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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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You know, I'd love to be able to see current WWE through that article writer's eyes. It would make watching the show so much easier. But I don't get the feeling the duality is by design. If I did, I'd be more hopeful of it lasting and maybe I'd be more inclined to watch on a regular basis. But WWE seems to be having the same problem a lot of the entertainment industry in general has these days. They feel they have to try so very hard to entertain that they miss the mark. Punk and to a lesser degree Bryan have sort of fallen in their lap. But when I do look in, I don't get the sense they understand how. They seem to just go with it because they are afraid of looking a gift horse in the mouth.
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"Internet intelligentsia" ugh...


If you can get past the horrendous writing it's actually a decent read. If I wasn't at work and bored I'd have never finished it though.


I've read worse. Far worse. But then, I'm a gamer and oh boy, some of the "reviews" for games can make you want to stab someone's creative writing teacher in the carotid. Go read some of the garbage that was written for Mass Effect 3 or Diablo 3 or The Secret World or the like.


What bothers me is that the idiot who wrote this article keeps confusing WCW with NWA.


Does context not matter at all? That article was written from the perspective of a mainstream fan. First off, most mainstream fans nowadays were probably not even BORN when NWA was at its height. Show of hands, how many people know who Sam Muchnick was without running to Google? To many (if not most) mainstream fans, the NWA ceased to exist when Nitro debuted. Of course, then he falls completely off his horse by mentioning the differences between Bryan Danielson and Daniel Bryan (the latter is bigger and 'more tanned' than the former. These are details the average mainstream fan wouldn't pick up on because they're SUBTLE).


I have no idea what you mean by the WWE's duality I'm not sure I understand and haven't read previous pages.


Stennick, you do realize that you just jumped down someone's throat with NFI what they were talking about, yes? Read the article he was referring to and commenting on. He didn't manufacture the 'duality' thing, the article did!


You know, I'd love to be able to see current WWE through that article writer's eyes. It would make watching the show so much easier. But I don't get the feeling the duality is by design. If I did, I'd be more hopeful of it lasting and maybe I'd be more inclined to watch on a regular basis. But WWE seems to be having the same problem a lot of the entertainment industry in general has these days. They feel they have to try so very hard to entertain that they miss the mark. Punk and to a lesser degree Bryan have sort of fallen in their lap. But when I do look in, I don't get the sense they understand how. They seem to just go with it because they are afraid of looking a gift horse in the mouth.


I completely agree with this. I think it's far too early to be giving awards for creativity when it could just be dumb luck, lightning in a bottle, or circumstance.

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Stennick, you do realize that you just jumped down someone's throat with NFI what they were talking about, yes? Read the article he was referring to and commenting on. He didn't manufacture the 'duality' thing, the article did!


Do you realize that you have NFI what my counter point to his point was?


He mentioned because of the duality in the WWE that Cena must not be selling so much anymore. Thats exactly what he said. Cena must not be selling so much if they're doing the duality thing.


I pointed out how stupid that was to even mention that when he had not a single shred of fact to back it up. He's constantly on here proclaiming that Cena isn't a draw or that his days are numbered etc etc for the last two to three years.


Cena is the top draw, there is no one that can touch him as far as main stream appeal goes.


It doesn't matter if I knew what duality was at the time or not my point was not about the duality it was about him saying that Cena must not be selling as much. That would be like saying since Macho Man won WMIV that Hogan must not be selling as much when he went on to headline WM for the next three years and two years later packed what 60,000 people in the Skydome?


So I guess neither one of us have "NFI" what is going on huh Remi?

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It does happen, almost exactly like the article.... He just made it sound like that was some sort of great thing or something.


They been doing it for years with Undertaker... Only throwing him in the title picture to give someone a rub or something. Same with Cena off and on, HHH, Shawn Michaels before he left, etc. Almost all of their "Made" stars (no matter if they were made by them or not) have been used in this matter, unless all the sudden their popularity stagnates, gets worse, or climbs tremendously (which hasn't really happened all that much).


Cena is made, Orton to a lesser extent... HHH is made unless he stays out of the whole show completely too long (which I think there is a real danger of happening).


