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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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My worry with an all X-Division PPV is that if it does a lower than average number of PPV's it will be used as an excuse by you know who to say "The X-Division doesn't make us money - now someone get me Brutus Beefcake and Randy Savage on the phone!"


March through May is a very busy time for PPV. You have Wrestlemania, Backlash and whatever the May WWE PPV is called. UFC 111-115 and WEC's first PPV. Floyd Mayweather's fight. Three TNA PPV's. Manny Pacquiao's fight. Thats a big shuffle for an X-Division show to get lost in.

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They are already slated for Against All Ods. Although I get the joke. BTW the all knockout show was on dec 31 of course it will get lower ratings. Don't think the X-Division will get buried if it gets a low buy rate as all TNA ppv's get a relativly low buyrate that aren't BFG, Lockdown or Slammiversary. Not as low as some reports but their conversion is pretty bad compared to the E. Also it will probably be more X-Division themed more then anything else and a lot of their main event draws can fit in the division.
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My worry with an all X-Division PPV is that if it does a lower than average number of PPV's it will be used as an excuse by you know who to say "The X-Division doesn't make us money - now someone get me Brutus Beefcake and Randy Savage on the phone!"


And in that event he'd be perfectly within his rights to do so, he's running a popularity contested business essentially, and right now he's going after 2 things - getting people talking about TNA end of story, and also the ratings improvement eventually leading up to TNA evolution - if X Division doesn't make money but Savage and Beefcake do then he's right to go with them, I personally would hate it on so many levels as X Division is one of the chief reasons I tune into TNA amongst others but it is a business fueled by popularity if truth be told, that's why WWE's product is boring as hell to watch yet beats TNA in ratings and money - because it's a business fueled by popularity and that's how Vince runs it. Cena is a perfect example. Likeable guy but he wouldn't have had a job in the Attitude Era let alone be a main eventer. But these days he's popular with the mass market. Can't fault Vince or Hogan.



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And in that event he'd be perfectly within his rights to do so, he's running a popularity contested business essentially, and right now he's going after 2 things - getting people talking about TNA end of story, and also the ratings improvement eventually leading up to TNA evolution - if X Division doesn't make money but Savage and Beefcake do then he's right to go with them, I personally would hate it on so many levels as X Division is one of the chief reasons I tune into TNA amongst others but it is a business fueled by popularity if truth be told, that's why WWE's product is boring as hell to watch yet beats TNA in ratings and money - because it's a business fueled by popularity and that's how Vince runs it. Cena is a perfect example. Likeable guy but he wouldn't have had a job in the Attitude Era let alone be a main eventer. But these days he's popular with the mass market. Can't fault Vince or Hogan.




Not sure what Attitude Era you watched, but he most certainly would have done well in the WWE during that period. He's good on the mic, has a good look, and puts on watchable matches (repetitive or not). I'm no huge fan of Cena, but he would have done fine in the Attitude era. If someone like Roaddog could get over with a catchphrase and innuendo, I have no doubt Cena could have done so as well.

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And in that event he'd be perfectly within his rights to do so, he's running a popularity contested business essentially, and right now he's going after 2 things - getting people talking about TNA end of story, and also the ratings improvement eventually leading up to TNA evolution - if X Division doesn't make money but Savage and Beefcake do then he's right to go with them, I personally would hate it on so many levels as X Division is one of the chief reasons I tune into TNA amongst others but it is a business fueled by popularity if truth be told, that's why WWE's product is boring as hell to watch yet beats TNA in ratings and money - because it's a business fueled by popularity and that's how Vince runs it. Cena is a perfect example. Likeable guy but he wouldn't have had a job in the Attitude Era let alone be a main eventer. But these days he's popular with the mass market. Can't fault Vince or Hogan.



I understand what you're saying in terms of going with what makes money. It's not a charity and at the end of the day if having Beefcake and Savage vs The Nasty boys for the full two hours every week makes money and gets ratings - go with the old men.


