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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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push Big Rob Terry! Next X-Division champ... and going to be the first man to hold every belt in TNA by himself.


Angle beat him to it although at that time the Legends/Global belt didn't exist but as atm its a vanity belt it doesn't really count.


BTW the full IGN interview is a very worthy read. And everything I have read from Hogan and those around him doesn't have anything about pushing Heavyweights or bringing back all the old guys. Especially since Nash made fun of the anti Hogan/TNA smarks for suggesting them during Impact, I loved that segment hehe. EG Brutus, Nasty Boys etc


Also I heard the name DDP was being bandied around seeing as he said he would be interested to return to TNA if his independent work went well. Any update on him?

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Just a thought I had a while back with the rumors of Dreamer and RVD coming in and the discussion here about Raven and Stevie.


Remember that 3D + Rhino and Neal call themselves the 3D Wrecking Crew? Well how about adding Raven and Stevie to that mix lead by Raven and possibly adding Dreamer and RVD or having them go against them. What's the name of the stable? Wrecking Crew Extreme (WCE)! See what I did there lolz.

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I hope DDP does not come in, he was played out when he was in WCW and I really do not want to see him again. Plus the dude just stole two hours of my life last week, when I watched him in an awful horror movie that was on Chiller.


So how many people think that UK Invasion and A.J. will quickly lose their titles the minute Hogan takes over?

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Every other word out of Hogan's mouth is a lie, so take that with a grain of salt.


lol I agree Crap seems to just ooze out of Hogans mouth. I read that interview on IGN and to me he sounded like he was talking alot of crap.


And he likes to mention Vince McMahon alot! lol

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lol I agree Crap seems to just ooze out of Hogans mouth. I read that interview on IGN and to me he sounded like he was talking alot of crap.


And he likes to mention Vince McMahon alot! lol


Yeah Hogan is known to tell tall tales. I just hope he does not ruin TNA the way he and his friends destroyed WCW. Because if that were to happen I am not sure I could watch WWF on a regular basis. And I have no access to ROH's TV show.

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I know but Hogan likes to aggrandize things to say the least. But I am not as doom and gloom about him coming in as a lot of the IWC or lay the blame at his doorstep for every bad decision TNA might make.


Edit: Before it was always Russo's fault but when Jarret/Mantell/Vega (,and later Cornette,) where removed from creative the product actually improved imho. So it is always very hard to say who makes what decision.


BTW If AJ and the British Invasion lose the titles it doesn't really matter it just depends how and to who they will lose it. You can't say Beer Money/Guns or Angle/Joe would make bad champs. With some other teams and singles wrestlers also being credible contenders.

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Yeah Hogan is known to tell tall tales. I just hope he does not ruin TNA the way he and his friends destroyed WCW. Because if that were to happen I am not sure I could watch WWF on a regular basis. And I have no access to ROH's TV show.


Agree with you there although him and his friends where only one of the many factors that ruined WCW. Still it will be interesting to see what happens and as always everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt.

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Agree with you there although him and his friends where only one of the many factors that ruined WCW. Still it will be interesting to see what happens and as always everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt.


Im looking very much forward to Impact but I really dont care about Hall, X-Pac, Kennedy, RVD or whoever else is gunna show. Dont see how the point of them when they are ment to be looking to the future. they are all going to join the Main Event Mafia anyways lol

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The Main Event Mafia only exists in Scott Steiners mind atm lolz. Plus Kennedy and RVD can still go in the ring and Hall, Flair and DDP can give one hell of a promo and put over and teach the younger guys. But as I stated before I would like to see them but preferably not a lot. BTW what ever happened to Sid Vicious announcing he was TNA bound?


Still Impact looks to me as the better show mainly because of all the possible surprise factors and even as an E fan it helps to chose Impact as more competition leads to better WWE imho. Which is a win for all wrestling fans.

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I thought I'd pass this along....


