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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I don't really understand the hate for Teddy Long. He's not all that great, but he isn't that bad either. He can easily slip into whatever storyline needs an authority, and he can easily made the fans cheer him or boo him when necessary. I actually think that he is better than Johnny Ace. Also, it could always be worse. Remember Mike Adamle being the GM? :p
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I don't think so. His point is well taken. All the people talking "for the love of the game" BS are delusional. How many people who promote that idealistic tripe are actually practicing what they preach? For the most part, they 'he should've' without looking in the mirror. If YOU aren't doing what you love, regardless of the material rewards, why should anyone else?


He loved football too (even won a national title) but I don't think any of his teammates would give up the chance to switch places with him if they could. Does that mean Warren Sapp doesn't love the game?

If someone can make a living doing what they love, more power to them. But there comes a time, maybe because of circumstances or simply because a offer of such magnitude comes along, that it makes more economic sense to give up the dream and move on. It's easy to spout off about doing things for the love of the game or some other idealistic nonsense, but it's a different madder entirely when you've come to the crossroads and are staring that big decision in the face.

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I don't really understand the hate for Teddy Long. He's not all that great, but he isn't that bad either. He can easily slip into whatever storyline needs an authority, and he can easily made the fans cheer him or boo him when necessary. I actually think that he is better than Johnny Ace. Also, it could always be worse. Remember Mike Adamle being the GM? :p


How long has he been on TV in that role? A decade? And he hasn't evolved in the slightest. Stale.

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How long has he been on TV in that role? A decade? And he hasn't evolved in the slightest. Stale.


He had already been in the business for about 20 years when he debuted in WWE. That's like saying that The Undertaker hasn't evolved in the past 10 years (yes, his character has changed, but how he wrestles or does promos really hasn't).

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Guest codey
Actually, the change Undertaker's gone through has been pretty immense. The American badass promos were completely different than his undead stuff, which is different from his gothic stuff, which is different from the stuff he did when he became undead Taker again, which is still different from the stuff he's doing now.
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Well I think the "decade" comment had to be hyperbole, right? I mean the brand split was only a decade ago, and T-Lo was what, the 4th, 5th Smackdown authority figure? And he was off the show for how long while Vickie/Edge were in charge? I count that he was GM for 3 years the first run, and is closing in on 3 years for his second run. It's certainly longer than anybody else has held the position.


As far as not doing anything new, sure the character hasn't really evolved, but he's a supporting character who doesn't really carry ongoing programs, so I'm not sure that's a big issue.

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I don't really understand the hate for Teddy Long. He's not all that great, but he isn't that bad either. He can easily slip into whatever storyline needs an authority, and he can easily made the fans cheer him or boo him when necessary. I actually think that he is better than Johnny Ace. Also, it could always be worse. Remember Mike Adamle being the GM? :p


Teddy is just abysmal. Playa. That's all he has. He says "Playa". That's the entire sum of his contribution to the industry since he stopped being peanut head and yet he is on pretty frequently and presented in such a way that I am meant to like him. Like him because he hangs around getting rubbed by slappers young enough to be his daughters and says "Playa".


Imagine if Sonny Ohno or Bill Alfonso or any other dodgy 90s manager were in that role then think about how absolutely absurd it is that Teddy Long still has a job in 2012.

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Teddy is just abysmal. Playa. That's all he has. He says "Playa". That's the entire sum of his contribution to the industry since he stopped being peanut head and yet he is on pretty frequently and presented in such a way that I am meant to like him. Like him because he hangs around getting rubbed by slappers young enough to be his daughters and says "Playa".


Imagine if Sonny Ohno or Bill Alfonso or any other dodgy 90s manager were in that role then think about how absolutely absurd it is that Teddy Long still has a job in 2012.


He's the "Good" GM, that's all it is. I have never understood the desire to put him in "relationships" though. I always felt he should have a pretend family or something, and be above the tedius stuff like that. It really doesn't help his character IMO.

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...the hell just happened?


I don't know...




Rock live in ring with Cena Cena came out of this looking very good...

Everytime Cena owns Rock, far as promo's are concerned. Since last Wrestlemania til' now, bassically.