My point is; Hogan has a history of getting his buddies on board; thats the only reason the Nasty Boys have been on my TV screen the past few weeks. Cards need substance other than the main draws and personally, I'd rather watch X-Division guys filling up the midcard than Brian Knobs and co. wobbling through painfull chunks of TV time.


My fear was that a low rated X-Division PPV could lead to Nasty Boys vs Morley and Beefcake opening my Impact as opposed to MCMG vs Generation ME.

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Not sure what Attitude Era you watched, but he most certainly would have done well in the WWE during that period. He's good on the mic, has a good look, and puts on watchable matches (repetitive or not). I'm no huge fan of Cena, but he would have done fine in the Attitude era. If someone like Roaddog could get over with a catchphrase and innuendo, I have no doubt Cena could have done so as well.



Gotta agree here. Infact, I'd say he'd have been more suited to the Attitude era, especially as a heel. I reckon a foul mouthed, young punk of a Cena would've been great back then.


And, I'd like to know what thommohawk bases his claim on. Man, if you're gonna make such a bold statement then you need to give reasons and back it up.

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Okay, back to stuff that isn't hypothetical history.


Anybody watch the whole Hogan scenario last night and still think he's not to be trusted? I know we're suppose to be shocked that the Hulkster turned around and waffled The Band. But man I saw it coming a million miles away. As soon as Hall and Waltman started acting like they'd turn things over to Hogan, I knew he'd waffle them. I'm not convinced for one minute Angle or TNA's story world can trust him. Any more than I believe The Band really turned its back on Kevin Nash. I still smell a huge setup. It's been years since Hogan's been the altruistic hero type even in the story world of wrestling. And Kevin Nash's been playing mind games as recently as a month and half ago jerking Mick Foley around. It feels so much like they are trying to resurrect the NWO. Except by getting invited in this time rather than pulling the hostile takeover. I could just be paranoid and overthinking because I'm too smart for what the writers want me to be. But can anyone here really blame me?

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Okay, back to stuff that isn't hypothetical history.


Anybody watch the whole Hogan scenario last night and still think he's not to be trusted? I know we're suppose to be shocked that the Hulkster turned around and waffled The Band. But man I saw it coming a million miles away. As soon as Hall and Waltman started acting like they'd turn things over to Hogan, I knew he'd waffle them. I'm not convinced for one minute Angle or TNA's story world can trust him. Any more than I believe The Band really turned its back on Kevin Nash. I still smell a huge setup. It's been years since Hogan's been the altruistic hero type even in the story world of wrestling. And Kevin Nash's been playing mind games as recently as a month and half ago jerking Mick Foley around. It feels so much like they are trying to resurrect the NWO. Except by getting invited in this time rather than pulling the hostile takeover. I could just be paranoid and overthinking because I'm too smart for what the writers want me to be. But can anyone here really blame me?


I don't think they know what they are going to do or at least for sure what they are going to do.


About yesterdays Impact. Did anyone else find the promo work to just be horrible? It just sounded so forced and at times ridiculous (like everything Hogan said). It just seemed any segment that was longer then say 30 seconds just came across poorly.

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Hogan was poor at times but the rest of the promo work was fine to very good imho. I was very much entertained by the whole show except the predictable finish and thus anticlimacticle, the pipe down nerds sign guy, adding Bisch as ref and just giving away two slots in the tourney . Good wrestling all-round and good flow to the show though.


And Cappy isn't that the whole idea of intrigue? Not knowing what will happen and or how they will get there? I know Russo isn't a good finisher of storylines but until we get it so far it is fairly interesting and can see the appeal for some fans (not me).

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It was an alright show, better than last weeks. If they end up unmasking Abyss in the long haul I think most of us will be upset.


