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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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anyone one have any clud at what kahli actuly did say? I am only half an hour into the show and i have to admit it is decent all around. I liked cena's "geek" stuff in his opening segment.....laughted when he said his mom deleted his wow acount......that is actuly kind of funny.
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Really? I changed the channel pretty quick during that segment. About the time Cena said "bologna, fudge, mustard!" or whatever the hell it was.


I definitely can't say I liked any of what he was saying during that segment went it got all Cena-jokes, but he definitely sets a good examples for the kiddies. It felt way too forced to be honest and it didn't seem natural at all. I'm curious what writer thought it was gold? And it technically was no matter if you liked it or not. :eek: His jokes were as mainstream as you can get.

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Drew McIntyre and Wade Barrett have been pulled from WWE television as their current work visas have expired and they are no longer eligible to work within the United States. In the case of Barrett, he has returned to Great Britain while he awaits a new visa to be cleared. Meanwhile, McIntyre is still believed to be in United States.


According to company sources, no timetable has been set regarding their respective returns.


More shortly.

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Drew McIntyre and Wade Barrett have been pulled from WWE television as their current work visas have expired and they are no longer eligible to work within the United States. In the case of Barrett, he has returned to Great Britain while he awaits a new visa to be cleared. Meanwhile, McIntyre is still believed to be in United States.


According to company sources, no timetable has been set regarding their respective returns.


More shortly.


I don't get this at all. I'm not anywhere as large as WWE and I can get visas cleared inside of two weeks! Did they somehow forget they were foreigners and needed to keep their papers in order? Angelina Love's bit baffled me but this is like, jeez!

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I don't get this at all. I'm not anywhere as large as WWE and I can get visas cleared inside of two weeks! Did they somehow forget they were foreigners and needed to keep their papers in order? Angelina Love's bit baffled me but this is like, jeez!


HA! I was waiting to see when this would get brought up. Seems like shoddy management plagues wrestling companies of all sizes.

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They should've said Barrett took a beating from x amount of wrestlers for actions of The Nexus. Because he's the 'leader' he gets the punishment.


That's something that would make more sense if they showed on TV than off-camera though.


Wrestlers have always had visa problems I guess. I remember when I went to my first house show and Kennedy/Umaga couldn't appear because of visa problems. God, was I devastated.

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Barrett not being on RAW was explained - he was "meeting with WWE officials" concerning something. I really for the life of me can't remember what. I bet WWE expected McIntyre to be OK since he got married to that Tiffany chick from ECW. I think his situation will be worked out quicker then the rest. And hasn't Teddy Long been screwing McIntyre on SD? He can say he suspended him / fired him / whatever they want.


EDIT: Yeah, Barrett was meeting WWE officials to talk about the McMahon attack from last week because he's the leader of Nexus. Not sure how I forgot that in less than 24 hours. My memory is shot apparently.

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Last weeks Smackdown he was actually deported onscreen. This was actually before news sites broke this story.


I haven't seen SD in years. I went to a few tapings before in Boston but I had never actually been a viewer. Only back in late '99 when it first debuted and it was more or less a continuation of RAW. Non-live TV wrestling doesn't really interest me these days unless it's TNA which I've ignored all spoilers (not that I read them before, I was completely uninterested) and watched the show on Thursday's. I've enjoyed the past few Impact's for the majority of what they were.


SD could probably hook me too but I feel like watching Impact and RAW is enough wrestling for me in a week.

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Just read the Smackdown spoilers. How lame has that show become since the draft? For a long time that was the only wrestling show I'd watch every single week (worked well for my schedule) but for the past 3 weeks there has been absolutely nothing on there I want to tune in to see. Maybe it's just my general apathy towards WWE right now, but my god does this week's episode sound like a boring show.


Also, NXT made a poor choice. Not only in the poll, but in redoing the Keg Carry Challenge.

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