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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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What's crazy to me about the whole Daniel Bryan thing is that they're just not getting that hardcore fans want to see the guy that won Wrestlemania this year and just came back from injury. Imagine if Steve Austin came back from injury in 2000 and was like "nah, I ain't got time for that WWE title, I gotta feud with Val Venis for a few months." It wouldn't have stopped fans from wanting Rock vs. Austin, but it would start annoying fans once it became clear that they weren't going to get the story that seems so incredibly obvious.
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What's crazy to me about the whole Daniel Bryan thing is that they're just not getting that hardcore fans want to see the guy that won Wrestlemania this year and just came back from injury. Imagine if Steve Austin came back from injury in 2000 and was like "nah, I ain't got time for that WWE title, I gotta feud with Val Venis for a few months." It wouldn't have stopped fans from wanting Rock vs. Austin, but it would start annoying fans once it became clear that they weren't going to get the story that seems so incredibly obvious.


Yes, but we're just marks who know nothing about what we want, and we're in the minority so we don't matter.


Except that we do, cause wrestling has a high 18-30 demographic, and we know what we want and have the right to preach about that, because WWE's most successful period came from listening to their fanbase and not booking to amuse themselves. Coincidentally, it ended when they did stuff to amuse themselves that produced a subpar story (InVasion), and slid further down the chute afterwards (Raw 2002-03, Benoit, etc)

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YKW, I'm actually glad that Roman Reigns won the rumble.


Sure he may be green, horrible on the mic and being shoved down our throats, but the dude's got wrestling in his blood. He's a samoan, and everyone knows that when a wrestler is samoan he will be ALMOST always given great success in wrestling. It's like a law.


I'd also like to say that I agree with Angel in saying that maybe why Daniel didn't last as long as we hoped we would was because of his neck. You want to be healthy for WrestleMania season don't you?


Oh, and btw; People have made a movement called that #CancelWWENetwork on Twitter....I understand we're all displeased with what happened, but isn't this going a bit TOO far?

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Sure he may be green, horrible on the mic and being shoved down our throats, but the dude's got wrestling in his blood. He's a samoan, and everyone knows that when a wrestler is samoan he will be given great success in wrestling. It's like a law.


Oh, and btw; People have made a movement called that #CancelWWENetwork on Twitter....that just shows that we have gone too far this time.


Disagree on these points. Plenty of Samoans who have wrestled and haven't gone on to have great success in wrestling. Immediately Rosey & Sonny Siaki spring to mind.


Also #CancelWWENetwork is a legitimate attempt at showing WWE that the fans are displeased. They push the Network hard on people so what better way than to make a vocal statement of displeasure than announcing your cancelling your subscription?

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Will it be a big moment if the fans reject it like they did tonight though? I mean, a lot of people may boo Cena now, but I seem to remember the crowd at least being behind him through him winning the title at WM for the first time. That the fans are already rejecting Roman doesn't seem a good sign to me.


I also think it's inaccurate to say that the crowd wasn't going to give a chance to anyone but DB. (Not that that's what you were saying necessarily.) They would've been very much into Ambrose or Ziggler winning, among the guys who were there near the end and could feasibly win that match (so no Cesaro.) It wasn't DB or bust, but I think one of the biggest reasons that the crowd died once he went out is that they knew he was the only one other than Roman who had a legitimate chance at winning. Once he went out the result was academic, and it was a result they didn't want to see.


This reaction was painfully obvious to anyone, but so was Roman winning the Rumble, or at least that's how it felt to me. I'm honestly not sure why people are upset or even surprised. The McMahons don't see Bryan as "the guy." He doesn't have the size or the pretty face they're looking for in their top guy. Roman does.


Actually, in a recent non-kayfaybe interview Steph called Bryan an A+ player. The problem is Vince won't budge on pushing Roman. He wants to build the next Cena but fails to see that guys like Ambrose and Ziggler are already right on the cusp of superstardom if they would only give them a sustained push and a Wrestlemania moment to shine like Bryan last year.

