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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Finish to the main event was amazing, and I don't even care for those types of finishes. Cena's reaction to winning was great, Punk's reaction to finding out he retained was even greater. And best of all, no one saw it coming. Match itself was amazing to the point where it went from anti-Cena to an awesome chant.


Rest of the PPV was great as well.

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First live PPV I actually decided to check out the stream for in so long, and my grand judgement was: it was okay. Pretty good actually, Orton/Ziggler was good but I didn't think it was as good as everybody else seemed too. Ziggler, of course, sold everything to perfection and I don't think Orton needed the win that would've done a lot for Ziggy, plus he deserved it. I'm not anti-Orton in any way but I thought he was really, really plodding last night. I get they're trying to present 'methodical' but seriously?


Really loved the crowd when they were into it, especially the fact they seemed to be quite a pro-heel crowd. The alternating "BOO" and "YEAH" always gets me, especially when it's a crowd behind the heels.


US title match was kind of flat but that mid-air European Uppercut spot was sick. Wish they'd let Claudio, or Antonio, be a bit more flamboyant but he looks impressive. Ryder's shtick is getting a little old, I would've preferred Tyson Kidd.


Daniel Bryan was so ridiculously over, I was digging it. Really decent tag team bout, the crowd didn't want Kofi and Truth to win for a second. Backstage segments were pretty good too.


I hated Del Rio/Sheamus. Whoever is the writer behind this storyline needs to be fired, seriously. They had the chance to actually interest me with the whole Brogue Kick ban, they could've had a sick match with Sheamus instinctively wanting to go for it and having to struggle against it, finding a way to win against the odds. Then, after weeks of build up and the even the pre-match promo being all about the banned move, BAM. "Actually nevermind Sheamus, go ahead, use it, nobody cares." Lazy.


Divas Match was abysmal. Somebody explain to me how Sara Del Rey is on developmental deal but this is on PPV?


Cena vs. Punk really saved the evening, which is both cool and sad. Punk carried it, and you could tell that they were just setting up the SuperCena comeback the whole way through, but the fact Punk countered the Five Moves of Doom on numerous occasions and kick out of everything as Cena was, was definitely dramatic, and a massive fair play to Cena for that suicide dive he did, never seen him do that. On the flip-side, the moonsault was sloppy but I found that was okay because Punk never does it and he was "desperate" and whatnot, and that last German Suplex was one of the worst looking I've ever seen. Still, as cheap as the main event draw finish is, it has to happen sometime, and I'm glad it was in this match and in this way. Awesome swerve. Punk is seriously in a league of his own, but Cena definitely looked good and it was actually good to have basically a 50/50 split in the crowd instead of purely anti-Cena, seeing as he worked his ass off, even if it was just the women and children. Really strong, even close to exceptional match and best way to close the evening.


EDIT: JBL ruled on commentary; made Cole look like a chump on numerous occasions, while still putting over the talent effectively and still making Cole look good, even when calling him out. The stuff about the Von Erich's was great, the fact JBL mentioned wrestling in Japan and championships wrestlers have held out of the WWE, even a mention for the Bashams and The Cabinet. Awesome.

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IC Title - Started off boring until they started hitting some creative spots. The 3-man superlex was wicked and the finish was funny.


Tag Title - Fun match thanks to Kane & Bryan's crazy antics. Accidental win again! #TheyJustHugged #I'mGoingToDisneyLand


US Title - Ryder and Cesaro have good in-ring chemistry. Cesaro has one of the better movesets in WWE.


Ziggler v Orton - Great feud. Fantastic match. The result didn't matter because both guys looked strong.


Heavyweight Title - Good match but I would have preferred a Del Rio win. And I agree that the brogue kick stipulation would have made it more dramatic but the marks go nuts for Brogue Kick/RKO/619/Cobra etc. so the bookers took the easy way out.


WWE Title - Classic match with finishers, counters and kick-outs galore, plus Heyman's priceless expressions. Cena winning with a dodgy german suplex had me grinning. I would have been content for Punk to drop to Cena this way but damn, what a swerve.


Loved the PPV. Two top-draw matches and no disappointing matches, IMO. JBL on commentary was a bonus, though it was weird with Cole acting as default face announcer. I really hope WWE can mantain this quality through to WM 29.

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All around decent PPV, headlined by a fantastic Punk/Cena title match, as it should be.


Right up until the bell rang, and TADA, Cena was perfectly fine and able to run around and celebrate as if he hadn't even been hit with a single move the entire match while Punk barely made it out of the corner throughout the entire thing.


