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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I think its new and a fresh way to get him over. Yes it might be x-pac heat but i think at this point it might be hard to do something new with him that hasent been done before. What hasen't jericho done? Its a short list......If he had come out and just trashed someone people sould say been there done that.....if it attacked someone same thing. People wanted to hear what he had to say.....they are not getting it. Instant heat......listen to the crowd the first night. At first they were going insane....then about half way through he was getting boo's.....same thing last time. At first the people go insane and then slowly start turning.
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People don't boo Jericho when he talks...they cheer for him because he can talk better than damn near anyone. That's why he had to go from being the goofy jokester to the super serious heel in his last run. Where does he go from there? Come in and do the exact same character?
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They could have waited to bring him back though if they didn't have anything for him yet. If this was a book or a movie and a guy returned to just be like haha I am back and then dissappeared for a chapter only to come out in the next chapter and be like haha I am still here it would be stupid. There is no progression at all with last nights segment. Next week I just hope it isn't another haha I am still back in the WWE segment.


If a once hero who was a villian who was a hero who was a villain who left for a while came back a hero left a villain again over multiple books finally showed back up and was acting in a weird way where he almost themed to be reverting to his old good guy ways but with a curious unexplained undertone, and popped up for a chapter here or there (cough segment) I'd be really intrigued as to what exactly was up with him and why it all seems a miss and I would turn the page to hopefully find out.


If person comes back and says "I was gone! remember when I called you all hypocrites? Forget that! I was gone, you likely are happy to see me again! So down with *insert random bad guy here*" then I would feel cheated.


Jericho is enjoying the face reactions and realizes the fans might not appreciate him as much as they should, hence not the huge or lasting elections he thinks he should get. This could lead to him going on a path of redemption or down a further path of villany.


I just cant wrap my heads around people getting mad about slow builds in things and teasing. It would be like watching The Walking Dead, then going on the intertube to say "Do they die or not? If they didnt know they were going to die or not, they shouldn't of debut it so soon." Why must the end-game of a story or what not be visible to make the pay off worth it? To stay on walking dead its a perfect example of this. Season 2's first half, everyone was bitching about it slowing down, not crazy zombie moments, why are they still looking for the girl, blah blah blah. Well that was the point. The farm represented a return to normalcy and the hope of a return to civil life and community. Sophia symbolized that hope, especially within Rick. When she finally emerged from that barn, Rick has to shoot his own hope in the head and admit to himself and those following him that the old ways are dead, and hoping for them is dead. Now could that point of been made in 1 show? Sure. But then there is no development of character or anything and the show would be over in 3 episodes. Episode 1: Rick wakes up in hospital Episode 2: Rick gives up hope on normalcy Episode 3: Rick Dies.


I know thats kind of WAY of topic, but I think its a very valid point on this whole subject that comes up way to often in wrestling. It is almost as if people get mad that they dont know the spoiler or answer anymore.

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I just don't know that all this Jericho stuff is designed for the in-depth analysis it's getting. Just let it play out before you judge it fully.


I'm not saying anyone posting on these boards or any others are wrong. It's what message boards are for. I just also think it's an angle in it's infancy and the deeper people try to look into it the more disappointment they are setting themselves up for.

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I see we have another gem from the same person who told us to trust him about the videos, that they're not for Jericho coming back. I can't wait to see how he completes the trifecta on this one.


I think a lot of the reason people aren't liking this Jericho return is something more straightforward than, "Oh, you're just hating it because it's a slow burning angle" or some other excuse that's just used as a way to downplay the validity of a differing opinion. I think a lot of it is because the videos were that good at promoting a dark and eery persona that now it's turned out to be something that appears to be the exact opposite, it's a disappointment. The videos were too good and instead of having people upset over Jericho doing what, on its own, might be a great gimmick, you've got people upset over not getting a gimmick that they were clearly able and willing to get their teeth into, and you don't get gimmicks like that very often. And no, it's not the 'right reaction' because it's not people hating on Jericho the character or wanting to see where the Jericho character goes and sticking with it. It's just people disappointed.

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I think they are trying something new with Jericho (obviously) and it may or may not turn out as good as anyone hoped. But at least they are trying something new. I don't like how they did it, but what else can they do?


They didn't want to go to the "returning babyface" route, and they didn't want to go down the typical heel route... where do they go from there? It's not exactly charted territory.

