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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Very underwhelming match imo, but at least it had the right winner. Didn't steal the show as many had predicted by any means, though.


Mysterio's injured.


One time about the background pictures. Awesome. From Del Rio and I like Rhodes one with the newspaper saying "Man Disfigured in Accident" as if he was a freak. Orton's was the best though. Which one was your favorite?

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It wasn't the greatest Wrestlemania ever, but it had moments. The Miz vignette, with the televisions, illustrating his "most must see champion" ideal was brilliant.


And Taker and Hunter wasn't a bad match. Think they tried too hard to try to surpass HBK/Taker, which may have gone against it ... if that makes sense, but it wasn't a bad match. And albeit sore and winded, I don't believe Taker is injured. If he is, that's really sloppy work to lift the guy up like that. Especially if it was neck/back related.


I dig the formerly Dashing Cody Rhodes flair too. The elephant man appeal of the character is rather intriguing. Missed Snooki showcasing her inner Muta (and everything else about the match), so I'll need to try to find a view of that. Other than that, I follow most people's views ... sad that Danielson/Sheamus got bumped, disappointed in the mishandling of the Corre match up. Even the beating of Cole was a bit disappointing, although the use of the Cole Mine was great.

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This is easily the WORSE WrestleMania since WM2000 which was full of wrestlecrap


Even HHH/Taker could not save the terrrible lack of time given to the SD matches in particular. (25 minutes out of 4 hours...really)


It competes with WM9 for worse Mania EVER despiet a 4.75 star match

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Exaggerating quite a bit you guys, don't you think? HHH-Taker was awesome stuff, The Rock was hugely entertaining, Snookie surprised everyone by not sucking, there was a lot of EPIC entrances and the show as a whole had a 'big deal' feel about it. The only real issue was time management. Had they shaved 8 minutes of Cole-Lawler and given it to, say, the 8 man tag it would have been great. I had a few guys round to watch it and we all found it immensely entertaining.
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That might be the first WM that i can remember seeing where BOTH title matches ended with that result (Not saying specifically, but the particular people winning) Is that the case?


I believe so.


They have become so predictable having the face win in the Main Event match of WM it was actually a nice change to see something different.


They flubbed up by not having the 8 man as the dark match and replacing it with Bryan/Shameus. Also, at this point UT has to be the last match of the evening. From that point on Cena/Miz was screwed going after HHH/UT.

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I still think WM 17-26 were all better than this one. It was seemingly about only 2 matches and only 1 delievered. All of the matches with the undercard hype did not get adequate time, and since there was no MITB, I dont know how.


Edit: No slight on Rock, but nobody's mic skills can save the lack of action on the card IMO. It is supposed to be a star studded event, but it was only about 2 matches.

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From a worker POV, I hated Trips and UT.


Big bump, big bump, finisher, weapon shot, finisher, finisher, finisher, 90 weapon shots, finisher.


Not the way you work a match.


I loved it and the fans love it. Also, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but since you are a rookie compared to the Undertaker and Triple H, I don't think that you have room to talk.

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I loved it and the fans love it. Also, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but since you are a rookie compared to the Undertaker and Triple H, I don't think that you have room to talk.


He has a point though. The match was mostly carried by spots and emotion.


I still think it was very good, but that is more than a fair claim

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I thought that The Miz Retaining was awesome because quite frankly I was expecting another Cena Mania title victory.


The match between Triple H and Undertaker was well done in my opinion, they went all out and showed why they are the last two left of an era. It didn't surpass the WM 25 match between Taker and Michaels in my opinion or Taker Michaels 2 at WM 26 but regardless it was still a very well done match.

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He has a point though. The match was mostly carried by spots and emotion.


I still think it was very good, but that is more than a fair claim

Pretty much why I hated the match. At no point did they get me to believe that HHH was about to win. Huge difference from last year, where there were several points in the match where I thought HBK was about to win, despite logically knowing it wasn't going to happen. HHH/Taker was never able to get me to suspend that disbelief, so for me, it was just a series of finishers, bumps and weapon shots that held no real meaning.

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But you do?


No, I don't have any room to badmouth them. Heck, I was just stating my opinion. I don't really even have room to compliment them, I was just saying that is just like saying the someone who is a seasoned veteran and has had a gold glittering career doesn't know what they are doing. It just seemed like a strange thing to say.

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Pretty much why I hated the match. At no point did they get me to believe that HHH was about to win. Huge difference from last year, where there were several points in the match where I thought HBK was about to win, despite logically knowing it wasn't going to happen. HHH/Taker was never able to get me to suspend that disbelief, so for me, it was just a series of finishers, bumps and weapon shots that held no real meaning.


