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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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The "draft" is stupid. Anyone realize it's more of a lottery than draft? Someone should tell the WWE the difference.


Nope. It's a draft. Just like conscription, which was known as a draft. There are plenty of types of draft.


Anyway, my views on the draft:


Cena to Smackdown / RAW


I see why they did this - you make the draft the focus of teh show, you need big names moving. Solution? Don't make the show just about the draft. Stupid.

Rey Mysterio to RAW


First thought was it'll be nice to see fresh matchups with Del Rio and Punk :rolleyes:. Seriously, a feud with R-Truth is just about the only match up for him that I could get interested in


Randy Orton to Smackdown


Top move. It's been over 18 months since he's feuded with Cena, but it's the money feud in WWE. Seperating them for a year before they feud inevitably again is good.


Mark Henry to Smackdown


Turns a non-entity into an upper midcarder for a few months. Hopefully no longer, but it's good use of... "talent"


Sin Cara to Smackdown


Happy with that - remember when Smackdown was the "talent" show when the brand split originally happened, and it made for some great matches. There's still decent talent on Smackdown, and decent matchups. Still wish Rey was still on Smackdown...


Big Show to RAW


Is it bad that I actually want to see a proper, decent Big Show / Miz feud? About time he moved, he was running out of opponents on Smackdown.


Del Rio to RAW


WWE put their faith in Del Rio and give him the opportunity to become the next big heel... possibly taking Punk's roll. That's fine.


And then the supplementary draft... seriously? That many? Lets have a quick look:


Daniel Bryan to Smackdown - great

Regal to Smackdown - great - I'm liking this talented Smackdown

Beth Phoenix to RAW - good, need her against Kong

Riley to Smackdown - pity, I think sticking with The Miz for a while would have been better for him

Swagger and Sheamus swapping - probably good moves for the two of them


Everyone else - at least six of these people will be cut before the end of the year. And will Drew will either have a good push, or be jerking the curtain? Time will tell.



Overall... I liked it. I actually like the look of Smackdown... as soon as they remember Henry's not a Main Eventer. And if Punk does sign a new deal then RAW's not looking too bad. They could have done a lot worse. They could have also done a lot better if they hadn't messed around with Cena.

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Why do ya'll like Zack Ryder and not Robbie E, and Robbie E has actually done somthing in his short career in TNA unlike Ryder?


I could write an essay on this.


Ultimately, Robbie E feels manufactured to me. He's a blatant ripoff of Jersey Shore, who turned up around the height of that show's popularity. Zack evolved before my eyes. From Major to Edgehead to Woo Woo Woo. Feels more natural and real.


Also, I think I just randomly latch on to wrestlers sometimes and refuse to turn on them throughout their careers. See also Hardy, Matt.

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Let me first say that in my opinion doing the draft right before the pay per view was a bad idea and here is why.


With all three guys in the triple threat match being on Raw we know that the WWE title will stay on Smackdown obviously.


Christian almost has to win the World Title now which to me sucks because I love Del Rio. but I think it makes the most sense to have Christian Win and keep the World Title on Smackdown. Otherwise if Del Rio wins they have both champions on one brand which would defeat the purpose of having two belts.


If anyone has heard anything that may clear up the championship situation please let me know because at this point I don't know what to think.

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I find it funny that everybody is freaking out about the Cena double trade when they did the same thing with Triple H in, I think it was 2003 or 2004. I don't remember anybody getting ticked off back then, so why exactly is everybody getting ticked off right now?


They didn't that I recall. He was drafted to Smackdown and then traded back to RAW (For the Dudley's and Big Show maybe?).

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Yes, it was different. Trips was traded back a show or two after, and there was actually an exchange for him, whereas this just seemed like a swerve train for the sake of it. Pretty much like a Russorific move as I'd definitely see him pull something of the sort if he was upon the reigns. Like I said, I am sort of happy so that we won't see Orton and Cena duel for the thousandth time but they could've just as well used the picks differently. There's like three or four upper-midcarders who went through the supplemental draft, would've been a decent surprise if Drew, Kofi or Sheamus was announced on TV.


But overall, I am pleased with the draft. Not so pleased that Raw is stacked with up-and-coming heels, one of them is bound to get the cold shoulder, and out of them I dislike Miz and Swagger. But I know Miz is here to stay and Punk is rumored to be bouncing soon so I'm not very optimistic on that point. SD!'s roster is looking sweet though.

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Yeah if I remember, the Dudleys* and Booker were traded by Bischoff right away because he (in storyline) didn't want Triple H off his show that badly.


