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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Watched Impact and it was actually not that bad this time. It wasn't boring, for one, which is not something you can say for RAW. For years, I love how they handle their out-of-ring promo's. No different now. I guess I still look down on TNA for squandering the potential of the organisation.


Also quite daring to host a frickin' PPV in Japan...


And damnit what a cliffhanger. What match type will team 3D pick next week? I'm dying to find out... It's probably going to be... I dunno... Last man standing? :p

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NXT was okay this week, pretty poor show until the main event though. I haven't read any spoilers but there's absolutely no way The Vaudevillains are beating Sin Cara & Kalisto next week. I expect the Luchas to take the belts off The Ascension, considering they're heading to the main roster apparently (I have no idea why, they suck) and they won't do two tag tournaments back-to-back. Tricky situation though, considering Sin Cara deserves to be on the main roster.


The fatal-four-way main event will be good, although the result is obvious. Breeze is winning, I'd put money on it. Besides, Neville and Zayn should probably be moving up to the main roster now. Zayn is getting demotivated and impatient, you can just tell by the way he wrestles.


Charlotte is probably dropping her belt to Bailey despite making only one defence. Whatevs, it's a developmental promotion and I think Charlotte is probably ready for a call-up now. I'd like to see Sasha Banks make the move too. I've been really impressed with her heel work, she's absolutely killed it as the BO$$ and she's a great worker too. Although Charlotte will debut as a face because Ric Flair, so I'm not sure where Sasha fits in. Maybe they should hold back with Sasha actually, NXT is already desperately thin on women. They have Charlotte, Bailey, Sasha Banks, Alexa Bliss and Becky Lynch, I think that's it.


Basically every title is changing hands and all the current Champions are being called up, haha.

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Man, I am psyched for Takeover 2. Very nice ending to this week's ME, with Zayn hitting those vicious Helluva kicks. Also, excited that it seems he'll be in WWE 2k15 (the making of video shows his Rolling Yoshi Tonic mocap data with his name in the files).


I agree that Sasha Banks is fantastic - she's heavily gimmicked but in a way that I fully believe. I don't know what she's like IRL but it doesn't matter because she works that character incredibly well. ODB was essentially being herself in TNA, but drawing off a flask five times on the way to the ring was so incredibly lame.


I've always loved Rebecca Knox (Becky Lynch), and I'm very glad they got rid of the stereotypical Irish BS, but making her act like Lita because of her hair colour isn't that much of a step up and seems forced. Hopefully they relax and she finds a more natural character to play. Maybe focus on her apparent love of puns as far as promos go.

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Another RAW episode worthy of one this two "Heyman's rules":




Quick Report







Fast Forward x30



Pretty much seems to be their way of booking at the moment. Booking Cena as an underdog is ridiculous. Numerous World Titles do not make you an underdog. No one underestimates Cena because we all know the final outcome - Cena prevails "against the odds". Yeah I know, what odds?

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Heyman and Austin were talking on Austin's podcast about Cena vs Brock, and it was interesting.


However, seems like Austin has been wrong numerous times about how things are going to go.... but dang it if he doesn't want you to believe that's what is going to happen. The over-all feel of the conversation was that Cena is going to have to go into a dark place, a place he shouldn't be able to get out of over night. A change in the "Cena" character.


As I said though, Austin seems to get it wrong quite a bit, so I'm not going to hold my breath on that.

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I love what Voices Of Wrestling's Bryan Rose had to say about last night's RAW.


A bad, bad show. 1999 Nitro levels of terrible. Uninspired to the max. The terrible crap they’re doing in an attempt to garner interest is failing on all levels. The fall slump has begun, all we can do now is ride it out and hope it’s not as bad as it was in 2011 or last year. That isn’t how you’re supposed to treat fans who enjoy wrestling, but it’s WWE. They’re in their own weird Orwellian universe where they think they’re writing compelling television, and they think they know what you want when they’re doing the exact opposite. Things need to change.
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VOW is pretty much my go to site these days and while I usually think the site is hard on raw reviews, that one was pretty spot on. They had nothing interesting to do for three full hours and the main event was the longest filler match of all time. Just a 25+ minute 6 man where absolutely nothing happens and the actual work was pedestrian.
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I love what Voices Of Wrestling's Bryan Rose had to say about last night's RAW.


VOW is pretty much my go to site these days and while I usually think the site is hard on raw reviews, that one was pretty spot on. They had nothing interesting to do for three full hours and the main event was the longest filler match of all time. Just a 25+ minute 6 man where absolutely nothing happens and the actual work was pedestrian.