Wasn't surprised at all by Hogan (hes the face of the company they werent going to turn him heel when you have Bischoff) however i wouldnt be surprised if they did it at a later date, meaning this gives them an excuse to hire Hall and Waltman now "come on Hulk sign them so we can face them in a real match (Angle & Nash)"


I actually liked the tag match with Wolfe/Hernandez/Angle/Anderson only thing I didnt like about it was I thought Hernandez looked like he didnt belong with those guys.


Pope/Jordan, not huge fans of both but dont understand the Pope/Jordan storyline. Forgive me if my time table is off but, two weeks ago you have Jordan beat Pople b/c of a knee, last week you have Pople beat the champ cleanly, then this week you have Pope beat Jordan to "get revenge" but it got him into the tournament so its not like they will be facing each other at the PPV, I could see them having Jordan interfere maybe but then once again, what was the point of him beating Styles if he is put back down the card to feud with Jordan? (who I despise)


X-Division match was decent, that rolling german is sweet, havent seen it before. would like to see them use the british stable more though.


Overall decent like I said, really really really wish some of the old TNA stuff was around now that its getting attention (Team Canada, Petey Williams, The Naturals, AMW, Raven i get he's old but his segments were always interesting)

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Jordon got a victory on Pope to establish him as he was "new" and pope had an excuse as he was "injured" coming into the match and now pope has defeated him cleanly while Jordon still looked a threat. Jordon established and Pope moving on to bigger and better things is my guess and if that was the goal it was well executed. Still don't like Jordon though although he looked pretty decent in this last match.
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And Cappy isn't that the whole idea of intrigue? Not knowing what will happen and or how they will get there? I know Russo isn't a good finisher of storylines but until we get it so far it is fairly interesting and can see the appeal for some fans (not me).


Actually I think this question might be better addressed to Masterded. I'm not the one who was suggesting TNA Creative might not know what they are even doing. I'm trying to play along with what I suspect is intrigue on the part of Hogan, Nash, and the Band by taking the threat of it seriously.

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Actually I think this question might be better addressed to Masterded. I'm not the one who was suggesting TNA Creative might not know what they are even doing. I'm trying to play along with what I suspect is intrigue on the part of Hogan, Nash, and the Band by taking the threat of it seriously.


Yeah sorry got a little mixed up there and an eventual Hogan heel turn would work depending on how they execute it.


In that case. I don't have a problem with me not knowing where it is going. I just don't think they know what they are going to do yet or at least are 100% sure of what they are going to do. Plus what are the odds Hall can behave well enough to even make it to some kind of payoff (I say that as a Hall fan)?

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I just don't think they know what they are going to do yet or at least are 100% sure of what they are going to do. Plus what are the odds Hall can behave well enough to even make it to some kind of payoff (I say that as a Hall fan)?


And it's a fair point. I'm trying to go by what I see and how my gut reacts to it. But I could be 100% wrong with what they have in mind. Knowing some of the personalities involved, it wouldn't surprise me at all if you ended up being right. I don't like the idea. I'd prefer it not to be true. But I can't discount it.

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Thought someone might like to here from a "non" TNA fan, although I've been rooting for them.


I watched the whole episode, and I liked it. From Tara and Love to the end with Angle. I liked it alot more then I thought I would. I promise you this though, I called just about everything that happened on the show, so much that I thought maybe I wrote it or something. Made me like it even more.


Match's that ended with someone actually winning! That was probably the single thing that I hated about TNA before. Jarret not getting in the competition, loved Bischoff during that. Love that they are playing off the internet fans, with Kurt Angle telling people, Hogan is in it for himself. Like Nature Boy and AJ together. Thought he sounded just like Ric Flair on more then one occasons.

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I didn't think it was all that bad, but I think they really use Bischoff way too much. He's on basically every second segment. But this weeks show was pretty good. and I could be wrong, but in the opening segment, Hogan referred to Eric Young as the Global Champion... Is that not Rob Terry, and if it is Rob Terry, when did it happen?
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