The only reason to throw Cena in a match with someone is to help get the other guy over, win, lose or draw... Feud with Cena is helpful (Miz, and even Punk). A reason to "fight" is over a belt, which is why it might not be as easy to see to some. That to me is a creative fault, which seems to be getting handled right now.


I said before, they need to keep going at Cena for an entire year, it wouldn't do anything but good things for them... IF nothing else, give other's a chance to shine in the title picture, while Cena keeps fighting "outside" the norm.


I'm not the only one that has said stuff like "He doesn't need the belt to headline." or even someone saying "Give someone else a chance" isn't always saying that they think Cena should be de-pushed, but just out of the title picture.


Cena vs. The establishment isn't really that "creative", but at least they are doing it. It's been obvious they've been messing with giving him other goals other then the Championship for a good while now. The "Woo Woo Woo" storyline with Zack, I thought could develop into something like that, but I guess Zach didn't work out in the way they had hoped or something... but it did bring Cena out of the other action for a while.


The Undertaker doesn't need anything but someone to go for "The Streak". Doesn't matter who he goes against, people like Undertaker, at least as long as he puts on halfway decent match's (and he does).


I'm not debating anyone or anything here, just stating what it does look like, and comparing thoughts from here to that article. To me, it's like he took various conversations from this thread, and put them all together in the article... It's not all that much to "think" of that, after reading such comments....


It also smells of someone trying to appease people that might not like WWE at all... for some reason. I don't get that at all... I mean, I tease people all the time that don't like it at home "Guess what... Wrestling is going to three hours!!!" and they say something like "Oh... goody"(Sarcastic). However, to try to make someone like something they don't, I just don't understand that. My favorite color is blue, someone else might like red... To me it's apples and oranges. Why would I try to change their mind?


Don't get me wrong, there is a difference between trying to change someone's mind and correcting them... Saying "Red Sucks!" is an opinion, not a fact, and I would expect someone to call me out on it. Saying "I don't like all the run-ins, and lack of finishing a match correctly" is a fact. Saying "All their match's suck!" is an opinion, and could be questioned. Just like saying "The Rock sucks!" Or "Cena sucks!!" is an opinion.


To me the article is NOT an objective article.

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Do you realize that you have NFI what my counter point to his point was?


He mentioned because of the duality in the WWE that Cena must not be selling so much anymore. Thats exactly what he said. Cena must not be selling so much if they're doing the duality thing.


I pointed out how stupid that was to even mention that when he had not a single shred of fact to back it up. He's constantly on here proclaiming that Cena isn't a draw or that his days are numbered etc etc for the last two to three years.


Cena is the top draw, there is no one that can touch him as far as main stream appeal goes.


It doesn't matter if I knew what duality was at the time or not my point was not about the duality it was about him saying that Cena must not be selling as much. That would be like saying since Macho Man won WMIV that Hogan must not be selling as much when he went on to headline WM for the next three years and two years later packed what 60,000 people in the Skydome?


So I guess neither one of us have "NFI" what is going on huh Remi?


Stennick, i like you, so i don't see the need to fuel the tones of this discussion. But i will say this. You can't back up what you say as much as i can't. You can't prove that Cena sells as much as he did, as much as i can't prove the opposite. Only WWE knows that. But i didn't said he was dying, or declining, or something like that. I said, and stick to it, that he is probably not selling as much as he did a few years back. And no matter how much you want to defend him, with the current economy, there's probably 99,9% of chances that i'm right. So please refrain from talking down to me like you are some freakin savant that knows everything and is always right.


UNDERSTAND THIS: I will never like the guy. I will always attack him. In fact, a lot of other users usually attack other superstars they dislike, and i don't see you jumping at them. If you don't agree with my posts, good for you, just don't comment on them. I'm sure a lot of people did the same. And i actually saw a few that had constructive things to say. If you don't like it, don't comment, i wasn't talking to you. If you think it's wrong for me to hate Cena, i'm also entitled to the right to think that only a mainstream "goes for everything the E throws at them" guy would love the man or defend him that hard. Yet, i don't say those things about you, i don't even say squat about you. So dude, STOP commenting my posts if they upset you so much. The more you defend him, the more i'll attack him. :D


Ps: I'm done with this discussion. As i said, i like you, and i respect your posts, and i agreed with some a lot of times. But i don't like John Cena. Deal with it. And besides, my comment about him selling less was partially entering in the realm of speculation. But with that kind of reactions, i'll keep attacking John Cena till i die. it grinds my gears that someone feels they can love the guy, or at least defend him, but others don't have the right to bash him. And the WWE itself couldn't care less about what i have to say as long as i give them my money. WTF would you care that much? THE END!

