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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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It makes absolutely no sense that WWE creative were trying to bury a guy they have been pushing and creating things like this for...








Well the WWE did try to make money from people that hate Cena by making a Cena Sucks T-Shirt.

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Kinda reminds me of the Christian situation last year. Everyone hated how he lost before, but it probably ended up benefiting him more than just having a regular short reign, in the long run.


I was thinking this too. The internet was furious when Christian lost, this board included. But bigger things were obviously around the corner for him.


I get surprised that wrestling fans don't at least wait a little bit to complain about something like this. Give it a few weeks and see where it goes.

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I'm sure the blood wasn't intentional, but it made that whole thing so much better.


If they were trying to hide it, they did a really poor job.... Having Cena have his head above everyone during the fight, close up with camera on it, every time they could it seemed they got the best possible angle for it... Then later, like 10 or 15 minutes later in the show, he shows up without it being wiped off yet.



I really doubt it was not intentional, to be honest.

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Honestly I don't believe there is any DB Momentum. He was in front of a smark crowd in Miami for two nights. There wasn't a single YES chant the entire night from what I gathered.


You have bizzare crowds like that from time to time. Everyone was all like "that'll teach them" and a week later not a single "YES" chant. I'm sure he'll have a few on SD but lets face it the guy is not nearly as popular as everyone wanted to believe he was in Miami.


On a sidenote RAW sucked. The start was hot, how are you going to from a huge chaotic brawl to a bunch of silliness with the Stoodges and eight million video recaps. We got Big Show giving us a recap of last week when he recapped Mania.....really?.....Reeeeeally?

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If they were trying to hide it, they did a really poor job.... Having Cena have his head above everyone during the fight, close up with camera on it, every time they could it seemed they got the best possible angle for it... Then later, like 10 or 15 minutes later in the show, he shows up without it being wiped off yet.



I really doubt it was not intentional, to be honest.


If you watch his entrance closely, he's very careful about keeping his jaw muscles taut, particularly on the left side (where Brock tagged him first after the takedown, but never returns to even though he's got plenty of opportunity). Dollars to donuts Cena's got a blood capsule sitting there like a dip of chew; that's why he's not on mike and only says the one line.


Definitely intentional and meant to build up both men - Brock as the dangerous MMA badass and Cena as the man who won't back down even if you knock his teeth down his throat.

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Honestly I don't believe there is any DB Momentum. He was in front of a smark crowd in Miami for two nights. There wasn't a single YES chant the entire night from what I gathered.


You have bizzare crowds like that from time to time. Everyone was all like "that'll teach them" and a week later not a single "YES" chant. I'm sure he'll have a few on SD but lets face it the guy is not nearly as popular as everyone wanted to believe he was in Miami.


On a sidenote RAW sucked. The start was hot, how are you going to from a huge chaotic brawl to a bunch of silliness with the Stoodges and eight million video recaps. We got Big Show giving us a recap of last week when he recapped Mania.....really?.....Reeeeeally?

No momentum at all? Honestly? I saw a ton of "YES" signs in the crowd, and his t-shirt is apparently on backorder after being out for like 2 or 3 days.


I never expected "YES" to continue seeping into every single segment like it did last week, so I'm not surprised by that. That was a unique situation and a unique crowd, like you said. What I'd expected/hoped was that it would keep up during his segments. But he was MIA aside from coming out with everyone else during the pull-apart, so who knows? I'll be interested to see what happens tomorrow, seeing as Smackdown will be live.


And yes, apart from the opening brawl and the Jericho/Punk stuff, the show was pretty meh. Pretty big letdown after last week's show.

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If you watch his entrance closely, he's very careful about keeping his jaw muscles taut, particularly on the left side (where Brock tagged him first after the takedown, but never returns to even though he's got plenty of opportunity). Dollars to donuts Cena's got a blood capsule sitting there like a dip of chew; that's why he's not on mike and only says the one line.


Definitely intentional and meant to build up both men - Brock as the dangerous MMA badass and Cena as the man who won't back down even if you knock his teeth down his throat.


nah, they wouldn't need a blood capsule. 1 stiff punch in the mouth will give you an easy bloody lip. Plus Cena had a swollen mouth when he was talking to Johnny Ace.

Perhaps, but what Wallbanger said I said something very similar to my wife. "Look at the way he's talking, he's got blood capsule or something there." She agreed. What Wallbanger said was true, as far as how he was holding his mouth the whole time he was talking... That "fat lip" you thought you saw, was probably the capsule he was trying to hide between gum and lip.


