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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I do believe you are right.


Still hilarious.


it's actually more hilarious because it's plural, and, in a twisted way,it makes more sense. It's pure gold atm. I'm glad the WWE decided to "listen to the fans" (i know they plan thing ahead so in this case it's more making the right call since the start) and put these 2 in a tag team. Awesome stuff.

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Um, Nightmare...Cena is on another level from Jericho, Bryan and Kane in keyfabe. And Punk has owned his as well during this reign.


This arguement falls flat. Just enjoy the good wrestling (and it has been good when these two get together, in my opinion)


As for SM82's issue...I think this whole 10th longest reign thing is supposed to legitimize him. I'd expect Punk to hold the number 2 spot for a while still, maybe even take the number 1 spot (I expect him to be facing Rock at RR and maybe a rematch at WM as well)


Also, before she went to bed, me and my fiance were yelling "I am the tag team champion!" at each other. Good times.


Well, i'd like to see Punk hold until the Rumble, when the Rock will probably win it to take it to WM, but i always thought they would go with a Rock vs. Cena rematch at Mania. Which would be insulting, when only 1 year has passed after the "once in a lifetime match"! I know it's pro wrestling and today's truth becomes tomorow's like and vice-versa, but they are still promoting the dvd's and replays as once in a lifetime, so doing a rematch now would be kind of...you know...bad. Even for sports entertainement. Anyway, who thinks that Punk might hold on to the strap until the Rumble?

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Bryan Alverez reprting on twitter that Cena needs surgery on his elbow and will be out 4-6 weeks.


He hurt his ankle Sunday too. Dude's all busted up; Shouldn't have been out there yesterday. I shutter to think who will be facing Punk at Hell in a Cell... Triple H come out of retirement? Big Show turn face? Randy Orton? Rey Mysterio? Who's filling in for "Jonboy"?

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He hurt his ankle Sunday too. Dude's all busted up; Shouldn't have been out there yesterday. I shutter to think who will be facing Punk at Hell in a Cell... Triple H come out of retirement? Big Show turn face? Randy Orton? Rey Mysterio? Who's filling in for "Jonboy"?


It's around 5 weeks until HIAC so I could see Cena being back in time to face Punk. There is also a good possibility WWE is exaggerating the recovery time like they have been known to do in the past.

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It's around 5 weeks until HIAC so I could see Cena being back in time to face Punk. There is also a good possibility WWE is exaggerating the recovery time like they have been known to do in the past.


Yeah. They always do that, especially with Cena. He'll be back on time. But if his injury had been more serious...what would they do? I'd like to know that! If he was out for 7 or 8 months, i'd like to see The E running around like wild monkeys, completely clueless on what to do.

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I see them milking Cena til' they can't. It's up to Cena (IMO) to think smartly and maybe ask for time off and such. I don't see him doing it real soon considering his private life, at least not at this point, but I do think he is intelligent enough to consider things like that as time goes on.


Well...it's been 7 years since his first title win at WM. Eight since his inaugural major moon-push, if we consider that they spent almost a year pushing the man before his match at WM with JBL. I think that he should start considering a time off at this point. He should have done it a long time ago. People "hate him" mostly because the way they keep shoving him down our throats. Nothing more then that. I don't think he has enough guts to stop them from milking him to the bones. Mostly because i assume he's loyal to the company. More then he should, as he's forgetting about his future. If they do milk him to the bone (which won't take another decade) then his future will pretty much be undeserving, considering the loyalty and hard work he always seems to show.

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Well...it's been 7 years since his first title win at WM. Eight since his inaugural major moon-push, if we consider that they spent almost a year pushing the man before his match at WM with JBL. I think that he should start considering a time off at this point. He should have done it a long time ago. People "hate him" mostly because the way they keep shoving him down our throats. Nothing more then that. I don't think he has enough guts to stop them from milking him to the bones. Mostly because i assume he's loyal to the company. More then he should, as he's forgetting about his future. If they do milk him to the bone (which won't take another decade) then his future will pretty much be undeserving, considering the loyalty and hard work he always seems to show.

