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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Doesn't Kane need to go over Cena to make the return worthwhile? If he comes back and Supercena beats him, then what's the point.


From a story perspective, it would be interesting to have a cena/adr/kane storyline where Kane is conflicted about who to destroy first, Cena or ADR, the man who took him out. Do Cena and Adr work together to stop Kane from taking them both out?


If they stick with Cena vs Kane 1 on 1, I'd like to see Kane go over and then face Henry or Punk. Not saying he needs to get the belt, but his return can be used to bridge to their WM programs.

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Well lets see ....


1. CM Punk cuts one of the most contreversial angles since Summer of Punk in ROH

2. Bryan Danielson wins the money in the bank and then becomes world champnion...

3. Zack Ryder finally makes his own character and finally gets his first Singles title (WWWYKI)...



4. Matt Sydal wins his first title??


Maybe 2012 is the year of the APOCALYPSE???


Or maybe is the year....OF HONOR?


Reason why I said that...


CM Punk is WWE Champion

Bryan Danielson is World Heavyweight Champion

Matt Sydal (aka Evan Bourne) is 1/2 of Tag Team Champion..



and they are all from RING of HONOR...


Just Saying



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CM Punk and Daniel Bryan, both World champs.. even today, it comes across as a surreal pill to swallow. To add on top of it all, no Cena tonight. I wonder if it was a test run to see if WWE star power/booking can be sustained without him?


Overall good PPV, can't believe there's been technically 10 matches tonight(if you count Bryan/Show).

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Does any one else see this as the beginning of WWE taking the Ring of Honor formula and using it to better their own product much like they did in the mid-90's when they turned ECW into the Attitude Era? Perhaps this is the beginning of the Wrestling Era in WWE.


Either way I have never been so excited about an episode of Smackdown in my life! It's going to be amazing seeing Bryan Danielson walking out on a WWE program wearing one of their top titles.

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Does any one else see this as the beginning of WWE taking the Ring of Honor formula and using it to better their own product much like they did in the mid-90's when they turned ECW into the Attitude Era? Perhaps this is the beginning of the Wrestling Era in WWE.


Either way I have never been so excited about an episode of Smackdown in my life! It's going to be amazing seeing Bryan Danielson walking out on a WWE program wearing one of their top titles.


Going to call it ahead of time, because it's what I would probably do... And I don't really want people to hate me for saying it, but I can't help it.


I think Daniel Bryan will lose the title before the New Year, if not Friday Night. I would do it because of all the hype that is going to for sure follow this night, and because if he doesn't have it, and goes after it, more people will be interested (no matter if they are mad or not).


Pluss, I don't think he can carry it anyways... although I am a huge fan.


EDIT: Because I'm a fan, I hope I'm wrong. Bussiness wise though, I think that's the route I would go.

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*sigh* dont get me wrong, i like danielson a lot and imo he deserves one of the main titles, just not now: he is basicly a midcarder who lost most of the matches he was in the last month. there was no build up to it. i mean i actually did wonder what wwe would do in order to push him so he can become more believable of a champ and imo givin him the title is not right way.


not like this: again doing it the boring way of edge and everyone who won the money in the bank thing after him(the first few times it is still interesting and suprising, nowadays it just sucks if someone wins a title like this). i mean we got promised to see a real match at wrestlemania what a good change would that have been.


and i dread how they will represent danielson: judging from the title reigns of swagger and the first(and second!?) title reign of cm punk he will be represented as a weak champ. especially with his 2 competetors big show and mark henry. as soon as he lost the title he probally end back in midcard.


Perhaps this is the beginning of the Wrestling Era in WWE.


bwahaha, sorry but no there is no "wrestling era" beginning in the wwe, wwe is just trying out younger talent that might be usefull in a couple of years when undertaker(finally), hhh and many more wont be active anymore.

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A weak champ is still a world champ. if you do like Danielson a lot, just be happy for what it is..


Yeah, there was a build up to it. No momentum to it is probably the right term. And even there, Bryan trying to cash in on Henry, and actually getting a legit World title shot(earning it cleanly) showed there was minimal build-up at the least.


And damn, you just named two examples which are even worse, where there was next to no build up involved whatsoever - Swagger was on a losing streak before winning MITB and Punk looked weak before and after his first win. So what's the problem? It's nothing we haven't seen before. A weak champ is still a world champ, so long as he gets the main storyline on SD! and PPV spots all the way through it's more than we could've asked for. Depending on whether he'll headline Mania with it or not is what matters.

