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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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One time I was purely velocity for two wks.


Cena-Vince. I'm going into this one AGAINST. Just feels like they're trying to take the momentum Punk had from the controversy he stirred up, and giving it to Cena. But maybe that's just my anti-Cena kicking in and this will be the greatest thing in the world.

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I was purely SD/ECW for like 3 years. After WM XIX I didn't watch a lick of Raw, and was only SD/ECW until around the summer after WM22. It was RVD being WWE champion that got me to watch Raw again since he is/was my favorite wrestler. That is probably why I am indifferent to Cena, because I didn't really have to live with him beating everyone because if I got tired of it I could simply watch SD and not worry about that.
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Two quick questions if I may - although I'm sure it only vaguely fits the thread.


This is mainly for UK members - has anyone ever bought anything from Silver Vision? Any good?


Has anyone watched Very Best of Nitro? Same as above?


SV is the only distributor that seems to be selling Nitro at the moment, and it isn't too bad a price either.

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Too art-house in your line of thinking. Wrestling is simpler than that. Is what he's doing a thing a good guy would do, or a thing a bad guy would do? He is how he acts.


Going on a tirade about how sick of helping people you are is something a bad guy would do.


What's more simple than a guy who snaps after years of dealing with the pressure of being the face of the company when the quasi-heel boss goes too far with his threats. It's not like it never happened in real life and is something people can't relate to.


And I never said anything about Cena going on a tirade about being sick of helping people. Cena's problem would be with Vince having put all this pressure on him to be the face of the company that the threat of being fired if Punk leaves with the title, especially after Cena openly said that while he doesn't like what Punk had to say he supported his right to say it, was one push too far and Cena snaps. He isn't turning on the fans or the people but on the promoter, Vince, who he felt crossed the line with the threat of firing him over a guy that Cena doesn't like walking out of the PPV as champion.


Not to mention making Vince grovel to get him to comeback is also pretty heelish.


Except Cena doesn't make Vince grovel. Cena is simply sick of Vince and his games and doesn't listen to the usual Vince overtures, ie: material rewards if he comes back, so Vince feels he has to grovel to get Cena to come back. Vince doesn't have to literally grovel, he just has to man up and admit his mistake in threatening to fire Cena and basically be all humble and apologize for his actions towards Cena. Vince isn't actually grovelling but in his mind he is, and you can go back to that down the road for a Cena vs. Vince feud.


It can even be similar to when Austin turned back babyface for one week in the middle of the Invasion. You had Austin at the bar, watching the Raw guys getting beaten up by the Alliance and over the course of the show he was slowly convinced it was time to bring back the old Stone Cold, and then he came back to end Raw as the returning hero who kicked the crap out of the heels.


Yeah I find it hard to believe a guy who screwed over the whole roster and all the fans by taking away their belt would not get booed out of the building


Hopefully, by the time they bring back Cena, Punk has been such a complete heel that the fans just want him beaten and gone. Hence, when they start the build to bring back Cena, they're understanding of Cena snapping and doing what he did. That Cena wasn't turning on them but he was tired of Vince's BS and snapped.

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Ahh you missed hot lesbian action, the John Cena concert, Kane giving Lita an abortion, and nu-DX. Snitsky, Adamle,


Actually I saw some of Mike Adamle. I don't think I got to watch Shelton beat HHH 2 times in a row though.


I'd still take Eddie and Beniot over all of that though :D

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What's more simple than a guy who snaps after years of dealing with the pressure of being the face of the company when the quasi-heel boss goes too far with his threats. It's not like it never happened in real life and is something people can't relate to.


And I never said anything about Cena going on a tirade about being sick of helping people. Cena's problem would be with Vince having put all this pressure on him to be the face of the company that the threat of being fired if Punk leaves with the title, especially after Cena openly said that while he doesn't like what Punk had to say he supported his right to say it, was one push too far and Cena snaps. He isn't turning on the fans or the people but on the promoter, Vince, who he felt crossed the line with the threat of firing him over a guy that Cena doesn't like walking out of the PPV as champion.