But the double draft thing is just lazy writing. It's like having a lethal lottery where a main eventer loses in the first round, only to get drawn again later on so he can end up winning the whole thing. It's not a clever 'gotcha', it's a stupid swerve that makes it hard to suspend disbelief.



*= (apostophes are never used for pluralization BTW, and whoever taught you that needs their education credentials revoked)

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Yeah if I remember, the Dudleys* and Booker were traded by Bischoff right away because he (in storyline) didn't want Triple H off his show that badly.


But the double draft thing is just lazy writing. It's like having a lethal lottery where a main eventer loses in the first round, only to get drawn again later on so he can end up winning the whole thing. It's not a clever 'gotcha', it's a stupid swerve that makes it hard to suspend disbelief.



*= (apostophes are never used for pluralization BTW, and whoever taught you that needs their education credentials revoked)


Although usage has changed in recent years, some handbooks call for an apostrophe in the plural forms of numbers, letters, and words used as words:


How many 1's do we have in the line?

We put x's on the incorrect answers.

The no's resounded loudly throughout the chamber.


To avoid confusion, we may occasionally need to use apostrophes to indicate the plural forms of certain letters and expressions that are not commonly found in the plural: •Mind your p's and q's.

•Let's accept the proposal without any if's, and's, or but's.


Use of apostrophes in order to form the plural of certain non-words is quite normal, accepted, and cited in style manuals.


This is a judgment call for the writer, but there are several style manuals available on-line (e.g. the Hunter College manual) that indicate that apostrophes can be used to form plurals in unusual cases where just adding an "s" makes the word unrecognizable: e.g. "mind your p's and q's"


You use too many and's in your writing. (The apostrophe assists the reader in this example.)


There are two consecutive i's in the words skiing and taxiing. (The apostrophe assists the reader in this example.)





Use apostrophes with capital letters and numbers when the meaning would be unclear otherwise.








Please dot your i's.






You don't mean is.






Ted couldn't distinguish between his 6's and 0's.






You need to use the apostrophe to indicate the plural of zero or it will look like the word Os. To be consistent within a sentence, you would also use the apostrophe to indicate the plural of 6's.


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That may be true (but most writing handbooks are self-contradictory rubbish anyway), but "Dudley's" used in the way used in the posts above mine is still absolutely wrong. Like, second grade mistake wrong.


Dudley's could have meant "Dudley Boys" kind of like That's can mean That is, or it's can mean it is. Depends on how you personally look at it, but I took it as just a little web conjuction junction function, in a way we could understand, although written on a book review meant to be submitted for grading would probably not be a good idea.


Either way, a board where the hot topic of the day ends up being "How to avoid Zombies" is hardly the place to be so critical of grammer. I understand some people have little personal things that they can't (can not) stand, but in a place where LOL and ROFL can be used without any concern, I think we can permit someone to use an apostrophe however they want to.


I am not ranting, just pointing out the obvious.

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Let me first say that in my opinion doing the draft right before the pay per view was a bad idea and here is why.


With all three guys in the triple threat match being on Raw we know that the WWE title will stay on Smackdown obviously.


Christian almost has to win the World Title now which to me sucks because I love Del Rio. but I think it makes the most sense to have Christian Win and keep the World Title on Smackdown. Otherwise if Del Rio wins they have both champions on one brand which would defeat the purpose of having two belts.


If anyone has heard anything that may clear up the championship situation please let me know because at this point I don't know what to think.


Personally I think the other way. Before the trade I saw Christian winnign the title before dropping it Del Rio, now I see Del Rio winning it to swerve us all, then for him to drop it to Orton next PPV.

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Personally I think the other way. Before the trade I saw Christian winnign the title before dropping it Del Rio, now I see Del Rio winning it to swerve us all, then for him to drop it to Orton next PPV.


Are we just assuming that they will ignore the brand split to give orton this shot at a raw champion?


Which of course is more than possable, just wonder if they'd competly invalidate the draft that quick.


Seems more likely they give it to christan and here's why


1. he's a solid worker, not a ME guy at all times but he can do it as a transitional babyface for sure.


2. every edgehead is currently a captain charisma fan due to the way they've played up their friendship in an emotional way. have you heard Christan's pops lately?


For that reason i think they give it to christan for the duel "I did it for my friend!/ it took me x years to do this!" cheap pop for a few months, and let him work with the younger heels on smackdown till he drops it and orton eventually grabs it off said transitional heel (rhodes or shemus?)

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