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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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New Announce teams:


Raw- Cole, JBL & Booker T

Smackdown - Cole, Lawler & Saxton

PPV - Cole, JBL & Lawler


It's a step in the right direction but they still need to replace Lawler with Phillips and tone down JBL.

Out of all the commentators they've got on their "B Shows" and NXT, they choose to call up Byron Saxton? There are a couple I would have preferred who have all been doing good jobs on their respective shows (particularly the guys on NXT) but the pick of the lot would have had to have been Renee Young; she's young, fresh and hot as hell. Plus, I wouldn't say reinstating Booker T is "a step in the right direction", I'd say it was a step backwards.

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Out of all the commentators they've got on their "B Shows" and NXT, they choose to call up Byron Saxton? There are a couple I would have preferred who have all been doing good jobs on their respective shows (particularly the guys on NXT) but the pick of the lot would have had to have been Renee Young; she's young, fresh and hot as hell. Plus, I wouldn't say reinstating Booker T is "a step in the right direction", I'd say it was a step backwards.


Renee is very hit or miss imo. Putting her with Lawler or JBL would probably be the same as putting her with Alex Riley in that it just becomes BAD mild flirting and gossiping with her being a big part of it.

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The weird part about Booker is that when he did his Black Snow commentator thing as a joke in TNA, he was actually really good at it. I just always found it odd that when he was doing it as a joke, he was good at it, but when he's doing it for a career, it's bad.
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The weird part about Booker is that when he did his Black Snow commentator thing as a joke in TNA, he was actually really good at it. I just always found it odd that when he was doing it as a joke, he was good at it, but when he's doing it for a career, it's bad.


Well he was with Kevin Nash and Nash+comedy=greatness

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Joey Styles commentating on stop-motion action figure matches on YouTube has been the best commentary I've heard in a while.


On a similar note JR and Striker have got potential of they actually spend time working together. They came across well on WK9 and I think with a bit more time together and with the product they could be really really good.

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Ideally Booker would be on Smackdown only working with the newer announcers but there's no one else Vince is going to trust on the main shows. I'd take Booker (despite his annoying voice) over Jerry any day. He's better at calling the action and his jokes are less lame. JBL has gotten worse as a heel and that won't change until Vince stops micro-managing everything.


Renee isn't good enough for anything but NXT and Main Event and they need her backstage interviewing on the main shows until Eden has more experience.


I wouldn't be suprised if Phillips, Albert, Brennan and Graves get put into rotation later in the year starting with Main Event and Smackdown.


Striker and JR blew me away on WK9. I had no prior experience watching Japanese wrestling and they gave me all the info I needed to understand the wrestlers and the feuds and the rest of the time they called the action instead of getting sidetracked. Not having a heel announcer was refreshing.

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Striker and JR blew me away on WK9. I had no prior experience watching Japanese wrestling and they gave me all the info I needed to understand the wrestlers and the feuds and the rest of the time they called the action instead of getting sidetracked. Not having a heel announcer was refreshing.


Yea I know from JRs blog he caught some crap from hardcore American NJPW fans who felt he dumbed it down too much. I thought they did a great job too.

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New Announce teams:


Raw- Cole, JBL & Booker T

Smackdown - Cole, Lawler & Saxton

PPV - Cole, JBL & Lawler


It's a step in the right direction but they still need to replace Lawler with Phillips and tone down JBL.


Did they just eliminate Phillips? Or is he going back to NXT? Also, Booker T is too difficult to understand to be on the desk consistently.

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According to Wikipedia Cole, JBL & Booker are replacing Phillips & Renee on Main Event and Phillips & Renee are doing Superstars. Not sure why Cole is doing 3 shows and PPVs. Phillips should be doing Main Event.


Saxton is clearly being promoted to Smackdown because he's a heel announcer.

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Joey Styles commentating on stop-motion action figure matches on YouTube has been the best commentary I've heard in a while.


On a similar note JR and Striker have got potential of they actually spend time working together. They came across well on WK9 and I think with a bit more time together and with the product they could be really really good.




Funny. Striker and JR were a combo I have wanted for years. That's a great combo I bet.

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How did Del Rio play the race card?


When he got fired for slapping the backstage worker, he said the worker he slapped made a racist joke.


He also says Mexicans are held down yadda yadda yadda. Truthfully, it's not just Mexicans. Most nonwhites are rarely pushed to the upper echelon. I'm not defending the idea or anything, but to say it's just Mexicans in WWE that aren't pushed is just silly.

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When he got fired for slapping the backstage worker, he said the worker he slapped made a racist joke.


He also says Mexicans are held down yadda yadda yadda. Truthfully, it's not just Mexicans. Most nonwhites are rarely pushed to the upper echelon. I'm not defending the idea or anything, but to say it's just Mexicans in WWE that aren't pushed is just silly.


Playing the race card to me is "They don't push me because I'm (insert race)!" when it isn't true but personally I believe it is true from how WWE has always been. Del Rio can only talk about his experience and what he has experience first hand. If he tried to stand up for black wrestlers he would need a black wrestler to speak out as well otherwise if just makes it seem he's trying to speak for others.


Slapping the guy I don't see as playing the race card. No one ever denied that he wasn't a racist and from the news that have come out about him that wasn't the first time he had said stuff like that. Del Rio shouldn't have slapped him but that isn't playing the race card.


I'm pretty sure the comments aren't as clear as they are in my head but basically saying he's playing the race card implies he's pretending he's a victim as least that's how i see it.

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When he got fired for slapping the backstage worker, he said the worker he slapped made a racist joke.


He also says Mexicans are held down yadda yadda yadda. Truthfully, it's not just Mexicans. Most nonwhites are rarely pushed to the upper echelon. I'm not defending the idea or anything, but to say it's just Mexicans in WWE that aren't pushed is just silly.


WWE is about making money. Whites are easier to make money off of. Look at merxh sales. Who's on top? While there's talented people of other races they don't sell better. Del Rio had the Mexicans. Wrestling is primarily a white audience. Have to cater to your fan base

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WWE is about making money. Whites are easier to make money off of. Look at merxh sales. Who's on top? While there's talented people of other races they don't sell better. Del Rio had the Mexicans. Wrestling is primarily a white audience. Have to cater to your fan base


The people they push.

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WWE is about making money. Whites are easier to make money off of. Look at merxh sales. Who's on top? While there's talented people of other races they don't sell better. Del Rio had the Mexicans. Wrestling is primarily a white audience. Have to cater to your fan base


The ignorance in this post is astounding

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WWE is about making money. Whites are easier to make money off of. Look at merxh sales. Who's on top? While there's talented people of other races they don't sell better. Del Rio had the Mexicans. Wrestling is primarily a white audience. Have to cater to your fan base


So all those years of guys like Ernie Ladd and JYD drawing in the Dirty South don't count?


EDIT: Oh, and Sputnik Monroe (a white guy) appealing so much to black audiences that he pretty much single-handedly forced the desegregation of sporting events in Memphis.

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So all those years of guys like Ernie Ladd and JYD drawing in the Dirty South don't count?


EDIT: Oh, and Sputnik Monroe (a white guy) appealing so much to black audiences that he pretty much single-handedly forced the desegregation of sporting events in Memphis.


Im talking about WWE... Nothing else.

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