He took like 10 chairshots, 1 to the head, AND a tombstone all in a row. That was enough to get the thought in my head.


Along with Trips ego and being 2nd in command

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If there were no moments during the HHH/Taker that made you suspend disbelief, you either must've not seen all the spots, or just not been into the match at all.

I saw all the spots, trust me. And not being into the match at all and not being able to suspend my disbelief seem to go hand in hand, so I guess you could say that's true. They clearly got the vast majority to buy in, though, as this match seems almost universally loved everywhere I've looked. Kudos to them for putting on a match that just about everybody else enjoyed. It just didn't do it for me.

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Pretty much why I hated the match. At no point did they get me to believe that HHH was about to win. Huge difference from last year, where there were several points in the match where I thought HBK was about to win, despite logically knowing it wasn't going to happen. HHH/Taker was never able to get me to suspend that disbelief, so for me, it was just a series of finishers, bumps and weapon shots that held no real meaning.


I didn't see it that way. I'm not disputing the series of finishers, bumps, and weapon shots, but the meaning aspect. The whole build up of "win or die trying" was the thread that ran through the match. In so much as that they came out intent on living up to that. It was very much a one upsmanship match, trying to hit that final move to eventually "kill" off the other. That sort of idea may not appeal to everyone, and definitely won't work in every match, but I think in this instance, it sort of told the story. But that's just personal opinion.


I also just realized that Josh Matthews is going to quit now. Poor guy got screwed by circumstance. lol

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I didn't see it that way. I'm not disputing the series of finishers, bumps, and weapon shots, but the meaning aspect. The whole build up of "win or die trying" was the thread that ran through the match. In so much as that they came out intent on living up to that. It was very much a one upsmanship match, trying to hit that final move to eventually "kill" off the other. That sort of idea may not appeal to everyone, and definitely won't work in every match, but I think in this instance, it sort of told the story. But that's just personal opinion.


I also just realized that Josh Matthews is going to quit now. Poor guy got screwed by circumstance. lol

I should have clarified. When I said they had no meaning, I didn't mean they were thrown out there without thought or reason. I understood the story they were going for; I didn't watch Raw until Saturday night, so the "win or die trying" stuff was very fresh in my mind. They had no meaning for me because at no point did I buy in to the idea that HHH was about to win. I understood what they were trying to do, but it just didn't work for me.

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OK.. here is my break down


The Good:

- The Trips/Taker match: Now granted it was trying surpass HBK/Taker parts 1 and 2, but this match actually made me BELIEVE that Trips was going to end the streak, especially when Taker grab Trips by the Throat and trips did the "Cut throat" gesture and did Taker's own move against him.


- The Rock getting his revenge on Cena (and Miz) I am not going to lie, I am actually HAPPY that Cena lost. I mean honestly, what ever ring rust Rock had, you couldnt tell if it he even had it. Not to mention when Stone Cold and Rocky stood face to face ...again. Simply EPIC.


-Surprisingly...Snooki. She did a damn good job doing the Great Muta Handspring and then finishing off Layla with the handspring cartwheel splash...She did good job for a celebrity....


-JR and King Broadcasting again. God I missed them.



The Bad


- The Lawler/Cole Match: Why the hell would you make SCSA the special guest referee just to overturn the referee decision, and then have Cole win the match anyway!! To be honest. I cant STAND Cole at this point.


- Why the hell did the Sheamus/Daniel Bryan match not been shown. I mean some of the matches in Wrestlemania could have been shorter and some of the segments could have been GOTTEN RID OF.


The Ugly:


-The Angles: Jesus Christ. With Hornswaggle trying to rap, (and WWE producers f*cking up the sound) made me want to cut my wrist with a plastic butter knife.

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the WHC match 8 man tag, and Rhodes/Mysterio got a COMBINED 25 minutes.


I thought the World title match would get near that on its own.


And the burying of the Corre who are 3 of the 6 champions is baffling.


Come on man. You're the only one who lets yourself be bothered by this kind of stuff. Ok, definitely not the only one but it's your loss. Counting the amount of minutes each match has lasted for judging effect? It's not like the WHC and Rhodes/Rey lasted five minutes each anyway. Stats like that are just.. meaningless when it comes to a WM spectacle, IMO.


There are only two gripes I can concede, the placement of the US title match and not having Morrison/Ziggler do a bit more in their match. And the Snoop audition thing but I was smart enough to go to the bathroom for that.


Apart from that, WM was exquisite. Numerous number of moments. I'm not gonna sit there and judge the time of matches or star quality when you had stuff like Austin stunnering Booker T, listening to good old JR/King calling the rest of the show and a freakin' Rock/Austin staredown. The ending was a moment that will be replayed and remembered for years to come.

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