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Jericho asking 'Why?' and bursting into tears could go several ways. Just off the top of my head:


- Why am I back here among the sheep? Why couldn't I get famous with Fozzy/DWTS/that conveyor thing?

- Why am I back here to destroy these people? They love me, and I love them... and I'm here to end the world?

- Why did I hand myself over to 'her'?


Lots of places to go from here. I can understand people being annoyed that WWE haven't provided a new Undertaker to back up the eerie videos, but Jericho breaking down mid-ring is intriguing.


I thought Raw this week was a lot of fun. It reminded me a lot of the shows from ten years or so back, when Kane was last popping out from behind doors to go after Shane McMahon and RVD, if memory serves. Good wrestling, advancement for Bryan and Ziggler, 'Big Johnny', the Jericho thing, Mason Ryan's continued evolution into Batista... Good stuff all around.

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If a once hero who was a villian who was a hero who was a villain who left for a while came back a hero left a villain again over multiple books finally showed back up and was acting in a weird way where he almost themed to be reverting to his old good guy ways but with a curious unexplained undertone, and popped up for a chapter here or there (cough segment) I'd be really intrigued as to what exactly was up with him and why it all seems a miss and I would turn the page to hopefully find out.


If person comes back and says "I was gone! remember when I called you all hypocrites? Forget that! I was gone, you likely are happy to see me again! So down with *insert random bad guy here*" then I would feel cheated.


Jericho is enjoying the face reactions and realizes the fans might not appreciate him as much as they should, hence not the huge or lasting elections he thinks he should get. This could lead to him going on a path of redemption or down a further path of villany.


I just cant wrap my heads around people getting mad about slow builds in things and teasing. It would be like watching The Walking Dead, then going on the intertube to say "Do they die or not? If they didnt know they were going to die or not, they shouldn't of debut it so soon." Why must the end-game of a story or what not be visible to make the pay off worth it? To stay on walking dead its a perfect example of this. Season 2's first half, everyone was bitching about it slowing down, not crazy zombie moments, why are they still looking for the girl, blah blah blah. Well that was the point. The farm represented a return to normalcy and the hope of a return to civil life and community. Sophia symbolized that hope, especially within Rick. When she finally emerged from that barn, Rick has to shoot his own hope in the head and admit to himself and those following him that the old ways are dead, and hoping for them is dead. Now could that point of been made in 1 show? Sure. But then there is no development of character or anything and the show would be over in 3 episodes. Episode 1: Rick wakes up in hospital Episode 2: Rick gives up hope on normalcy Episode 3: Rick Dies.


I know thats kind of WAY of topic, but I think its a very valid point on this whole subject that comes up way to often in wrestling. It is almost as if people get mad that they dont know the spoiler or answer anymore.


I don't mind slow builds at all. I've said in the past for instance if Sting came to the WWE I'd want them to build up to a Wrestlemania match for a year with Taker. Neither man has to lay a hand on each other and I would love it. If not a year then 6 months.


Plus Walking Dead is one of my favorite shows. LOVE IT! You do make valid points but the Jericho thing isn't entertaining to me right now.




I just don't know that all this Jericho stuff is designed for the in-depth analysis it's getting. Just let it play out before you judge it fully.


I'm not saying anyone posting on these boards or any others are wrong. It's what message boards are for. I just also think it's an angle in it's infancy and the deeper people try to look into it the more disappointment they are setting themselves up for.


You are probably right it isn't meant to in depth analysis but this is a message board and we all have different opinions. I am enjoying the discussion. I'm not judging it fully I just am not enjoying the start of it. Next week if he comes out and does the same thing for 2 minutes I may change the channel is all I am saying.




Has anyone else thought that maybe Jericho isn't even going to return at all? Like these skits are just an elaborate ruse? It wouldn't surprise me if after a couple more of these that he finally speaks only to say that he is not going to wrestle and he just wanted to put one over on the sheep.


No I haven't thought that. He could say he isn't going to wrestle and wants to put one over on the sheep. Then somehow he will probably get dragged into fighting.




Jericho has never and will never generate "bad heat."


Orrr maybe he's trying to generate bad heat and won't speak until an audience finally calls bullshit on him.


I really like Jericho and from my perspective he has generated bad heat from me. I had to convince myself to see what happens last week and it will be harder when Jericho comes out on Monday IF the same crap happens.