Several websites are reporting that Angel Williams/Angelina Love has resigned with TNA and will return on mondays' 3 hour broadcast.


I, for one, am thrilled by this, and can't wait to see her on my tv again.


Yeah PWI has confirmed this as well. The real BP are back baby and with Lane and Velvet having extra microphone practice in her absence they will be better then ever. And good riddance to bad rubbish with Lacey Von Erich hopefully.

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I hope Monty Brown comes back, I don't know why but I just found him to be awsome. Just wanted to add that part of his awsomeness came from the fact that he used to play on my favorite AFC team the Buffalo Bills.


Monty Brown is one of my favorites. I was always rooting for him to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship way back in NWA-TNA!

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Honestly, except for the one night mark out factor, I think most of the names being thrown around would be terrible additions to the TNA roster.


Not necessarily from a talent standpoint, so much as the roster is already overly crowded with a lot of pseudo main eventers who barely get any TV time as it is. I mean..guys like Joe, Hernandez, Morgan, Dinero, the British Invasion, Abyss, Lashley, Steiner, the Guns, and pretty much the entire X Division are constantly watching their push yo-yo up and down because storylines don't properly develop because of how difficult it is to get all these "names" on TV week to week.


You add guys like Kennedy or RVD and then what? More random 6 man feuds? Every PPV headlined by a four way?


The only really consistent storylines they've done lately have been Kurt/Wolfe and the Knockouts. Even JJs return, which should've been a Vince Russo work/shoot specialty homerun, fell completely flat (he talked on-air about SLEEPING WITH KURT'S EX-WIFE and somehow the segments were still boring as hell) .


In a lot of Hogan's interviews he's had a similar sentiment that I greatly agree with: TNA has the talent already. They need to create characters the audience can buy in to. Storylines that make you want to watch.


So either sell me on the guys already on the roster or cut some people loose before you bring in more workers...but right now Impact already feels like too much is happening but nothing ever goes anywhere. Bringing in more names for the sake of 'having names' will only make it worse.

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Honestly, except for the one night mark out factor, I think most of the names being thrown around would be terrible additions to the TNA roster.


Not necessarily from a talent standpoint, so much as the roster is already overly crowded with a lot of pseudo main eventers who barely get any TV time as it is. I mean..guys like Joe, Hernandez, Morgan, Dinero, the British Invasion, Abyss, Lashley, Steiner, the Guns, and pretty much the entire X Division are constantly watching their push yo-yo up and down because storylines don't properly develop because of how difficult it is to get all these "names" on TV week to week.


You add guys like Kennedy or RVD and then what? More random 6 man feuds? Every PPV headlined by a four way?


The only really consistent storylines they've done lately have been Kurt/Wolfe and the Knockouts. Even JJs return, which should've been a Vince Russo work/shoot specialty homerun, fell completely flat (he talked on-air about SLEEPING WITH KURT'S EX-WIFE and somehow the segments were still boring as hell) .


In a lot of Hogan's interviews he's had a similar sentiment that I greatly agree with: TNA has the talent already. They need to create characters the audience can buy in to. Storylines that make you want to watch.


So either sell me on the guys already on the roster or cut some people loose before you bring in more workers...but right now Impact already feels like too much is happening but nothing ever goes anywhere. Bringing in more names for the sake of 'having names' will only make it worse.




Yeah, the roster is getting crowded... Need another show, more time, or something.

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Honestly, except for the one night mark out factor, I think most of the names being thrown around would be terrible additions to the TNA roster.


Not necessarily from a talent standpoint, so much as the roster is already overly crowded with a lot of pseudo main eventers who barely get any TV time as it is. I mean..guys like Joe, Hernandez, Morgan, Dinero, the British Invasion, Abyss, Lashley, Steiner, the Guns, and pretty much the entire X Division are constantly watching their push yo-yo up and down because storylines don't properly develop because of how difficult it is to get all these "names" on TV week to week.