I don't think it was quite as bad as VOW put it, but it was pretty bad.


I felt the opening segment was good, but I like Jericho being in the mix. Nikki's segments throughout weren't necessary, and weren't interesting (obvious lies).


Cesaro won a match!


6 women tag match... sucked. I wish they would get Naomi involved in something. Layla in the ring for a match/felt like she had ring rust, botching silly stuff.


Wyatt's lose again, but I'm guessing they win at the PPV, if they have a match that is... I honestly didn't mind Cena mowing over them last week, as long as it's going to be part of Cena having a character change... which I'm very skeptical about as I posted earlier.


I can't get enough Heyman.


Swagger needed the win against Axel, so don't mind that. Bo's promo... He should be limited on his time because he isn't that interesting. I actually like what he said, just feel like he could have done it quicker and put a little more punch in it. All three could have been used better, but I'm actually ok with it, as it feels like it's leading somewhere.... the thought of Bo beating Swagger sickens me, although I actually like Bo. Just feel like Swagger should always be around the ME, and Bo... well, not so much.


Do something better with Titus.... Losing to Adam Rose?!?... Adam Rose is a horrible character, but the guy is pulling it off. Give him something better, and I think I'll be able to take him more seriously.


Rusov vs Zack Jobber... The Henry vs. Rusov feud looks interesting. Rusov going over Henry is my prediction at NOC.


Although the segment started out really bad, with Steph and Nicky, it ended pretty good. Predictable four way Diva's match at NOC, but fun none the less.


Gold/Star Dust going heel, and looking fresh. I dig it, probably the most interesting match of the night, and that chair shot made me cringe a little, something the curve stomp into a brick didn't do for me (looked way to phony).


Main event was the best match of the night, but I was hoping more change with Cena, and I didn't get it.


Overall, the biggest thing that killed the show IMO, was the dumb Nicky Bella segments... They were unnecessary, and uninteresting.... Save that crap for the Total Divas show, please.

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The actual booking made sense and most of it was necessary but pretty much all of it was done in such a boring way that you dont care about what happens next. The finish to the Ziggler/Miz tag match was fun if a bit overly dopey and the Rhodes finally being true heels has needed to happen but overall it was just a bunch of uninspired things happening even if they made sense.
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Raw Review:


Opening segment - Entertaining but went on way too long.

Ziggler & Sheamus vs Cesaro & Miz - Good match to build up the midcard title feuds. Miz and Sandow are awesome.

Total Divas - Cringe-worthy Nikki promos and a waste of time match.

The Wyatts vs Show & Henry - It's cool seeing 4 big guys in the ring but the slow pace makes their matches too boring. Creative remembered Henry and Rusev are supposed to be feuding.

Swagger vs Axel - OK match. Bo Dallas mic time!

Titus vs Rose - Did Rose and his bunny turn heel?

Ryder vs Rusev - They need to change up Rusev's moveset because his squash matches are the same every time. Decent promo from Henry.

The Bellas - Better than last week's segment. Involving Steph, AJ & Paige helped a lot.

The Usos vs Dust Bros - Solid match. This feud is a fresh of breath air heading into a Night of Champions filled with rematches.

Cena, Jericho & Reigns vs Rollins, Kane & Orton - Good but predictable match.


Verdict: The run of mediocre post-SummerSlam shows continues.

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Good god, the diva segments were awful. The Bellas' acting equivalent in the C-verse would be 'F+' or something.


Dozed off during the show for several times. Missed the bunny segment and most of the main event it seems. Oh well. The sentiment 'boring' kinda came to mind. The crowd seemed to voice it as well, and justly so imo.

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Pretty much seems to be their way of booking at the moment. Booking Cena as an underdog is ridiculous. Numerous World Titles do not make you an underdog. No one underestimates Cena because we all know the final outcome - Cena prevails "against the odds". Yeah I know, what odds?


Even after a few years, I think these words represents well the underdog Cena situation.


CM Punk, the Boston's RAW before Money In The Bank 2011.


"What you've lost sight of is what you are. And what you are, is what you hate. You are the ten time WWE champion. You're the man. Ladies and gentlemen, the champ is here. You, like the Red Sox, like Boston, are no longer the underdog. You're a dynasty! You are what you hate! You have become the New York Yankees!"


In my mind the more time passes, Cena is the closest thing to the first NWA-WCW Sting, before his Crow transition.

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Even after a few years, I think these words represents well the underdog Cena situation.