I think they are trying something new with Jericho (obviously) and it may or may not turn out as good as anyone hoped. But at least they are trying something new. I don't like how they did it, but what else can they do?


They didn't want to go to the "returning babyface" route, and they didn't want to go down the typical heel route... where do they go from there? It's not exactly charted territory.


You are right and I don't mind trying something new per say but personally if I saw that they would waste as much time the 1st night as they did with nothing I wouldn't have approved that. That is just me though.


If he is going to feud with Punk right away I think they would be an instant heel push personally. CM Punk is pretty over it seems on tv. Now that is IF that is what they are planning already. If Jericho is just going to feud with Cena in the between months of the Rumble and Mania that is something completely different.





Jericho asking 'Why?' and bursting into tears could go several ways. Just off the top of my head:


- Why am I back here among the sheep? Why couldn't I get famous with Fozzy/DWTS/that conveyor thing?

- Why am I back here to destroy these people? They love me, and I love them... and I'm here to end the world?

- Why did I hand myself over to 'her'?


Lots of places to go from here. I can understand people being annoyed that WWE haven't provided a new Undertaker to back up the eerie videos, but Jericho breaking down mid-ring is intriguing.


I thought Raw this week was a lot of fun. It reminded me a lot of the shows from ten years or so back, when Kane was last popping out from behind doors to go after Shane McMahon and RVD, if memory serves. Good wrestling, advancement for Bryan and Ziggler, 'Big Johnny', the Jericho thing, Mason Ryan's continued evolution into Batista... Good stuff all around.


WWE has been pretty good recently. Can't wait to see how things unfold down the line with all of the storylines they have been building up.

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I think they are trying something new with Jericho (obviously) and it may or may not turn out as good as anyone hoped. But at least they are trying something new. I don't like how they did it, but what else can they do?


They didn't want to go to the "returning babyface" route, and they didn't want to go down the typical heel route... where do they go from there? It's not exactly charted territory.


like what they did with Brodus, sure many of us were expecting that usual monster bulldozer. It's interesting that WWE are trying not to be predictable, TRYING

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like what they did with Brodus, sure many of us were expecting that usual monster bulldozer. It's interesting that WWE are trying not to be predictable, TRYING


Not to point out a "bad" thing or whatever, but I haven't seen an accurate prediction in a while, perhaps over two years now. Even the Jericho return wasn't that well predicted. I myself said it was him on this board, but I also expressed it fitting too perfectly for him, as was most other's that thought it could be him felt.... so we really didn't predict it, just said the obvious then moved on, feeling it was someone else.


I can't even count how many times people said they wanted Kane back with a mask, and would get all emotional about how much better his character was 'back then'. Now, alot of the same people are saying how "desperate" WWE must be to rehash such an old gimmick.


Cena hasn't won nearly as much as critics claim.. and he has never really burried anyone in a match. Yet that's one of the biggest reason's some people throw up to hate WWE.


Summer of Punk went better for Punk then anyone that said "They Blew It!" will ever admit.


Undertaker is still a huge draw, no matter how old he is. He will always be "good" bussiness. He's been at best, a "Part Time" wrestler over the last few years, if not longer... Yet people still say something like "He needs to step down so someone else can take his spot." Of course, over the years many people have said exactly the same thing about many other's, but the fact is.. Taker doesn't have a "Spot" that someone else can take, since Taker isn't ever part of the "Normal" roster.


Back to predictable: Even when people thought WWE was predictable, they weren't predicting very well... It was Either "X" wins because that's how they do, or "X" loses, because they are trying to look like they are nice. This way, no matter what, a person that said that can claim to have "Predicted" what would happen, and then automatically assume (and are still wrong) that because they called the match right, they are right about everything else, which of course they weren't.


I don't know where this Jericho angle is going, but I'm definately not going to get worked up because he hasn't spoken yet. He's Jericho, he could do this over and over, and in one night reveal everything without speaking a word, if he wants to.. He's that good. Honestly, I called for a let-down because to me the video vs. what happens is always a let-down in comparison (so far). The dramatic come-back of the "Save-Us" video was to... Save Us from Randy Orton. That was such a let-down, lol. Then he goes heel within' a few weeks, and bassically forgets all about Randy Orton. I expect the same thing this time... but I'm hoping it's much bigger. I can't say it will be though.. My prediction:


Jericho will come back, feud a little with Main Eventers, and even win some to "remind" everyone how great he is... Then settle down to the lower cards to help build them up like he is always used for. This way anyone in the lower cards that get's a win on Jericho can be placed higher on the card, and "tested" somewhat, before falling back down (or staying if they end up being great) to the lower cards again. Jericho will bounce from Upper card to middle card, hoping to "Make" someone else stand out.