Just another moment Cena completely ruined by not knowing how to act.

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Just read that Cena rolled his ankle during the match and wrestled for 20 minutes with the injury.




From PWMania:


As covered Sunday night, the cameras caught Randy Orton flipping off some fans during his match with Dolph Ziggler at Night of Champions. Several fan reports noted that during the match, Orton got into a pretty heated argument with some fans.


The argument continued after the match and both sides were said to be very animated. More than one fan reported that Orton told the fan that he would “kick his ass” after the show.

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I really liked the masked ending to the fourway match. Started pretty sloppy and slow but ended really well I think. Same goes for the tag team match, really liked the ending there. Altough winning the tag titles by accident really drops the prestige of the championship.


Rest of the matches fall into the 'meh' category. Sheamus is being made new Cena it seems. It's just silly. And every single time the match goes the same way. You've seen one Sheamus match, you've seen them all.


I didn't like the main event to be honest with you. Cena-Punk has been done oh so many times already and each encounter is in fresh memory too. The bridging german suplex was different but immediatly when the threecount came I knew it was going to be a double threecount.

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Some of you just don't get how great that German was. A regular basic German suplex is a dangerous move as it hands the opponent on their neck/upper back. It takes someone with talent and the right amount of safety (like a Kurt Angle) to do it on a consistent basis without injuring half the people he does it to. NOW, ramp up the difficulty and injury chance by doing the move from the turnbuckle? Cena didn't botch the move, he checked his landing to make sure he didn't KILL Punk with it. And then, he lands the move into a bridge, just adding to the awesomeness of the move.


I know some of you are so anti-Cena (I am neutral) that you can't bare to give him credit for anything that he does, but please admit this was a special move executed for a special moment and it worked exactly the way it needed to.

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Some of you just don't get how great that German was. A regular basic German suplex is a dangerous move as it hands the opponent on their neck/upper back. It takes someone with talent and the right amount of safety (like a Kurt Angle) to do it on a consistent basis without injuring half the people he does it to. NOW, ramp up the difficulty and injury chance by doing the move from the turnbuckle? Cena didn't botch the move, he checked his landing to make sure he didn't KILL Punk with it. And then, he lands the move into a bridge, just adding to the awesomeness of the move.


I know some of you are so anti-Cena (I am neutral) that you can't bare to give him credit for anything that he does, but please admit this was a special move executed for a special moment and it worked exactly the way it needed to.


The German Suplex was solid, but that in no way, shape, or form was a bridge. Punk was practically laying on top of Cena.

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From PWMania:


As covered Sunday night, the cameras caught Randy Orton flipping off some fans during his match with Dolph Ziggler at Night of Champions. Several fan reports noted that during the match, Orton got into a pretty heated argument with some fans.


The argument continued after the match and both sides were said to be very animated. More than one fan reported that Orton told the fan that he would “kick his ass” after the show.


I think there was a moment when they were outside the ring when Orton said something which was blocked out. I'm no lip reader, but it was fairly obvious what he said.


Right up until the bell rang, and TADA, Cena was perfectly fine and able to run around and celebrate as if he hadn't even been hit with a single move the entire match while Punk barely made it out of the corner throughout the entire thing.


Just another moment Cena completely ruined by not knowing how to act.


I think that was a necessary part of the ending. Cena had to be celebrating exuberantly to make the decision a shock. Also, at least for me, it added to the feeling that Punk (the heel) had stolen one.

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I think there was a moment when they were outside the ring when Orton said something which was blocked out. I'm no lip reader, but it was fairly obvious what he said.


no that was different he told the camera man to get the f*** out of the way. I think it was either before he threw Zig into the wall, or before the barricade DDT

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All around decent PPV, headlined by a fantastic Punk/Cena title match, as it should be.


Right up until the bell rang, and TADA, Cena was perfectly fine and able to run around and celebrate as if he hadn't even been hit with a single move the entire match while Punk barely made it out of the corner throughout the entire thing.


Just another moment Cena completely ruined by not knowing how to act.


IMO you really can't single out Cena for this type of thing. This kind of stuff happens after almost every match with almost every wrestler, especially on TV where they don't have time for you to hobble around after a match so that you can sell moves that happened 15 minutes ago. I feel like you're really nitpicking here but I mean you're a smart dude and it's your interpretation of the event so I can't say you're wrong. I just didn't see it that way.

