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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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For those who haven't seen the Punk ROH promo that's been mentioned a few times, here you go... Don't think you can embed YT in here so I'll just link it...



I've seen the promo before, but did you notice MiTB is July 17th and the match he had with Raven that's he's hyping in that promo is also July 17th?

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For those who haven't seen the Punk ROH promo that's been mentioned a few times, here you go... Don't think you can embed YT in here so I'll just link it...



Great promo, but I had forgotten how good the JBL promo on ONS was. (It's Promo Haven #1 on there)


"Now kiss my ass, this show sucks!"


I don't care what anyone says, JBL was an awesome heel.

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This reminds me of something that just irritates me for no reason. In a regular match without a countout finish, the ref counts a slow, normal count. But in matches like that where guys intentionally get counted out, the ref counts fast as ****. I understand why it's done (no one wants to sit through a slow count when they know the outcome) but it's just one of those pro wrestling tropes that annoys me.


You could justify that into the notion that the ref himself doesn't feel like messing around if someone is walking away from the ring. The further you are from the ring, the faster he's gonna count. Well.. if you're intentionally away.

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You could justify that into the notion that the ref himself doesn't feel like messing around if someone is walking away from the ring. The further you are from the ring, the faster he's gonna count. Well.. if you're intentionally away.


That's how I kind of always saw it.

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You could justify that into the notion that the ref himself doesn't feel like messing around if someone is walking away from the ring. The further you are from the ring, the faster he's gonna count. Well.. if you're intentionally away.


We don't really need to justify everything...that's why we're suposed to suspend disbelief.


Edit: Punk's promo just got the WWE in the map again...never mind the normal ways of measuring a promo´s quality! The context, the content and his mic quality, as well as the 4th wall breaking make the difference. And no matter what the ROH fanatics think, this will be regarded as his best ever. (Unless one day he tops it) As it is. In TEW terms it's an A*. Because a lot more people care about it due to the world wide exposure. SOmething it would not happen in ROH. Maybe John Doe from promotion fake 1 made a better promo on the same day...who cares? This one was better because it had the whole wrestling community caring about it. And hell, it was very good stuff in all levels! That intensity...very good! That promo was A* in all possible ways.

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For those who haven't seen the Punk ROH promo that's been mentioned a few times, here you go... Don't think you can embed YT in here so I'll just link it...


I've seen this myself (Kind of shocked I had). I hope this isn't the promo people are claiming was better then the one he just did in WWE.... because it wasn't even close.

I've seen the promo before, but did you notice MiTB is July 17th and the match he had with Raven that's he's hyping in that promo is also July 17th?

I happened to notice that as well. Kind of ironic.

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I've seen this myself (Kind of shocked I had). I hope this isn't the promo people are claiming was better then the one he just did in WWE.... because it wasn't even close.


I agree, It was good. but not great. His one on Monday was the best in his career. (from what I seen)

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I've seen this myself (Kind of shocked I had). I hope this isn't the promo people are claiming was better then the one he just did in WWE.... because it wasn't even close.


I honestly prefer the ROH one. Maybe I'll change my mind after watching the Raw one a few dozen times, but the ROH one has an intensity and venom that is rarely captured in promos anymore. Its gritty and it feels real. His delivery is smoother now (a decade in the business will do that) and while he still comes across as genuine in his feelings, the venom is more bitterness. The genuine feel from the Raw promo comes from the way he breaks the fourth wall and says some taboo (for the WWE, at least) things. Its the shock value from that. I just prefer the performance of the first one, even with its slight lack of polish, to the "I'm saying what I really feel but is it right?" feel to the Raw one.

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I honestly prefer the ROH one. Maybe I'll change my mind after watching the Raw one a few dozen times, but the ROH one has an intensity and venom that is rarely captured in promos anymore. Its gritty and it feels real. His delivery is smoother now (a decade in the business will do that) and while he still comes across as genuine in his feelings, the venom is more bitterness. The genuine feel from the Raw promo comes from the way he breaks the fourth wall and says some taboo (for the WWE, at least) things. Its the shock value from that. I just prefer the performance of the first one, even with its slight lack of polish, to the "I'm saying what I really feel but is it right?" feel to the Raw one.


