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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter


The WWE creative team is reportedly not worried about this week's Monday TNA iMPACT! broadcast, but interested nonetheless in seeing what TNA cooks up.


Within WWE, some are baffled that the only two matches where the participants have been advertised ahead of time are the two women's bouts. In fact, some even joked that they should put Maryse on television each time a women's match airs to show that one WWE Diva can beat all of TNA's Knockouts combined in the ratings.


you just got to love the creative team :D

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Orton's really grown past the Legend Killer thing now, hasn't he? It was awesome when he was a rookie, you know, battling above his station, but now he's essentially the WWE's top heel he doesn't need to be taking out legends. Not in kayfabe. Not in real life. He's got Dibiase to elevate as it is.


I think he has past the "Legend killer" stage but you would think this would be the one "Legend" he'll want to add to the list. if he is WWE "top" heel then why is fueding and losing to Kofi? he is clearly above that.

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Because at the moment they are trying to elevate Kofi and Cena vs Orton has been done to death for the time being.


they are trying to Elevate Kofi yet in return have killed off any momentum Orton had. Orton needs to be a serious threat again. Time of Kofi to move on lol

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they are trying to Elevate Kofi yet in return have killed off any momentum Orton had. Orton needs to be a serious threat again. Time of Kofi to move on lol


For a few weeks, that was shaping up to be an awesome feud, but it all went away when they gave Kofi vs Orton away for free on RAW, with no build, and ended with a flat finish. 'Killing' Orton's momentum isn't really a big deal. He's been a Main Event player for so long he can instantly become top guy again with a single angle. Not that he needs to be, even after he gets done with Kofi, and the inevitable Legacy break-up, it's still going to be too soon for him to be rubbing shoulders with Triple H and Cena again.

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Still...Orton costing Kofi a friggin US title shot just shows how little this could potentially end up doing for Kofi. I hope he moves past this and begins a bloody and brutal feud with Ted building up to Mania, with Cody not being lost in the shuffle (pretty much needs to be in MITB in that case).
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