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Not to point out a "bad" thing or whatever, but I haven't seen an accurate prediction in a while, perhaps over two years now. Even the Jericho return wasn't that well predicted. I myself said it was him on this board, but I also expressed it fitting too perfectly for him, as was most other's that thought it could be him felt.... so we really didn't predict it, just said the obvious then moved on, feeling it was someone else.


I can't even count how many times people said they wanted Kane back with a mask, and would get all emotional about how much better his character was 'back then'. Now, alot of the same people are saying how "desperate" WWE must be to rehash such an old gimmick.


Cena hasn't won nearly as much as critics claim.. and he has never really burried anyone in a match. Yet that's one of the biggest reason's some people throw up to hate WWE.


Summer of Punk went better for Punk then anyone that said "They Blew It!" will ever admit.


Undertaker is still a huge draw, no matter how old he is. He will always be "good" bussiness. He's been at best, a "Part Time" wrestler over the last few years, if not longer... Yet people still say something like "He needs to step down so someone else can take his spot." Of course, over the years many people have said exactly the same thing about many other's, but the fact is.. Taker doesn't have a "Spot" that someone else can take, since Taker isn't ever part of the "Normal" roster.


Back to predictable: Even when people thought WWE was predictable, they weren't predicting very well... It was Either "X" wins because that's how they do, or "X" loses, because they are trying to look like they are nice. This way, no matter what, a person that said that can claim to have "Predicted" what would happen, and then automatically assume (and are still wrong) that because they called the match right, they are right about everything else, which of course they weren't.


I don't know where this Jericho angle is going, but I'm definately not going to get worked up because he hasn't spoken yet. He's Jericho, he could do this over and over, and in one night reveal everything without speaking a word, if he wants to.. He's that good. Honestly, I called for a let-down because to me the video vs. what happens is always a let-down in comparison (so far). The dramatic come-back of the "Save-Us" video was to... Save Us from Randy Orton. That was such a let-down, lol. Then he goes heel within' a few weeks, and bassically forgets all about Randy Orton. I expect the same thing this time... but I'm hoping it's much bigger. I can't say it will be though.. My prediction:


Jericho will come back, feud a little with Main Eventers, and even win some to "remind" everyone how great he is... Then settle down to the lower cards to help build them up like he is always used for. This way anyone in the lower cards that get's a win on Jericho can be placed higher on the card, and "tested" somewhat, before falling back down (or staying if they end up being great) to the lower cards again. Jericho will bounce from Upper card to middle card, hoping to "Make" someone else stand out.


Kane - I like the change to Kane. Still find it strange he attacked Cena and not Henry but I didn't mind his return. I am liking it.


Cena - He is losing a lot. I am fine with how he has been used since the Nexus debuted basically.


Summer of Punk - Was a great success. Punk is now considered eliteon the WWE roster.


Taker - He doesn't have a full time spot. I do think when he retires though it will leave a big hole in Wrestlemania but I have confidence that WWE will not have a problem filling it. I am sure people worried about Andre the Giant retiring back in the 80s. Things were fine without him. If in 2000 you were told within 10 years that Austin, Rock, and HHH wouldn't be wrestling or only once or twice a year you would be worried about the future of wrestling.


Things will roll on and WWE will be fine. People including myself can be overly critical at times.

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Kane - I like the change to Kane. Still find it strange he attacked Cena and not Henry but I didn't mind his return. I am liking it.


Cena - He is losing a lot. I am fine with how he has been used since the Nexus debuted basically.


Summer of Punk - Was a great success. Punk is now considered eliteon the WWE roster.


Taker - He doesn't have a full time spot. I do think when he retires though it will leave a big hole in Wrestlemania but I have confidence that WWE will not have a problem filling it. I am sure people worried about Andre the Giant retiring back in the 80s. Things were fine without him. If in 2000 you were told within 10 years that Austin, Rock, and HHH wouldn't be wrestling or only once or twice a year you would be worried about the future of wrestling.


