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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I doubt Cena even waits that long to bury Punk and return to his usual SuperCena ways. Hell he couldn't even lay down for Punk on RAW, there's no way he's gonna wait all the way until Summerslam to start whining about not being champion.


I'm hopefull he doesn't win it at Summerslam.


I can see Punk now saying "you know what? I tried to be the good guy. I tired to be the white hat champion? and where did that get me? 3rd on the card behind this jamoke."


And then using every means necessary to avoid/ screw over cena.


I kinda hope he now tries to use AJ to get Cena barred from title shot chances :D

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Yup really good one. And in retrospect RAW 1k was a lot better then I gave it credit for at the time. I was in a really foul mood because of some family situation and I was looking for stuff that wasn't really there as I was hoping we would get some product change indicators. The Nostalgia was good even if clunky at parts and I am glad Punk is probably back to being Punk even though the execution of it was just ok in my eyes not great but not bad either. Its just a shame they wasted a whole year pretty much to get us back to where we where a year ago with Punk. So while I am glad as free speaking Punk is better it is basically a back to square one move and not an evolution or something "new" or anything like that as was last year or with early Nexus.


If the whole CM Punk midcard WWE champ thing was intentional from the start they really played the whole IWC ( ,not just the typical smarks but whole IWC,) very well but it was still a dumb move. Let's make someone less good and underpush him intentionally so when he goes back to what he was in June it will be good. And btw Punk didn't need this year to establish or (re-) establish himself dude was already plenty established.


But most likely around the time after No Way Out they decided to go with all the chatter on the net and turn it into the "big" summer angle with the hints Bryan, Eve and Show gave and intentionally putting MITB as the ME over his championship match. While that was done ok I wasn't really happy with how Punk reacted to those hints as I prefer turns in general to come either out of left field but with good reasoning and execution behind it, be strongly hinted at but not confirmed, or come naturally. They kinda went middle ground on the whole thing so for me it came of a bit weaker then it could have.


Again not saying that I don't enjoy Punk being back to Punk but just think it could have been done better and its not as big as last time around.


Guess for product change indicators and how they are going with this I will have to check 1001. If I don't see product change indicators to my liking enough or more to my dislike and this storyline and the AJ gm thing doesn't compensate enough I am definitely out until the general chatter of people whose opinion's I respect is that things have gotten better and/or different.

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... Am I the only one who noticed the poster's a fake? That's the NoC show design from 2010 with Kane. Not to mention, you know, Paper-Jams hasn't been a sponsor for a while now.


Nice catch, I did know it was just a rumored one but for a rumored one its good.

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Guess for product change indicators and how they are going with this I will have to check 1001. If I don't see product change indicators to my liking enough or more to my dislike and this storyline and the AJ gm thing doesn't compensate enough I am definitely out until the general chatter of people whose opinion's I respect is that things have gotten better and/or different.


I think you will have to give it longer than one week. I mean it's similar to TNA going live where yeah it might feel different but it wasn't actually different until 3-4 weeks in.


Raw 1000 gave me the indication that they will start showcasing newer talent more though when guys like Sandow can rub shoulders with DX to open Raw, and doesn't lose anything because there were 5 of them against him.

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Hmm noticed the different product focus before they went live in the competitions case but I agree that it will off course be a slow process.


But 1001 should be an episode where indicators like that exist such as the use of the extra hour. I really really hope they use the extra hour for making the midcard more relevant instead of more social media, sponsor shilling and kiddy pandering.

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RAW with an extra hour is potentially a good thing. If they build their card properly, they'll have no problem adjusting.


The problem is they've got two hour Raw as a formula as of the last few years. We get an angle to open the show to set up the main event, a nice big match for the changeover at the top of the hour, and the big run-over main event. It's not really designed to build to a better, more layered overall storyline but instead simply to draw ratings at the right moment.


I think the concern is that they'll just give us "more of the same" rather than use those 3 hours to build to a bigger, better main event scene. Those fears are warranted I think. Still, I'd like to give it time and see where it goes. Maybe they are trying to launch a new era and all that happy nonsense. Maybe it'll be more of the same. All I know is I don't feel the need to waste time and energy complaining about things that haven't really happened yet.

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I get your point, but as you have often said to others your point is wrong. Well I do not really think that but I hate it when people say an opinion not based on fact is wrong, which you have often done in the past.

In the context of wrestling it still makes sense and does not kill his credibility. He only lost to a woman because the odds were against him.


The other people in that he fought were for the most part big names in the past. Well not Scotty 2 Hotty or Doink, but I would not say it kills his credibility to lose to Sid, who if he was still in the WWE could be considered a threat. Or Vader a former WCW World Champion or even Bob Backlund who held the WWF Title for what six or so years. Granted Backlund has been treated more as a joke for the last twenty years or so but he still has the prestige behind him.





Maybe not the best example, probably should have went with George Foreman.


Excuse me? You must be confusing me with someone else. I'm the one who hears that lame BS excuse everytime i rant about Cena. It's an opinion. For all i know i can back it up with "I woke up this morning and i felt like Cena sucks." People need to distinguish between a PERSONAL opinion and an educated one &/or an argument being made. There's something you need to back up, arguments. And i don't know why the hell you answered with that contempt. I didn't even argue with you. Just made a point.