Yeah nostalgia colored classes must be something else, because there's just no comparison here. Yeah the ROH promo is intense and good, but he looks like an Acting 2 student who can do one thing really well. His promo last night was far more complex and showed a far greater range and depth. Add to that that it was four times as long and in front of a live audience, and there's really no comparison, even before we get past ROH's cameraman trying to huff down the stairs, Colt Cabana's "what face should I be making," and the rest of it just doesn't compare to the live crowd in a well-produced environment.

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I don't mean "Product" wise, although in this particular case, it seems a blatant storyline.


I meant in terms of respect. Everything I've ever read on how the WWE feels about ROH, respect is top of the list of it. I feel that WWE respects them, and wouldn't do anything to hurt them. I think WWE respects NJPW as well. I don't think they respect TNA, but again, they have never said anything bad... Fact, the only thing I heard Vince say about TNA is in reguards to Kurt "I'm certainly happier with him going their then the alternative" in which he meant happier Kurt went to TNA rather then MMA fighting.


The only reason I think Punk was allowed to say NJPW and ROH was because of that respect.


EDIT: WWF respected ECW, and actually tried to help them out on more then a few occassions... even going so far as to give their worker's screen time on WWF programming.


Ah, my fault, I apologize. It just came off as sort of dismissive and I agree that it seems WWE typically takes great pains to avoid negatively impacting ROH sometimes. Nothing that's really going to negatively impact the 'E's business, but just seemingly professional courtesy.


And the Kings of Wrestling have each individually had offers from WWE before (Claudio was even signed, if I recall correctly) but things didn't work out. Hearing the E is sniffing around them again doesn't surprise me at all. It would surprise me if they went after Davey (he does not fit their look). Then again, with Triple H running talent development, it probably shouldn't.

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Ah, my fault, I apologize. It just came off as sort of dismissive and I agree that it seems WWE typically takes great pains to avoid negatively impacting ROH sometimes. Nothing that's really going to negatively impact the 'E's business, but just seemingly professional courtesy.


And the Kings of Wrestling have each individually had offers from WWE before (Claudio was even signed, if I recall correctly) but things didn't work out. Hearing the E is sniffing around them again doesn't surprise me at all. It would surprise me if they went after Davey (he does not fit their look). Then again, with Triple H running talent development, it probably shouldn't.


Didn't they offer Davey a couple of years ago but he refused?

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Yeah nostalgia colored classes must be something else, because there's just no comparison here. Yeah the ROH promo is intense and good, but he looks like an Acting 2 student who can do one thing really well. His promo last night was far more complex and showed a far greater range and depth. Add to that that it was four times as long and in front of a live audience, and there's really no comparison, even before we get past ROH's cameraman trying to huff down the stairs, Colt Cabana's "what face should I be making," and the rest of it just doesn't compare to the live crowd in a well-produced environment.


Perhaps it is just that...


But to be honest, I'm not really factoring in the difference in production quality. Comparing WWE HD from 2011 to ROH 2003 seems... redundant. I don't that matters when you are looking at Punk's performance.


The ROH promo is not coming from a polished performer. It comes across as a deluge of genuine emotion. He's not eloquent and its pretty unfocused. But that's part of what makes it feel real. Like this is really just someone reacting on pure emotion to something. The setting - the grungy stairs and his two friends looking on kinda awkwardly while Punk completely loses his sh#t - add to that.


Punk on Raw was a great performer belting out a great performance. But that was just it - it felt like just a bit more of a performance to me. Not saying the bitterness isn't real, or the jabs he takes aren't genuine. But Punk that same polish is there when Punk is talking about being a messiah...


I guess the difference is this... I don't think Punk actually hates Raven, yet watching that promo makes me believe he does. I would not doubt if most of what Punk said on Raw was what he really felt - unappreciated, the best, etc - yet take away the shock that he said those things and I am less convinced that those proclamations are true than the hate for Raven.

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Ah, my fault, I apologize. It just came off as sort of dismissive and I agree that it seems WWE typically takes great pains to avoid negatively impacting ROH sometimes. Nothing that's really going to negatively impact the 'E's business, but just seemingly professional courtesy.


