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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Destionation X was a better PPV all around, but this is deff #2 behind that for ppv of the year


I really enjoyed Destination X, but enjoyed MitB much more. I guess it just comes down to whether you like X-Division style wrestling, or sports entertainment more. The big advantage MitB has, not to say I didn't think all of the matches were great, was that it has provided much more in terms of potential storylines, shock, and excitement than DX which was largely just about the matches as a one off spectacle not about telling a story.

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Yeah, but even then, they were trying to swing away from the barrier. And Cole said he was celebrating with "the Chicago faithful." I understand he's (assumedly) not under contract, but his name has been mentioned enough recently to validate Cole saying the word Cabana once.


I will say, though, that if my biggest gripe of the entire show is simply the misinformation of a "fan" in the front row, it's gotta be a pretty solid show. lol


Plus there were several Cabana chants lol. Although I didn't see him there, thought they just felt like chanting his name :D

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This is so sad, but I legitimately drew the punk x's on my hands and drug free across my knuckles at the beginning of the match. Damn that was incredible. It's 4 o'clock now but I'm so hyped up now there's no chance of sleeping. Screw it, I'm watching it all over again
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Destionation X was a better PPV all around, but this is deff #2 behind that for ppv of the year


Yeah not arguing, but IMO this blew DX (which I was one of the more positive fans of) out of the metaphorical water.




That PPV left me thinking the best possible thing any wrestling show can leave the viewer thinking.


What the **** happens now?!


Absolutely right, my brain is in a fuzz.


wrestling is "fake"? This is real! My reaction how much "real" stuff can do this.

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I am going to tell you this right now.


I have just went 44 bucks inthe hole in my bank account.

I have to stay up for an extra 2 hours for work tommorow.


And I probably have to watch the Twilight trilogy with my gf as payback.



But believe me...this was well worth it. The match from begining to end was CLEARLY 5 Stars. And the ending no one saw coming.


Thank you Mr. Punk. You are right. You have clearly made WWE Relevant again.

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Plus there were several Cabana chants lol. Although I didn't see him there, thought they just felt like chanting his name :D


Is it weird that I was chanting with them? When Punk hit that GTS, and Cena fell out of the ring, I felt the words "Go help him, Colt, c'mon" leave my lips. lol

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Try explaining it to the two non wrestling fans I live with who didn't watch it who came out like "Dude, what's got you so hyped up" :p


Haha indeed. Since Rock came back a lot of people I know have been paying more attention to it, it's back on the radar so to speak. But still, it's a strange one.

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Is it weird that I was chanting with them? When Punk hit that GTS, and Cena fell out of the ring, I felt the words "Go help him, Colt, c'mon" leave my lips. lol


I did too, but I did it when Cena dragged Punk back to the middle of the ring in the STF.

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Very well planned, very well executed. As well as the obvious there were a number of little things that went into the building up of this match. I can't help but feel that WWE (though probably unintentionally at first) has been educating the casual fan about the Montreal screwjob for months, starting with the return of Bret Hart. Newer fans may not have fully appreciated part of the finish without that.
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That was probably the best pay per view I have watched in a long time.


Just wondering if they keep Cena off TV for any length of time with this firing thing, will they give him the chance to change his character up, or will he come back as the same old Cena, or will he even be gone at all?

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That was probably the best pay per view I have watched in a long time.


Just wondering if they keep Cena off TV for any length of time with this firing thing, will they give him the chance to change his character up, or will he come back as the same old Cena, or will he even be gone at all?



loophole in Vince's 'you're fired' thing, it was Vince who distracted Cena with his BS he was doing, he basically put this all on himself...

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Destionation X was a better PPV all around, but this is deff #2 behind that for ppv of the year


Not even close...I dont even think that was tna's best ppv this year...


Great ending, didn't think they'd do it. Actually legit interested in a raw, it's been awhile ;)

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CM Punk leaving with the title was the less probable scenario for me and it happened. I'm pleasentely surprised. So much intriguing possible storylines from now that my brain hurts ! It was a really good match too with little side stories, lows and highs, drama and a surreal atmosphere. If anyone wonders why we like wrestling, we should point to tonight and this magic moment.


Overall show was good I'd say. The two MITB were different enough to keep the act interesting all night long. I believe every single of the 16 participant had their moment. Alberto Del Rio winning was a bit predictable, but they couldn't throw curveballs all night. Poor Daniel Bryan will be the first guy to cash in and lose. At least, he will have the chance to cash unlike Mr Kennedy.


Show/Henry met my expectation which were not very high like everyone else. I like the booking though, they have something going there. With the stipulation, Christian was likely to win, and he did, I'm just not sure about the sequence of events. I mean, he spat in his face, that's not something that bad imo. And why kicking Christian in the balls at the exact moment, after the referee already warned you and you have backed down ? There's some logic that escapes me there. This match was a bit too long for my liking, I thought it dragged somewhere in the middle.


Still, overall a really good night of wrasslin' and I can't wait to see what's next !

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