CM Punk, the Boston's RAW before Money In The Bank 2011.


"What you've lost sight of is what you are. And what you are, is what you hate. You are the ten time WWE champion. You're the man. Ladies and gentlemen, the champ is here. You, like the Red Sox, like Boston, are no longer the underdog. You're a dynasty! You are what you hate! You have become the New York Yankees!"


In my mind the more time passes, Cena is the closest thing to the first NWA-WCW Sting, before his Crow transition.



I pretty much agree with the above statements. While I personally I don't hate Cena and I don't love Cena. I pretty much prefer seeing anyone else other than the Bella Twins(don't get me started on THEM! ugh) on my TV. The booking of Cena is eye roll worthy. It's amusing to me that thinking on it some, that he pretty much fails at 2 out of 3 of his mantra. The man Hustles and works his tail off, but Loyalty and Respect? I call fail on those when it comes to the in ring character. I could rant a bit on those but I'll spare you all that.

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Even after a few years, I think these words represents well the underdog Cena situation.


CM Punk, the Boston's RAW before Money In The Bank 2011.


"What you've lost sight of is what you are. And what you are, is what you hate. You are the ten time WWE champion. You're the man. Ladies and gentlemen, the champ is here. You, like the Red Sox, like Boston, are no longer the underdog. You're a dynasty! You are what you hate! You have become the New York Yankees!"


In my mind the more time passes, Cena is the closest thing to the first NWA-WCW Sting, before his Crow transition.


Booking that match at Summerslam the way they did it was a mistake. It just was. No one buys the underdog Cena thing it just made him look weak. And not in a good way. The Yankees analogy is actually perfect to bring up because it rings true today. The nation isn't rooting for the Yankees to get better after they stunk this season. In fact, it's what they like seeing! Sure there are just those hardcore Yankees fans that will watch the team and love them but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about baseball fans as a whole will never "pity" the Yankees because they've been too powerful for too long.


This is not the direction to take John Cena. That is not the right way or anywhere close to the best way to use him. And yes, the pre-crow sting and pre-nWo Hogan comparisons are on point because they represent exactly where Cena is right now. Creative hasn't been inspired enough to come up with something great for him, he apparently doesn't have a ton of great ideas himself and while the quality of work is right there getting people to care about that work is the problem.

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I loved seeing Brock destroy Cena at SS. I don't really care how Cena's booked (it wouldn't be enough to make Raw any less crap) so long as he does the job again at NOC. They just need to book it differently. Maybe have Cena throw everything he has at Brock, gaining the upper hand only for Lesnar to win (the reverse of a usual Cena comeback match). Although the dirt sheets are reporting a screwy finish so Cena has someone to feud with after losing. Not sure how that would help Brock look legit, though.
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I loved seeing Brock destroy Cena at SS. I don't really care how Cena's booked (it wouldn't be enough to make Raw any less crap) so long as he does the job again at NOC. They just need to book it differently. Maybe have Cena throw everything he has at Brock, gaining the upper hand only for Lesnar to win (the reverse of a usual Cena comeback match). Although the dirt sheets are reporting a screwy finish so Cena has someone to feud with after losing. Not sure how that would help Brock look legit, though.


See this is where I'm saying thus far I disagree with the booking of that Summerslam match and the feud going forward. That match booking would have worked best to end a feud not begin one. It's so tough to write something believable and interesting now that they've established Cena has nothing for Brock. If Cena/Brock was one and done they could have at least re-established Cena's strength through a feud with someone else. But now they have him facing Brock again so what do you do?


Is WWE ready to let their golden goose of the past decade look like crap and get totally demolished twice in five weeks? Cena's still Cena and all but looking that bad two PPVs in a row hurts the week-in-week-out megastar more than it helps your current part time champion. Bad idea.


Do they book Cena to look equally competitive to Brock? Match him blow for blow only to have an Authority member or someone interfere? Because that completely kills the momentum Brock's built up with the unique angle of him being legitimately intimidating and not needing to hide behind crap like screwey finishes. It would especially screw brock if it's a situation where Cena actually pins Lesnar before the interference.


They'll somehow have to make Cena look slightly more competitive than he did last time but still less so than Brock right? So I guess I'll have to follow the advice I give everyone else and just "wait and see how it plays out".

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At this point in my mind, there's absolutely no doubt that Cena is going to give it his all against Brock, come up just short, and then end Rusev's undefeated streak. I just think it's a foregone conclusion honestly. Then that leads to Rusev's path down the road to obscurity, just like it did to Umaga and maybe a couple of others.
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