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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I honestly think when he said "My Bad", it was because of that sloppy throw, or whatever it was supposed to be, to Hawkins. Yes, Liked the whole thing there as well. Hopefully he learns the moves better, and stops trying to lip sync... mainly because I don't think he'll ever be able to lip sync to it correctly... but the moves I want to see him do better. Reminded me a little of "Too Cool" without rhythm.


Would like to see him and R-truth team up. I'm starting to like r-truth. Quack quack!!

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Well, they did rush him into main storylines really fast. He should have continued his work in the midcard. His transition from jobber to midcarder/US Title holder was smooth, but they're overdoing his push by a little bit. Bring him back down some, WWE. Get him a feud with Clay, Miz, or someone we haven't seen in a while. Right now the US Title just seems like an ornament he carries around while dealing with Cena/Kane stuff.
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Well, they did rush him into main storylines really fast. He should have continued his work in the midcard. His transition from jobber to midcarder/US Title holder was smooth, but they're overdoing his push by a little bit. Bring him back down some, WWE. Get him a feud with Clay, Miz, or someone we haven't seen in a while. Right now the US Title just seems like an ornament he carries around while dealing with Cena/Kane stuff.


The US title is generally treated like an ornament in WWE.

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Well, they did rush him into main storylines really fast. He should have continued his work in the midcard. His transition from jobber to midcarder/US Title holder was smooth, but they're overdoing his push by a little bit. Bring him back down some, WWE. Get him a feud with Clay, Miz, or someone we haven't seen in a while. Right now the US Title just seems like an ornament he carries around while dealing with Cena/Kane stuff.


Yeah, going from jobber to midcard was really smooth and made sense, Ryder was SUPER over during that period and got better reactions than just about anyone. But yeah, seems to have been brought down a tad recently.

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Ryder hasn't been getting good ratings according to the dirt sheets. Is he really "Getting over"?


Well the guy was changing a tyre. I loved how he told Eve to lock the doors and then he left the boot open. Personally I would of just driven away it was most likely a rental anyways.


But I loved Ryder when he was the guy WWE wouldnt use but now his getting used on both shows everyweek im kinda over him and the gimmick, It kinda annoys me alittle now. Ive stopped watching his webshow.

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Every title in the WWE is technically an ornament in the WWE. The WWE Title is a fancy ornament, more like a belt encrusted with jewelry, rather than a looking like a legit title belt.


Wasnt CM Punk supposed to change the belt or something.. thought I remember him saying so in a promo before the Cena, Punk, Chicago match.

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Every title in the WWE is technically an ornament in the WWE. The WWE Title is a fancy ornament, more like a belt encrusted with jewelry, rather than a looking like a legit title belt.


Costume jewelry. It's like something you take to Mardi Gratz to give out.



Wasnt CM Punk supposed to change the belt or something.. thought I remember him saying so in a promo before the Cena, Punk, Chicago match.


It was just a promo. Things are said in promos all the time that never happen. Punk may want to but if management aren't on board with the change then it isn't going to happen.

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Costume jewelry. It's like something you take to Mardi Gratz to give out.

Heck yeah. Couldn't they just make the belt out of mostly gold? They don't need all that diamond on it. It's not like it's a the Million Dollar Belt.


Hell, you give that thing to legit person, their first instinct is to sell it, both for money and out of embarrassment.

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Tweener Bryan nailed his segments. He reminded me a little of Christian when he turned heel (minus the whining) with a dash of Michael Cole's arrogance. "Underdog babyface develops an ego" gimmick. First he cashes in the briefcase, now he's cashing in on AJ. Rrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Cody Rhodes - future World Heavyweight and Interncontinental Champion! Yes please.


DiBiase v McIntyre - Good agressive match. These guys are loaded with potential, just need the right push. DiBiase is finally getting over with the fans. Drew needs a face turn.


Bryan v Show - Awesome match and the ending... wow. Bryan turned heel after all. Great acting all round. Triple Threat Title match in Sin City next week (or the Rumble if they hold off)?

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DiBiase v McIntyre - Good agressive match. These guys are loaded with potential, just need the right push. DiBiase is finally getting over with the fans. Drew needs a face turn.




I was wondering if some failed Hunico interference would lead to a DiBiase win, and a face turn for Drew, teaming up with Ted to take on Hunico and Camacho is it?

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Just watched the end of SD again. Big Show is a damn good actor. He out-cried JeriTroll (obviously Jericho was hamming it up a little on purpose but still).


I was wondering if some failed Hunico interference would lead to a DiBiase win, and a face turn for Drew, teaming up with Ted to take on Hunico and Camacho is it?


Would be good to see but it would weaken the SD midcard in singles competition. Maybe find Gabriel a tag partner.

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I believe if that's what happened, people (not everyone here, but alot) would be complaining about it being "Rushed". There's actually no doubt in my mind that would happen. Fact is, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind there's going to be quite a bit of complaints no matter what they do, even if it ends up being the best thing we seen in a decade.


