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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Russelrules44" data-cite="Russelrules44" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Oh god, Guess what the audience just came up with..........Bootista, lol.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I was dying when I heard that, especially since I made that obligatory joke earlier in the night. </p><p> </p><p> After those crowd reactions, I would be legitimately stunned if they don't have Vince or Hulkster or somebody come out and maneuver taking the belt off Orton and set Batista up as a de facto heel.</p>
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I'm just glad I didn't buy this ppv. The Elimination Chamber was too predictable. And Batista? I don't even have words. I do have hope that something good will come out of this. If Orton-Batista is the main event, it will get crapped on like no other. That'll be fun to see.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="GhostDogg" data-cite="GhostDogg" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Why do I watch these PPVs put on by WWE? <p> </p><p> I don't know why they keep putting BRANDY BORTON over D.Byran. </p><p> I am so done.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'd say they have done the exact opposite. Takes way too much extra help for Randy to win against DB for Orton to ever look like a real threat (without help) to DB. </p><p> </p><p> I am upset more then ever with the outcome, surprising myself since common sense already told me exactly what was going to happen before watching. What they did was tease me with the match, making me think there was a possibility before pulling the rug out from under me, which I actually have a problem with now.</p><p> </p><p> IF it can upset someone like me (I mean really upset me, but not like that angry fat dude on youtube), I can only fathom the absolute rage some will have over this. I know it's exactly what they want to do, and normally.... like a few PPV's ago, it would get them exactly what they are hoping for. Now though.... IF it can effect me the way it did (calming down now) at first, it might have too much of a negative effect. </p><p> </p><p> I fear they need to put the strap on DB ASAP, or risk the possibility of that ship sailing before they get a chance to make any money off it.... Depending on how many folks watched this, it might have shipped off tonight.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Final Countdown" data-cite="The Final Countdown" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So from reading the results, it sounds like they're positioning Bryan to wrestle Kane at Mania?<p> </p><p> Kane? Seriously?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I doubt it, I can imagine that happening in the RAW's in between, possible tomorrow. </p><p> </p><p> Surprised to see the majority dislike the ppv, thought it was well booked and really well executed as long as it it's part of a longer term wrestlemania plan.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Final Countdown" data-cite="The Final Countdown" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So from reading the results, it sounds like they're positioning Bryan to wrestle Kane at Mania?<p> </p><p> Kane? Seriously?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The bright side is they must still think HHH vs Punk is a possibility.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="djthefunkchris" data-cite="djthefunkchris" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I fear they need to put the strap on DB ASAP, or risk the possibility of that ship sailing before they get a chance to make any money off it.... Depending on how many folks watched this, it might have shipped off tonight.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> August 17, 2014 SummerSlam</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="djthefunkchris" data-cite="djthefunkchris" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> I am upset more then ever with the outcome, surprising myself since common sense already told me exactly what was going to happen before watching. What they did was tease me with the match, making me think there was a possibility before pulling the rug out from under me, which I actually have a problem with now.</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> As a big Bryan fan I understand what you mean but surely that is exactly what you would want to happen? I rarely get so involved into matches and they truly made me think Bryan was going to win. As long as he does eventually win, isn't that perfect?</p>
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I get that they're dead set on putting the title on Batista before his Marvel movie comes out. That's fine. But if the crowd was as lukewarm for Batista tonight as they were at the Rumble (and it sounds like they were), they'd better seriously consider putting something else in the main event spot. Randy/Batista may get crapped on worse than any high profile Mania match since Lesnar/Goldberg.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="christmas_ape" data-cite="christmas_ape" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>As a big Bryan fan I understand what you mean but surely that is exactly what you would want to happen? I rarely get so involved into matches and they truly made me think Bryan was going to win. As long as he does eventually win, isn't that perfect?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I would hope that your logic is correct. That'd what I am praying for. But, I have my concerns. They brought Batista back and wanted him to be the top babyface to take out Orton. He won the Rumble and was positioned to be the guy. The negative reaction to him has been brutal. Are they going to be smart enough to say we need Bryan to save this? Or will they simply decide to do what they had originally planned because they can?</p>
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I enjoyed the show as a single entity but as the road to Wrestlemania, they've got it all wrong. I, for one, can understand and actually enjoy (maybe that's the wrong word but I'll stick with it) the constant losses bestowed on Daniel Bryan because you just know that the pay-off at the end of it is going to be unfathomable. Where they've gone wrong though is with the timing because you'd think the ultimate pay-off would be to have him come up against the odds at the biggest show of them all, right? But without some really messy booking in the coming weeks where he first has to deal with Kane, come up with a reason to be inserted into the match (which also leaves Brock Lesnar high and dry) and then have some sort of involvement with a Batista who genuinely looked like he had injured his arm and is getting shat on by the WWE universe, there is no way for him to get into that match now.


