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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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the ratings are in! the rating are in! lol


Source: PWTorch.com


Monday's 3-hour live edition of TNA iMPACT! featuring the debut of Hulk Hogan drew an impressive 1.5 cable rating. The show had an average viewership of 2.2 million, making it the most watched episode of iMPACT! in history.


The hourly ratings were 1.7, 1.4 and 1.2. The highest rated quarter hour of the show was the start of hour 2, featuring the debut of Hulk Hogan. The segment, which went head-to-head against Bret Hart's return to WWE television, drew a 1.9 rating.


I posted that a page ago and it got ignored by everyone except JC.


Very good ratings. Impressive. They didn't hurt Raw, which also drew very well. In a way, that's even more impressive. The key - as JC said - will be whether they can maintain or even build next week and beyond.

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I have always read that there was an audience that just stopped watching wrestling after WCW closed down. Maybe that would explain why TNA gained some and the WWF did not lose any rating. Maybe the old WCW fans decided to watch TNA due to all of the old WCW stars being on the show.
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Thats my thing where did these extra two million viewers come from, hell even RAW had its highest rating since Summerslam. So really where did three million viewers come from and thats not counting the Fiesta Bowl.


I think a big part of it has to do with people skipping back and forth. I know I was doing quite a bit of that once RAW came on. The only segment I actually watched in full from start-to-finish was Bret Hart's opening segment.

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The name Hulk Hogan has been known to do wonders no matter how old or out of shape he is.


It was probably a lot of 35-50 year olds that just turned it to see him.


I know of atleast 5-6 people that turned it there just to see him that have no interest in wrestling anymore.


Who knows how accurate these ratings are anymore.


I was flipping between the football game and TNA while I DVR'd RAW. RAW was the only show I watched start to finish but who knows if something like that counts on its rating.

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I have always read that there was an audience that just stopped watching wrestling after WCW closed down. Maybe that would explain why TNA gained some and the WWF did not lose any rating. Maybe the old WCW fans decided to watch TNA due to all of the old WCW stars being on the show.


You could put me in that category. I tried watching WWE's product post WCW, gave them the benefit of the doubt, and then was haunted to tears by their version of the Invasion which was horrid to say the least. Since then, I don't think I've ever watched a full TV wrestling broadcast. TNA has been close with it's better in ring action, but lacks final end storyline execution to compel me to truly try it.


I don't know if I'd be tempted by what I read on this show. While there's a lot of familiar faces I like including Flair and Hall, I need logical booking of someone like Jeff Hardy, and perhaps the addition of more relevant workers who cna go a good storyline like RVD and Kennedy to really consider it. There are sections I love of their product including the Knock Outs and the likes of Kurt Angle, but the fact that the likes of MCMG seem to go nowhere, nor does the likes of Jay Lethal or the like, it makes it difficult despite yearning for a truly competitive wrestling environment.

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So next weeks program seems just as cluttered. I won't spoil anything but its hard to see who the main eventers are. Before this it seemed like AJ, Daniels, Joe, Angle and Wolfe were main eventers. I thought TNA was the little company that was just barely making it yet they got Hogan, Flair, Bischoff, Hall, Nash, Foley, Sting. A few years ago it was a big deal that Spike was footing some of Sting's payday you can't tell me Spike is paying the rest of these guys as well.
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So next weeks program seems just as cluttered. I won't spoil anything but its hard to see who the main eventers are. Before this it seemed like AJ, Daniels, Joe, Angle and Wolfe were main eventers. I thought TNA was the little company that was just barely making it yet they got Hogan, Flair, Bischoff, Hall, Nash, Foley, Sting. A few years ago it was a big deal that Spike was footing some of Sting's payday you can't tell me Spike is paying the rest of these guys as well.


I am not sure about Nash, Foley, Bischoff, Sting or Hall, but I have read that both Hogan and Flair have contracts with Panda Energy. Therefore, if TNA were to go out of business, Hogan and Flair would still be paid the rest of their contract because they are not employed directly by TNA. They are employed by its parent company.