So his problem is that Vince expects Cena to do all the hard work like putting on a good show for the fans and treating the fans well. Not confusing at all.


I'm not seeing where you're not getting my point.


As much as Vince does seem to have been playing at least a quasi-heel, but the thing he's mad about is having to be good to the fans.


It's sort of like being mad about being the host to your friends. Playing host is annoying. Getting everyone drinks, trying to make sure they're not hungry, keeping them entertained. It's a dirty job. However, if you tell your friends you're sick of playing host to them, it doesn't mean you have a rational aversion to a hard job, it means you don't want to spend time with them any more.

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Two quick questions if I may - although I'm sure it only vaguely fits the thread.


This is mainly for UK members - has anyone ever bought anything from Silver Vision? Any good?


Has anyone watched Very Best of Nitro? Same as above?


SV is the only distributor that seems to be selling Nitro at the moment, and it isn't too bad a price either.


I used to, years ago, and had no problems.

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Two quick questions if I may - although I'm sure it only vaguely fits the thread.


This is mainly for UK members - has anyone ever bought anything from Silver Vision? Any good?


Has anyone watched Very Best of Nitro? Same as above?


SV is the only distributor that seems to be selling Nitro at the moment, and it isn't too bad a price either.


I ordered the rise and fall of ECW a few years ago, they are fine didn't have a problem, they are the the official licensee of UK WWE DVD, so they should be fine.


I haven't seen the Nitro DVD though

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With the suggestion of further Cena intervention aside I love the Punk winning -> MITB cash in idea. Agree that McIntyre would've been amazing but it'll have to be Del Rio really, then he can be Vince's boy in a feud with Cena for Summerslam. Would work so well, and I'd take Punk losing immediately just for the pop when he did get the win. Think I'm actually gonna be disappointed if this doesn't happen now lol. Can really envisage it, kinda like when Edge cashed in on Cena, "this man is cashing in his money in the bank privelege..." Punk going out as a mega face all of a sudden.

This is what I am hoping for:


Punk Wins against Cena and everyone going "OMG, Punks going to leave with the title just like he said!". Have commentary all over it... "I can't believe it" "Cena is fired now, that's even worse!" etc. Then the MITB winner comes out, and everyone is "Ahh, yes, he's going to save the belt!!" Hype this up really good.


Then Punk wins again and there goes that saved idea out the drain... Now everyone is REALLY like "Oh Crap!"


That's what I want, and what I want I'm going to get.

So his problem is that Vince expects Cena to do all the hard work like putting on a good show for the fans and treating the fans well. Not confusing at all.


I'm not seeing where you're not getting my point.


As much as Vince does seem to have been playing at least a quasi-heel, but the thing he's mad about is having to be good to the fans.


It's sort of like being mad about being the host to your friends. Playing host is annoying. Getting everyone drinks, trying to make sure they're not hungry, keeping them entertained. It's a dirty job. However, if you tell your friends you're sick of playing host to them, it doesn't mean you have a rational aversion to a hard job, it means you don't want to spend time with them any more.


The point is, that Cena can't believe after ALL he has done for the company, he's going to be fired for losing against someone. In Cena's mind, the Belt only means something if people that earn a chance, get that chance... and he's going to be fired because someone else beat him? That's easy to understand.


I don't even like the idea, as I want a Face Punk for a while, but I can understand the logic there. It's simple, easy to follow, and can be compared to the little storyline we refer to as the Austin/Vince feud. I don't think I've seen this strict divide of face/heel in WWE in years, that you seem to think is the only way people can see it as.


He isn't helping Punk win against the MITB contender, just to get rid of the belt... He's doing it because he feels that Punk deserved it, and because he's fired from the very company he has done so much for. Punk's definately going to be the Face, and he's going to help the face win... That's pretty easy to understand.

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This is what I am hoping for:


Punk Wins against Cena and everyone going "OMG, Punks going to leave with the title just like he said!". Have commentary all over it... "I can't believe it" "Cena is fired now, that's even worse!" etc. Then the MITB winner comes out, and everyone is "Ahh, yes, he's going to save the belt!!" Hype this up really good.