And the Kings of Wrestling have each individually had offers from WWE before (Claudio was even signed, if I recall correctly) but things didn't work out. Hearing the E is sniffing around them again doesn't surprise me at all. It would surprise me if they went after Davey (he does not fit their look). Then again, with Triple H running talent development, it probably shouldn't.

I can say I'm curious if this is the start of the HHH era... Can't help thinking this is the first planned thing that's got his signature all over it. There are rumor's all over the place, but we'll probably never know for sure for a few years.

I honestly prefer the ROH one. Maybe I'll change my mind after watching the Raw one a few dozen times, but the ROH one has an intensity and venom that is rarely captured in promos anymore. Its gritty and it feels real. His delivery is smoother now (a decade in the business will do that) and while he still comes across as genuine in his feelings, the venom is more bitterness. The genuine feel from the Raw promo comes from the way he breaks the fourth wall and says some taboo (for the WWE, at least) things. Its the shock value from that. I just prefer the performance of the first one, even with its slight lack of polish, to the "I'm saying what I really feel but is it right?" feel to the Raw one.

My problem with the ROH one, is that it seemed forced to me. It felt like it was supposed to go over the top, and that he was trying to make it happen... but at the same time, it felt like that was what it was supposed to do.


I DO think it was good, even great.... and better then most working in bigger companies.


The reason I personally like the WWE one, is that it didn't look forced at all. Everything seemed to just roll off his tongue as if he had so much to say he would never get all of it out at once. The way they cut it, made it look as if he had plenty more to say. When I first watched it, I believed it to be a shoot somewhere inside me, although the reasonable part of me knew it was "just a promo". I honestly haven't felt that way about any promo (to include the Ric Flair promo that was highlighted a bit, the one he did on Carlito) in, well... I don't remember ever thinking someone was actually shooting, when it wasn't a shoot before... I thought some were promo's that were actually shoots, but I can't think of anyone doing a promo that I thought was actually a shoot until now, even if it was only for the time I was watching it.


As I said, what gives it all away to me isn't the promo at all, but how they handled it. The "Fade to black" ending that was done for drama, the mic turn off without turning the camera off. These were done for effects, but meant for us to here and see. The fact all he did was yell "I'm the best!" or similar after the mic went off, and not try to finish what he was saying, etc.


Otherwise, I could have believed he was ranting. Heck, it even looked (to me) like he had John Cena's undivided attention by the middle of it.


I know it's hard for some to believe, but I believe this is the best promo I've ever seen, if "believability" is the standard we are to grade it by....


Note: Although after this, CM Punk is my favorite guy around right now, he wasn't before this. I always felt he was good, and I've always felt he was on the Chris Jericho level. Meaning, he is a great heel that can help other's become legendary. Monday, he made me think he could be legendary, and I mean Huge in the Hogan/Rock/Austin way. Had you asked me if this was possible a week ago, I would have had strong doubts.

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Found This-


-According to a reliable source in WWE, CM Punk’s memorable shoot promo that ended Monday’s episode of WWE RAW was entirely unscripted improvised by Punk. Punk was instructed to go out and say in his own words why he was leaving the company, and nobody in the back knew what he was going to say.


Company officials (and the entire locker room) were watching Punk’s promo very closely in case he went too far – and despite all the taboo things mentioned by the #1 contender to the WWE championship, the production team was only told to cut the segment when WWE’s anti-bullying campaign was mentioned, as the company does not want the program’s legitimacy questioned by bringing it into a storyline.


Punk ‘s frustration with not being featured as a top superstar in WWE is legitimate and one of the reasons he’s been strongly considering leaving WWE.


As far as his contract status, Punk’s deal apparently expired the second week of July, but he recently signed an extension to work through the Money in the Bank pay-per-view on July 17th.


Based on what we are hearing, Punk really will be leaving WWE after Money in the Bank for at least a few months.

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Perhaps it is just that...


But to be honest, I'm not really factoring in the difference in production quality. Comparing WWE HD from 2011 to ROH 2003 seems... redundant. I don't that matters when you are looking at Punk's performance.


The ROH promo is not coming from a polished performer. It comes across as a deluge of genuine emotion. He's not eloquent and its pretty unfocused. But that's part of what makes it feel real. Like this is really just someone reacting on pure emotion to something. The setting - the grungy stairs and his two friends looking on kinda awkwardly while Punk completely loses his sh#t - add to that.