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Yep but we will never know either way but starting the whole Hitman stuff after 12 years absence after Hogan announcement is just too much a coincidence for my taste. And you bashing TNA wouldn't be such a mystery if you weren't such a giant TNA hater.;)


Haha I guess calling out completely obvious cheerleading makes me an auto-hater? Seriously, where do you get off? I actually liked some of what I saw of the show, in that train-wreck, these guys need practice, what the hell is going to go wrong now sort of way. It's unpredictable, and that's a good thing. So seriously, stop for just a minute in your pro-TNA trolling and THINK about the things you post. You didn't ask for an opinion, because you don't want a conversation. I'm sure you're aware of the problems TNA has, but calling people that point out their issues a hater just makes your opinion infinitely less valuable on any topic. If you're not interested in conversation, and if you think any criticism at all is bashing, don't contribute. Just put your fingers in your ears and keep your comments to yourself. But I don't need to be told what I like based on an objective post I make in response to blind fanboy-ism.


I PM emd him back as I didn't want to respond on this in the thread but since I didn't get a response here is the pm I sent:


Dude did you miss the wink? It meant I didn't mean it.


I like criticism etc as I am critical of the product as well as I have pointed out and you could have noticed.


I do tend to get defensive as I do disagree with some opinions to some extent. But your line made it look like I am a blind mark which I am not and I know you are not a blind hater. Hence the wink, maybe rolls eyes would have been better.


Things don't always translate in text alas.

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Guest I<3Karagias

Evan Karagias!!!!


I love Evan Karagias! I'd love to see him back in the ring and by the way there is absolutely no Three Count without Evan Karagias! If no one knows that, they have to be an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):):)

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Guest Teresa

Three Count


To be able to see Three Count make a come back would be the best. I have seen Evan recently and he is, just HOT as ever. It would be worth the show .......!!!

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Guest PrettyLady

No Evan Sightings!



Two of my sources, one of which being the source that let me to inform Joe Burgett that Jeff Hardy and Shannon Moore had signed with TNA-(beating every other news outlet in the world mind you), have informed me that Shane Helms, better known as WWE's resident natural disaster, the Hurricane, has made an informal request for his release.


Helms has long wanted to form a tag team again, and joining Moore in TNA would allow him to do so. * Side-note-there have been zero Evan Karagias sightings, this is a very good thing.*



Why would it ever be a good thing for no Evan sightings? Are you blind or just jealous?? He is only the sexiest wrestler EVER! Three Count wouldn't be complete without Evan Karagias. To even suggest or hint that someone could take his spot is ridiculous. If they tried to have 3 Count without Evan, I would stop watching TNA.

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I agree with everything he said. You go frame by frame and TNA failed at every turn. Then I read the spoilers for the next show and there not any better so I'm done with TNA until the next change in power.


The X division is so much of a joke I don't even think there is an X Division match next week. Atleast Bischoff in WCW knew that you compliment the old guys that can't go with young guys that can go above and beyond. TNA has told me for years their the alternative.... alternative to what exactly? Where is this highly talked about X Division? That division has been dead since Daniels vs. AJ vs. Joe in 2005. Its sad when you have all these guys on the roster that were hired specifically for the person to go at each other in that environment and their wasted.


Then you got the Knockouts who have consintantly out drawn Kurt Angle, Sting, Nash and everyone else as far as t.v ratings per segment go. Again their different their women actually wrestle. Well I don't know how we could have known that when both of their matches were so short that to the common fan the only thing you can gather from this is that their women are less attractive that wrestle. I'm not saying that has to do with their wrestling skill but when you're given no time to actually show off your skills all that guys (who make up most of the market) are going to look at is well.....looks.


Then you litter the show with guys from the Monday Night Wars. Seriously for weeks Nash said Hogan told him their getting the band back together. Nash then tells Hogan he said that and Hogan has no response? Like not even a "thats not what I said" or "you misunderstood me brother" or even a "yeah I wanna get us back together and lead by example for these young guys".


