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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I bet that old bum will draw better ratings than most of the young guys on the show.


Most of the young guys on the show have been crapped on their entire careers by the over-booking of John Cena. A squirrel juggling his nuts could outdraw most of them.

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Because why would you put your self through something that would make you as mad as Nash seem to make you lol, its common sense watch who you want to then dont watch Nash its very simple.


I tried to watch who I want, and his handicapped ass got crammed down my throat despite being way too old to be in the WWE in any serious role.

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If Nash is a big enough star shouldn't people go out of their way to watch him? When Hogan went to TNA the rating went up for a bit. I know a guy who used to trash TNA all of the time but once Hogan showed up he became a huge TNA fan. How many fans did Nash bring over to TNA during his time there?


At this point in time Kevin Nash could not draw flies if he was covered in crap. Do the Little Jimmy's even know who the heck he is and do they care? Even when he was the champion in the WWF he was the lowest drawing champion of all-time.


The fact is people don't really care about Nash. Much like Fantabulous said, him coming back might give a slight bump to the ratings but that is all he is good for.


Well Nash was their before TNA got a TV deal correct? I'm not sure but I think so. And the Hogan think kind of proves my point they went all out to hype Hogan the biggest name in wrestling and still got around a 1.5 or 1.8 or somthing. Not many people watch spike which idk why TNA is awesome imo I like them more than WWE but Spike needs to use some othe viacom networks to promote TNA.

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You know, I wouldn't mind seeing a younger wrestler in the Nash spot. Yes Nash makes sense for the spot due to his friendship with HHH. However, depending on where they are going with this they could have put a younger guy in the spot that could actually do something in the ring.
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However, depending on where they are going with this they could have put a younger guy in the spot that could actually do something in the ring.


Which is the fatal flaw in Nash being in the role. Even if Punk and Nash do the best job possible of garnering interest in their match, once they have the match all the hard work goes flying out the window because Nash is such a physical mess.

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Which is the fatal flaw in Nash being in the role. Even if Punk and Nash do the best job possible of garnering interest in their match, once they have the match all the hard work goes flying out the window because Nash is such a physical mess.


Who should have played the role of HHH best buddy, XPac? Sheamus? Drew McIntyre? Anyone that has the history of Nash deserves the current role, it's perfect in this particular story. Of course, if the match was the end all, didn't stop Hogan/Sting, HBK/Mr.McMahon, Jericho/Legends from happening. I have more faith in CM Punk getting a match out of Nash than someone like The Miz. It's not going to be a show stealer. If they can duplicate the crowd reaction from Hogan/Rock (doubtful), they don't need to do much in the ring anyways.


But if Khali can main event the recent SmackDown, i have faith Nash could get one match done with Punk. Who's a better worker: Khali or a physical mess like Nash? Probably neither.


And who would have been perfect in this role instead of Kevin Nash was Shawn Michaels. I want to see CM Punk -vs- HBK. But guess i could that in TEW 2010 than the real world.

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Arrows, if the show is worth watching for the stuff you want to see why not enjoy what you want to watch rather than wallow in the stuff you hate? It's only angering you, right? It's not a useless point at all to bring this up because you are the definition of the IWC. People that watch it, and watch it often and just come online to rage and complain and try to ruin anyone else's enjoyment of the show then try to defend yourself by claiming it's a cliche to state what people have stated you are. You entire recent contribution to this thread is aimless and depressing verbose designed at ripping apart something someone else is enjoying.


Because they have no other counter to your points?


Not reading the thread then? Arrows rattled on for pages about Cena doing stuff that is technically illegal whilst being portrayed as a role model and several people, myself included gave him examples of where his precious Sting did the same thing. That voided his entire argument on that.


Perfect counter to this unsubstantiated theory he had that the Sheamus/Cena match had a botched ending? Almost everyone disagrees and the onus is on him to prove the match was a botch not on us to prove it ended the way it was supposed too. He raised a nothing point, a point that is only ever used by Cena haters.


A counter that Cena has to win cleanly and often because he's a face, and heels tend to have to cheat or win by other means? A successful formula that has been in action by the WWE for 30 years and probably more. A formula he has already admitted he grew up enjoying Hogan using but now has a problem when it's Cena.


A counter to him claiming Cena is worse than Hogan because no-one expects Cena to lose, even though Cena loses regularly and Hogan was undefeated for 4 years as the WWE champion when Arrows was growing up and loving it?


A counter to your counter that people attacking Arrows are lazy and not reading his points and just calling him a Cena-hater. Ridiculous. Most of his points have been countered and dismissed, it's only his persistent attitude that's keeping it all alive. I know Arrows better than you, I know what he's like. If you want to read back, go and find me his other problems with the product that don't revolve around Cena. Then considering they've either being countered or are spurious and unsubstantiated claims, tell me why it's not feasible for people to consider Arrows a Cena hater.