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SM82 the last I'll say about it as well is that I don't care that you attack him. The only thing I cared about is that sometimes you imply that he's no longer the "draw he used to be" or you'll make offhand comments that he never really was that draw and that someone else could have given them the same result John Cena has given them. When in fact they have pushed countless "heels" and "faces" and none of them have drawn like Cena has.


Attack the guy all you want say he can't wrestle (I don't agree but its an opinion) its just when you say things that are to me as absurd as saying that Daniel Bryan doesn't know how to wrestle. Its just seems like you attack and question things with John that are as close to fact as you get in pro wrestling.


Say you hate that the WWE crams him down your throat, or say he's not that great on the mic, or say that you can't stand his wrestling style, or the stupid storylines he's in, or even the fact that the guy isn't any good at marriage. Any of those things are in my mind opinion based. However when you attack his drawing ability it seems to me to be "blind hatred" to me thats the same as me saying somebody at work stinks at their job just because I don't get along with them personally. I'm not saying it because I believe its true, I'm saying it because of my hatred for the individual is making me so blind with hatred I'm willing to attack any and everything about the person just because I have unquestionable hatred for them.


If I saw someone on here say Shawn Michaels wasn't that entertaining of a performer and if they would have given Dino Bravo that push he would be Mr. Wrestlemania I would think that is absurd and I would call them out on it. Or if someone would tell me that anybody could have made that Undertaker character work for the last 23 years and that Mark was in the right place at the right time I would call them out on that as well stating how silly that is.


I appreciate your kind words about agreeing with me and respecting my opinion and maybe I went a little bit too in on you but something that had little to nothing to do with John Cena and suddenly it became all about John somehow being less of a draw because the WWE has ran with Punk/Jericho and Punk/Bryan and kept John away from that for the last four months.


In reality I think its fairly inaccurate that they're saying that the WWE is basically running two different main events now days trying to appeal to two different audiences. Because Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk and Jericho vs. Punk has been going on for the last three months doesn't all of the sudden mean that the WWE is going to go with some workrate based main event. I also suspect that Brock Lesnar, John Cena and others maybe even HHH will be involved in the WWE title picture before the end of the summer and that CM Punk and Daniel Bryan won't be anywhere near the main event by Summerslam. Maybe I'm wrong but I just don't view three or four months as a trend I view it as happenstance (Jericho reference google it) or coincidence but certainly not a trend. Much like the people that were proclaiming we were headed back to the attitude era after two CM Punk promos (how did that work out for those shouting that his promo was a sign of edgier things to come) now CM Punk is just a guy wtih all the bite and edge he had a year ago completely gone and he's generic troubled yet rebellious babyface #23 its not his fault.


So anyway SM82 if you want to continue the convo lets continue it via PM instead of clogging up this thread with both of our opinions when truly like you said neither of our opinions matter to the WWE much less anyone else.

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I'm going to the June 03 Smackdown House in Savannah, GA (I lived in IL my whole life, I looked at the WWE upcoming event and saw one 5 miles from my house)

I been to a WrestleMania 23 /Raw/SD/SD house show/Great American Bash 2006/ 2012 Extreme Rules. But I never was able to get autographs or photos, does anyone know any secrets or tips that would help me?


Finally, Has anyone been to Savannah Civic Center/The Martin Luther King Arena? They have 15/25/35 dollar tickets. Can I buy 15 dollar tickets and move down? Or should I just buy the 25 or 35 dollars ticket? I'm thinking 25 dollars, tickets.

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SM82 the last I'll say about it as well is that I don't care that you attack him. The only thing I cared about is that sometimes you imply that he's no longer the "draw he used to be" or you'll make offhand comments that he never really was that draw and that someone else could have given them the same result John Cena has given them. When in fact they have pushed countless "heels" and "faces" and none of them have drawn like Cena has.