@The Final Countdown, I honestly didn't like the Punk/Jericho thing... Actually, I liked it before the Beer all over the place. Just isn't sitting with me, felt like it dragged on, and felt it the segment was overall sucky. I'm not really interested in Jericho spraying alcohol all over Cena, because I honestly know that wouldn't do anything at all... and Punk isn't a good enough actor to make me think he's going to get upset because he smells like his dad. They really shouldn't go this route... well, I don't mind the route, the taunting about his family, etc.. It's just the way they have Jericho going about it that just isn't selling me anything.

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I laughed when Cena interrupted Lesnar and slapped him. I thought the entire roster pulling them apart was overkill though until they showed what Lesnar did to Cena's face!


I hope they keep Ziggler/Swagger & Santino/Brodus together as legitimate tag teams.


Tensai v Tatsu - I like that Tensai demolishes his opponents instead of going for the quick pin. They also addressed the fact that he's not asian for anyone who actually gave a crap. Tatsu should be on SD where he'd get more matches.


Punk v Henry - Pre-match promo with Jericho was great. Punk acting heelish to keep his title against Henry was great. Post-match alcohol bath was

great. Shame Henry goofed later on saying he would be the next "World Heavyweight Champion".


Three Stooges - Are you serious, bro? I did chuckle at the WWE's 3 Stooges sign but I was as excited about seeing them as the crowd and Kane were.


Otunga v Cena - Cena was funny telling Johnny to get off the phone and rubbing Otunga's oil off his body. And what was with Cole defending Cena? Strange. Lesnar kicking Cena in the nuts would have made a lot of people happy.


Raw was light on quality wrestling this week but the storylines are building up for Extreme Rules. I predict a few brutal matches at ER.

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Perhaps, but what Wallbanger said I said something very similar to my wife. "Look at the way he's talking, he's got blood capsule or something there." She agreed. What Wallbanger said was true, as far as how he was holding his mouth the whole time he was talking... That "fat lip" you thought you saw, was probably the capsule he was trying to hide between gum and lip.


And it's not mutually exclusive that Cena would have a swollen lip from getting tagged and use stage methods to enhance the bloodiness. I think they just wanted to be sure to get the image they wanted in the pull-apart brawl.


In other words, we can all be right. :D


Other than that the only real highlight of the show was the Punk/Jericho angle, though that was somewhat diminished by Henry's verbal botch.


Trying to get back into watching the 'E now that we're post-WM. Newer faces are interesting but no one has really caught my eye yet.

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Honestly I really don't care how the blood got there. It looked real and beyond that it was a great visual and one that may find its way to the mainstream media. Kind of surprised they're going right for Brock/Cena at Extreme Rules.

Totally agree. Whether it was planned or not, it looked awesome and added so much to that fight.

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Anyone get the little "shot" Cena gave Rock during his exchange with John L.?


Something about, :so you want legitimacy, you think I'm just a performer, etc... that person just left. I like hitting, and I like being hit!"


Not word for word, because I was looking at how he was holding his mouth more then anything during that... wondering why he didn't wipe the blood off his mouth by now.


Something tells me Rock vs. Cena isn't over yet.

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Anybody else enjoy the fact that Del Rio had a cover over the driver's seat in the car to avoid getting baby oil on the leather! :D


I quite enjoyed the Hulkastooges skit. Really didn't think I would but there you go. That guy sold the chokeslam better than a lot of WWE's current roster (no joke)!

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Honestly I don't believe there is any DB Momentum. He was in front of a smark crowd in Miami for two nights. There wasn't a single YES chant the entire night from what I gathered.



You gathered incorrectly. There was an audible Yes chant during the intial brawl and during the end, which is saying something since they were muting the audio with pip'd in boo's since the crowd was exploding for brock after the Low blow and F-5. Not bad considering he wasen't even on the show, ya know?


Like it was said above, no one is expecting the crowd to chant it non stop in every segment, but how anyone can argue that DB doesn't have a ton of heel momentum right now...i don't get it.

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Anybody else enjoy the fact that Del Rio had a cover over the driver's seat in the car to avoid getting baby oil on the leather! :D


I quite enjoyed the Hulkastooges skit. Really didn't think I would but there you go. That guy sold the chokeslam better than a lot of WWE's current roster (no joke)!


I enjoyed all of RAW pretty much. You know that guy used to work for MAD TV and was put in a Bret Hart sharpshooter on the show back in the 90s. He is a huge wrestling fan. I feel bad for him getting booed the whole time.


You gathered incorrectly. There was an audible Yes chant during the intial brawl and during the end, which is saying something since they were muting the audio with pip'd in boo's since the crowd was exploding for brock after the Low blow and F-5. Not bad considering he wasen't even on the show, ya know?


Like it was said above, no one is expecting the crowd to chant it non stop in every segment, but how anyone can argue that DB doesn't have a ton of heel momentum right now...i don't get it.