I think one thing is for sure though, the future actually looks great for the WWE. The Wyatt Family, The Shield (whether they split up or not), Antonio Cesaro and Daniel Bryan, they're going to be the faces of WWE for years to come and there is no denying that; it's a matter of when, not if.


P.S - Second best bit of Elimination Chamber behind The Shield Vs. Wyatt Family? AJ Lee doing this:



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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Findlay" data-cite="Findlay" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I would hope that your logic is correct. That'd what I am praying for. But, I have my concerns. They brought Batista back and wanted him to be the top babyface to take out Orton. He won the Rumble and was positioned to be the guy. The negative reaction to him has been brutal. Are they going to be smart enough to say we need Bryan to save this? Or will they simply decide to do what they had originally planned because they can?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah I assume that was their plan but I'm the camp that they must be smart enough to sort it. The only issue that I've heard about that worries me, is the idea that Batista has a world title run in his contract. But even so, I would be very surprised if they don't turn Batista heel before Wrestlemania. As TFC said, Batista vs Orton would be Lesnar/Goldberg type reaction.</p>
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August 17, 2014 SummerSlam

Noted, and I was ok with that before tonight. I have been enjoying the ride, so to say.... I know that they are planning to put the strap on him, and I know they are doing this intentionally to make him even more popular, to build him up as high as possible for the big pay off. I understand the logic, I understand the Batista movie coming up and why they are going that route right now, and I have for the most part as I said, enjoyed the ride.


I'm going to be all right no matter what happens, even if the ship sails, and it ends up being far less then what I have hoped for. I just feel like he's there now, and that it's not a given he will be there then, if you know what I mean.


As a big Bryan fan I understand what you mean but surely that is exactly what you would want to happen? I rarely get so involved into matches and they truly made me think Bryan was going to win. As long as he does eventually win, isn't that perfect?


It should be.... And normally the longer the wait, all the more satisfying the reward. However, I also know that If I want something, and I am planning on getting it at a specific time, or day, or what have you, that if It doesn't happen, and I'm unable to get that at the time I was expecting to have it, other things can pop up and my interest in getting it at all can dwindle to where it ends up not being as fulfilling as it would have been at the time I actually wanted it.


EXAMPLE: I was in the mood for a vanilla dipped in chocolate cone a week ago, but never had time to go get one. Today, I could care less, as I am full from a buffet earlier, and although I wouldn't turn down the cone, it just won't be the same as it would have last week when I was really wanting one.


I would hope that your logic is correct. That'd what I am praying for. But, I have my concerns. They brought Batista back and wanted him to be the top babyface to take out Orton. He won the Rumble and was positioned to be the guy. The negative reaction to him has been brutal. Are they going to be smart enough to say we need Bryan to save this? Or will they simply decide to do what they had originally planned because they can?


I think Arrows has been dead on the whole time with this. He's been saying basically, the plan is to have Batista holding the championship when his movie comes out. They are going to keep it off DB in the meantime.


What they are doing right, is making DB look so strong, that it takes abuse of power type things to keep him from achieving his goal. As long as it takes an army to keep him off the title, it "should" keep people's interest in him, and make him more popular. That's the logic...


My problem is I guess I'm not believing that they are going to be able to do it well enough to keep him as hot as he is right now.... Even though all logic dictates that they know what they are doing, as evidence as him being more popular now then he was three months ago, and that he will probably be even more popular during RAW tomorrow night.

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I'd say they have done the exact opposite. Takes way too much extra help for Randy to win against DB for Orton to ever look like a real threat (without help) to DB.


I am upset more then ever with the outcome, surprising myself since common sense already told me exactly what was going to happen before watching. What they did was tease me with the match, making me think there was a possibility before pulling the rug out from under me, which I actually have a problem with now.


IF it can upset someone like me (I mean really upset me, but not like that angry fat dude on youtube), I can only fathom the absolute rage some will have over this. I know it's exactly what they want to do, and normally.... like a few PPV's ago, it would get them exactly what they are hoping for. Now though.... IF it can effect me the way it did (calming down now) at first, it might have too much of a negative effect.


I fear they need to put the strap on DB ASAP, or risk the possibility of that ship sailing before they get a chance to make any money off it.... Depending on how many folks watched this, it might have shipped off tonight.