Attack the guy all you want say he can't wrestle (I don't agree but its an opinion) its just when you say things that are to me as absurd as saying that Daniel Bryan doesn't know how to wrestle. Its just seems like you attack and question things with John that are as close to fact as you get in pro wrestling.


Say you hate that the WWE crams him down your throat, or say he's not that great on the mic, or say that you can't stand his wrestling style, or the stupid storylines he's in, or even the fact that the guy isn't any good at marriage. Any of those things are in my mind opinion based. However when you attack his drawing ability it seems to me to be "blind hatred" to me thats the same as me saying somebody at work stinks at their job just because I don't get along with them personally. I'm not saying it because I believe its true, I'm saying it because of my hatred for the individual is making me so blind with hatred I'm willing to attack any and everything about the person just because I have unquestionable hatred for them.


If I saw someone on here say Shawn Michaels wasn't that entertaining of a performer and if they would have given Dino Bravo that push he would be Mr. Wrestlemania I would think that is absurd and I would call them out on it. Or if someone would tell me that anybody could have made that Undertaker character work for the last 23 years and that Mark was in the right place at the right time I would call them out on that as well stating how silly that is.


I appreciate your kind words about agreeing with me and respecting my opinion and maybe I went a little bit too in on you but something that had little to nothing to do with John Cena and suddenly it became all about John somehow being less of a draw because the WWE has ran with Punk/Jericho and Punk/Bryan and kept John away from that for the last four months.


In reality I think its fairly inaccurate that they're saying that the WWE is basically running two different main events now days trying to appeal to two different audiences. Because Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk and Jericho vs. Punk has been going on for the last three months doesn't all of the sudden mean that the WWE is going to go with some workrate based main event. I also suspect that Brock Lesnar, John Cena and others maybe even HHH will be involved in the WWE title picture before the end of the summer and that CM Punk and Daniel Bryan won't be anywhere near the main event by Summerslam. Maybe I'm wrong but I just don't view three or four months as a trend I view it as happenstance (Jericho reference google it) or coincidence but certainly not a trend. Much like the people that were proclaiming we were headed back to the attitude era after two CM Punk promos (how did that work out for those shouting that his promo was a sign of edgier things to come) now CM Punk is just a guy wtih all the bite and edge he had a year ago completely gone and he's generic troubled yet rebellious babyface #23 its not his fault.


So anyway SM82 if you want to continue the convo lets continue it via PM instead of clogging up this thread with both of our opinions when truly like you said neither of our opinions matter to the WWE much less anyone else.


I'll wrap this up as quickly as i can. To the newcomers on the forum, this is jsut another chapter of the SM82 vs. Stennick friendly feud. It usually happens like this: I attack Cena for no reason because i hate him, Stennick answers back because he must, at some level, like Cena's work, which is fine, but i don't. We exchange a few more anwers until both parties realize (in the most civilized possible way9 that both sides actually have valid points.


1: I usually back up my points, and am very good at arguments, as many might now from other discussion topics, i just chose not to do it when it comes to Mr. Cena because i dislike the man's character for non ending number of reasons.


2: I've admitted more than once that Cena draws, and that when i say that anyone could do what he did, i'm actually just bashing at him for fun.


3: No one can actually say that they believe that a man that in 2004/05 (when he was in his selling peak) was marketable enough to sell a cd is still selling that much. Of course, that doesn't mean he's not a big draw, sure he is. Or at least one of the biggest in the company. However, he might not be the biggest at the moment. (which is debatable, i admit it!) However, he is most definitely not selling as much as he was before. No one can sell like they did in their peak forever. Cena's tendency will be to continue dropping, much like Hogan did. (And Cena is not Hogan, and exists in a different context) Sure he will continue to draw well for a few more years, much like Hogan did, quite a few probably, but he will continue to decline, as everyone does.


4: The sole economy factor is enough to speculate that no one as established (or as close) as Cena is selling as much as they use to. Cena is no exception.