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Some initial fan reports are saying Daniel Bryan was angry as he was making his way to the back. It could be him selling the elimination well but I think we'll find out as time goes on.


Imagine if this was another instance of Punk. It'd be quite ironic actually, both married to divas, both not typical WWE pushes, in fact I see a lot of Punk and Bryan in both of them.

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Roman was all like: "Please, get on with the frickin' pyro already". But no avail... :p


I actually thought the rumble itself was decent. The first have was exactly what you'd expect. After the unfortunate event there were a couple of fun bits, but the first 10 minutes after it made everyone look bad. The boos are partly responsible for that, but you could see the hopelessness. Even traditional acts like Kofi were crapped on. Mizdow was the one light in the darkness. The rest was just people in a ring... and Show drooling all over it.


Truly a retarded decision to axe one of the top candidates in the middle of the event. I do hope many people cancel and force Vince to retire (finally) from his product. His mind cannot fathom the state of the product he created. It should end right here.

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Royal Rumble Review:


New Day vs UpperCats - Solid match with a good finishing sequence. The crowd were behind the heels. New Day's gimmick is holding them back. UpperCats need to ditch Rose and beat The Usos at Fast Lane.

NAO vs Ascension - Poor match. I've seen the Ascension beat jobbers on NXT in better matches than this. They were booked to look in over their heads most of the match.

Team Mizdow vs The Usos (Tag Team Championship) - Solid match. The Usos are in another spammed feud, except most of their matches with the Wyatt Family were better. The moment when Sandow turns on Miz will be awesome.

Bella Twins vs Paige & Natalya - OK match but could have been better for the time they were allowed. Shame the crowds are programmed to treat divas matches like bathroom breaks.

Cena vs Rollins vs Lesnar (WWE Championship) - Classic match. The first 10 minutes was a solid Brock suplex-fest but after that it went into high gear and stayed there. Rollins was the MVP. His Leap of Faith and Phoenix Splash were beautiful. Also the camera work was pretty damn good -- nice slow-motion replays and not relying on shaky cam to make things like more realistic.

Royal Rumble - The first half was strong with Awesome Truth, Bubba Ray, the Wyatts and Bryan. DDP diamond cutting everyone. Then came the shocking elimination of D-Bry and the crowd turned. Kofi being jeered in a Rumble was hard to hear given his history in the match. I feel sorry for Reigns getting booed more than Bray did for eliminating Bryan and that was only for his entrance. Business picked up with Mizdow. Ziggler impressed in the short time he was given. Reigns winning was a bad decision. The Rock showed more charisma in 2 minutes without speaking than Reigns ever has. Reigns should be the guy who pins Rusev to prove himself not the guy who headlines Wrestlemania when he clearly isn't ready. Wasted opportunity to capitilize on the popularity of Ziggler, Ambrose or Bryan. Best case scenario is Lesnar retains and Rollins cashes in. Let Reigns chase the title.


Verdict: Weak set of undercard matches, the best of which was on the Pre-show. The Championship Match was a MOTY contender. The Royal Rumble match was disappointing thanks to some bad decision making from an out-of-touch Vince. I really hope Trips and Steph weren't complicit.

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First of all, thank you for reading the USPW diary. Always love to have a reader. :)


That being said, I would argue about whether or not Roman Reigns is that green. He has been around the business his entire life (being part of the Anoa'i family). To me, he doesn't botch moves that I've seen. Or it's a very rare thing if it does happen. He has the look. He's never going to do all the flippy moves that some wrestlers do. He's never going to be a spot monkey. He is what he is. He is a big man wrestler that uses power and power spots and that is enough to make me a fan of his.


I do feel bad for Batista last year and for Rey Mysterio (who suffered the brunt of being number 30 in the Royal Rumble last year). The Daniel Bryan movement was really swelling last year and those two suffered because of it.


