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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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tna house shows draw 300-700 people on average. a few now than then reach a 1000 , the uk one i think has a bigger crowd coming up. but house shows arent really a draw for them yet. they don't do as many as wwe yet either. its a good way to get the product out, they prob do make a small profit from them. tna are making a small profit at least and no losing money.


They must be paying absolute bottom dollar then. Although I heard that they don't pay to use the venue, which in turn must save them a fortune.

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Wow, I had no idea things were that dire. How does TNA make money? Are they making money? Do they run regular house shows?


They make fine money mainly of television income by also expanding overseas. Their house shows do 700-1500 people and average around 1000. Their ppv buys are low but that record low was a never substantiated rumor as no one really knows their buy rates.


Yes they need to move out of the Impact zone as soon as realistically possible. It depends on the contract they have with Universal and if they are then going on the road or a new home stadium with paying customers ( I would go for the latter at least at first.)


Also in the early days they actually taped in Nashville and people bought tickets and I think attendance wasn't too bad with around 1000 people. That was the TNA Asylum.


Apparently merchandise sales and house show attendance are way up since Hogan coming in and West going along with the house shows offering deals.


Right now they are investing in order to expand again and if they put that in production and advertising that would be a very smart move as the product while not great is fine enough the awareness and public perception is simply low.

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They make fine money mainly of television income by also expanding overseas. Their house shows do 700-1500 people and average around 1000. Their ppv buys are low but that record low was a never substantiated rumor as no one really knows their buy rates.


source? Or just random numbers? When every report and the general concensus in here is 300-700, you cant just randomly boost it to 100-1500. Thats a very large difference.


some I scronged up after a google search of recent attendance:


Here are the latest TNA house show numbers according to Dave Meltzer:


* December 4th in Portland, Maine did 500 fans

* December 5th in Amherst, Massachusetts did 800 fans

* December 6th in Glens Falls, New York did 450 fans

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You do realize that that clown doesn't represent our country - the citizens or the government - right? You do realize that within 48 hours of the Earthquake, America had donated over a hundred million dollars to the Red Cross alone, right? You do realize that America is going to rebuild that country from the ground up, right?


Maybe if the rest of the world started judging this country based on the entire population instead of a few ignorant, selfish tools then they wouldn't hate us so much. And maybe if they did that, we'd actually care what they think of us....


I was implying (poorly I admit) that not everyone has that problem, but a few do like Hugh. But a rotten egg can ruin a well made meal.


But then again, there is the American who say stuff like the above bolded phrase. I'm sure the rest of the world has done nothing, and only grand America is going to rescue everything.


I think a lot of people have the problem you have (I can admit I do). We sit in our cozy rooms, with our flat screen TV's, PS3, and cell phone, and act like we are doing the world a favour every time we drop our change that we got back from buying a $40 bottle of liqour into a "sick kids" can. How can people be so vague? If the rest of the world seems to dislike a country (hate is a strong word) you have to admit something. Even if that "well what we are works for me, I wish it would work for someone else." If I'm in a room and everyone calls me a jerk, I'm a jerk. Not just stand there and give them the finger. Eventually they might fly a plane your face.

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Spoilers sound awful. If it comes off that bad on TV this promising beginning went completely off the rails rather fast..for no apparent reason



Swerve on top of swerve is what was WRONG with TNA's booking


Also..lol at "Mcdonald's not making a value menu because Natalee Holloway is missing"


Agreed completely. Things were looking like they were going in the right direction. The results for Thursday's show looks to undue a lot of the good they had going. There are a couple of things from the tapings that may be the beginning of something larger like the Pope match. (that's all I'll say to not spoil anything for anyone that wants to see it on TV first)


Some things though are just jaw dropping in the bad sense with match outcomes and the booking of the Main Event especially.

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I still just want to know who to cheer and who to boo. Every character is kind of a bad guy right now if you ask me.


They had the handy tube's with left being face and right being heel entrance... oh wait lolz. (Also gone since Genesis, I don't mind either way.)


Unfortunately Russo still does not believe in Heels and Faces. I don't mind shades of grey but sometimes it becomes grey with shades of white or black if you know what I mean. At the same time Russo believes that wrestling should be a titanic struggle between the forces of good and evil. Contradict ya self much?