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Some of you just don't get how great that German was. A regular basic German suplex is a dangerous move as it hands the opponent on their neck/upper back. It takes someone with talent and the right amount of safety (like a Kurt Angle) to do it on a consistent basis without injuring half the people he does it to. NOW, ramp up the difficulty and injury chance by doing the move from the turnbuckle? Cena didn't botch the move, he checked his landing to make sure he didn't KILL Punk with it. And then, he lands the move into a bridge, just adding to the awesomeness of the move.


I know some of you are so anti-Cena (I am neutral) that you can't bare to give him credit for anything that he does, but please admit this was a special move executed for a special moment and it worked exactly the way it needed to.


You don't seem neutral, it was not a special move and it was not that greatly executed. Is cena limited in his moves because he has to wrestle the WWE style? Sure. He can do more then the 5 moves of doom, no doubt there. WOuld he be Kurt Angle if he was allowed to wrestle with no restricitions? No, not even close. Besides, he had much more agility 10 years ago, when he had less body weight and less muscles. Today he's bigger, (which makes him less agile) and of course that doesn't mean he doesn't know more then what they let him do, it just means that even if they did let him do more, he would never be the type of guys who goes around german-suplexing 5 to 6 times a match every day.

It was an average german suplex, (not that bad, as many may think). THe fact that it wasn't that good doesn't mean he can't do it better, in the same way that the fact that CM Punk didn't hit a good moonsault doesn't mean he can't to it a lot better. It was a great match...but admiting that german was special and that Cena is a GOOD wrestler? That will be the day.

As i said, he can do much more then what they let him do, but that doesn't mean he's Kurt Angle. He's average. Period. Punk carried him into a decent match.

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Worse. She touts that she was "CEO" of the WWE. Only she never really was. Vince just gave her the official title to keep power and calm the board room after his admitting guilt to escape punishment after the drug trial... she never ran anything, ever. She never had any major pull in creating a single job, ever. And she can't sell a stunner, ever.


Yep, that sounds about right. Shame that the fans are getting caught in the middle of Linda's political BS, and yes, she can't sell a stunner to save her life.


Also, sorry for my extremely late reply, and as for the PPV, it was your typical Cena match, but I'm going to try to avoid what I got into on GameFAQs and say that I really wish that WWE would let Cena wrestle better, cause honestly, he's...ugh, just ugh.

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the crossface was the only time it really stood out to me but when both guys were doing new stuff I don't see how you can say it was a typical match at all


It was typical to me cause of Cena's lack of selling. This happens all the time with Cena in a big match.


Bleh, I just wish he'd either drop the the midcard and freshen up or turn heel instead of WWE trying to force the heelness on Punk.


Of course I might as well ask to win the lottery while I'm at it.

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the crossface was the only time it really stood out to me but when both guys were doing new stuff I don't see how you can say it was a typical match at all


He means a typical match in a Super Cena Sense. He gets beaten up the entire match, and then comes for a late comeback. His matches have been like that mostly since 2005. Sure, they added some new moves in this one (glad they did), but the mechanics are the same old washed ones.

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He means a typical match in a Super Cena Sense. He gets beatun up the entire match, and then comes for a late comeback. His matches have been like that mostly since 2005. Sure, they added some new moves in this one (glad they did), but the mechanics are the same old washed ones.


Yes, pretty much this.


And yes, I know Hogan used to do this as well, but unlike Cena, when the fans got sick of it, Hogan eventually turned.


Also, Cena took at least 50 finishers and still no sold the beating after he thought he won. Same with the Lesnar deal, where he got trashed.

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This should be the part where you realize that 99% of WWE matches since the beginning of time usually follow a formula


and you both are really reaching considering how Cena was getting in tons of offense it wasn't like the Lesnar match where he was obliterated for 20 minutes


Everyting follows a formula, that's not what we mean. A movie also follows a formula. Of course, the way it gets to where it's going, and how it follows a type of of formula is why we watch it. Presentation is very important. And yes, WWE matches have been following the same washed up method for a long time, but they introduce something different in that formula, here and there. That's not the case with Cena. While they introduced some new moves in the ppv, the formula remained. Personally, that bothers me more then some other things.

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Cena's matches and storylines following the same formula of no-selling is one of the reasons I've stopped caring about anything he's involved in; he never makes anything seem like it matters, so what's the point?


This, this so very, very much. To be honest, I kinda quit watching the show because of him.


If you're wondering how I know about this, I check out results and feeds and stuff.

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