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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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wrestlezone have pictures and it looks like miz and ryback were doing one of those things where both do moves to their opponents. Ryback's was successful but it looks like CM Punk was still vertical with miz down. So maybe it wasn't miz's fault, but definitely an accident.
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Yep. Shit happens, and it looks like Punk wasn't seriously injured. That, and I don't think Punk is the type to bitch over something like that, unlike other WWE stars.


Best part of that house show results is that Justin Gabriel picked up a win. I still really, really, really want to see him and Daniel Bryan face off in a 20 minute match. But it's becoming apparent the WWE isn't ever going to do much with Gabriel, so I'm not gonna hold my breathe.


I thought for sure Gabriel was going to get the Bourne push when he got hurt. The plucky underdog high flyer.

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I just want to say, the way the Kofi/Barrett match ended tonight was one of the niftiest finishes I've seen in a while.


Also interesting to have Barrett the victim of a backstage attack before his match, then go on to win cleanly. If I didn't know any better, I'd say they're setting him up for a face turn.

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Old-School fan that I am, I was glad to see "Dirty" Dutch Mantell, (Zeb Coulter), come back tonight, I didn't see that one coming. Saw him live and in person on many occasions, back in the day. Also, I have to say...


Lord Tensai dances much better than I would have thought. Clay & Tensai might just be an interesting tag team.


We'll see.



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Old-School fan that I am, I was glad to see "Dirty" Dutch Mantell, (Zeb Coulter), come back tonight, I didn't see that one coming. Saw him live and in person on many occasions, back in the day. Also, I have to say...


Lord Tensai dances much better than I would have thought. Clay & Tensai might just be an interesting tag team.


We'll see.




You shouldn't be shocked: he proved his dance skills years ago on WWE television while teaming with Scotty 2 Hotty as "The Hip Hop Hippo" Albert.



It is an interesting team, though its odd to see a monster duo that are comedy faces. I have to wonder if they'd have more long term success as heels, but I guess we'll see. It is fun to see that they actually remembered Tensai is on the roster... would've been weird if they brought him back after all these years to regulate him to quasi-monster jobber status.

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I'm going to predict that the Shield is going to lose, I don't think they would give Cena a loss and dent his momentum going into WM, and maybe leave Ryback and Sheamus continuing a feud with the Shield for a possible tag team match or 3 on 2 handicap match at WM. They had something good with the Shield when they first came in, but these past few weeks they've been made to look weak so soon after their debut.


Hope they can keep the feud with Miz and Cesaro til WM, the feud has been interesting and I would hate to see it become a victim of just another month-long feud.


I like how the chamber looks to be anyone's game, but would suck if it's Orton winning, may be the perfect setup for a heel turn, but we've seen the Orton/Del Rio matches enough already. Maybe a Daniel Bryan win would be awesome, but since it seems like they don't really take the World Heavyweight Championship matches very seriously anymore at WM, it could be Henry in there looking to induct Del Rio in the Hall of Pain, so if they're looking for a match where nobody sells anything, there ya go haha!


Interesting little turn there for Tensai. It's upsetting that they can never seem to get a legit Japanese person, or someone coming back from Japan like Tensai, a proper push. Yoshi Tatsu is a Saturday Morning Slam jobber, hell even Yokozuna was Samoan. I really thought they were gonna have something going with Kenzo, say what ya want and hate him, but I liked him til he became just another goofball. He had a great entrance with the Sedan and looked like a force to reckon with upon his debut, but then he becomes 'I love America, hot dogs are awesome and baseball is fun! hahaha just kidding, stupid American!'

in my TEW game, he's useful :cool:

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I don't know. But let's be honest, there are far worse comparisons that could be made than the Great Sasuke. That's a compliment.


You could have called him a Canadian that's ripping off the heritage of lucha libre.


Canadian? El Generico is CLEARLY a Mexican luchador with Canadian heritage. I'm telling you, El Generico will blow that false Mexican sensation Sin Cara out of the water. :p

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ill be shocked if he keeps his indy gimmick but i would get down on my knee's and thank god if he did. Five years ago i would say there was no way in hell he would make it to the wwe....but guys link punk and jericho have helped small guys alot. Now we just need the emo legend jimmy jacobs and ill be happy.
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Expecting the long-awaited Ziggler cash in tonight. I don't think they'll hand the title back to Show, as Del Rio appears to be the transitional champion that would be ideal for Ziggler to cash in on. At the same time, I'm not convinced Del Rio is the man to hold the strap into Wrestlemania.


Strange that he doesn't already have a match for tonight, and I think this could be linked.

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