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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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@Self, you don't have tons of T-Shirts and stuff made if you didn't plan for it. They know exactly what they are doing here, they know more then we do, and they probably expected that reaction being where they were. I don't expected they knew how big the reaction would be, but everyone is playing up to it perfectly (or playing down to it to encourage it more).



But they didn't have tons of tshirts made, they reacted to Bryan's reactions and then made a shirt, which is hard to get held of because they weren't anticipating making any.


And the anti Cena tshirts... well, that came about 4 years after he started getting booed.

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But they didn't have tons of tshirts made, they reacted to Bryan's reactions and then made a shirt, which is hard to get held of because they weren't anticipating making any.


And the anti Cena tshirts... well, that came about 4 years after he started getting booed.


I heard they had tons of "Yes Yes Yes" shirts made before Wrestlemania, but I might have been miss-informed. Almost positive they had them for Raw the very next day though. I seriously doubt they called someone up late at night and said "Hey, we need these shirts made by tomorrow!!" although I guess they could have.


I'm just watching the show as far as Cena is concerned... T-Shirts or no T-Shirts, I know he's a money machine as far as selling stuff goes. Cena's just something I figure has been going on for so long that they have to be using everything to their advantage at this point, as it's completely obvious they know what would get everyone to cheer for him. They are purposely avoiding that, although they will tease us from time to time.

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I heard they had tons of "Yes Yes Yes" shirts made before Wrestlemania, but I might have been miss-informed. Almost positive they had them for Raw the very next day though. I seriously doubt they called someone up late at night and said "Hey, we need these shirts made by tomorrow!!" although I guess they could have.


I'm just watching the show as far as Cena is concerned... T-Shirts or no T-Shirts, I know he's a money machine as far as selling stuff goes. Cena's just something I figure has been going on for so long that they have to be using everything to their advantage at this point, as it's completely obvious they know what would get everyone to cheer for him. They are purposely avoiding that, although they will tease us from time to time.


I am pretty sure it was announced on the day of that RAW or the day after that they where making the YES shirts. Either way the writers could have thought it was a possibility that the reaction would happen the way it did but be unsure so as to not have the shirts made. But in this case I think you are giving the writers too much credit.


With the Cena thing I think that the writers are trying to do what you are saying and are aware of it but it did take them a hell of a long time to find out as Anti Cena has been going on for a good long while now.

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I am pretty sure it was announced on the day of that RAW or the day after that they where making the YES shirts. Either way the writers could have thought it was a possibility that the reaction would happen the way it did but be unsure so as to not have the shirts made. But in this case I think you are giving the writers too much credit.


With the Cena thing I think that the writers are trying to do what you are saying and are aware of it but it did take them a hell of a long time to find out as Anti Cena has been going on for a good long while now.


I remember him coming on Raw and letting everyone know they are making new shirts, but could have sworn someone that went got a couple already.


I agree with you overall though. I don't see them "counting" on anything, til' after it happens. However, I do think they are playing on the IWC crew, us, and anyone else that is having conversations like this, to do what we do ("Boo John Cena, Cheer Bryan Danielson, etc.). I don't think I'm giving creative anymore credit then an internet connection would give them... The problem is utilizing what they learn to enhance the product, which I think they have in more then a few area's. Even the Mark Henry push ended up to be somewhat good, something I don't think even the biggest supporters of them would have thought.


It's like a new generation is slowly but surely getting over. Over time it's easy to see what they have been doing... Testing waters, then hitting us with what worked when they are ready for it, to make it the "perfect" time for it, or as close as they can.

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"Lord Tensai" sucks. He's fat, he can't move and he can't talk. I'm typically not a hater but I really don't want to see him injected into even more storylines. Let him go back to Japan where he was a mediocre midcard talent, or in WWE terms, "took over the country".


I think he is very talented. He was a tag champion "no small feet for a Gaijin". He has a very "strong style" and to be honest i think is a legit main eventer. That is my opinion of course. They need to let him talk though, he was decent on the mic as albert.

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"Lord Tensai" sucks. He's fat, he can't move and he can't talk. I'm typically not a hater but I really don't want to see him injected into even more storylines. Let him go back to Japan where he was a mediocre midcard talent, or in WWE terms, "took over the country".


I like him. Giant Bernard is good and I don't mind the Tensai character. He has been booked strong and I like him much more than Khali. Tensai has been booked as a big threat to anyone on the roster. He moves like a much smaller guy and has a unique move set compared to the rest of the roster right now.