5: Punk and Daniels main eventing is a matter of Vince making money with something that fell on his lap. It has nothing to do with a big plan of some kind he did. However, as Mr. Mchahon deliberately chose to often ignore some crowd requests that could have made him earn a lot, or executed him too late, he might as well have done this again. He didin't which makes me think that he currently wants to generate more revenue, and so isn't gonna make himself hard to get and will go for what the non mainstream fans want, when they want it. Let's face it, Cena won't be able to carry WWE forever, and Vince is miking every other chances of making money he has, as he should.


6: I will "Say i hate that the WWE crams him down my throat, or say he's not that great on the mic, or say that I can't stand his wrestling style, or the stupid storylines he's in", but i won't comment on the guy's ability to be in a marriage. For two reasons: First, because one failed marriage doesn't necessarily means he sucks at it. If we talk about Ric Flair, we could say something along those lines (to be nice), but not with Cena. And second, because i couldn't care less with what he does in his personal life, as long as it doesn't reflect on a negative way with his work. It's the character i hate, not the man. As far as i know, he can actually be a nice guy or a jerk. And having work ethics doesn't mean he is a saint, just that he is a good worker. Which for itself is worth a lot, sure, but i really don't care because one can never judge the good and bad things that happen backstage, as we don't have full information. One can only speculate.


We will agree on some terms, disagree in some, and thus ends another Shawn Michaels vs. Stennick friendly feud about John Cena. I look forward to the next chapter, as a Friendly feud is only possible to have with someone that posts good content, knows how to have a decent argument, and that i respect, as i pointed out before. (By feud, it's just a matter of speaking, in case anyone has doubts. :D)


It was my pleasure. until we meet again for another chapter i bid you farewell! :D

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I'm going to the June 03 Smackdown House in Savannah, GA (I lived in IL my whole life, I looked at the WWE upcoming event and saw one 5 miles from my house)

I been to a WrestleMania 23 /Raw/SD/SD house show/Great American Bash 2006/ 2012 Extreme Rules. But I never was able to get autographs or photos, does anyone know any secrets or tips that would help me?


Finally, Has anyone been to Savannah Civic Center/The Martin Luther King Arena? They have 15/25/35 dollar tickets. Can I buy 15 dollar tickets and move down? Or should I just buy the 25 or 35 dollars ticket? I'm thinking 25 dollars, tickets.


After the show, most arenas have a parking area where the talent arrives and leaves from. If you wander around the arena after the show, you are bound to find it as it should be the only place where people are congregated outside in large numbers. This is the best way to meet wrestlers because they volunteer to go out that way. They know they're going to get asked for pics and autographs and they are still in showbiz mode. No guarantee you'll get anyone big, but there are workers who are still building heir fanbase and a few will be out there. I got alot of pics and autographs but they are almost always from before these guys were big stars in the company. I got lucky once and met Rey Mysterio this way. Super nice guy to everyone btw. Was out there the longest in very cold weather. Genuinely seemed to appreciate the fans.



The airport the day before or the day after is generally a good spot. I don't know your airport's layout but if you do you might be able to catch some people that way. This is of course going to require strategic planning and a ton of luck, but wrestlers are sighted in airports very frequently.


Finally: the hotel the wrestlers stay at. It's almost ALWAYS the one closest to the stadium from what I understand. I've met many wrestlers in the late 90s hanging outside the one hotel near our stadium in Philly. Now I haven't done it in awhile (dont care about meeting people anymore) but I know people who do it all the time. The issue here is you are generally bothering these people when they are trying to lay low and hang their head for the night (or go out and get laid or whatever, either way you're impeding them from doing something they want to do) so they aren't always as happy and friendly.


I've met talent all three ways and they all work, though you'll be almost guaranteed a sighting outside of the arena the day of the event. It's a safe way to go about and most arenas are super cool about it and will even tell you where to go if you ask politely. It's not a secret or anything.


Good luck and I hope you get some cool pics :-) Let us know how it turned out.

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After the show, most arenas have a parking area where the talent arrives and leaves from. If you wander around the arena after the show, you are bound to find it as it should be the only place where people are congregated outside in large numbers. This is the best way to meet wrestlers because they volunteer to go out that way. They know they're going to get asked for pics and autographs and they are still in showbiz mode. No guarantee you'll get anyone big, but there are workers who are still building heir fanbase and a few will be out there. I got alot of pics and autographs but they are almost always from before these guys were big stars in the company. I got lucky once and met Rey Mysterio this way. Super nice guy to everyone btw. Was out there the longest in very cold weather. Genuinely seemed to appreciate the fans.