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*sigh* dont get me wrong, i like danielson a lot and imo he deserves one of the main titles, just not now: he is basicly a midcarder who lost most of the matches he was in the last month. there was no build up to it. i mean i actually did wonder what wwe would do in order to push him so he can become more believable of a champ and imo givin him the title is not right way.


and i dread how they will represent danielson: judging from the title reigns of swagger and the first(and second!?) title reign of cm punk he will be represented as a weak champ. especially with his 2 competetors big show and mark henry. as soon as he lost the title he probally end back in midcard.


Damn, I'm glad to see optimism is alive and well on these boards. You say he will probably lose and end up back in the midcard but you compare him to CM Punk? Isn't CM Punk currently the number 2 man in the company right behind Cena?


Face it....everyone in the modern era with few exceptions as had terrible first reigns as world/WWE champion and been made to look weak but very few of them are sent back to the mid card permanently. Do I see this reign lasting beyond Friday? No. Actually I see Show or Henry getting the belt back before the week is over. But I also see Bryan being in the main event scene off and on from here on with a full leap into a permanent main event slot by the end of next year and a couple more world title reigns along the way.


When I say this looks like the beginning of the Wrestling era it's obvious the crowd is pushing it in that direction. Cena's getting booed out of every building he appears in, Punk and Danielson are getting huge pops everywhere, the ratings are dropping the farther they go down the "entertainment" path and rising when they showcase more wrestling. Eventually they will have to evolve or die and it's painfully obvious the majority are slowly beginning to want wrestling over "entertainment".

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Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if Bryan lost the title on Smackdown. I'd be disappointed, of course; I'm a huge fan of his, and without he, Punk and Samoa Joe drawing me into ROH, I probably would have given up on wrestling years ago. I'd love to see him have an epic world title reign. But even if that doesn't happen (and I don't expect it to), I'm not going to jump off of the ledge just yet. He's already risen farther than even I, a diehard Danielson fan, ever thought he would, and the fact that they would give him the belt for even 24 hours tells me that WWE thinks highly of him.
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Damn, I'm glad to see optimism is alive and well on these boards.


ah what shall i say, optimisim was never my thing.


You say he will probably lose and end up back in the midcard but you compare him to CM Punk? Isn't CM Punk currently the number 2 man in the company right behind Cena?


Face it....everyone in the modern era with few exceptions as had terrible first reigns as world/WWE champion and been made to look weak but very few of them are sent back to the mid card permanently. Do I see this reign lasting beyond Friday? No. Actually I see Show or Henry getting the belt back before the week is over. But I also see Bryan being in the main event scene off and on from here on with a full leap into a permanent main event slot by the end of next year and a couple more world title reigns along the way.


good and legit points you made here, and i hope that danielson will be the top guy along people like ziggler and punk sooner or later. my problem is just that this could be so much more, that it could be done so much better and that we as the viewers have now to watch a shitty first title reign wich could be a good first title reign something enjoyable.


When I say this looks like the beginning of the Wrestling era it's obvious the crowd is pushing it in that direction. Cena's getting booed out of every building he appears in, Punk and Danielson are getting huge pops everywhere, the ratings are dropping the farther they go down the "entertainment" path and rising when they showcase more wrestling. Eventually they will have to evolve or die and it's painfully obvious the majority are slowly beginning to want wrestling over "entertainment".


again, these are very good points and i hope you're right and hopefully that will come with better writing and booking too. and we'll see if it will happen, cause as it is right now i dont see a "wrestling era" dawning anytime soon if at all.

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I am a 33 year old man, and I damn near marked out like my 9 year old son!!


So much for waiting til Wrestlemania.. but he does deserve it


Just a few years younger and I was yelling like a teenage girl tonight. :p


CM Punk and Daniel Bryan, both World champs.. even today, it comes across as a surreal pill to swallow. To add on top of it all, no Cena tonight. I wonder if it was a test run to see if WWE star power/booking can be sustained without him?


Overall good PPV, can't believe there's been technically 10 matches tonight(if you count Bryan/Show).


Tonight was fantastic. Didn't care for the Divas match though.


The funny part was the fans were so loud you couldn't hear Vicki talk which was good.


Bryan deserves it, but I was kinda sad to see Big Show lose the belt so quick.