Basically agree. I hope he see's that although he's booked as Superman, he's really not, and takes some time off just for the sake of taking time off, and not just because of an injury. I don't ever expect him to stop training, working out, and such, but there is a ways you can be handled, and they do have the people necessary at this point to rise up. The card feels really full now, and quite a few of them are not as recognizable as any other popular wrestler from the past.


Guess my point is, I don't expect any difference for a couple of years, but if they just go at it for another decade like this, he's not going to have an "Undertaker" career (for example). He's going to get broke down. Luckily for him though, medicine and health is much better then when people like Hogan was going at it. The breakthrough's are incredible, and every day seem to be something new in them. So he might still be able to do it anyways, and we might all eat our hats 20 years from now. IF the advances in medicine were available when Hogan was his age, Hogan probably would be way better off then he is now (although he has shown actual improvements because of these advancements, at least last time I looked things up).


The thing is, the people need a break from him. It wouldn't be a bad thing to let him go away for a year or even a little longer, then bring him up right when no one expects him. Maybe even a fake retirement that everyone starts to figure is real, and "Poof" he returns.


The problem with that is that they lose out on all kinds of money.

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I think a good 3 or 4 months off every year and a half would be perfect for Cena. Maybe from June-August every year. He could return for Summerslam and we as fans would get our much needed break. In that time he could do movies, or whatever else he wants to. It would give him a chance to have a few memorable returns where the crowd pops huge!
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Define frequently. He was fired in the Nexus angle, and never missed a Raw. He teased taking time off after his fight with Lesnar, but has still been on the show every week. Aside from his two injuries (pec and neck) he really hasn't been gone at all.


You know what, you are right. I absolutely misspoke when I said "Frequently". I should say he has taken time off with the injuries, and sales and ratings were down if I remember correctly.


And I also remember stories of a bit of panic from WWE with the Nexus "firing" storyline because when he's not going to be on the show, and the fans know he's not going to be on the show, they felt their numbers would go down big time.


Either way, maybe after wrestlemania, Cena taking time off is not a bad idea. I shouldn't have came off so dismissive of it. It's actually probably the right time, depending on how Punk does at WM, because he can probably carry the show and the company a bit. Him, Orton, Shamus, Big Show, DB, Dolph, etc are all interesting enough to progress creatively and still pull in decent numbers without Cena. At least in my opinion. I just don't know that WWE sees it the way I do.

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That would be great but I don't think this is true. If it is though I wonder how it will change anything. I bet it will just mean some lower card guys go over to AJPW for a few shows and maybe vice versa.

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That would be great but I don't think this is true. If it is though I wonder how it will change anything. I bet it will just mean some lower card guys go over to AJPW for a few shows and maybe vice versa.


Honestly, my first thought when I saw it was that since HHH is in charge and realizes how cookie cutter a lot of the guys in development are, the deal would give the younger guys a chance to go to Japan to get experience and bring something new to the table here.


I'm probably way off base, but that's what I thought of the deal.

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Honestly, my first thought when I saw it was that since HHH is in charge and realizes how cookie cutter a lot of the guys in development are, the deal would give the younger guys a chance to go to Japan to get experience and bring something new to the table here.


I'm probably way off base, but that's what I thought of the deal.


This = awesome idea

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This is directly related to the UFC doing well by partnering with a local contractor in Japan. All Japan have the Yakuza ties to properly promote the show. If you go it alone, they'll turn against you and counter promote you, which Vince learned the hard way not that long ago when the first Japanese tour bombed.


Welcome to the Japanese kakutogi scene. Don't expect much beyond co-cards every once in a while. They had similar deals in the 90s with AJW (Big Egg Wrestling Universe) and WCW ran combo cards with NJPW about once a year.

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Just one thing I thought of immediately, was with the JBL commentary. I noticed he kept bringing up Japan quite often, although he did bring up other area's of interest as well (one of the reasons I believe people like him so much on commentary).


I feel like he has a cheat sheet of wrestler facts in front of him at all times, and not just current, but historical as well.

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