Exactly. Everything is either predictable or stupid, dragging on or rushed, lasted too long or was too short, every wrestler is booked too weak or too strong, not used enough or too much...and everything absolutely must be judged the second it happens with no thought whatsoever put into what it might lead to.


I can't even count how many times people said they wanted Kane back with a mask, and would get all emotional about how much better his character was 'back then'. Now, alot of the same people are saying how "desperate" WWE must be to rehash such an old gimmick.


Cena hasn't won nearly as much as critics claim.. and he has never really burried anyone in a match. Yet that's one of the biggest reason's some people throw up to hate WWE.


Summer of Punk went better for Punk then anyone that said "They Blew It!" will ever admit.


John Cena hasn't been used anywhere near the way his haters claim since he tore his pec over 4 years ago. He's not on TV a lot, he loses pretty often, and he's constantly helping somebody get over. As much as the internet drools over Punk and Ryder, you'd think they'd be thankful for all that Cena has done to help both of them get over. I know a lot of people won't admit this, but neither of those guys would be where they are right now without being on TV (either fueding or aligned with) with Cena as much as they have in the last year.


And of course the Summer of Punk was a huge success. And the changes Punk talked about are still taking place. It wasn't going to happen overnight. It wasn't going to happen in 6 months. But in 5 or 10 years, we just might look back at his worked shoot promo as a moment that changed WWE and professional wrestling forever, like we do Austin's KOTR speech now - and the changes from that didn't happen overnight either.


I don't know where this Jericho angle is going, but I'm definately not going to get worked up because he hasn't spoken yet. He's Jericho, he could do this over and over, and in one night reveal everything without speaking a word, if he wants to.. He's that good. Honestly, I called for a let-down because to me the video vs. what happens is always a let-down in comparison (so far). The dramatic come-back of the "Save-Us" video was to... Save Us from Randy Orton. That was such a let-down, lol. Then he goes heel within' a few weeks, and bassically forgets all about Randy Orton. I expect the same thing this time... but I'm hoping it's much bigger. I can't say it will be though.. My prediction:


Jericho will come back, feud a little with Main Eventers, and even win some to "remind" everyone how great he is... Then settle down to the lower cards to help build them up like he is always used for. This way anyone in the lower cards that get's a win on Jericho can be placed higher on the card, and "tested" somewhat, before falling back down (or staying if they end up being great) to the lower cards again. Jericho will bounce from Upper card to middle card, hoping to "Make" someone else stand out.


I think there's something people don't realize. Chris Jericho is 41 years old. I may be wrong, but I believe he's the oldest full time wrestler (if he does become a full time wrestler) in the WWE right now. He's not much younger than guys like Triple H, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, Batista...


Your prediction is pretty much exactly the perfect role for him. Put him in a fued with Punk for match at WrestleMania and then slide him into a Gatekeeper role. Fued him with guys like Zack Ryder and R Truth, and even lesser guys like Mason Ryan and Alex Riley. Even Brodus Clay.


I love what they've done with Jericho so far. I wouldn't mind if he stays silent until Royal Rumble, or later.


Every title in the WWE is technically an ornament in the WWE. The WWE Title is a fancy ornament, more like a belt encrusted with jewelry, rather than a looking like a legit title belt.


Exactly. The WWE isn't trying to be a legitimate combat sport anymore. It'd be silly, if not downright offensive to their viewers' intelligence, to act like the championships are a huge deal. They're never going to mean what they did in the 80's and earlier again because the WWE will never be what it was back then.

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This made me think way more highly of Cena. Johnny Gargano posted this on facebook


Gargano says that "Cena has a special place in my heart. People give him a hard time, but he has a special place in my heart. I was in the hallway after my match with WWE. Cena walked up to me and slapped me on the back and said 'Great job, kid. Keep it up. I'm legitimately impressed. People think that I have pull in this company, but I don't.. but they should sign you right now. Cena didn't need to do that, but he did."

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This made me think way more highly of Cena. Johnny Gargano posted this on facebook


Gargano says that "Cena has a special place in my heart. People give him a hard time, but he has a special place in my heart. I was in the hallway after my match with WWE. Cena walked up to me and slapped me on the back and said 'Great job, kid. Keep it up. I'm legitimately impressed. People think that I have pull in this company, but I don't.. but they should sign you right now. Cena didn't need to do that, but he did."

... what match?

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Apparently Primo and Epico just beat Air Broom for the tag team titles at a house show. Seems kind of weird they didn't just make the switch at TLC...


It might've made sense if the house show took place in Puerto Rico or somewhere that is important to any of the 4 wrestlers in the match, but it was just a random house show. Heck, it would've been better just to have the title change on RAW to get Primo and Epico over more, by, you know, actually getting a win on TV.

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