I must say tonight was my first live event and it's so much cooler. :p

Watching the triple threat match was...awesome. I got some fantastic pics too. :D I'll be sporting my Punk shirt tomorrow..:o


<3 punk, Cena, and Orten. :p

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Back in 2004 myself and a bunch of my friends including my best friend (who goes by Thricep96 on this board) went to an ROH show in St. Paul Minnesota. It was at that show that CM Punk wrestled Bryan Danielson looking back at that match I never thought in my wildest dreams that CM Punk and Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan) would be champions. Don't get me wrong I knew that they both would be at some point in their respective careers I just didn't expect it to happen at the same time.


It made me think of Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit when they were both the WWE and World Champions because that moment was so amazing and this moment was just as good if not better (depending on your taste).

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Just a few years younger and I was yelling like a teenage girl tonight. :p




Tonight was fantastic. Didn't care for the Divas match though.


The funny part was the fans were so loud you couldn't hear Vicki talk which was good.


Bryan deserves it, but I was kinda sad to see Big Show lose the belt so quick.


I must say tonight was my first live event and it's so much cooler. :p

Watching the triple threat match was...awesome. I got some fantastic pics too. :D I'll be sporting my Punk shirt tomorrow..:o


<3 punk, Cena, and Orten. :p


Crowd was rather hot tonight, though not on the level of Chicago at MITB. Was a heck of a night.

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I must say tonight was my first live event and it's so much cooler. :p


Watching the triple threat match was...awesome. I got some fantastic pics too. :D I'll be sporting my New York Yankees shirt tomorrow..:o


There I put what you really meant to say...:p


Back in 2004 myself and a bunch of my friends including my best friend (who goes by Thricep96 on this board) went to an ROH show in St. Paul Minnesota. It was at that show that CM Punk wrestled Bryan Danielson looking back at that match I never thought in my wildest dreams that CM Punk and Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan) would be champions. Don't get me wrong I knew that they both would be at some point in their respective careers I just didn't expect it to happen at the same time.


I always thought that Punk had it in him to be a World Champion in the WWE. However, I never thought that Bryan Danielson would ever be a champion in the WWE. To me I always saw him as a Bob Backlund type of wrestler, a great wrestler who was just sort of bland and did not have the "look" for the WWE.


Now do not get me wrong I love the fact that a legit wrestler has won their title but I just never saw it coming.


Also, I was watching some videos of old wrestling interviews yesterday and I saw some stuff from Freddie Blassie and The Grand Wizard. I must say those two guys were great, the WWE would be so much better if there were great managers around, to me it enhances their product.

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Ziggler v Ryder - Good opener. Ryder finally gets the belt and Ziggler can move on to bigger things.


Air Boom v Epico/Primo - Wrong result for me but the tag division is looking better. Now all we need is Kings of Wrestling so there's 4 legit tag teams.


Orton v Barrett - Decent match. Orton didn't need the win. Barrett gets the rub but a win would have helped him more.


Beth v Kelly - The last 2 months I've actually been able to sit through entire Divas matches.


Nash v HHH - Slow match but satisfying to watch HHH take out Nash.


Swagger v Sheamus - Filler match. I like Sheamus but he could do with losing once in a while.


Big Show v Henry - More of a short grudge match than a title match. I knew Big Show would win and Bryan would cash-in but I half-expected him to blow it. Triple threat match at the Rumble?


Booker T v Rhodes - Booker can still go. Happy that Cody retained.


ADR v Miz v Punk - Match of the night. Pretty brutal with all three men dishing out a lot of damage. Ricardo's fall and the handcuff spots were awesome. I expected Cena to come out and rescue Punk near the end! Punk v Ziggler at the Rumble would be nice.


Packed card for TLC. Cena was not missed. Enjoyable but with only the one standout match doesn't quite make the top 3 PPVs of the year.

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I'm a bit lost (admittedly because I don't follow WWE very closely.)


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but was Daniel Bryan's plan supposedly to cash in at Wrestlemania? I seem to recall he said that after winning it. Did they drop that idea, or are they working a story where he said it to make the champions think that they were safe from him sneaking up on them after a match?

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I'm a bit lost (admittedly because I don't follow WWE very closely.)


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but was Daniel Bryan's plan supposedly to cash in at Wrestlemania? I seem to recall he said that after winning it. Did they drop that idea, or are they working a story where he said it to make the champions think that they were safe from him sneaking up on them after a match?


Big Show convinced him it was a bad idea. Then he cashed it on Show.

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