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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Just watched the Brodus debut...absolutely amazing. Seriously brought a massive smile to my face and it's the first time I can ever say that I like Brodus Clay. His little comments he made during the match were hilarious.




Poor Hawkins though. I wish they'd do something with him.

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Just watched the Brodus debut...absolutely amazing. Seriously brought a massive smile to my face and it's the first time I can ever say that I like Brodus Clay. His little comments he made during the match were hilarious.




Poor Hawkins though. I wish they'd do something with him.


You know until that match I didn't even know that Hawkins was still on the roster. I thought they had gotten rid of him months ago.:o


Is he on the Smackdown roster? If so that is probably the reason why because I hardly ever watch Smackdown.


I do agree with you they should do something with him. He just seems like one of those guys that never got a legit shot.

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Pretty sure Hawkins has been relegated to Superstars for awhile. I know he got drafted to Raw in the last draft and on twitter him and Ryder talked about their tag team reforming, and well...nothing ever came of that. I would have loved to see the Broskis of Destruction tearing it up :p
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Just watched the Brodus debut...absolutely amazing. Seriously brought a massive smile to my face and it's the first time I can ever say that I like Brodus Clay. His little comments he made during the match were hilarious.




Poor Hawkins though. I wish they'd do something with him.


I love Brodus Clay. He is serviceable in the ring, more so then the latest batch of "big guys" and the fact he isnt just playing "BIG BAD ASS #1245" I'm okay with.


It seems some of the internet groaned about it at first, but most people are behind him and this new gimmick.


I like something different, I like surprises, this surprised me. Where it goes? Maybe a team with Santino? Who knows, but I'm down for anything.


Note: I still hold hope Mason Ryan will turn out decent. The guy is apparently super humble and super nice, and I can get behind that. Hopefully he improves in the ring though.


As for Hawkins, WWE should just go all out and make NXT its own brand, with its own title and everything. And have all these lower card guys "fired" from RAW & SmackDown! and signed down there, with the purpose being to get "noticed" and signed by one of the big brands. Hawkins could Stevie Night Heat that place up IMO. He has charisma and is actually good in the ring. He was always the workhorse of Ryder/Hawkins.

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Kane is good with his long monologues but just about everything he said was a carbon copy of Cody Rhodes' rants when he wore a mask.


I like what they're doing with Bryan -- it's interesting.


The Funkasaurus... Brodus Clay. WTF! Talk about a throwback to WWF weirdos like Adrian Adonis and Akeem. Was that Big Johnny's idea? I hope he gets a new gimmick every month. As a permanent gimmick it sucks.


R-Truth & Ricardo were funny.


Did Jericho just take the mickey out of Edge and his emotional retirement farewell? The man has no shame ;)

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Why put the Horsemen into their HOF as a group? Granted I do not put much stock into that joke of a HOF but still.


I mean Ric Flair is already in there, plus he is still working for TNA, so I am not even sure how they will work that out. I mean if you are going to put workers in there in absentia, why not put Bruno in there. After all he meant the most to the company during the early days. I know he does not want to go in there but who cares just put him in there anyway.


They should have put Arn, Tully, and Barry in there as individuals. Though in truth none of them had HOF worthy WWE careers. Barry had his US Express days and Tully and Arn had their Brainbuster days. Neither of those stints were that note worthy. Granted the WWE now puts anyone that was a star in any company in their HOF so I guess my that is a moot point.


TNA can make a storyline out of it. Have Ric Flair feud with Abyss over the ring..........Oh wait been there

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I wasen't real impressed with the jericho follow up, despite the fact that I was told i was a wwe mark for liking his debut last week. :D


I mean, i get it, and it was funny to see him get fake emotional and trolling the audience but i figure this has run it's course. By a minute into him doing the fake crying i was wishing i could skip the thing via DDR.


I'm not sure "god i wish i could skip this." is the reaction they are going for in the home audience.


I think he has to talk next week. Or, how i would book it, have him troll the audience again but have punk come out and be like "enough Chris, we get it."


And go from there.

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I wasen't real impressed with the jericho follow up, despite the fact that I was told i was a wwe mark for liking his debut last week. :D


I mean, i get it, and it was funny to see him get fake emotional and trolling the audience but i figure this has run it's course. By a minute into him doing the fake crying i was wishing i could skip the thing via DDR.


I'm not sure "god i wish i could skip this." is the reaction they are going for in the home audience.


I think he has to talk next week. Or, how i would book it, have him troll the audience again but have punk come out and be like "enough Chris, we get it."


And go from there.


Do we get it though? I am confused. I know he is mocking the fans but why? I don't really get it.

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But but but, it didn't do exactly what I wanted immediately! I dislike this!


However, if it had been that way, and they didn't do a slow build, I would complain they don't spend time properly hyping things anymore!


They could have waited to bring him back though if they didn't have anything for him yet. If this was a book or a movie and a guy returned to just be like haha I am back and then dissappeared for a chapter only to come out in the next chapter and be like haha I am still here it would be stupid. There is no progression at all with last nights segment. Next week I just hope it isn't another haha I am still back in the WWE segment.



There is a wait and see effect:rolleyes:


I am known around here to defend most booking decisions by TNA/WWE/(insert fed name). Some things I am a little critical about when it leaves me saying ummmm ok.

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He hasn't said a word yet. I would wait until he speaks to crap on it. Most don't want to wait for him to talk.


My problem is that it's just plain stupid. Two weeks in a row he's come out and said nothing. I mean come on they could handle this a bit better. I could have dealt with one week. Not very well, but two weeks in a row. Just kind of ruins the entire flow of the show IMO.