My sentiments exactly. Upon seeing the Bleacher Report live recap (we don't get live WWE here in my part of the world), my first thought upon seeing Bryan and Orton as the last two men in the Elimination Chamber and considering how the fans cheered for the heel in Batista vs Del Rio, would have been Bryan winning the title and the WWE using the reaction to Batista vs Del Rio to turn the Animal heel and have Del Rio finish out his WWE run as a face (that is, if rumors of his leaving soon are accurate). That would have been a logical choice for most. But not the WWE.


But knowing the WWE, I wasn't surprised when they pulled the old bait-and-switch and had Orton win via Kane interference, hence setting up D-Bry vs Kane with no belt on the line, and having Orton face Batista for what should be the most reviled WrestleMania main event since Goldberg vs Lesnar.

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Is this farfetched?:


Tomorrow night HHH chides Kane for unprofessionally interfering in the Chamber. Face HHH gives Bryan a shot at Kane to make it a Triple Threat at WM. Then, HHH either interferes and sets up Bryan/HHH at WM or Bryan wins, setting up the Triple Threat, where Bryan goes over Orton and Batista.


I kind of think it's pretty obvious that they're building this to one of these two scenarios, especially with the impending pandemonium that will inevitably come if Orton/Batista are wrestling in a singles match at 10:30 on April 6th. Plus, this supposed Batista injury could push toward this as well. Although once it doesn't happen I'm going to look like an idiot :p


I thought it was a predictable but necessary card on the road to WM. Titus looked good, Big E looked good, and Wyatts/Shield was pretty awesome.

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Is this farfetched?:


Tomorrow night HHH chides Kane for unprofessionally interfering in the Chamber. Face HHH gives Bryan a shot at Kane to make it a Triple Threat at WM. Then, HHH either interferes and sets up Bryan/HHH at WM or Bryan wins, setting up the Triple Threat, where Bryan goes over Orton and Batista.


I kind of think it's pretty obvious that they're building this to one of these two scenarios, especially with the impending pandemonium that will inevitably come if Orton/Batista are wrestling in a singles match at 10:30 on April 6th. Plus, this supposed Batista injury could push toward this as well. Although once it doesn't happen I'm going to look like an idiot :p


I thought it was a predictable but necessary card on the road to WM. Titus looked good, Big E looked good, and Wyatts/Shield was pretty awesome.


A lot of fans, myself included, would like a Triple Threat featuring Bryan, Batista and Orton. :D

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Is this farfetched?:


Tomorrow night HHH chides Kane for unprofessionally interfering in the Chamber. Face HHH gives Bryan a shot at Kane to make it a Triple Threat at WM. Then, HHH either interferes and sets up Bryan/HHH at WM or Bryan wins, setting up the Triple Threat, where Bryan goes over Orton and Batista.


My guess is that's likely, although with Hogan being the guy to give Bryan the shot. You'd think Hulk will have some big crowd pleasing thing to do tomorrow and this sounds perfect.

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I don't normally get too much in to the PPV reviews around here, but I actually watched Elimination Chamber and thought it was a pretty good show. I'll mark if there is match spoilers when listing contestants just to be clear.



Rybaxel vs Cody Rhodes and Goldust

There wasn't anything wrong with this match, but it wasn't particularly exciting. For some reason, I enjoy watching Ryback try to pretend that being a troll is just his character. I'd like to believe he really is one in real life, but trys to pretend he isn't by playing it as a character. I'm so perplexed.



Jack Swagger vs Big E

Big E's titantron video needs some adjustment. It looks weird just saying Big E at the top of the weight and having the bottom empty. Other than that, a decent match but a nice carny job at the end. Botch in the finish? Just wait 10 seconds and repeat the spot. Argh.


The Usos vs NAO

I really don't mind the Outlaws being back, yeah they're pretty old, but they are a good veteran guiding hand in the tag division. This run is probably their swan song, and they are making good use of it. Every match they've had has been pretty good at least in my opinion and I hope they work with some more teams and can keep giving younger teams a good experienced group to work with.


Darren Young vs Titus O'Neil

Why did this need to go on the PPV? I just don't buy Titus as a breakout guy on his own. He is still really green and I'm still not exactly sure why they felt the need to break up the PTP, especially since the tag division was being hyped up as being really deep just recently, but now we seem to have Cesaro breaking out on his own, PTP split, Shield possibly splitting in the future, and Los Matadores being MIA lately (or if they were on I guess I wasn't paying enough attention to remember) the division that was bubbling up seems to be getting real cold.