Then Punk wins again and there goes that saved idea out the drain... Now everyone is REALLY like "Oh Crap!"


That's what I want, and what I want I'm going to get.


We need JR to be in the booth for this match. Hopefully someone beats the crap out of Cole so we can get King/JR.


I remember WM25 during the HBK/Taker match "I just had an out of body experience!". Nobody tells a story like good 'ol JR

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I'd have it so John Morrison wins the M.I.T.B but instead of coming right out after the match is over, I'd have them wait until CM Punk walked through the curtain, kind of like "OH MY GOD, he's really taking our title". Then something pushes Punk back through, it was a punch with the microphone from Morrison. He says he's cashing in Money in the bank title shot tonight.


We get in the ring, the match starts. Punk stalls a little before leaving the ring, grabbing the title for the time keeper and walking away through the fans towards the exit as he gets counted out! Robbing Morrison of his M.I.T.B, the WWE of their title and John Cena of his job.


Lots of places to go to from here! You get Morrison saying he deserves a shot, you get Del Rio saying Morrison lost his shot, you get R Truth saying how he's beat them both, The Miz saying he's the number one star now that Cena's gone, Riley saying that he beat The Miz, etc all while the WWE announcers talk about how their is no title. A tournament is set up for August Pay Per View between 8 men for a new WWE title. During the finals CM Punk comes through the crowd and beats up both men, saying that there is only one real World Heavyweight champion and it's him. He makes a challenge for summer slam.


The next night we have a rematch from the pay per view finals, someone wins; maybe Morrison again? Next week Morrison hypes his match putting his interim title on the line against Punk's real one but there is never a word from CM Punk as he doesn't show up again until Summer Slam. After Punk wins at Slam, Cena comes in through the crowd and the two men brawl as it goes off air.

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Yeah, Morrison isn;t even in the MITB match, and as for the idea of CM Punk coming back to ruin the final of the tournament at the August ppv, leading to Punk challenging someone to a match at Summerslam, when do you think Summerslam is? :D
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I ordered the rise and fall of ECW a few years ago, they are fine didn't have a problem, they are the the official licensee of UK WWE DVD, so they should be fine.


I haven't seen the Nitro DVD though


I used to, years ago, and had no problems.


Thanks LEgend and Mr Rager. I went ahead and ordered the Very Best of Nitro after all :D

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I fail to see where all the excitment i coming from. It really looks like their doing the usual build up to a Cena win. All the buzz that Punk generated was mishandled by them, imo, and used to build up another situation that super cena has to outcome. And i don't say this because i dislike the man, it really looks like it. Hope i'm wrong.


About the Miz thing: They build up Miz as champion by putting him over Jerry Lawler...i think everyone should have understood by than how they saw him.

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About the Miz thing: They build up Miz as champion by putting him over Jerry Lawler...i think everyone should have understood by than how they saw him.


lol and while champion they put him over Cena in the main event of wrestlemania, I think that's a bigger clue :rolleyes:

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A Cena heel turn would actually be possible if it wasn't for Alex Riley :rolleyes:. I thought we could eventually see a double turn because when Miz was WWE champion he had EVERYTHING. He was making way more promotional appearances than heels have ever made, and he was over. The fans wanted to cheer him, and had they turned him, it would give them way more flexibility.
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lol and while champion they put him over Cena in the main event of wrestlemania, I think that's a bigger clue :rolleyes:


Exactly my point!


Random example: Shelton Benjamin won Triple H twice, iirc. Look at where he is now. :p (I know that "where he is know had nothing to do with that,but it's still an example)


Anyway...how many people have you seen doing that...ever? That's right...not that many.

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I know it has been said a few times now, but providing Punk wins and then the MITB winner cashes in on Punk, and wins, it doesn't really garner much heat if the person is a heel. Lets say ADR wins MITB and winds up beating Punk, yeah, the Chicago crowd is going to eat it up, but outside of that the majority of the audience is going to wake up and realize tomorrow that ADR is still a heel, except he now saved the WWE Title. I feel like if you go the route of having the MITB winner cash in, you have to have it be a face to steal it back from Punk for it to have any lasting effect.
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