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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I just want to note that I don't want CM Punk to leave but I guess if he clearly is that miserable then he should. I don't think I've ever been this emotionally invested in another wrestler's career... it may be because I've watched him grow up in the biz through ROH, FIW, and even some IWA (His triple threat match with Eddie and Rey is awesome!)


Although, I've never wanted a wrestler to succeed more than Punk just because he's clearly toiled and worked his way up to his current spot.


And because I want to see his crooked moonsault just for kicks again! :D;)


I know something good will come out of whatever happens at Money in the Bank but I just think it sucks. Punk is my favorite wrestler.

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Ok guys with 6 days to go until the PPV and them giving clues to cash ins on both shows (Sheamus on Smackdown plus the whole Christian getting screwed situation then on Raw with the stipulations in the WWE title match). What title match will the cash in come in? Or will it come at all? Interested to see your opinions. I think Christian will win the title and then Sheamus will cash in straight after and win. I think we will see Vince involved in the the WWE title match but I'm completely confused as to which way it will go.
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I know something good will come out of whatever happens at Money in the Bank but I just think it sucks.


I wouldn't get too confident of that; how many times have WWE had something potentially great fall into their laps and either screwed it up or outright ignored it because it wasn't an idea they came up with.


Whatever happens between Punk and Vince tonight, if something does happen, should give us an idea of what could he happening on Sunday. I just hope WWE don't try and get cute with some nonsensical surprise just so they can surprise people with something they never saw coming. The idea that Punk wins but then Del Rio cashes in his MitB win, either on his own or at the behest of Vince, has been so widely talked about that you shouldn't be too surprised if that doesn't happen.


Cena simply beating Punk and sending him on his way would be the worst thing to do simply because this angle got so much buzz that doing the predictable thing of Cena coming through in the clutch to win would be a big disappointment.


One idea that's been floating around a lot has been that Punk wins, Vince sends a MitB winner down to get the title off of Punk but Punk beats them too, only for Vince to send the other MitB winner who beats Punk and sends him packing. The problem with that, and a lot of ideas, is that Punk is hot NOW and you need to take advantage of him while he still is hot and Punk taking time off risks cooling him off to where you're not getting the most out of something really cool. I think any scenario where Punk simply loses the title and is sent packing never to be seen for however months before he returns would be a tremendous letdown. I think something where Punk gets to stick around for TV but gets house shows off for a while would be a compromise that takes advantage of his heat but still gives him the rest from the day-to-day grind he wants.

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Really loved that segment. Punk was hilarious as usual with that megaphone. Was confused as to why the Raw GM would want to put Cena into a handicap match, but for once, Cole actually helped explain something.. :p


Kinda like the idea of this negotiation thing, I'm sure Punk's gonna have some wild demands... (Wild Cherry Pepsi in the lounge?! Never!)

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That segment actually made me laugh, though.


But I really wish they would have a true brand split and not have guys from Smackdown feuding with guys from Raw.


Eh, I don't really mind an inter-promotional feud. He's really only appeared on Raw to build it when it's dual-branded. Big Show only appeared on the SD! that started it because he knew Del Rio was there, it's not like they're just randomly appearing on the wrong show.

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