It's amazing how my pet hate for "guy that can't wrestle in the WWE's history number 10243" bothers so many people. That will hardly change my mind. Done. Feed me more! :D

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Hmm noticed the different product focus before they went live in the competitions case but I agree that it will off course be a slow process.


Not really trying to argue so you probably shouldn't respond to this, but I was pretty turned off by Sting coming back and owning Bobby Roode prior to Slammiversary (and at the actual PPV) among other things but it picked up shortly thereafter.

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Excuse me? You must be confusing me with someone else.


The following post would say otherwise:


Ok, this right here is wrong. I'm not criticizing you, BHK, but in general, we need to remember that we admire these guys for what we see, wich is the work they do. Sure, if we know that one of our idols is a murderer or something like that, we will never be indiferent to it, but they won't stop being great at what they do. This reminds me of the whole Benoit thing. But i won't go there.


I could give two craps about how much you dislike Cena, but I do dislike it when people say I am wrong when I am just stating my opinion on something where there are no facts that cannot disprove my opinion.


Back on topic, from what I have read online and yes I know it might not happen, the plan is to have Punk hold onto the championship until Royal Rumble where he will lose the title to the Rock. Setting up Rock/Cena II for the title at Wrestlemania.


I am not sure I like them putting the title on the Rock but it will be at the Meadowlands so and it is Wrestlemania so I guess they have to put on the biggest match possible.

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The Rock holding a World Title in the WWE 8 years removed from being a significant figure would be as bad or worse than David Arquette winning the WCW World Title.


Not joking.








Do you even realize how big of a draw the Rock is? He makes the company money. David Arquette didn't do that for WCW. There is a BIG difference between the two.

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Do you even realize how big of a draw the Rock is? He makes the company money. David Arquette didn't do that for WCW. There is a BIG difference between the two.


Wait, David Arquette didn't draw money? Surely we can all agree that Vince Russo's reign was epic.....right? Anyone? :D


If they do put the belt on The Rock it will only be until Wrestlemania. Where he would drop the title to Cena.

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To me, the only thing that makes sense with The Rock, CM Punk, and John Cena scenarios is Punk with on and off feuds until around December when things heat up between he and The Rock. Punk will retain his title (or lose and regain it, but I really don't see anyone else worthy of holding it right now), and he will face Rock at Royal Rumble.


Rock will win, and feud with Cena. Cena wins at Wrestlemania. It's perfect for The Rock. He gets the title he promised, and he gets it for a short time and gets to lose it in an epic* match.


* Epic in terms of marketability, and to some, wrestling.

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I don't think the guy who won the main event of Wrestlemania this year and is perhaps the biggest draw in wrestling can be fairly compared with David Arquette. It's more comparable to saying Hogan shouldn't be WCW champion while working a reduced schedule and shooting 3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain. I mean there's a point to be made there as far as it being bad for business, but the Rock is still a big deal.
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Oh man, CM Punk hitting the Go To Sleep on Rock was one of the most beautiful things I have seen in wrestling. It's about time someone gave that past his prime, overrated, catchphrase machine a knee to the face and Rock sold CM Punk's stuff pretty well too. After that whole episode of RAW being pretty annoying (Tout, Social Media BS, Trips making Lesnar look weak, Rock making Daniel Bryan look stupid, Everyone bullying Heath Slater ... seriously guys, Be a Star should not endorse this!) finally someone I actually like got one move in on someone I want to see get the hell smacked out of him.


After all the time Rock has made other people look like crap while he rattled off 4000 catchphrases and after all the times I felt ill from playing The Rock drinking game, I really just wanna see Punk and him have a good, nasty, EVEN feud. This has put Punk into the role of Uber Babyface to me, even if he'll be a heel to a lot of other people.

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Smackdown was a great follow-up to Raw 1000. Good wrestling from start to finish. Looks like Ryback's finally getting into a feud.


Won't spoil anything but I'm not sure what they're planning with the WHC #1 Contender. Thought for sure Rhodes would get a shot. I was hoping Punk would take out the new #1 Contender and challenge Sheamus to a WHC title match. Is it even possible to hold both major titles in WWE or would one have to be vacated? Heel Punk with both belts would be awesome! Now I'm praying Ziggler cashes in at Summerslam. I like Sheamus but he's running out of heels to beat.



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I like Sheamus but he's running out of heels to beat.


How so? Him and ADR have been the only feud since he beat Bryan at ER. With Randy Orton coming back this week and Wade coming back after SS sometime I think Sheamus can get a few more miles out of his reign.


He's great in the ring so I don't want his reign to stop when he's putting in career best matches every PPV.

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I would like to see Sheamus up against Cody Rhodes at a PPV, that was a great match and wouldn't mind seeing a LEGIT match between he and Dolph Ziggler, not just another predictable heel-runs-in-and-cashes-in-MITB-while-champ-is-out, which I hope doesn't happen, but I think Sheamus has the smarts not to fall for that, but I am sketchy at this ADR feud going on and can only imagine that Dolph and Jericho will have an awesome match at Summerslam, Sheamus and ADR will have their match, ADR weakens Sheamus and Dolph cashes it in after their match and the same crap happens all over again.


Great Smackdown though, definitely their best in a long time I only intended to read the results because I missed it Friday and when I got to the 'Jericho runs in dressed as Ziggler' part I was like 'ok, I actually have to see this'

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