Shield vs Wyatt Family

Crowd loved it, and every sing wrestler came out looking better than they went in. Seth Rollings, the one I am most worried about getting lost if the Shield split looked really strong in this match. Actually, I think every single wrestler in this match came out looking better than before. Easily one of the more anticipated matches in recent memory. Would have liked to see better/longer build up, but this match really helped solidify the EC card, so it works with me.


Also, pre-match tweet by Luke Harper=golden.

"You three boys picked a beautiful hill to die on.......Sunday.War. It Begins. #WyattFamily #FollowTheBuzzards"


AJ Lee vs Cameron

Wait, this match is on the card? When AJ was talking about how she had beat all the competition I was kinda hoping Tamina would be the surprise opponent, but that a good series on the E! Network does not make, so we had Cameron instead. Eh? Short match with an interesting ending so it squeaks by with a pass I guess since I didn't have to deal with it too long.


Alberto Del Rio vs Batista

When I was at RAW on Feb 3rd, I tried starting a "SI!" chant for Alberto, it didn't catch on but I enjoyed hearing it a bit tonight, gave me a good chuckle. The ending of the match though...what is with WWE booking EVERYBODY to look like jobbers? I've seen a lot of matches lately end after someone hits just a couple moves. I mean you're a wrestler! I don't care if its his finisher, unless its a super complete surprise (Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan at WM) you should have some more fight! Be tough! Eva Marie might actually get a pop from the crowd if the put her against Batista at this point...


Cesaro vs John Cena vs Christian vs Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton (Spoiler)

Best chamber match I've seen in quite a while, easily. BROGUE KICK TO THE POD. That was just cool I thought. Cesaro had another good showing, I hope they don't lose him in the shuffle now after getting people really behind him. Loved Michael Cole on commentary when it was just Orton vs Bryan vs Cena, referencing that these three all had history tying back to SummerSlam where Daniel Bryan's quest really began. A lot of good spots in the match, and good storytelling toward the end.


----End Elimination Chamber


As good as the storytelling was though, I'm not exactly sure if I LIKE THIS story, at least not right now. Daniel Bryan seems to be stuck in this feud with Kane. Normally I wouldn't mind this being held down, but we've got 6 weeks til Mania! Kane vs Bryan needs to be resolved Monday or in a week, tops. The good thing is that the 6 weeks are nearly twice the build of any other PPV, so they have the time to get him pointing in the right direction, such as a match with HHH.


Speaking of storytelling though, what is the story going to be with Orton and Batista? They haven't been on a path toward each other at all? The only "path" you could say to get them together is Batista won the rumble...and that has been ignored since the Rumble so Batista could snack on Del Rio a bit.

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Double posting because this is a completely different topic from my last post...


I guess this is what I'm thinking/hoping/fantasy booking WM will look like after EC? Note, I know its highly unlikely to happen this way, but darn it if I just had a fantasy booking simulator, preferably text based, this is the card I would push for!


WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match

Batista vs Randy Orton vs CM Punk

Woah woah woah, completely out of left field right? No! You can make it work! Have The Authority endorsing Randy Orton on RAW as the "Face of the WWE" as they stand behind Kane's attack on Bryan. Enter Vince McMahon, who claims The Authority are out of control and no longer doing whats "Best for Business" Vince then says he is doing what is best for business by bringing back The Best In The World who has been absent since being cost the Rumble by The Authority. Vince sets up Kane vs CM Punk, where if Punk wins he is in the Main Event at Wrestlemania. After a ref bump, Orton comes down to the ring, and attempts to cost Punk the match, only for Daniel Bryan to run out and catch Orton with a knee, Punk then capitalizes, catching Kane with a GTS while the outside interference is neutralized, and earning a spot in the Main Event at Wrestlemania. Batista groans about Punk trying to take the spotlight, the Authority still support Orton, as he pushes their agenda, and Punk gets to be in the ME at WM. Takes a lot of fantasy booking, but hey! I wanted to get CM Punk somewhere on the card.


Daniel Bryan vs Triple H

Bryan doesn't need the title, he needs to defeat The Authority, who have been his constant enemy for months now.


