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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I just don't understand how the same people who bashed Rock for his decision to leave wrestling and coming back are praising and raving about Lesnar's return.


Lesnar hated the schedule, and left. Yet people praise the hell out of him. What's worse is a lot of those people complain about the god push some wrestlers have gotten the last few years(Sheamus), but Lesnar got the same kind of push back in the day.


It's not even really people on this site, as much as people on the dirt sheet sites.


Is it because Heyman was involved with Lesnar's original run and clinging to one of Heyman's guys is still the fashionable thing to do? I honestly just don't get the difference.

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Actually, these people also complained about Lesnar leaving. In fact, probably moreso than the Rock's. The thing is, though, it's been a while, and if the WWE and Lesnar can see eye-to-eye, at least for now, I don't think fans will hold a grudge either.


It didn't hurt (help?) that he re-debuted against John Cena either.

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Actually, these people also complained about Lesnar leaving. In fact, probably moreso than the Rock's. The thing is, though, it's been a while, and if the WWE and Lesnar can see eye-to-eye, at least for now, I don't think fans will hold a grudge either.


It didn't hurt (help?) that he re-debuted against John Cena either.


For the most part, I've only seen people excited that Lesnar is back.


The only people I've really seen come out and talk against Lesnar's return is Cody Rhodes(have to find the interview again) and Edge in that spiel he did to fire Cena up.


I'm a fan of both Lesnar and the Rock, but both guys did the exact same thing and one is praised and the other is torn down.

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For the most part, I've only seen people excited that Lesnar is back.


The only people I've really seen come out and talk against Lesnar's return is Cody Rhodes(have to find the interview again) and Edge in that spiel he did to fire Cena up.


I'm a fan of both Lesnar and the Rock, but both guys did the exact same thing and one is praised and the other is torn down.

I don't think you are understanding what I'm saying. What I'm saying is, yes, you are right, these fans DID complain about the Rock when he left, at the time he left. But my point is, they also complained about when Brock left too, at the time he left.


As for you examples, that's workers. If you are talking about fans, most reaction is positive.

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Super Cena all over again??? God, i think i'm going to quit watching WWE. I'm done with them! Cena always wins. it's boring, it's washed up and making Lesnar return to lose his debut match isn't that smart of a business move. I'm done. Predictable ppv in every line and every single match...and the only surprise, Cena's win, comes out when it shouldn't! WWE sucks!


Like when Cena won against The Rock at WrestleMania? Or recently when he won against midcarder Lord Tensai on RAW? :rolleyes:

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Should have done some gambling on this show. Made £20 from Wrestlemania (#thanksKane) and considered putting some money down, but decided to retire from gambling while on top. I would have put money on Cena. Had a feeling.


Probably would have lost money on the other matches. Probably would have wagered on Kane again. Still, missed opportunity. Alas.

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Kane v Orton - Started out average, got better toward the end. I'm ready for the feud to end.


Clay v Ziggler - Clay's first serious match. Result was never in doubt.


Show v Rhodes - Enjoyed this more than I thought I would. Rhodes' kick off of the table was cool and he took a real beating from Show. The ending was



Bryan v Sheamus - Both guys bought their A game and looked like they've been wrestling together for years. Fracking awesome match from start to

finish with top notch selling and storytelling!


Ryback on PPV! Trailbone breaker!


Jericho v Punk - A good match turned great thanks to the fire extinguisher stunt and Punk's WTF elbow off the turnbuckle onto the announce table.


Layla! About time she returned. Next up... Kharma.


Lesnar v Cena - Cena busted open in less than a minute??? A true brutal brawling match. The way they scripted the match made Lesnar look a champ in his prime. I actually enjoyed Cena winning after Lesnar took unnecessary chances at the end. Liked his speech at the end. Predicting Cena will take a month off and Johhny will line up a title shot for Lesnar against Punk at Over the Limit.


That was about as extreme a PPV as I can remember in recent years. The undercard matches were solid and the 3 main event matches lived up to

the hype. Lesnar v Cena and Bryan v Sheamus were my favourites.

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I really hope that you are either trolling or joking, because you sound like one of those teenage/kid "smarks" from other wrestling forums. This PPV was actually one of the least predictable ones in recent years. Plus, people stopped raging about Cena winning in 2008. I guess you didn't get the memo. :p


Least predictable? Apart from the Cena win, even tough it followed standard Cena recipe I didn't expect them to have Brock loose, they where all pretty straightforward and even telegraphed way in advance. Oh tables match -> Show somehow looses. Jericho Turnbuckle -> Punk wins . Danielson gives up first fall -> Sheamus wins. Rybeck vs Jobbers. Returning Diva and leaving Divas. Funkasaurus push. Orton Bigger star, Kane always threat even if looses a lot.


The whole telegraphed who won actually detracted from the p.p.v for me.


Edit: Apart from that 3 Good matches, 1 mediocre and the standard filler made for a pretty good ppv.

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Brock lost to one chain shot, being dropped on his back during the arm bar on the steps, and a firemans takeover on the steps.


A champ in his prime?


A joke.


You would be crying like a baby after any ONE of these 3 things.


And he didn't just lose to those 3 moves. He lost to those 3 moves AFTER exhausting himself for 15 minutes.