The airport the day before or the day after is generally a good spot. I don't know your airport's layout but if you do you might be able to catch some people that way. This is of course going to require strategic planning and a ton of luck, but wrestlers are sighted in airports very frequently.


Finally: the hotel the wrestlers stay at. It's almost ALWAYS the one closest to the stadium from what I understand. I've met many wrestlers in the late 90s hanging outside the one hotel near our stadium in Philly. Now I haven't done it in awhile (dont care about meeting people anymore) but I know people who do it all the time. The issue here is you are generally bothering these people when they are trying to lay low and hang their head for the night (or go out and get laid or whatever, either way you're impeding them from doing something they want to do) so they aren't always as happy and friendly.


I've met talent all three ways and they all work, though you'll be almost guaranteed a sighting outside of the arena the day of the event. It's a safe way to go about and most arenas are super cool about it and will even tell you where to go if you ask politely. It's not a secret or anything.


Good luck and I hope you get some cool pics :-) Let us know how it turned out.


I went to UFC 90 (Chicago) a friend and I stayed at a cheap hotel but the hotel the fighters stayed at was RIGHT NEXT to the airport, we cleaned up their got a bunch of guys. When I used to go to Chicago Cubs games, we would go 4-5 hours early and wait and when they would arrive we would have to chase them before other people did but you would only have to find 10-20 people (Got Prince Fielder on a ball) Went to UFC 96 and got Anthony "Rumble" Johnson, people were taking pictures and I wasn't sure who it was and after I found out I got it. I just don't know wrestling event. Thanks.

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Got a good Hooters in your area that's not off the route to the interstate from the arena? If so, be out of the parking lot FAST and head straight there. If you beat the wrestlers there, there's a chance they'll let you in. Just don't make it terribly obvious what you're doing there.


I know here in Greensboro, NC, they generally stop at the one on High Point Road. Is in the direct line back to the interstate, and the management will shut it down to the public so they're not bothered. If that happens to be the case there, get in good with management before they come back again, and maybe you can get in good enough to be welcomed in.

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<p>Punk (with AJ in her hot Punk-themed outfit) v Bryan - Match of the night and still only the semi-main event. Contender for best non-PPV match so far this year. And Bryan finally beats Punk. Kane vs Punk vs Bryan for the WWE Title at No Way Out?</p><p> </p><p>

Christian v Miz - Solid match. Rhodes is fun on commentary taking digs at King. I'd like to see Christian retain then feud with Miz on SD for the IC Title.</p><p> </p><p>

I think they've really nailed Big Show's heel turn. The beat-down he gave Brodus, Kofi and Truth was great! Now they need to turn some of the excess </p><p>

heels (Miz, Swagger, McIntyre, Ziggler) into successful faces.</p><p> </p><p>

Dark matches: Dean Ambrose defeated Tyson Kidd. John Cena defeated Big Show, Tensai, and John Laurinaitis in a handicap match. </p><p> </p><p>

