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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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The Triple Threat and Tag matches were fun. Damien Sandow fast-tracked to Raw and put over Christian??? I'm a fan so I hope he makes the most of it.


Quote of the night: Paul Heyman - "Oh my God, you broke his arm!" They really need to keep him on as a manager post-Lesnar.




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Thought you might like this Hart shoot




Lol Hart calling Bishoff a idiot.


I never new Sandow took his gimmick from Lanny Poffo


Very good interview. I enjoy these interviews with legends. Hart was great and I think he is honest without being cocky I feel. Some guys who give these interviews say the most ridiculous things.

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Going back even before 80s i think Poffo got his ideas from Nick Bockwinkle.


Watch old tapes how Bockwinkle talks and acts he has that cocky im smarter then you act and does it very good.


Wrestling is 99.9% strategic theft, so I hope nobody is overly critical of him for using the gimmick... They both do it well, and considering Poffo never got over, why can't you reuse it?

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I am, other than the way Barrett says barrage. That catchphrase was stupid to begin with and it's even more lame now.


I love Barrett, I just hate that stupid line.


Agree totally. Barrett legit looks like a badass. He just pops off the screen I've said it since day one of NXT I thought they guy had a ton of potential.


In my opinion, I wish they'd get away from the snobbery, get more viscous with him. Establish him as scary and tough, then layer in the arrogance.


These cool vignettes lead me to believe that's what we'll be seeing :-)

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Agree totally. Barrett legit looks like a badass. He just pops off the screen I've said it since day one of NXT I thought they guy had a ton of potential.


In my opinion, I wish they'd get away from the snobbery, get more viscous with him. Establish him as scary and tough, then layer in the arrogance.


These cool vignettes lead me to believe that's what we'll be seeing :-)


To further this discussion, I guess I don't blame them for doing it the way they did to start with, looking at exactly how he come into the main roster.


However, I "feel" that this character, the way he was before, would have worked 10 times better if they went a badass way first. Establishing him as a tough as nails, kick butt type of guy without many words would get him over as a much bigger threat, when after the fact, he is found to be incredibly smart as well. I just think a guy with his talent could become a major player for a long time if they played their cards right, and didn't get in a hurry with it.


Nexus worked because of the numbers game. For me, Barrett was over by being the leader and spokesman for them, more then any ring activity. Imagine a worker getting over in the ring first, then being able to promo the way Barrett can? I think that's the perfect way for him, especially if he goes all out "bare knuckle's" style.

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Imagine a worker getting over in the ring first, then being able to promo the way Barrett can?


Daniel Bryan comes to mind as a good example. They rushed to slap the US title on him (for the little it's worth anyway) before letting him wrestle and show glimpses of his technical prowess. They used MITB to get him noticed by the masses. Then they felt comfortable letting him on the mic and showing a personality (in opposition to Cole's opinion of him). Since then he's blown away the critics with his entertainment skills.


I really hope Barrett makes the most of it if they do the same with him in his next push. I think the only thing holding him back is a better finisher or submission maneuver because his moveset is a little on the generic side.

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SD Highlights:


Hawkins/Reks stripper gimmick. William Regal relegated to Backstage Trash Man. Eve v Kaitlyn (good for a Divas match). Bryan vs Orton (interesting feud between 2 really over wrestlers). Cesaro bullying Santino. Ziggler going nuts on Jericho backstage.

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I don't see anything wrong with the Wasteland as a finisher. It has the same setup as the Attitude Adjustment, but looks to have a higher level of impact. It's as painful looking as the World's Strongest Slam.


It's a fireman's carry where you toss the guy forward. It has zero impact as a finisher. At least the AA has the guy doing a flip to the side and Cena makes it look pretty good buy driving him down to the mat.


wasteland is a good set up move, bad finisher. I much prefer the boss man slam he's using now as his go to finish.

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Triple H and Brock was boring.


Jericho and Ziggler though? Phenomenal. I wish they had more time.


Kofi & Truth vs Prime Time Players was pretty good. Titus has gotten so much better.




Also, I can't believe Kevin Rudolf is only 29, the dude looks like he's in his 40's

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