Undertaker vs Sting

Well, it'd be more fantasy booking, but I'd enjoy it. Just make this happen somehow, WWE


John Cena vs Bray Wyatt

The build on this one is pretty much already set


Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar

Seeming desperate to reclaim the yard after Elimination Chamber, The Shield come out to do their old style ambush on Lesnar and Heyman who are in the ring. Rollins and Ambrose feint getting in for the ambush, but instead leave Roman to fight Brock alone. After taking something of a beating, Reigns finds a way to hit Lesnar with a Superman Punch as Rollins and Ambrose look on in shock. Sadly, this signals the breakup of The Shield Ambrose says Reigns lost sight of the teams objective. Brock Lesnar seeks revenge as Heyman sells the knockout punch as exactly that, a punchers chance, but says that The Beast will put down Reigns any time. Reigns doesn't have time to feud with Ambrose, and instead just focuses on Lesnar.


Rollins and Ambrose vs Luke Harper and Erin Rowan

Another battle between the two groups.


AJ Lee vs Naomi

Yay! Total Divas!


Big E vs Cesaro

After kicking out the consistently disappointing Jack Swagger, let Cesaro do what Swagger couldn't, take the title from Big E. Let a work horse like Cesaro rebuild that IC title to what it should be.


NAO vs The Usos

Because tag team titles and by the time we get to WM, these will probably be the only two tag teams left the way they all keep getting broken up.


Probably would need another filler match or two, just short ones to break up all the main event level matches.

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Loved the PPV. Such a great effort from the workers tonight. If this was TEW HHH must have given them the psycho sermon because nearly everyone was off the charts tonight.


Booking is another story and I tend to let the WWE do the WWE when it comes down to it, but I love the narrative that is going on...I can't think of a time where the fans wanted it this bad.

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Anyone who thinks a Punk vs Triple H and Bryan vs Kane match is happening are delusional. Kane was feuding with Punk before he left and once he left they simply slotted Bryan in as his replacement as a filler feud before Triple H and WrestleMania. Expect Bryan to call out Triple H for never wanting him to be the face of the WWE tomorrow on Raw leading to Kane to come out instead, leading to a mini feud in which Bryan wins before Mania.


In no way does WWE think having Triple H do nothing at Mania is good for the future of the company, especially when plans haven't changed for the last 4-5 months on the set main events, excluding Punk leaving of course.


However, they do look to be leaning towards a Sheamus/Christian match and a Cesaro/Big E match. Best thing about Punk leaving was Cesaro getting put in big matches and winning over Vince. Him getting the I.C title makes it worthy of being an uppermid card title.

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Alberto Del Rio vs Batista

When I was at RAW on Feb 3rd, I tried starting a "SI!" chant for Alberto, it didn't catch on but I enjoyed hearing it a bit tonight, gave me a good chuckle. The ending of the match though...what is with WWE booking EVERYBODY to look like jobbers? I've seen a lot of matches lately end after someone hits just a couple moves. I mean you're a wrestler! I don't care if its his finisher, unless its a super complete surprise (Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan at WM) you should have some more fight! Be tough! Eva Marie might actually get a pop from the crowd if the put her against Batista at this point...


Fans like you are what killed the Piledriver and DDT from generating any pop from the crowd. A finisher is a finisher for a reason, it finishes the match. Remember when Kane took 3 Tombstone Piledrivers from the Undertaker to get pinned at Wrestlemania 14? Had anyone kicked out of the Tombstone prior to that match? Why do you think Kane remained over as a motherf'r after that match? Would it had been the same if Shawn Michaels kicked out of 2 tombstones prior to Wrestlemania 14 just a month and a half earlier? Kane got up right after being pinned like a champ too, completely no sold one of the most brutal looking finishers and went on being relativity over until X-Pac beat him with a single X-Factor. Yeah you read that right, 3 tombstones and no sells it only to be pinned by an X-Factor. Really did wonders for both wrestlers right?


How about now a days when everyone kicks out of the Attitude Adjustment or the RKO? Really takes the momentum out of a TV match when you know that your favorite midcarder should be kicking out of the Attitude Adjustment or RKO if he was really over.

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Was live at WWE Elimination Chamber last night and I really enjoyed myself. This was the second Elimination Chamber Event I went to live (first was 2012) and while I thought 2012's event was really good I thought that this years event blew 2012's out of the water (from a live fans perspective) It was awesome to be live in the crowd for the Wyatt Family vs. The Shield match and it more than exceeded my expectations. Really enjoyed the Elimination Chamber match as well one of the best Elimination Chamber matches I have seen in quite some time. Money well spent for those two matches alone!


P.S. Even I wasn't expecting the chants that the Batista vs. Del Rio match got so it made it really entertaining. The match wasn't good but I wrote it off as being bad when the match was announced on TV so maybe that's why I hated it which I normally don't like to make up my mind before hand. However If I would have went into that event thinking Del Rio vs. Batista was going to be great and it wasn't then I would have been highly disappointed.

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