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"Lord Tensai" sucks. He's fat, he can't move and he can't talk. I'm typically not a hater but I really don't want to see him injected into even more storylines. Let him go back to Japan where he was a mediocre midcard talent, or in WWE terms, "took over the country".


You clearly have no idea what you're talking about, but that's fine, I guess.


Raw was pretty good. The Punk/Jericho segments were great, as were the Cena/Lesnar segments. I was hoping that they'd give Claudio a match, but I can wait until Smackdown.

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Why on earth are they pushing Khali? :confused:


And I know they want to push Brodus Clay, but having Ziggler and Swagger lose to a comedy team like that... meh. I thought they were aiming to get Ziggler a main event push.


Isn't the WWE's formula for success that you have to lose to everyone basically for a bit and then get a push to the top... outside of Orton and Cena of course... although Cena is now losing so maybe his true big push is coming! Yikes.

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I don't profess to be a huge fan of Japanese wrestling. If I'm wrong about the "mid card" comment then fair enough, I'd be wrong. I love how on message boards one makes a whole post, yet responders focus on one or two words and say "You're completely wrong" lol.


He's still a fat, out of shape, past his prime talent that wasn't all that over when he WAS in his prime. In fact, before the dirt sheets started putting out rumors he was coming back over here, I can honestly say no one was really talking about Matt Bloom, Giant Bernard, Prince Albert, whatever.


However, to be a main event, you would generally have to be in the main event or "top draw" of most shows. Based on my casual following of Japanese wrestling shows, it doesn't seem like that was the case. He's been a big part of a few shows, but he was never their version of John Cena or anything meaning the top draw. That's all my point really was. I don't mean to come off as "main event or bust!" because that's not me. Quite frankly I don't care about what he did in Japan. I'd love for him to go back there and be the legendary hulk hogan of japan some of you seem to think he is.

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This guy gets it ^^^


Shame on you, Genadi! :p


Except most people won't get it, because the kind of audience the WWE wants doesn't do subtlety.




chris, you're describing a storyline that would be more at home in RoH than WWE. Remember, WWE's audience is of the K.I.S.S. variety. There's no reading between the lines allowed here. If what you suggest is true, WWE's writers are writing for the wrong promotion. They're confusing their own fans. :p


I heard they had tons of "Yes Yes Yes" shirts made before Wrestlemania, but I might have been miss-informed. Almost positive they had them for Raw the very next day though. I seriously doubt they called someone up late at night and said "Hey, we need these shirts made by tomorrow!!" although I guess they could have.


chris, this is commerce. For a company the size of WWE, with their overwhelming reliance on merchandising, they could have t-shirts printed within six hours. The NFL had Tebow Jets jerseys printed within six hours of his trade being approved. That's how big companies work with merchandising. The design of Bryan's shirt is so basic/simple, it wouldn't require much work or effort to produce in mass quantities. Remember Ron Simmons' 'Damn!' shirt? Same thing. Now Randy Orton's 'Viper' t-shirt was complex so would probably require some lead time but then, he's Randy Orton. He already had several t-shirt designs to choose from. That was just a "new"/updated one.


"Lord Tensai" sucks. He's fat, he can't move and he can't talk. I'm typically not a hater but I really don't want to see him injected into even more storylines. Let him go back to Japan where he was a mediocre midcard talent, or in WWE terms, "took over the country".


Yeah, no. You're probably a WWE/TNA fan thus you've only seen people as they work in those (watered down/simplistic) products. Go look at his work in NJPW. He sucks in WWE's product, yes, because it doesn't play to his strengths. But he's held titles a lot more respected than WWE's passel of disposable fashion accessories.


Why on earth are they pushing Khali? :confused:


And I know they want to push Brodus Clay, but having Ziggler and Swagger lose to a comedy team like that... meh. I thought they were aiming to get Ziggler a main event push.


Brodus Clay has a gimmick that can move merchandise. Ziggler and Swagger do not. In fact, what are you complaining about? Both Ziggler and Swagger have had their time at the top. It failed. So what, they're supposed to get multiple chances? Look at Miz! I think it's ironic that the person Miz said was worthless, is now surpassing him in stature AND merchandise sales (don't remember them rushing to get "I'm Awesome" t-shirts made at a moment's notice).


