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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Great chemistry in the main event again. I told my wife, we are getting basically a PPV performance, because for some reason these two always click. The only other person I enjoy wrestling Cena is HBK, and that was only two match's I think.


Spoiler type stuff below, whiting it out. IF anyone quotes me, might want to take it out as it will show up in quotes.


Knowing the outcome (from common sense) before the match even started, I still couldn't help thinking "Maybe Punk will win!". That always makes me rate a show higher.. If I already have figured out where they are going and can make me believe I might be wrong, that's "seat of your pants" type stuff. The crowd was obviously feeling the same way. The crowd was hot for the entire show though.


Hell No was fun. I can't help to wonder what would be going on with the tag division if Washington was still around.


I see they are still keeping Brock and Rock separated as much as possible. Interesting, Brock vs HHH again. I really didn't want to go down that road, to be honest.


I wonder how many main events like that we are going to see running up to Wrestlemania?

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I thought he did a good job at it, it only looked weird because of the way he's built. Cena from 10 years ago would have looked fine doing it. The Sit down powerbomb was nice, as well as Punk's piledriver.


Don't understand why next weeks raw is old school at the moment.

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Raw - The Bad:


Raw was mostly poor. Sheamus in 2 tonally opposite feuds at once (one acting like a bully against Barrett as an excuse to show a movie trailer). Too many movie trailers, commercial breaks in the main event, Ziggler losing again, Miz thrust into the Swagger storyline for no reason, Khali again. Undertaker house show appearance spoiled (for non-IWC) for no good reason.


Raw - The Good:


HHH making Lesnar bleed. Looks like WM29 will be RematchMania so fingers crossed we at least get a No DQ semi-hardcore match from these two.

Sandow on commentary

Blindfolded Bryan

Zeb Colter


Punk vs Cena - Possibly their best match to date and MOTY contender. They pulled out all the stops. Cena did his best to match Punk, even pulling out some different moves. Punk was a true ring general countering Cena masterfully every chance he got so Cena literally couldn't go through the motions. And his piledriver (illegal in WWE?) was sick.

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I don't understand why you're mad Ziggler lost. His character is not a strong one, yet. He's always been a manipulator and scheemer heel more than the legit-badass heel. The guy is literally built to lose matches without losing heat. That's kinda what he does. He's gotta have a Big E around to seem dangerous. Or a Vicki :-)


Now I know this is contradictory to him going toe-to-toe with Cena. But he haad Big E around for one and for two, that was done to quell IWC bitching that Cena never looks human.


Turns out you can't please those people ;-P

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Wait... What?


I think he mean that if you put them together you're guaranteed a great match - in the sense that when they wrestle it's an 'A' rated match like a NOTBPW main event.


(I'm sure it was meant in a good way :D)


Miz thrust into the Swagger storyline for no reason


I don't think that's a fair criticism, Miz TV was just a vehicle to progress the story, and gave us a match later in the night rather than sticking two random guys in a match.

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I think he mean that if you put them together you're guaranteed a great match - in the sense that when they wrestle it's an 'A' rated match like a NOTBPW main event.


(I'm sure it was meant in a good way :D)


Yeah basically Cena vs Punk never disappoints now that pink is seen as equal.

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I don't understand why you're mad Ziggler lost. His character is not a strong one, yet. He's always been a manipulator and scheemer heel more than the legit-badass heel. The guy is literally built to lose matches without losing heat. That's kinda what he does. He's gotta have a Big E around to seem dangerous. Or a Vicki :-)


Yeah the problem is even with interference every week he still loses


They have 70 people on the roster any heel could be losing on a weekly basis to his opponents, not the guy you will be trying to wonder why the crowd doesn't give a damn about in 2-3 months when he's world champion.


It's because they saw him lose every match since 2013 started even with interference and nobody takes him seriously.

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It didnt do anything for him. He lost in 18 seconds at WM and the backlash by the fans forced him into the WWE title picture. His actual booking before that did little for him.


Right. because they couldn't have possabley been booking that AJ breakup storyline in any fashion.


I'm sure the plan going into WM was to have him lose in 18 seconds and get future endeavored the next day, only to have the IWC save him with yes! chants.


