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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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If you don't have HDnet then youtube. I'm sure there are entire episodes of their t.v show on you tube. If you look around you'll find some.


Their ok I go to their live shows when they come through town but I don't keep up with them since most of the guys I'm interested in aren't there anymore.

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I think people are too used to the Sheamus, Randy Orton, Triple H heel world champions where they are dominant in the ring and out.


You guys that are complaining about Miz looking bad against Lawler aren't thinking from the right point of view.


You guys are saying Lawler is a sixty year old man The Miz shouldn't have nearly lost to a sixty year old man.


From a FANS perspective its classic story telling. Hell didn't they do this with Bret last year in Minnesota? The Old Gun Slinger coming back for a shot at one last championship before he leaves. Did it make the other QB's look silly when 40 year old Bret was out playing them? Of course not because its sports and sometimes in sports we rise up above what we're capable of in order to win a championship.


The WWE hyped up Lawler's legendary career, they had the backstage stuff with him, the fans already like him on commentary, he's been around forever and I bet he's been on more RAW's than anybody else.


They didn't see it as Miz getting kicked around by an old man, they saw it as Miz screwing a fan favorite out of his life long dream.


What about Ric Flair? Did anybody complain that he nearly beat Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania? Ric was nearly in his sixities at that time.


Anyway I like The Miz because its a different champion. How long has it been since we had a by hook or by crook champion? I'm sick of the dominant, champions.


On a side note Alex Riley is getting really good on the mic pretty quick. He's clearly comfortable in his role.

Riley's always been decent on the mic. He just has it. I think he's got decent in-ring skills, too, for that matter.


Miz 2.0?

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I picked the guy out as a star the first time I saw him on NXT he just has a certain look about him.

I think he's actually pretty decent in the ring at this of his career when comparing a similar stage to the career of the Miz.


Personally, if the WWE doesn't screw this up, or he screws up, I think he's more of a breakout of star than Joe Hennig and "Husky Harris".


Joe Hennig is good in the ring, but WWE doesn't have the werewithal these days to use it in the way that will maximumally benefit themselves.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Teh_Showtime" data-cite="Teh_Showtime" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I miss Striker in the ring.<p> </p><p> but he's already the top pbp guy in WWE now (although they want to say he's a color guy)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> My problem with WWE announcing is that it's three colour guys and no play by play people. I really enjoyed the Stamford-Punk commentary on this week's Superstars because along with the banter, they actually called the moves. Oh, and Punk threw out a Pulp Fiction reference and insulted Stamford's wrestling know-how throughout. Brilliant... :')</p>
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<p>Honestly right now Miz needs to be in the ring against proven faces. Really Miz isn't long for the title and I would think he loses it in Feb. I thought they would do Barrett vs. Miz vs. Orton at the Royal Rumble letting Barrett beat an injured Orton for the title leaving Miz out of the equation. Then have Cena win the Rumble later that night moving towards Barrett and Cena at Wrestlemania and Orton vs. Miz at Wrestlemania since Miz would blame Orton being hurt on him losing his championship. </p><p> </p><p>

Then after the Barrett/Cena stuff is over you can then put Miz into a feud with Cena moving into Summerslam of that year with a "The title you won is MY championship" feud. </p><p> </p><p>

Of course it won't happen but I always thought that was the way to bring The Miz truly into the main event for good. </p><p> </p><p>

Oh by the way I also think it should be A-Ri vs. Danielson at WM for the United States Championship. Maybe have Bryan be one of the five or so finalists and have A-Ri cost him the Royal Rumble. </p><p> </p><p>

On that note I'm almost certain Trips returns at the Rumble himself.</p>

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<p>I think its a great way to bring somebody back. Going by that theory having somebody come back and either attack a babyface or heel upon their return, or somebody walk out to open up RAW or Smackdown to return has been too much and is getting stale and repetitive. </p><p> </p><p>

Again sometimes I think the IWC gets a bit jaded. We know that Trips is coming back soon its being talked about everywhere. But the 12 year old kid sitting at the Royal Rumble thinks Sheamus ended this dudes career so imagine after "King" Sheamus enters and the next entrance you hear "Time to Play the Gaaaaame". The crowd would erupt, Sheamus would turn around with this "what the hell it can't be" look on his face. Maybe nobody comes out and Shemus laughs it off like thats what I thought only for Trips to come in through the crowd hell maybe in street clothes eliminating them both and brawling into the stands. </p><p> </p><p>

I think it'd be fun but what do I know I can't even decide on one certain way to mis spell Sheamus' name.</p>

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<p>I just don't agree that repetitive equals bad. Something that happens once a year on the same show isn't repetitive IMO. How many years in a row did the babyface leave WM with the World Title? I'm thinking 14 from 2 through 15. </p><p> </p><p>

Repetitive is the nWo stopping a match from having a finish every match twice a week for three years. Thats repetitive. </p><p> </p><p>

Even outside of wrestling there are only so many ways you can play the guitar, there are only so many sitcom situational jokes that can be made, etc. </p><p> </p><p>

Wrestling is no different its not about whether or not your predictable or even repetitive if its good booking. If you're getting to the end of the feud and its clear to everyone the babyface should go over thats repetitive and predictable but it doesn't mean it shouldn't happen. </p><p> </p><p>

I would even say if it was always Triple H or if it was always Edge that came back at the Royal Rumble every year then yes. However I think thats part of the allure of the whole thing. "What superstar past or present will be a surprise entrant". In fact I think they should hype the surprises more even going so far as to say 1. Mark Henry, 2. Justin Gabrield.....12. ? etc. that way fans can say "oh man I can't wait to see who number 12 is.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Teh_Showtime" data-cite="Teh_Showtime" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>There are only so many ways you can bring a guy back, but it seems like every year <em>someone</em> is going to come back at the Rumble which makes is less special than if it happens a different way. It could be done well, but that doesn't stop it from being repetitive.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> In that one respect though, I think it could be a pretty positive thing... "Wonder who's coming back at the rumble this year?" It might make people want to order it every year if something "special" will always occur.... </p><p> </p><p> Will it be Jericho? Will it be HHH? Could HBK come out of retirement? </p><p> </p><p> It could secure the Rumble as being something special every year if this is what is always expected.</p><p> </p><p> I really don't like repeating things over and over, but if I can make out a positive reason for doing something, I figure the powers that be thought of that long before I did, which makes it easier to appreciate.</p>
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<p>I have been part of that curious crowd since it is almost a given that someone comes back every year.</p><p> </p><p>

It will probably never get old because every Rumble is different in its own ways.</p><p> </p><p>

I just think if a memorable return is to happen, it should be done in a fashion that allows the crowd to focus on it more. Be it after the Rumble or while there is only one guy in the ring.</p>

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Captain Charisma recently tweeted that his rehab is ahead of schedule and that he should be "ready to rumble"


I kinda assume it's him or Y2J...dont think they will keep trips away much longer, certainly not till RR


You don't think Trips would stay out for a month? The Royal Rumble is in like five weeks I could totally see them keeping him out that long. December is sort of a throwaway pay per view for them usually.


I always liked Starrcade being at the end of the year, Christmas, then Starrcade then the New Year felt like something special with it being during the holidays.

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