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My problem is that it's just plain stupid. Two weeks in a row he's come out and said nothing. I mean come on they could handle this a bit better. I could have dealt with one week. Not very well, but two weeks in a row. Just kind of ruins the entire flow of the show IMO.


I agree. It just is weird and not in a good way.


When Sting showed up in the rafters it was mysterious and left you saying what is going on. It was also kept short most of the time.


Jericho coming out and not doing anything is just boring. Then Lawler saying he was too emotional to speak was annoying too. It's like how stupid can you be Lawler. Obviously it was a bad fake cry.

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I agree. It just is weird and not in a good way.


When Sting showed up in the rafters it was mysterious and left you saying what is going on. It was also kept short most of the time.


Jericho coming out and not doing anything is just boring. Then Lawler saying he was too emotional to speak was annoying too. It's like how stupid can you be Lawler. Obviously it was a bad fake cry.



exactly. He had that stupid smirk on his face while trying to make himself cry. It was poorly done, and he can't pull this off IMO.

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I think it makes perfect sense, if I was looking back at his last character progression in WWE.


First off, the crowd is "Sheep", etc. Point made first week.


Second: He doesn't think much of the old "Legends". Making fun of some, another point made.


I can see this continue for a good while, if that's what they are doing... IF so, I would imagine that the last part will be making fun of CM Punk supporters (if not Daniel Bryan and Zack Ryder as well), with the big reveal of who called him in to "End the World" as we know it.


It's how I see it coming to light so far. It could mean nothing as well, but I can't make a judgement call without more plotlines.

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Yeah, the second Jericho segment came across to me as hollow. I get where they were going, I guess it was hard to do a good followup to that. The fake crying was sort of awkward. Overall, the point still got across I guess. Next week, he should definitely speak though.


They could have waited to bring him back though if they didn't have anything for him yet. If this was a book or a movie and a guy returned to just be like haha I am back and then dissappeared for a chapter only to come out in the next chapter and be like haha I am still here it would be stupid. There is no progression at all with last nights segment. Next week I just hope it isn't another haha I am still back in the WWE segment.



Things don't always need to be so timely. While the segment wasn't to my tastes, there is some progression.. it just wasn't to our liking. But Jericho and the WWE clearly have this angle outlined.


I mean, would you have wanted him to come back right when Punk would be disposed of all potential challengers? It's bad enough everyone's waiting for the feud to happen, why make it even more predictable?

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Yeah, the second Jericho segment came across to me as hollow. I get where they were going, I guess it was hard to do a good followup to that. The fake crying was sort of awkward. Overall, the point still got across I guess. Next week, he should definitely speak though.


I am in agreement here.


Things don't always need to be so timely. While the segment wasn't to my tastes, there is some progression.. it just wasn't to our liking. But Jericho and the WWE clearly have this angle outlined.


They usually do have everything outlined and just fill things in as they go. I am sure it is planned all the way up to the Rumble at least.


I mean, would you have wanted him to come back right when Punk would be disposed of all potential challengers? It's bad enough everyone's waiting for the feud to happen, why make it even more predictable?


To answer your question... Yes

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To answer your question... Yes


I have to admit, it's what I wanted as well. I'm going to play devil's advocate anyways..


I believe if that's what happened, people (not everyone here, but alot) would be complaining about it being "Rushed". There's actually no doubt in my mind that would happen. Fact is, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind there's going to be quite a bit of complaints no matter what they do, even if it ends up being the best thing we seen in a decade.

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its odvious that they are trying to get heat for him. How do you get jericho over as a heel? Have him say nothing.....one of the best talkers in the company saying nothing at all. The odvious fake emotions.......its ment to look fake because it is. Its being played up way to much to be him just doing it. He's over doing it......jericho is a show man and he would not be acting that way. I hope he goes weeks with the "being to emotional to speak" stuff.
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I have to admit, it's what I wanted as well. I'm going to play devil's advocate anyways..


I believe if that's what happened, people (not everyone here, but alot) would be complaining about it being "Rushed". There's actually no doubt in my mind that would happen. Fact is, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind there's going to be quite a bit of complaints no matter what they do, even if it ends up being the best thing we seen in a decade.


You are right you can't please everyone. Others may be right around here that this could be good because it is leading to something good. I see the play on words from the video "END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT" and CM Punk "BEST WRESTLER IN THE WORLD" things. Jericho feuding with Punk and playing up the heel would get heat quickly. Jericho has always been a fantastic heel when he was cocky and egotistical and before he left last time.


EDIT: Even though I see the play on words nothing since he has re-debuted has pointed to anything relating to CM Punk or connected the videos to this character we have seen I feel.


its odvious that they are trying to get heat for him. How do you get jericho over as a heel? Have him say nothing.....one of the best talkers in the company saying nothing at all. The odvious fake emotions.......its ment to look fake because it is. Its being played up way to much to be him just doing it. He's over doing it......jericho is a show man and he would not be acting that way. I hope he goes weeks with the "being to emotional to speak" stuff.


"How do you get Jericho over as a heel?"


You serious bro? Jericho is usually a heel and he is one of the best. I see what they were doing but him not talking and then doing the fake cry thing to me is making me not care about when Jericho is on screen. I won't boo him because he won't talk. You don't boo people that you want to talk. Do you boo the Toronto Maple Leafs because you want them to win a Stanley Cup? Maybe you boo the Patriots because you want them to win a Super Bowl? Yeah, I don't think so. So I won't boo Chris Jericho because I want him to talk.


The point I am trying to make is you don't bore your fans and annoy them to gain heat for a guy. There is a difference between heel heat and bad heat. I am not a believer in the any heat is good heat method. (see X-Pac heat for an idea of bad heat)


Now I don't think Jericho is borderline getting X-Pac heat but I am saying for me it's bad heat.

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