It sucks that the WWE is killing DBs momentum by not using him and pushing him right now. The yes thing could get over huge and be something that is still being chanted in 5 years much like Ric Flairs Woooo for knife edge chops.

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@Crownsy: Are you talking about Raw or Smackdown. The reason I ask is because I watched almost the whole show of Raw last night, and I didn't notice everything you noticed. If so, are you sure, or are you speculating that's what happened?


Obviously I have hoped for the "Yes" chants, and cheering of DB to continue to "force" a little change in WWE creative, I still want him as a heel and all.. but I really want everyone behind DB just to see what happens with him. He is so like able to me, and I feel he could open up more doors then what has already been opened up by the likes of people like CM Punk, etc.


@jugg... Do you really think they are trying to kill it? I honestly thought they would overlook it for now to be able to keep their current stories going, and be able to make adjustments later to take advantage of things...> Like maybe have something similar happen to him again, only plan for that kind of reaction.

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Something I was thinking about while watching Raw...


You know, it doesn't matter who beats Cena or who he beats, I don't think he will ever be the Heel he's meant to be. Quite frankly, if he acted more "Heelish" he would end up being a Face, and I can't figure out what it is they want him to be.


Ok... Dj's lost it again. He's referring to John Cena as a heel... Must be an accident. No accident, I really think this is the "best" heel we are going to see from him. The discussion of the piped in boos and cheers that crownsy brought up made me think this way for some reason, and it makes more sense to me now.


To me Cena has turned into a kind of Jericho type heel. He will always be "above" everyone else, and everyone will hate him for it. He won't get mad and go off, as that would make him a "face" more then likely. "This is the Cena we want to see" when he teases with a promo that sounds attitudinal... but he won't "stick" to it, because then he becomes the "Face".


What better "heel" could they have, then someone like Cena doing such good things outside of Wrestling, being a favorite on talk shows and Make a Wish, etc... then step into the ring and make everyone hate him by saying "I know, you think I should be upset. I'm not going to let that bother me though. I rise ABOVE that, and will OVERCOME." HEAT!!!!!!!!!! Stay stale, keep doing everything everyone complains about, and stay "heel" so that everyone that goes up against you get's a good reaction, and hopefully people get into "them" beating you enough to get them "over". Don't "embrace the hate". Don't get mad, don't get upset. So you got a bloody mouth by Lesnar, "Rise Above" that, and continue. DON'T improve your moveset, it's one of the things working for this. When booking a match that Cena win's, make sure that brawler's get the 1,2,3, and that Mat Wrestler's "Tap Out". Do this and people will hate it... except the young kids that idolize you, and women.


I don't know if I would change a thing with Cena, because it's so obvious it doesn't matter who he goes up against, that people will pay just to see him lose.

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@Crownsy: Are you talking about Raw or Smackdown. The reason I ask is because I watched almost the whole show of Raw last night, and I didn't notice everything you noticed. If so, are you sure, or are you speculating that's what happened?


Obviously I have hoped for the "Yes" chants, and cheering of DB to continue to "force" a little change in WWE creative, I still want him as a heel and all.. but I really want everyone behind DB just to see what happens with him. He is so like able to me, and I feel he could open up more doors then what has already been opened up by the likes of people like CM Punk, etc.


@jugg... Do you really think they are trying to kill it? I honestly thought they would overlook it for now to be able to keep their current stories going, and be able to make adjustments later to take advantage of things...> Like maybe have something similar happen to him again, only plan for that kind of reaction.


I heard an audible "yes!"yes!"yes" chant during the crazy brawl at the beginning, and could have sworn i heard one during the end too. though i haven't rewatched it, so i coul dbe wrong about the end.


@jugg they gave him the 10 oclock slot and he gave an outstanding promo to keep the momentum going, plus ace mentioned that he's getting a rematch in the shemus promo...not sure how else you want them to push him.


I mean, i guess he coul dhave been used on Raw but unless your name is randy orton, it's normally bad for your heat to be on raw as a smack down guy. Normally means being in a toss away match or jobbing to a raw guy.

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For those worried about Daniel Bryan, I really "doubt" they aren't going to utilize this stuff. I'm thinking they have lots of plans for him in the future...


Put it this way, it's the same thing that happened with CM Punk. Everyone felt like they were going to miss an opportunity, everyone thought they were "jobbing" him out, etc... Yet he defeats John Cena twice to retain, defeats Chris Jericho, and still has the title. If you were to go back in time, and tell everyone that complains exactly what was going to happen with CM Punk, no one would believe you. Yet they did it.


I have a strong feeling that this Daniel Bryan thing has just begun.

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