I was actually thinking Cena was going to win at Wrestlemania, because of the whole passing the torch and such, but now.... I don't think he has to win at all. IF the rumor's about Rock sticking out yet another year, and doing it again are true, of course I see Rock winning, but now...


I just don't see Rock losing helping either of them out right now. Rock has to win now.

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I will say one thing about Teddy, he is miles better now then when he was the manager of Doom back in WCW. I remember he used to talk and he would be facing the camera and he would not look directly into the camera, he would oddly look up at the ceiling. It is so odd that I cannot explain it, I think he must have had problems with his eyes.
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Intro segment was boring until HBK said he was guest ref and HHH looked stunned.


Santino v Swagger - Despite all the shenanigens it was good to see Santino win the US Title.


The Rock history lessons were funny. Cena's empty stadium monologue wasn't so good.


Punk/Sheamus v Jericho/Bryan - Good teaser for Mania 28.


Rhodes finally has a decent challenger for the IC title in Big Show. I have a feeling Rhodes will drop the belt because there are no midcard faces on SD over enough to challenge him (except DiBiase and Gabriel).


The final segment was a good continuation from last week. More intensity from the Rock but Cena's still playing it cool. Cena is looking good and I wouldn't mind if he won. But a Rock win would keep the feud alive and keep Cena interesting.

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Just watched it there. Rock-Cena need to get a fight going with security breaking it up or something because that was alot worse than last week from both of them.


I thought it was brilliantly put by Cole after Cena's empty arena promo "Simply put Cena is saying he needs to win", inadvertedly crapped on Cena's promo as a waste of time. I hope they spice it up some because they both just seemed half-assed.


"I'm gonna kick his bitch ass" ,"I have to win", "When are we going to see the real Rock" (didn't we see that at SS or has Cena got selective memory?), "We're all sick of Cena".


We've heard all this before. Be creative instead of just relying on the fact it's Rock vs. Cena.


Taker- HHH should be interesting now, wasn't that keen before but HBK's motives should make the match more exciting. Starting to like Laurenitis and Otunga for some strange reason lol, Otunga works well in that role instead of in the ring.

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I actually enjoyed both Cena's monologue and The Rock's "history lessons". The Cena monologue finally set the tone for the match as being important to Cena, instead of him having a promo making funny faces. And The Rock was amazing, as always. Santino winning was an emotional mark out moment to me, I wonder if Santino was told to cry, or if he just got overwhelmed by the crowd's response to him winning the title.
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It bugs me that Cena was laughing and looking at his family in the crowd whilst he is supposed to be having a "serious" confrontation with Rock.


Surprised Rock didn't use that against Cena. Something like this:


"Look at me when I am talking to you boy! Who the hell do you think you are........huh? When the Rock is standing in front of you, you sure as hell better pay him attention before he slaps that stupid grin clean off your square-ass head!....................You want to see The Rock, well you got the Rock, John. Enough of the games, enough of the catchphrases, this is real and believe me when I tell you this John, you are going to get more of The Rock than you can damn well handle. At Wrestlemania 28, it will be The Rock laying a beatdown on John Cena so bad that even his own family........yeah, those guys right there (points where Cena is smiling), don't even recognise you!" etc, etc.

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I actually liked the start of the end bit where Cena was basically making fun of himself. Almost like he was forcing himself HEEL. However, with the Rock struggling in ring(or at least appearing to struggle), he tried to go even more HEEL by dissing Rock during the promo.


I only watched the last hour of the show and I know it's all about building for WM, but I like wrestling more than I like soap opera. I know TV isn't made for that anymore and that is probably why I don't watch much of it.

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Wait a minute, let me write that down... 6'4", 240 lbs... Ok, got it... Rock Style.


That was hillarious.


I agree though, I felt like Cena was up there looking over at his family smiling and laughing because he's in the ring with The Rock "Look everyone, it's really him! Can you believe it? I'm in the ring with The Rock!!"


Definately gave me a Cena=Amateur moment.

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Everybody who is saying that John Cena, a wrestler who has had tons of main event matches, storylines and promos, is an amatuer obviously haven't ever seen a real amatuer. Because Cena is nowhere near as bad as an amatuer wrestler or the bulk of indy wrestlers (and I'm talking about small, gym sized indy shows, not promotions like Chikara and ROH).
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