A counter to his point that the fact Cena is portrayed as the number one face is somehow another flaw in the WWE because if he's injured they've lost their number one face? Hogan was the number one face, no-one was even on his level until the late 80's when Savage came to prominence and even then he was never close to Hogan's level. What about late 90's? Austin was the super face and no-one came close. Rock kinda got there around 2000/2001 but he was twice 'jobbed' to Austin on the grandest stage of them all, even when a face win in 2001, could have catapulted him to #1 with Austin's heel turn. Besides Punk, Miz and Orton can take over as #1 face if anything happened to Cena and with a strong push could easily be a big merch seller and draw.


Most of his points have already been countered and countered efficaciously, so yeah, you tirelessly swimming against the tide of public opinion (whatever that happens to be, because you're cool and in the minority) in this thread is tedious now and completely devoid of any worth.


Which is the fatal flaw in Nash being in the role. Even if Punk and Nash do the best job possible of garnering interest in their match, once they have the match all the hard work goes flying out the window because Nash is such a physical mess.


Or they're going in a direction you haven't foreseen yet? It's obviously linked in with Triple H and the fact HBK has cancelled his tour of the UK, may even suggest he's involved somewhere down the line. All this is interesting to see what they do, and kinda reminds me of Flair/HBK at Mania. People were bitching and clamouring to have MVP, Morrison or Kennedy end his career and the WWE went with HBK and who's going to argue now?


Same with Bret Hart at Mania 25. Awful match. Vince could have put over a younger talent and had a better match, but the fact is no-one would have cared because the story called for someone with previous emotional entanglement to Vince, just as this story may well call for someone with previous emotional entanglement to Triple H. Plus they've dragged Del Rio into it, he'll gain from this. As will Punk, easily.

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I'll catch up in a few, but I wanted to say something about this...

Much like he did for TNA...

Much like Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Hulk Hogan, Sting, Christian and RVD did for TNA?

Hush. Facts like that are not wanted here.



See what I did there? Ignoring the fact that TNA's product is why no one ever pulls there, is just being silly.

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I just watched Bob Backlund vs Pat Patterson from the Best of Cage matches dvd. It was incredibly terrible. Khali would of been considered a "scientific" wrestler back then.




Bob Backlund supposedly didn't have any experience in that type of match, etc.


watch this one.



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I'm not sure if anyone still watches NXT, but God, I am getting tired of Titus O'Neil. The guys passable as a big man (still worse than both Bateman and Young), but he's flat out horrible on the mic. Regal points it out every week, and it's true: O'Neil is getting over because of Hornswoggle, and that's it. Bateman's been the best rookie, but he's be much better as a face. His promos are too wacky to be heel.


Tyson Kidd's the savior of the show, though.

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I'll catch up in a few, but I wanted to say something about this...


Much like Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Hulk Hogan, Sting, Christian and RVD did for TNA?




See what I did there? Ignoring the fact that TNA's product is why no one ever pulls there, is just being silly.


How is it TNA's product the fault for them not drawing? Christian and RVD are career Upper Midcarders (In a TEW sense.) so they were never going to bring in new viewers to TNA. And yes I know RVD headlined in both ECW and the WWF but he was never a huge star. And being a main eventer in ECW is not that huge of a deal, after all Shane Douglas was one of their best heels but he proved time and time again that he could never go into a big name promotion and become a star.


Yes Christian is in the main feud over on Smackdown but come on it is Smackdown. The flagship (or Mothership If you vill) is RAW and I don't think there will ever be a time when Christian would be involved in the top feud over there.


As for the other four, well Hogan did bring the ratings up even if it was minor. Sting, Kurt, and Jeff well I am not sure why they never helped TNA become bigger.


The bottom line is Kevin Nash is not a draw and I am not sure if he ever was one. While in the NWO it was Hogan that made that group mega stars just for the simple fact that a whole generation of fans had never had the chance to see their childhood idol as a bad guy. Sure Nash and Hall brought the initial interest into the storyline but it became huge due to Hogan.

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How is it TNA's product the fault for them not drawing? Christian and RVD are career Upper Midcarders (In a TEW sense.) so they were never going to bring in new viewers to TNA. And yes I know RVD headlined in both ECW and the WWF but he was never a huge star. And being a main eventer in ECW is not that huge of a deal, after all Shane Douglas was one of their best heels but he proved time and time again that he could never go into a big name promotion and become a star.


Yes Christian is in the main feud over on Smackdown but come on it is Smackdown. The flagship (or Mothership If you vill) is RAW and I don't think there will ever be a time when Christian would be involved in the top feud over there.