Things will roll on and WWE will be fine. People including myself can be overly critical at times.


Ever since WWE/WWF become the "Sole" survivor, so to speak, and especially after the falling of ECW and WCW, people have spoken words of doom for WWE. Even with the knowledge that they are going to have their own channel, have spread out and make more money then they ever have before, including the "Attitude Era" which is brought up from time to time (not as much as it used to be). I'm sure they weren't as happy while the attitude era was going on as they are now, as they had a real chance, if at any time (besides the early gamble no Wrestlemania), to go down/out of bussiness. It's always confused me that people would bring that up as a highlight, when really only the end of it was a "good thing" for them. IT was exciting for THE FANS. Not for the companies involved, I'm sure... and the Wrestler's had to be on nerve endings most of that time as well. Where are they going to work if their respective company does fall? How many people did WWE/F have to let go during that time period, because of financial reasons?


Right now, the WWE are making more money, have a stronger foundation, and have a brighter future then they have ever had in the past. Right now, they could give free publicity "Brother" (to quote Cena's threat to go to TNA) to another company, and it only help the bussiness they are in, no matter if they realise it or not. Heck, they could actually help ROH or TNA, by putting their show's on WWE's Channel.


Yet, some people will say something like this Jericho thing, could be the "Doom" of WWE. It's outragious what people will say to try and make a point that is non-valid. WWE fans don't watch WWE because Jericho is on TV... They don't watch it because of any ONE person. One person can make a difference a few times for ratings, or what have you, but they could let any three people go right now... It could be Undertaker, John Cena, and Randy Orton (for example), and they wouldn't get rocked by it... They could fire Jericho tomorrow, and end this storyline before it starts, and it wouldn't make a difference.

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Right now, the WWE are making more money, have a stronger foundation, and have a brighter future then they have ever had in the past. Right now, they could give free publicity "Brother" (to quote Cena's threat to go to TNA) to another company, and it only help the bussiness they are in, no matter if they realise it or not. Heck, they could actually help ROH or TNA, by putting their show's on WWE's Channel.


Yes, that'd help ROH and TNA and I think in the long run help WWE, but I doubt it would ever happen. Vince is pretty petty. Considering WCW went out 10 years ago and he's still taking jabs at it(even redoing the Finger Poke of Doom in WWE 12).


It is an interesting thought though. Food for thought :)

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Yes, that'd help ROH and TNA and I think in the long run help WWE, but I doubt it would ever happen. Vince is pretty petty. Considering WCW went out 10 years ago and he's still taking jabs at it(even redoing the Finger Poke of Doom in WWE 12).


It is an interesting thought though. Food for thought :)


I, uh, I don't really think Vince had anything to do with the finger poke of doom being in WWE 12...


Vince: Hey THQ, that game your making, with the Road to Wrestlemania thing...

THQ Exec: Yeah...

Vince: Make sure it has the fingerpoke of doom in that storyline that has WCW going over and injuring most of the WWE stars until the end. That'll make them look bad.

Exec: Uh, are you sure that...

Vince: Don't question me god @#$! it just get it done!

*hangs up*

Vince: Today was a productive day...

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I, uh, I don't really think Vince had anything to do with the finger poke of doom being in WWE 12...


Vince: Hey THQ, that game your making, with the Road to Wrestlemania thing...

THQ Exec: Yeah...

Vince: Make sure it has the fingerpoke of doom in that storyline that has WCW going over and injuring most of the WWE stars until the end. That'll make them look bad.

Exec: Uh, are you sure that...

Vince: Don't question me god @#$! it just get it done!

*hangs up*

Vince: Today was a productive day...


I'm not saying he was directly responsible. I was just throwing that out there as a recent jab at WCW from WWE.

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I remember watching that and laughed so hard.


I miss when Wrestling was funny.


Guess that's why I like seeing Funkasaurus. :D


I honestly think when he said "My Bad", it was because of that sloppy throw, or whatever it was supposed to be, to Hawkins. Yes, Liked the whole thing there as well. Hopefully he learns the moves better, and stops trying to lip sync... mainly because I don't think he'll ever be able to lip sync to it correctly... but the moves I want to see him do better. Reminded me a little of "Too Cool" without rhythm.

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