Best quotes of the night:</p><p> </p><p>

Big Johnny - "This game is going to be bigger than Pac-Man!"</p><p>

Punk - "You can take the Hoski and Carlton and get out of my ring."</p><p>

Teddy - "It's supposed to be cold. It's iced coffee!"</p><p> </p><p>


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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Arrows" data-cite="Arrows" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>WTG WWE.<p> </p><p> Job Show to Cena in a handicap match.</p><p> </p><p> I now could give a crap less about Big Show. His push means nothing.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Were you really that invested in "Big Show turns on Cena vol. 3"? I mean I guess the last time they feuded was 3 whole years ago, but it was right around this time of year.</p><p> </p><p> Also, Big Show has a pretty awful won/loss ratio against Cena in general. His PPV record in matches involving Cena: 1-8. And that one win was when they were on the same Survivor Series team against team Angle. Granted, there's also a coupleof triple threat matches where Cena didn't win either, but Big Show has never won a PPV match against Cena in 8 years of trying.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Job Show to Cena in a handicap match.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It was a dark match so it doesn't mean much. I do get the feeling Cena will win at No Way Out though. And then Lesnar will beat the crap out of him. Maybe Lesnar will beat the crap out of Show as well for his comments on Raw!</p>
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/nod... Seems every time I here of a dark match, it's a "feel good" match, with the face winning. Send the crowd home happy is what it sounds like to me.... well, everyone besides Arrows.<img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Arrows" data-cite="Arrows" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>WTG WWE.<p> </p><p> Job Show to Cena in a handicap match.</p><p> </p><p> I now could give a crap less about Big Show. His push means nothing.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> uhm... it was a dark match?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> What was more odd to me is that you have Clay go on this crazy tear where he basically doesn't ever see any offense against him whatsoever, to get cleanly decimated face-to-face by the Big Show in what wasn't even a match?!? </p><p> </p><p> At least have Big Show cheap shot him or something. I know it made Show look decent but it made Clay look completely impotent. Is the trade off worth it? We'll see I guess. Seems silly to make a fool out of a guy that's getting over and has some legit momentum behind him in Brodus Clay. I mean Clay isn't done or anything because of one incident, but maybe he can ask Zack Ryder about what getting demolished for 5 minuted on television does for your career.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It was a dark match so it doesn't mean much. I do get the feeling Cena will win at No Way Out though. And then Lesnar will beat the crap out of him. Maybe Lesnar will beat the crap out of Show as well for his comments on Raw!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The people in that building, and anyone who's read the report, now know that The Big Show is a pathetic joke who can't win with 2 more guys on his team. Why would any of them order a PPV headlined by a match they already know the outcome to. If Show can't win with 3 men, he's not gonna win on his own.</p><p> </p><p> Was really liking heel Show too. The destruction he caused Monday was beautiful. I've liked Show since his days as The Giant. Was really hopeful this would be his last heel run before retirement and he'd get to be the monster he could be.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="bigtplaystew" data-cite="bigtplaystew" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>What was more odd to me is that you have Clay go on this crazy tear where he basically doesn't ever see any offense against him whatsoever, to get cleanly decimated face-to-face by the Big Show in what wasn't even a match?!? <p> </p><p> At least have Big Show cheap shot him or something. I know it made Show look decent but it made Clay look completely impotent. Is the trade off worth it? We'll see I guess. Seems silly to make a fool out of a guy that's getting over and has some legit momentum behind him in Brodus Clay. I mean Clay isn't done or anything because of one incident, but maybe he can ask Zack Ryder about what getting demolished for 5 minuted on television does for your career.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I actually kinda hope they were planning to go somewhere with this. Brodus has been a bit of a goof. Sure, he's big, and that power is what let him dominate the way he did. You throw a goof into the ring with a pissed off giant, and the giant's gonna crush him. Hoping it'll be a wake up call for Brodus, who'll start to take on a more serious tone.</p>
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The whole point of dark matches is to send the crowd home happy. They literally do nothing for the television product.


It's seriously nothing to get worked up over unless you're one of those people who has to constantly find negative things to say.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The whole point of dark matches is to send the crowd home happy. They literally do nothing for the television product. <p> </p><p> It's seriously nothing to get worked up over unless you're one of those people who has to constantly find negative things to say.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's just it. It DOES affect the television product.</p><p> </p><p> Next week, when the people in that arena see Big Show completely dominate anyone and everyone who steps in his path on television, what're they gonna think? </p><p> </p><p> "My god, he's unstoppable!" </p><p> </p><p> or</p><p> </p><p> "Why's he dominating everyone when he can't even win a handicap match with the odds in his favor?"</p><p> </p><p> The second. The incorrect one of the two booking wise.</p>
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<p>I actually agree that in these days, when all results are viewable on the internet, dark matches matters <em>some</em>.</p><p> </p><p>

Not all fans will be aware of them, but many will - including everyone in the arena, everyone on these boards and most of the rest of the IWC. And those people might tell wrestling-interested friends as well.</p><p> </p><p>

Not saying that it's a huge issue, but I think they should be a bit more considerate with dark matches still.</p><p> </p><p>

Personally, my interest in watching Cena vs. Big Show dropped from <em>very little</em> to <em>zero</em> due to this dark match. Cena's victory was pretty much given beforehand, but now it's just ridiculous.</p>

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