I'm not saying that the crowd response to that and the ensuing AJ break up storyline didn't help propel DB into M/E status, clearly it did, but this Idea among some wrestling forums (it's not just here, believe me) that DB was destined for jobber status or release after WM and they, the internet, "forced" WWE to book him in a hot storyline after the loss at WM do to crowd response is just silly.


That helped, immensely, of course, but WWE wasn't going to relegate DB back to say, Justin Gabriel status or something following WM. He was clearly already targeted for a push coming off the WM loss. hell, he had won MITB that year and was already part of a pretty hot storyline going into WM.

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I'm in the camp that believes that Daniel Bryan got over for two reasons.


1. His extremely catchy catchphrase.


2. Being one of the most exciting wrestlers in the world.


He was booked as a loser during his entire WHC reign but he was able to get over as a face while playing a heel thanks to the fact that his two main opponents were a injured Mark Henry who while having an epic bad-ass run had to removed from the title picture and The Big Show who doesn't work that well as a face against smaller opponents. Bryan was the only guy left to cheer over.

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Nobody is saying he was going to be fired but it's obvious that he was treated as a joke during his entire reign including losing the title and he only looks semi credible after WM and he's actually allowed to look dominant against Sheamus for most of their rematch.


I wasn't aware guys being treated as "jokes" got to win MITB and hold the world title for 5 months heading into wrestlemania.


Listen, that match was a letdown, no doubt. I was there, and the entire crowd hated it, including myself.


But in retrospect, it actually fit into that storyline perfectly, of him going insane and thus driving AJ insane over the next few months. The loss happening so fast and right after the prematch kiss played into him being even more of a jackass for reacting that way. If they had the 20 minute match we all wanted, and then he lost when she distracted him, it wouldn't have had the same impact as the shock loss.

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Yesterday justified my thought that WM29's main event should have been Cena vs. CM Punk © for the WWE Title. I better get CM Punk/Taker out of this...


spoilers in white...even though i think this got spoiled last page.


Taker came back at the house show this weekend, so i'm guessing he'll challenge punk next monday. Punk will probley come out and go into the I got screwed, best in the world doesn't have a WM match spiel and Taker will come down and challenge him

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I wasn't aware guys being treated as "jokes" got to win MITB and hold the world title for 5 months heading into wrestlemania.


won the title in December with MITB


defended the title on a couple SDs that he either won by count out or DQ

won a cage match in a fluke in his first PPV defense

nearly lost to Santino in his 2nd PPV defense (Chamber)

squashed at wrestlemania


Are you seriously going to say his run as champion was nothing less than a joke? The character was entertaining and he had good matches (like always) but the way he was treated was tragic.

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won the title in December with MITB


defended the title on a couple SDs that he either won by count out or DQ

won a cage match in a fluke in his first PPV defense

nearly lost to Santino in his 2nd PPV defense (Chamber)

squashed at wrestlemania


Are you seriously going to say his run as champion was nothing less than a joke? The character was entertaining and he had good matches (like always) but the way he was treated was tragic.


He was treated as a underdog against mark henry and a weasel heel against big show. amazing he wasn't booked as a dominate force against those guys given the size difference. Santino is santino. he always "almost" wins against M/E heels (see the rumble against del rio)


Did WWE hit lightning in a bottle? of course they did, and I think those of us who liked danielson before he ever went to the WWE knew he would take the ball and run with it if given half a chance.


What we disagree on is if the WWE creative pushed him I guess. Your in the camp, which I find disingenuous, who think that despite WWE's best efforts to "bury" bryan by giving him a MITB win and 5 month "joke" title reign, he blew up in their faces due to the fans response and they were "handcuffed" into pushing him post mania.


What I am saying, and what i think is more logical, is that they gave him a push in the M/E prior to mania, the fans responded to it better than they ever could have dreamed, and they ran with it post mania once they realized "they love this guy. get him more air time".



I mean, they must have recognized he could be valuable asset at some level don't you think, considering he got rehired after the nexus crap and got a title reign less than a year later? I don't think thats a guy who creative and vince hates for being an "indy" guy or some conspiracy silliness. Clearly they recognized the potential for him to be a valuable act to the company prior to the fans getting fully behind him at mania. probable not this valuable, to be sure, but they knew they had a guy who could make money for the company.

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