Then you got AJ Styles who is what like a FIVE TIME champion in TNA? I mean seriously the guy has been world champion of your company FIVE times. You don't become a four or five time World Champoin of a company and still get talked about as "the future". I know its a different time but think about when Hogan, Hart, Michaels, Flair, etc were five time World Champions. Hell think about HHH's fifth time as World Champion, how many times has Kurt Angle been their World Champion? My point is AJ's great and he's shown that when he can be himself he's decent enough on the microphone but for heavens sake please stop talking about this guy like he's a 21 year old kid. AJ's 32 he's not a spring chicken anymore.


You bring in Ric Flair one of the best promo men in the business. He was handcuffed in the WWE by writers (or I would hope so since I can't remember a single great promo) you bring in the greatest talker of last generation and you have him do what exactly? Stand around and do nothing the whole show? Shannon Moore got more mic time than Ric Flair.


I won't even go into the whole dropping the ball on the Hardy situation. Hogan or whoever wrote this show would rather rehash 1996 than personally put the biggest star of 2008 in the ring and shine a real spotlight on him. I mean Sting was in the RAFTERS!!!! I mean come the heck on. Bischoff, Hogan and the Wolfpac were in the ring doing a huge promo, and Sting's lurking in the rafters. No this isn't a Nitro in 1997 this is TNA Impact in 2010.


I won't even get into the heart felt promo by Jeff Jarrett to get cut off by Hogan and Hogan turns heel but in a face way on him? Seriously tell me that Hogan didn't write this show. BTW that prompted the second "B.S" promo of the night. The first came before they were a qtr hour into the show. The biggest show in the history of your company and ten minutes in your bleeping out the fans cursing at your show. Great job guys yeah you really know what you're doing.


the nWo, Foley, Val Venis, The Nasty Boys, Ric Flair, these guys all got more face time than Matt Morgan who by the way should be being pushed as a main eventer and another future of this company and instead gets 30 seconds of face time.


That brings me to my next point. Didn't Desmond Wolfe debut the very same night that they announced Hogan signing with TNA? If not then damn close. Why push Desmond out of the box like that and make him a big threat and a main event talking about bringing in someone else and then he goes from that to losing to the Pope last night. Now don't get me wrong I like the Pope but wasn't he just competing against Suicide and the like just a few weeks ago? He goes from that to beating cleanly a guy that was beating down the biggest star in the company a few weeks ago.


Remember when Joe was treated as a big deal and a huge future star of the company? Yeah neither do I because that was five years ago. Seriously the only redeeming quality of this show was the main event. The Guys I like to see aren't going to be featured, everyone's worst fears are in place with 1997 being relived all over again. I thought maybe it was just this show but after reading next weeks spoilers it sounds even worse. I understand giving it a chance but as a writer if I pursue the same storyline for two straight weeks I'm then not going to suddently switch gears and focus on a whole new set of guys.....well I might if I'm Hogan/Carter/Russo/Bischoff/Who knows who else.


I mean these guys realize that this isn't 96/97 anymore. They realize that by 1998 people were sick of seeing Hogan and his friends. They realize that the same guys in that ring right now were the same guys doing all time lows for the company in 2000/01 right? Didn't Hall show up DRUNK to a show a few months ago? So let me get this straight a guy can show up toasted to a show and just cuz Hulk says he's good to go brother he's good to go? Like Hulk's even seen this guy since 1999. At some point as the owner of this company who witnessed first hand what Hall was doing don't you say "you know what I can't allow him back in here after that". The guys had several chances with the company and he's blown them and yet he gets another one. This just reeks of a WCW move.....oh wait because he did the same thing with them. Atleast he actually MADE them money to get some slack.

RAW was no better with me enjoying the Bret/Shawn and Bret/Vince promos and that was it. This was a night both shows had to show me what they were gonna be about.


RAW is going to be about making sure I can't enjoy a single character. The guys I want to enjoy, Legacy, Kofi and some others they make sure and make as uninteresting as possible. I've been giving RAW chance after chance but the Gods honest truth is there isn't a single person on that roster that I care about. There isn't one match up that I can say "I want to see that at Wrestlemania".


I think Jim's right its just time to find something else to do on Monday nights, or whatever night these two shows air anymore.

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