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Least predictable? Apart from the Cena win, even tough it followed standard Cena recipe I didn't expect them to have Brock loose, they where all pretty straightforward and even telegraphed way in advance. Oh tables match -> Show somehow looses. Jericho Turnbuckle -> Punk wins . Danielson gives up first fall -> Sheamus wins. Rybeck vs Jobbers. Returning Diva and leaving Divas. Funkasaurus push. Orton Bigger star, Kane always threat even if looses a lot.


It's a shame you didnt make these bold predictions before the event. Then we could all acknowledge you as the seer of all things WWE. Instead, you took a fairly well received PPV and chose to minimize each outcome.

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You would be crying like a baby after any ONE of these 3 things.


And he didn't just lose to those 3 moves. He lost to those 3 moves AFTER exhausting himself for 15 minutes.


The drop on his back was meh at best. You slug me in the face with a chain and yea, I'm going down.


I'm NOT Brock Lesnar.


The man can wrestle an EPIC match with Kurt, damn near kill himself, get back up and win the world title, but a chain shot, the weakest back bump ever, and a firemans takedown on some steps was enough to take him down after 15 minutes of him just utterly destroying someone?


He's taken far worse and just smiled.

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The drop on his back was meh at best. You slug me in the face with a chain and yea, I'm going down.


I'm NOT Brock Lesnar.


The man can wrestle an EPIC match with Kurt, damn near kill himself, get back up and win the world title, but a chain shot, the weakest back bump ever, and a firemans takedown on some steps was enough to take him down after 15 minutes of him just utterly destroying someone?


He's taken far worse and just smiled.


Brock Lesnar i remembered --> http://youtu.be/SGqxcxFVKAQ?t=3m53s

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It's a shame you didnt make these bold predictions before the event. Then we could all acknowledge you as the seer of all things WWE. Instead, you took a fairly well received PPV and chose to minimize each outcome.


I saw it as I was watching the show. No way for me to prove that is the case or for you to disprove. And like I said it was a very good show.

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You would be crying like a baby after any ONE of these 3 things.


And he didn't just lose to those 3 moves. He lost to those 3 moves AFTER exhausting himself for 15 minutes.


And tweeking himself falling out of the ring. Don't forget that, that was a sick bump

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Except not even close. Brock just has a glass jaw.


I just, don't get it.


You have the ability to make him look ANY way you want. So you job him in 3 moves? Why not actually make him look good? I thought we were finally over the "Cena beats everyone with the lamest moves ever and makes them all look like complete dog crap" booking WWE had going for so long.


Right back to it now, and it ruined what was a solid PPV. 2 more minutes with Cena getting some kind of actual offense would've made all the difference in the world and not hurt anything.

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I just, don't get it.


You have the ability to make him look ANY way you want. So you job him in 3 moves? Why not actually make him look good? I thought we were finally over the "Cena beats everyone with the lamest moves ever and makes them all look like complete dog crap" booking WWE had going for so long.


Right back to it now, and it ruined what was a solid PPV. 2 more minutes with Cena getting some kind of actual offense would've made all the difference in the world and not hurt anything.


I disagree, now it looks like a fluke win, and plays into the rematch "I beat you're a-- for 30 minutes and you got a lucky punch"

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I think people are forgetting that UFC Brock Lesnar and WWE Brock Lesnar are not the same thing, Even if Brock does forget it himself sometimes judging by those elbows he was throwing at the begining of the Cena vs Lesnar match.


It really makes no difference how badass Brock is in real life because in WWE he is just a character. I'd say he isn't acting much different than he does for real, but he is still more or less just playing a character. I would be willing to bet that if Brock hadn't been as successful in the UFC as he was there would be absolutely no mention of it by the WWE. The only reason they are even mentioning it now is because they want to make him seem more intimidating and menacing. While I agree it is useless to do that if they are just gonna have him lose in his first match back, I also see no real reason to flip out because of it either. It just seems people are so set on comparing Real life Brock Lesnar to WWE Character Brock Lesnar that they forget that in pro wrestling anybody can lose.

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Still think Brock should have covered up and fled like a coward the second Cena caught him on the jaw. Flailing about in a wild panic until he can take Cena down for some good ol' fashioned lay & pray. Resthold!


I know folks want Brock to be a bad ass/babyface, but that's a heel right there.

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I think people are forgetting that UFC Brock Lesnar and WWE Brock Lesnar are not the same thing, Even if Brock does forget it himself sometimes judging by those elbows he was throwing at the begining of the Cena vs Lesnar match.


It really makes no difference how badass Brock is in real life because in WWE he is just a character. I'd say he isn't acting much different than he does for real, but he is still more or less just playing a character. I would be willing to bet that if Brock hadn't been as successful in the UFC as he was there would be absolutely no mention of it by the WWE. The only reason they are even mentioning it now is because they want to make him seem more intimidating and menacing. While I agree it is useless to do that if they are just gonna have him lose in his first match back, I also see no real reason to flip out because of it either. It just seems people are so set on comparing Real life Brock Lesnar to WWE Character Brock Lesnar that they forget that in pro wrestling anybody can lose.


They have the chance to book him to be an absolute beast. That's the way they were making him out to be. He could be unrealisticly beastly, like Cena is super human, if they wanted.




The man they push as the baddest man in the promotion, can't take a shot. WHY? Of ALL the ways to book it. WHY make him look weak? What good comes out of ruining a month's build to being the legit threat?


Why should anyone care about Brock now? He's just some jacked up wimp.

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