And Khali is being pushed since I figure WWE is going to try to counter TNA in India. So they need their Indian front and center. Might've been the same for Mexico if Mistico hadn't collapsed under WWE's schedule (which was an order of magnitude more than he was used to).

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Yeah, no. You're probably a WWE/TNA fan thus you've only seen people as they work in those (watered down/simplistic) products. Go look at his work in NJPW. He sucks in WWE's product, yes, because it doesn't play to his strengths. But he's held titles a lot more respected than WWE's passel of disposable fashion accessories.


Yes, WWE totally doesn't play to a big, powerful, slow wrestler with a mean look. Not their style at all...

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I wish they'd move Miz over to Smackdown so he could hang out with Daniel Bryan more often. I love their relationship. That one in-ring segment they had, where Miz congratulated Bryan (taking a certain portion of the credit for himself) and hoping that maybe... one day... they could form a tag team. My heart skipped a beat. MORE! I want the tag team!


Yes, WWE totally doesn't play to a big, powerful, slow wrestler with a mean look. Not their style at all...


Working style, not aesthetics.


Japanese psychology is rather different to American stuff. Albert clicked over there. Great for big man shoulder barging spots. He was never a top, top guy in NJPW, but he was a damn fine tag champ (upper midcard belts over there) and able to headline the show every once in a while, challenging for the top strap.

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I don't profess to be a huge fan of Japanese wrestling. If I'm wrong about the "mid card" comment then fair enough, I'd be wrong. I love how on message boards one makes a whole post, yet responders focus on one or two words and say "You're completely wrong" lol.


He's still a fat, out of shape, past his prime talent that wasn't all that over when he WAS in his prime. In fact, before the dirt sheets started putting out rumors he was coming back over here, I can honestly say no one was really talking about Matt Bloom, Giant Bernard, Prince Albert, whatever.


However, to be a main event, you would generally have to be in the main event or "top draw" of most shows. Based on my casual following of Japanese wrestling shows, it doesn't seem like that was the case. He's been a big part of a few shows, but he was never their version of John Cena or anything meaning the top draw. That's all my point really was. I don't mean to come off as "main event or bust!" because that's not me. Quite frankly I don't care about what he did in Japan. I'd love for him to go back there and be the legendary hulk hogan of japan some of you seem to think he is.

He may not look in shape but that guy isn't in that bad of shape really. He moves in the ring well and can work a 25 minute match if he needed to. In Japan he headlines PWNOAH, Zero1, and NJPW shows at times. He was great over there. In WWE he is working a gimmick in which they want him to work.


I was talking about him before that as I had been watching a lot of Giant Bernards work with Karl Anderson for my mod. I enjoyed a match I saw of Bernards against Tanahashi which was the 1st match that made me really give him a chance again. Glad I did as I was ready to write him off as the hairy Prince Albert of old. The Tanahashi match was the 1st match I saw of Bernards in Japan by the way.


What does it matter how over he was anyways? He held titles that I would argue are more prestigious than the WWE championship at times.


Japanese psychology is rather different to American stuff. Albert clicked over there. Great for big man shoulder barging spots. He was never a top, top guy in NJPW, but he was a damn fine tag champ (upper midcard belts over there) and able to headline the show every once in a while, challenging for the top strap.


Very true.

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Again, wonderful for him and his accomplishments over there. It's cheesy and dumb over here.


Not his fault that Cole is touting him as this international Superstar who was unstoppable. Probably the writers fault more than anything. You don't like him that is cool but the guy isn't fat, out of shape, and past his prime.

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Yea I agree it was a good, engaging match. Definitely a solid main event. Rock did a fantastic job overall. As did Cena.


So Tensai is a worse wrestler than Rock? Rock and Cena were not very good from a wrestling perspective at Mania. The match was interesting due to their overness but the match wasn't that good really. Rest holds to try and communicate. Watching them talk thru their next spots very blatantly.


Let's just agree to disagree about Tensai/Albert/Bernard. In my opinion credibility is lost when someone thinks Rock and Cena can work a good match but Tensai is a terrible wrestler?

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Let's just agree to disagree about Tensai/Albert/Bernard. In my opinion credibility is lost when someone thinks Rock and Cena can work a good match but Tensai is a terrible wrestler?


I agree with you. I have friends that think Rock and Jeff Hardy are incredible wrestlers, but can't even make it through a Jericho, Regal, Malenko, or Danielson match. I just chalk it up as them not knowing anything about wrestling and move on.

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