I have to disagree. Reigns is an athletic big man spot monkey, much like Cena when he's not in a big match and phoning it in. Ryback, Big Show, Henry and Kane are the same but on the less athletic end of the scale. Reigns hits his big moves but doesn't have much to offer in between. That's why he was great in The Shield and is now floundering in solo matches. It's like the difference between an average luchador and a good one. The good ones can tell a story and have a flow to their match instead of just hitting all their flippy moves and standing around in between. Rusev and Bray for me have a much better understanding of how work good matches with limited movesets.

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I'm okay with Lesnar vs Reigns in all honesty. It probably won't be the best match ever, but it'll be two guys who look the part hopefully allowed to tear the house down and have a war. A big, punchy, hard hitting war.


I think the WWE did everything they could to get Bryan out of the match the easiest way possible. I've seen people say he should be in the final 4. Insane. Could you imagine how much worse the boo's would have been to tease him that far in? I think they dumped him out earlier to try and let the crowd calm down and move on. Even then, they did it with Bray, someone the crowd doesn't want to boo to try and make the impact less. It was a tough spot, but I think they handled those aspects correctly.


That being said, the most upsetting part of Daniel Bryan for me, by far, isn't that he isn't in the title match for Mania but more that he isn't fighting Rusev. To me, that would be the money. Bryan has already taken the title at Mania, it wouldn't be anything new to do it again. Instead, let him come back from injury against the monster who has spent basically the whole time Bryan has been away being unstoppable. Heck, with his neck surgery you could even play up the whole angle of Rusevs finisher potentially being able to put Bryan out of action again. Ooh well, as said before, we don't always get what we want.

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I'm okay with Lesnar vs Reigns in all honesty. It probably won't be the best match ever, but it'll be two guys who look the part hopefully allowed to tear the house down and have a war. A big, punchy, hard hitting war.


I think the WWE did everything they could to get Bryan out of the match the easiest way possible. I've seen people say he should be in the final 4. Insane. Could you imagine how much worse the boo's would have been to tease him that far in? I think they dumped him out earlier to try and let the crowd calm down and move on. Even then, they did it with Bray, someone the crowd doesn't want to boo to try and make the impact less. It was a tough spot, but I think they handled those aspects correctly.


That being said, the most upsetting part of Daniel Bryan for me, by far, isn't that he isn't in the title match for Mania but more that he isn't fighting Rusev. To me, that would be the money. Bryan has already taken the title at Mania, it wouldn't be anything new to do it again. Instead, let him come back from injury against the monster who has spent basically the whole time Bryan has been away being unstoppable. Heck, with his neck surgery you could even play up the whole angle of Rusevs finisher potentially being able to put Bryan out of action again. Ooh well, as said before, we don't always get what we want.


I don't think the boos could have been much worse. As I see it they sacrificed the quality of a 3rd of the match with their treatement of Bryan (who most people were looking forward to seeing more than every other wrestler in the match) just to try and protect Reigns. And it backfired anyway.


Rusev vs Cena will be good if Rusev wins. They've built up Rusev well but they can use his heat and never-been-pinned status to put over a babyface at Wrestlemania (Bryan, Ziggler, Ambrose -- take your pick). If he loses to Cena that opportunity disappears.


Here's a way to add an element of fun for Reigns haters. Make it an extreme rules match. That'll get the fans excited.


Don't be silly. They've got an entire PPV for that match :)

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I watched it live last night. The undercard was good and the title match was awesome. The rumble match left a lot to be desired. I'm not a fan of Reigns and I haven't been. He just isn't ready for this push and the crowd let them know that last night. A lot of odd eliminations (or at least the order). The entire show was extremely predictable.
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I don't see why all the boos happened. I actually enjoyed the Rumble match. I didn't watch last night because I cancelled my WWE network after the 6 months because I was unimpressed. So watching tonight I was quite happy...I'm a huge fan of Wyatt, and I've always loved loved LOVED DDP so seeing him give two cutters tonight made me giggle like a highschool girl.
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