employers. They don't get their dues often, but I'll give them a lot of credit for not forcing him to tone down (which they could have done by cutting him off earlier if they felt he was going too far).


One of the best things about this? Everyone is eagerly awaiting the following week. Nice job.

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Love the promo. A step further than Styles a few years ago, I cannot believe some of the stuff he said particularly about after Vince is dead, brilliantly delivered.


Spoilers re: next week

The Punk promo was good, but I cannot WAIT to see this Cena/Vince confrontation. Glad I spoiled it because otherwise I wouldn't have watched it. If you read the way in which it's done, the "Cena being fired" angle makes perfect sense.

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Great work by Punk, although I am annoyed they cut him off.




The Cena stip makes sense in the way it was done, but it wasn't at all necessarry. After Punk was 'suspended' that was one of the few ways it could have been done, but why suspend him. Just say "Punk has to apologise next week on Raw or he is stripped of his title shot" and then have him offer a sarcastic apology. It would have been much better than minimising the chance of Punk actually winning.


Considering they have completely built it up for Punk not appearing after MiTB, since he said to HBK that he wont keep coming back (or somethng to that nature). So thats all ready one big star gone after MITB, would they let Cena go at the same time. Even if they were both storyline firings Raw would still be lacking for a few weeks before they can come back.


And what about the winner of the #1 contenders match on next weeks Raw. Is he screwed out of his title shot or is he inserted into the match?

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Raw Roulette was pretty good. First time in awhile that I enjoyed it more than the last Smackdown. Highlights:


Punk's opening and closing segments on the mic (Totally off the hook at the end. I bet HHH helped brainstorm the angle ;) )


Bourne v Sin Cara


Mark Henry ripping off the cage door and slamming Big Show through the cage


A rare and exciting tornado tag match (with A-Ri hip-tossing Miz from the top rope)


Truth beating Cena with interference from Punk wearing a Stone Cold shirt

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Never has an angle reminded me so much of Matt Hardy attacking Edge. And the speculation that came afterwards. For all those who think this was Punk going off base, let me ask you this - how do you think Raw was meant to end this week?


Even though he was allowed to do it, Punk still rocks.

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in response to 1234





What exactly makes the fact that cena might be "fired" a give away that he'll win? remeber when he was fired by the Raw GM for violating his orders? he wasen't even off the show for a week.


And, given the multiple reports that Cena is pretty banged up and needs a month off at least, I could easily see him losing, Punk keeping the title and them pursuing some sort of "You have to defend our belt, contract or no"" situation going on, a few faces in a row fail with punk looking dominate, and Vince having to ""re-hire" cena as his white knight for summerslam to get the company belt back.


side note: they could even end the whole mystery GM thing by having him reveal himself to "deal with punk" and make him defend the title despite being "out of contract"


off the top of my head:


1. punk wins, cena is fired (keep him off live TV for 2-3 weeks, but mabey show his tweets, him watching at home, have vince/gm kill him in promo's for failure ect if you really feel like you need to remind the audience he's around)


2. Next Raw, you have the GM reveal himself (foley?) and tell punk that he overlooked a clause in his contract that says he has to defend one a month as long as he's champion regardless of employment status (heels never read the fine print after all ;))


3. Punk "reluctantly" defends a few times, winning against whatever faces are thrown to him in good, competitive matches


4. Start having backstage segments, announcer suggestions, ect that Cena is the only one who can "regain" the title for the WWE


5. Have Vince Reinstate him on the condition that he bring the title back home or he's gone for good


6. Give CEna-Punk time to have an awesome match at SS, cena wins much to the kiddies delight, and punk (who i am quite sure at this point has a deal, otherwise why let him do this and gain MASSIVE pop and buzz, only to watch him show up in ROH/TNA in 3 months?) takes a break then returns.


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