As for the other four, well Hogan did bring the ratings up even if it was minor. Sting, Kurt, and Jeff well I am not sure why they never helped TNA become bigger.


The bottom line is Kevin Nash is not a draw and I am not sure if he ever was one. While in the NWO it was Hogan that made that group mega stars just for the simple fact that a whole generation of fans had never had the chance to see their childhood idol as a bad guy. Sure Nash and Hall brought the initial interest into the storyline but it became huge due to Hogan.


Everyone of them had a slight impact to start with, I believe (or at least the majority). My reason for putting them up there, is because none of them have drawn like Nash did in the WWE (while they were in TNA).


I think Nash is a better option, then ADR and Punk, because I believe that Nash is more interesting the ADR, has more history with HHH, and I feel that this story will be getting plenty of air time in comparison to the other one... Kind of like how Austin's was the one everyone was interested in, when he wasn't even near the title. It can work, it's worked in the past, and if they can keep the title off Punk, and Punk can keep up his remarkable work.... I see people being going nuts when they do finally put it on him (again). Meaning, I think I would keep Punk in other conflicts, keeping his attention off the Championship as much as possible, till people just can't stand it no longer, and get a huge PPV out of it when he finally does get a title shot.


I'm just trying to be a little more far sighted then betting everything on one show.


How is it TNA's product the fault for them not drawing? Christian and RVD are career Upper Midcarders (In a TEW sense.) so they were never going to bring in new viewers to TNA. And yes I know RVD headlined in both ECW and the WWF but he was never a huge star. And being a main eventer in ECW is not that huge of a deal, after all Shane Douglas was one of their best heels but he proved time and time again that he could never go into a big name promotion and become a star.


Edit, forgot to answer a couple of questions:

How is it TNA's product the fault for them not drawing?
How can you blame it on anything else? They have better talent, bigger stars, and untill Hogan and Bischoff come along, haven't been able to hold it above a 1.0 for long periods of time. Far as I've heard, Hogan and Bischoff actually made it worse. So you I can't really say Hogan and possibly Flair didn't impact them, when they have had thier highest yearly average with them there.... and most feel the product is even worse. SO it's not the talent, right? The only reason they could be doing better now, is because of Hogan/Flair/Bischoff, and I would bet mostly Hogan. Everyone hates The Stinger, but I love that, and I'm getting off topic...


IF it's not the product, what else could it be?

Yes Christian is in the main feud over on Smackdown but come on it is Smackdown. The flagship (or Mothership If you will) is RAW and I don't think there will ever be a time when Christian would be involved in the top feud over there.
I didn't bring that up, but since you did... Yeah, he's headlining on Smackdown and pulling better ratings then TNA is. So it wasn't his fault they didn't draw on TNA, then or now.


As for the other four, well Hogan did bring the ratings up even if it was minor. Sting, Kurt, and Jeff well I am not sure why they never helped TNA become bigger.
Blame it on the rain I guess... if you don't think it's the product... Jeff Hardy was the hottest thing out there when they aquired him. Kurt Angle was a good draw for WWE. Sting is a legend..... No way I'm going to blame it on the talent.
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As for the other four, well Hogan did bring the ratings up even if it was minor. Sting, Kurt, and Jeff well I am not sure why they never helped TNA become bigger.


The bottom line is Kevin Nash is not a draw and I am not sure if he ever was one. While in the NWO it was Hogan that made that group mega stars just for the simple fact that a whole generation of fans had never had the chance to see their childhood idol as a bad guy. Sure Nash and Hall brought the initial interest into the storyline but it became huge due to Hogan.


Kurt Angle did draw a couple of big PPV numbers for TNA. Not giant numbers, but he did help give them a few of their biggest drawing PPV's. Jeff Hardy was a big house show draw as a babyface. Again, not giant numbers but he helped get attendance much higher then what it had been. Sting got a strong PPV number for his career vs. title match with Jarrett. Some of the names they've brought have been able to spike things for TNA at certain times but Nash wasn't one of them.


Nash was a record draw as WWF Champion. Just not in the right direction...

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The direction this thread has gone into is kind of confusing.


I think one thing important about Nash in TNA is that you can't compare him with wrestlers. He was more of a manager and if I'm not mistaken he was important character into making Jay Lethal a popular Randy Savage expy.


Christian is the same way in a more subtle manner. He never drew the pops until he had a match with Samoa Joe and that was when he started becoming over and had they gave him a face turn it would have certainly helped TNA.


That's pretty much been TNA's MO. I'm not saying Nash would have been a big draw in TNA but TNA hasn't elevated a star since they first introduced AJ to win the first X division title and he became the Phenominal one. Almost everything they have done since was a product of the indies or the product of the WWE and every tweak they've made have actually lowered or changed the value of their wrestlers but they've never made any wrestler more popular than he was.

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