Sorry about my house show estimates but those where the ones I knew of and I don't fully trust Meltzer when it comes to TNA or have a paid online subscription to the wrestling observer newsletter. The range should be more 300-1500 then which is very wide.

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The thing is, I think this Hogan storyline could be soooo much better if Hogan was a subtle heel with Bischoff being his typical smarmy heel as well. They could kinda just keep shutting the fans down, trying to promise change, and keep doing ridiculous things i.e. changing the ring, bringing in the likes of the Nasty Boyz, attempting to shun out the X-Division... and then have someone like Jarrett attempt to fight it saying he's the founder, he's the one to get TNA where it is, and have a power struggle between both sides. But instead, Jarrett bashes TNA and turns heel. Hogan makes fun of TNA's early days, but stays face by bashing McMahon every so often.
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Unfortunately Russo still does not believe in Heels and Faces. I don't mind shades of grey but sometimes it becomes grey with shades of white or black if you know what I mean. At the same time Russo believes that wrestling should be a titanic struggle between the forces of good and evil. Contradict ya self much?


But why are Eric and Hogan still listeing to him when neither man like Vince very much, if at all?


EDIT: i know it sounds simplistic, but if you are going with a "re-launch" and you are trying to draw new fans, then you need to give them something easy to get their heads around: here is our GOOD GUY. He's the HERO. Here is our BAD GUY. Man he's easy to HATE. They are RIVALS. They like to FIGHT for our big TITLE.


Start there then fill in with twists and turns later. It's way too soon for all this Russo-esque garbage.

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Yep also a reason why I didn't like the AJ heel turn he should be the hero for a long time (In wrestling time) and they should throw heels and other faces at him. That would solidify him as the face of TNA and as a real champ a lot more then having broken down Flair by his side.


Edit: Why they are listening to Russo or going down this route I don't know he is still the head writer though although not the top dog. Could be Hogan is looking more at talent atm and Biscchoff more at production leaving Russo more time and power to do the stories.

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Eventually they might fly a plane your face.

Personally, I find that far more arrogant/offensive/etc. than any of the things you bolded in your quote.


But this isn't the topic for that, so I'll drop it and get myself back on topic. The spoilers for the next Impact sound terrible. If they want to be different and offer an alternative to WWE, they sure are going about it the wrong way.

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I was implying (poorly I admit) that not everyone has that problem, but a few do like Hugh. But a rotten egg can ruin a well made meal.


But then again, there is the American who say stuff like the above bolded phrase. I'm sure the rest of the world has done nothing, and only grand America is going to rescue everything.


That's a bit of a stretch, isn't it? Sure, I could've brought up all the money other countries have raised, but that doesn't seem particularly revelant when we're talking about what America has done and will do. As far as Haiti goes, other countries are helping and that's great, but America has by far the biggest presence there and will continue to do so. I'm not trying to diminish or knock anybody, I'm sure those other countries are doing everything they can...but the reality is they just don't have the resources America does, based on size if nothing else.


I think a lot of people have the problem you have (I can admit I do). We sit in our cozy rooms, with our flat screen TV's, PS3, and cell phone, and act like we are doing the world a favour every time we drop our change that we got back from buying a $40 bottle of liqour into a "sick kids" can. How can people be so vague? If the rest of the world seems to dislike a country (hate is a strong word) you have to admit something. Even if that "well what we are works for me, I wish it would work for someone else." If I'm in a room and everyone calls me a jerk, I'm a jerk. Not just stand there and give them the finger. Eventually they might fly a plane your face.


Like I said before, I don't care what the rest of the world thinks of America. Couldn't possibly care less. And I don't expect the rest of the world to care what America thinks of them (hint: we don't like you, either...the rest of the world treats America with the same arrogance and disdain that they seem to think America treats them, you have the same bad apples we do...see the bolded part above). I don't expect you to care what the rest of the world thinks of Canada. Why should you? Do you want to be a country that does what you think is right or a country that does what terrorists want them to do? Last line was pure class, by the way.


Anyway, we need to get back on topic so the thread doesn't close. It's good to see TNA go back to the four sided ring, though I can't help but question the fact nobody felt the need to tell the wrestlers until they showed up at the building. And I'll repeat the prediction I made on January 4th: Hogan will be gone from TNA by 2011. Which makes me sad, because I'd love to see this work and TNA become competition for WWE.

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