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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Yea the IWC is loving it but the problem is thats only maybe 5-10% of WWE's viewers and TBH dont really matter as much as they think they do. Its an ok angle but with fans like me who only watch WWE/TNA Punk talking about that Colt guy and other stuff from backstage its just like "What in the hell is he talking about."


In your eyes, I understand but you also got to look at how passionate Punk is when he uses the mic because of this storyline. And it's because he's so passionate and convicted that people get drawn into the storyline. It's got people doing the "Colt Cabana" chants even if they don't know him!


So it's not necessarily the difference between fan A and fan B. Not even the differences between what each type of fan wants. It's the blending of the lines/blurring of reality that makes this type of storyline intriguing

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Yea the IWC is loving it but the problem is thats only maybe 5-10% of WWE's viewers and TBH dont really matter as much as they think they do. Its an ok angle but with fans like me who only watch WWE/TNA Punk talking about that Colt guy and other stuff from backstage its just like "What in the hell is he talking about."


Jeez, that's a really low number for modern day WWE fans. Based off the chants, and the heel reactions to Cena, I would say the number is much higher. People chanting "we want wrestling" isn't really a mark chant since the only reason people would chant that is because they know about the internet postings that talk about WWE trying to remove wrestling from their company. I mean, if the crowd had been totally dead and going ape **** for Cena then I would understand the "problem."

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Anything but Cena beating Punk cleanly will be a surprise for me. I've set my expectations pretty low on this one, sorry. It could be one the great stories of the last few years in wrestling, there's so many possibilities, so many things could branch off the main story, but the current creative team in WWE hasn't had a lot of homeruns, not even doubles for that matter, in their recent record.


If it was just a regular TV match, I'd say get everyone and their mother involved in the match (faces wanting to protect the WWE and its title, heels minding their own agenda, etc.). You know, organized chaos and mayhem. It's a been a while since we had a tv show ending in that fashion and I like them. For a PPV though, I don't like the formula, I prefer my PPVs to have a definite ending so the buyers leave the event with the feeling that they paid for something important.

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Given The Rock and Cena's recent rants against each other and The Rock saying that he'll be seeing Cena much sooner than Wrestlemania... maybe The Rock will cost Cena the title against Punk, with Alberto Del Rio cashing in his MiTB on Punk afterwards - which would also set up a fresh Del Rio vs. Cena feud, which has been rumored that WWE has been planning...?
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Given The Rock and Cena's recent rants against each other and The Rock saying that he'll be seeing Cena much sooner than Wrestlemania... maybe The Rock will cost Cena the title against Punk, with Alberto Del Rio cashing in his MiTB on Punk afterwards - which would also set up a fresh Del Rio vs. Cena feud, which has been rumored that WWE has been planning...?


I don't think Rock shows up at MITB.

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Given The Rock and Cena's recent rants against each other and The Rock saying that he'll be seeing Cena much sooner than Wrestlemania... maybe The Rock will cost Cena the title against Punk, with Alberto Del Rio cashing in his MiTB on Punk afterwards - which would also set up a fresh Del Rio vs. Cena feud, which has been rumored that WWE has been planning...?

For some odd reason, I'm more intrigued by a Punk/ Del Rio feud. The Straight Edge Self-Righteous vs. the the Opulent Self-Absorbed.

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Cabana is gonna be at MITB. Let the speculation begin whether or not he'll have a hand in the finish.


Not only that but he's been clearing off his calender. According to Gerweck.net he has told promotions he is a regular with to stop booking him. They also report that the Kings of Wrestling are without a doubt WWE bound.


Jim Cornette shows up and all the sudden WWE starts sniping ROH talent left and right. Speculate! Speculate! Speculate!

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I'm trying to get you to say whether you think if he's involved and if it's a good or bad thing. Sparking conversation through irresistible invisibility.


It's an interesting thought that maybe he was a plant sent down to ROH to scout out some potential future superstars. Whether there's any truth to it? Who knows, right?

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Me and a couple of my friends were talking about the Kings Of Wrestling situation in WWE last night. From what I have read and heard they don't want Chris Hero just Claudio Castagnoli so there ya go I think it is safe to say that just Castagnoli is going there and not Hero.


On another note Vince hates tag team wrestling and has for years example the current state of the tag division. I think the last thing he would want to do is to bring in another tag team because they would get lost in the shuffle if they were used as one.

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