You add guys like Kennedy or RVD and then what? More random 6 man feuds? Every PPV headlined by a four way?


The only really consistent storylines they've done lately have been Kurt/Wolfe and the Knockouts. Even JJs return, which should've been a Vince Russo work/shoot specialty homerun, fell completely flat (he talked on-air about SLEEPING WITH KURT'S EX-WIFE and somehow the segments were still boring as hell) .


In a lot of Hogan's interviews he's had a similar sentiment that I greatly agree with: TNA has the talent already. They need to create characters the audience can buy in to. Storylines that make you want to watch.


So either sell me on the guys already on the roster or cut some people loose before you bring in more workers...but right now Impact already feels like too much is happening but nothing ever goes anywhere. Bringing in more names for the sake of 'having names' will only make it worse.


RVD makes absolute sense for them. He's a beloved worker who is still very good and who works a style that meshes well with TNA. Hall serves no real purpose beyond a one night appearance. I hope he isn't wrestling at all to be honest. I've never cared at all about Kennedy and I hope the rumors about him are just that. He has no appeal imo.

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Until they learn to use the time they've got properly, they don't deserve another show. Two hours a week is plenty to plug a monthly three hour PPV.


Exactly. The TNA faithful have for years said things like "well things will get better once they have..weekly TV....another hour...a better timeslot..etc."


But the fact remains that TNA's biggest weakness is and always has been its booking.


Impact a lot of times feels like they just try to run as many angles as they can possibly squeeze into the time alloted and kind of just hope the fans will like SOMETHING.


More time won't solve it. That will just mean another hour of bad storylines. Fix the writing style...figure out a direction for some of these workers...and just have some consistent storytelling. Less is more etc

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Ken Anderson, Paul Heyman, & RVD Headed To TNA?, More

Report by TNAWrestlingNews.com Staff on 01/03/2010 at 02:32 PM


According to The Sports Courier, chances are high that former WWE performers Ken Anderson, Rob Van Dam and Paul Heyman will be debuting on tomorrow night's three-hour iMPACT broadcast.


In the case of Anderson, there is a 95% chance that the former "Mr. Kennedy" will make his TNA debut tomorrow night. However, in the event he does not appear, "he will in the very near future."

Regarding Heyman, they were told there is a 75% chance, if not better, that he will debut in TNA. I can confirm that Heyman has indeed had discussions with TNA officials in recent months — though he'd probably deny them if asked.


As has been speculated by numerous websites, Rob Van Dam appears to be headed to TNA. The Sports Courier feels there is a 70% chance of RVD showing up tomorrow night.


It's also noted that Scott Hall is pretty much a lock to appear tomorrow night, as is Sean Waltman.



all i can say if this is true, and really happens is WOW


eric, hogan and heyman

the 3 men who took wwf to school in the 90s.


2 of them nearly put him out while ecw was where wwf stole ideas.


they been on both sides of the fence . they worked against vince after the wars they worked for the company and knows just the way vince thinks more than anyone. pretty dangerous combo.



you also have russo , while russo get likes if people pissed with him, hes no idiot. sure giving him full control = bad, but hes a good idea guy to have around, as long as you have someone watching over him (vince in wwe , heyman in tna) dont forget tommy dreamer and raven. dreamer is headed to tna in the next 90 days. he was part of ecws creative team with heyman so was raven. im sure those are guys who heyman would push for in such positions


you have eric bishoff dealing with tv deals, marketing and tv production


hogan name value and also experience who can go outside of wrestling and get publicity for tna like no other wrestler could do.


hogan working with heyman who is no doubt one of the greatest creative minds in wrestling and is always on the edge of whats hot and going to be hot in pop culture.


then the talent, the young talent and the older talent that heyman and hogan can truly mold and market to the masses.


also shannon moore posted on his twitter that hes headed to the tna show to speak with hogan, jeff hardy is coming along

if hardy is signed , tna just needs matt for a future hardys vs young bucks dream match

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