Punk on Raw was a great performer belting out a great performance. But that was just it - it felt like just a bit more of a performance to me. Not saying the bitterness isn't real, or the jabs he takes aren't genuine. But Punk that same polish is there when Punk is talking about being a messiah...


I guess the difference is this... I don't think Punk actually hates Raven, yet watching that promo makes me believe he does. I would not doubt if most of what Punk said on Raw was what he really felt - unappreciated, the best, etc - yet take away the shock that he said those things and I am less convinced that those proclamations are true than the hate for Raven.


Besides having the opposite view here (almost exact opposite), the bolded part: I felt like he didn't believe a word he was saying about Raven. I'm not a raven fan, even when Raven was "in" I didn't really think much of him, felt like he was supposed to be the in ring version of Kurt Cobain. I didn't care much for Nirvana either.


I don't want to give the impression that I thought that promo was bad though.... because I didn't. I've never believed a promo that wasn't in reality a shoot (I go back to the days of Steiner going off on Geraldo, "Not real, this feel real? Think that's fake buddy?!"). There have been plenty of shoots I thought were promo's, but I can't think of one promo I thought was a shoot... I might be forgetting or something, but I honestly don't recall any.... well, til now.

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Found This-


-According to a reliable source in WWE, CM Punk’s memorable shoot promo that ended Monday’s episode of WWE RAW was entirely unscripted improvised by Punk. Punk was instructed to go out and say in his own words why he was leaving the company, and nobody in the back knew what he was going to say.


Company officials (and the entire locker room) were watching Punk’s promo very closely in case he went too far – and despite all the taboo things mentioned by the #1 contender to the WWE championship, the production team was only told to cut the segment when WWE’s anti-bullying campaign was mentioned, as the company does not want the program’s legitimacy questioned by bringing it into a storyline.


Punk ‘s frustration with not being featured as a top superstar in WWE is legitimate and one of the reasons he’s been strongly considering leaving WWE.


As far as his contract status, Punk’s deal apparently expired the second week of July, but he recently signed an extension to work through the Money in the Bank pay-per-view on July 17th.


Based on what we are hearing, Punk really will be leaving WWE after Money in the Bank for at least a few months.


Not trying to be rude or anything, but when you post something like this, the source of the information in the post is necessary if you expect anyone to take it for anything more then here say.


For example: To me that sounds like exactly what the WWE would want to spread around, for the sake of the storyline.

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Not trying to be rude or anything, but when you post something like this, the source of the information in the post is necessary if you expect anyone to take it for anything more then here say.


For example: To me that sounds like exactly what the WWE would want to spread around, for the sake of the storyline.


Thought I copied it in but I guess not so here it is-




Been going here for news for a while and they are pretty reliable in my opinion. The majority of the stuff they post is accurate. Its where I found the story about DDP appearing on RAW that I posted yesterday.

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Thought I copied it in but I guess not so here it is-




Been going here for news for a while and they are pretty reliable in my opinion. The majority of the stuff they post is accurate. Its where I found the story about DDP appearing on RAW that I posted yesterday.


Solomonster is a real life friend and Webmaster Mike is a good guy too. If SEScoops posted it I'm pretty sure its legit and if it isn't they'll post a retraction.

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I actually googled the first sentence, and seen it on that websight. I seen it on several other's, and I even think it was on a WWE page as well. Went to go eat after I posted that, didn't get a chance to add it in.


I honestly can't see them letting him go now though. Would be really cool if something like someone else said happened... IF he took the title to ROH, and even if it's all just a "part of the plan" for the WWE, and something they want to do, it's going to be interesting to see if John Cena or someone goes to ROH to get the title back for storyline purposes, it would be the first cross-promotion storyline in I don't know how long.


Wouldn't be much in it for WWE, but it would be very fun, for everyone involved I think. Not that I believe anything like that will ever happen, now or in the future... ever. However, when I first heard someone talk about it, I couldn't help thinking about it for a while. Fun thought.


OH, http://vids.wwe.com/12436/raw-rebound-june-27-2011 to see the WWE version of the whole thing.

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