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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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well he has been acting like a face since after BFG, they just never really gave him a face moment so to speak.


That's what I mean. Sure Angle's playing face now and has been since the fall of the MEM. But he could all to easily revert to the heelish ways he had going prior to BFG at any time. What is there to cement him to the face side of the ledger. This feels more like something a pre-Flair AJ Styles or a face of the division team like Beer Money should have been doing. Beggars can't be choosers and at least TNA Creative is throwing my slice of the fanbase a bone. But I don't know that either Angle or Anderson is the right choice for their spots in the storyline.

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Oh I will be so Marking out! It is on! Woohoo!


Lol I listened to that interview via link and hoped he was referring to Van Dam. One the one side Whoohoo RVD and on the other sad the cat is out of the bag. If J Hardy's court case goes well and he decides on TNA they will have 3 legit main event talent that everybody knows and can still go in the ring.

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Hogan is a moron spoiling that RVD signed with TNA, it would have been so much better if it was a surprise... but guess hogan got a boner from that signing he just had to spoil it... not that i give a flying F@ck anyways.


According to sources, people within TNA are said to be "fuming" mad that the RVD news leaked out. - TNA should strip him of his booking power for that.

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Could be he didn't know about the camera's or forgot. Still it can be argued to be a smart move as the most of the IWC will tune in to see him appear and the marks won't know so will be surprised. Personally would have wished he kept it a secret for a bigger mark out moment. Have been saying all along he is their must sign.
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Rob Van Dam is one of the few remaining free agents that will actually making a difference in the ratings. What's the point of him being on the show if you don't announce it beforehand? Out-of-the-blue surprises mean bugger all difference to ratings. I for one am much more likely to watch Impact on Monday now, than I was before.


Strip him of his booking power? Hell, they should give Hogan a damned medal if he was the only one who wanted to announce it ahead of time.


EDIT: Haven't seen the video, so my comment may be utter bull. Announcing RVD = Good in my opinion.

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Rob Van Dam is one of the few remaining free agents that will actually making a difference in the ratings. What's the point of him being on the show if you don't announce it beforehand? Out-of-the-blue surprises mean bugger all difference to ratings. I for one am much more likely to watch Impact on Monday now, than I was before.


Strip him of his booking power? Hell, they should give Hogan a damned medal if he was the only one who wanted to announce it ahead of time.


EDIT: Haven't seen the video, so my comment may be utter bull. Announcing RVD = Good in my opinion.


I think announcing it before hand is def. the right move, but it seems like it could have been more climatic. If they just signed him yesterday, they totally could have made a hype video to show on Impact tonight during a commercial break ala Kurt Angle and I would have flipped.

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Like I said the IWC who is really into these kind of things are now more inclined to tune in and the marks will flip once he turns up or the hype video plays. The only thing Hogan did was make the iwc people who where going to watch anyways like me mark out a bit less when he shows up.


A hell why are we over analyzing this RV mother.... D !!!!!

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I think that the ones who are complaining about Hogan spoiling the RVD thing is the same as those who complain about the spoilers rather than complain about themselves for viewing them. If you wanted to go in cold and surprised, especially now it's live every other week, then for god's sake stay off the internet because someone will spoil it. Same with games too, people posting what happens in a game's ending or whatever just days after it releases and it's the same thing, blame yourself if you wanted to be surprised for putting yourself in the position for it to be spoiled for you in the first place. This is the internet we're talking about. And the Hogan/RVD thing, no names were mentioned on the radio and yet the video is out there on the net now which totally gives the game away.


Besides here's a great idea, instead of calling Hogan a tool and Bischoff an anti christ - why not revel in the news that Mr Monday Night is going to Monday Nights - for TNA and not WWE's watered down product. ;)


Jeff Hardy, RVD, AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, Mr Anderson.....to name but a few - TNA is really the place to be. Especially after Wrestlemania if HBK and Undertaker do end up retiring, I still think they might go to TNA. Jim Ross could be a massive surprise on Monday too, purely my speculation though!

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I think that the ones who are complaining about Hogan spoiling the RVD thing is the same as those who complain about the spoilers rather than complain about themselves for viewing them. If you wanted to go in cold and surprised, especially now it's live every other week, then for god's sake stay off the internet because someone will spoil it. Same with games too, people posting what happens in a game's ending or whatever just days after it releases and it's the same thing, blame yourself if you wanted to be surprised for putting yourself in the position for it to be spoiled for you in the first place. This is the internet we're talking about. And the Hogan/RVD thing, no names were mentioned on the radio and yet the video is out there on the net now which totally gives the game away.


Besides here's a great idea, instead of calling Hogan a tool and Bischoff an anti christ - why not revel in the news that Mr Monday Night is going to Monday Nights - for TNA and not WWE's watered down product. ;)


Jeff Hardy, RVD, AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, Mr Anderson.....to name but a few - TNA is really the place to be. Especially after Wrestlemania if HBK and Undertaker do end up retiring, I still think they might go to TNA. Jim Ross could be a massive surprise on Monday too, purely my speculation though!


luckily that kind of smarkiness doesn't happen here (much) which makes this a great board.


JR has signed a temporary contract extention.


On spoilers it depends, generally people on here will hide the spoilers and the good news sites will make them clear so you can avoid them and still keep up with the news you do want to know.


Still something as massive as RVD signing would be hard to miss hehe.


And if TNA trims some of the fat ( I am looking at you nasties lol) on the roster they have a kick ass one.

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I dont think RVD and reading spoilers are really related. I personally dont read spoilers bc i watch/dvr the shows. Signings however, I would like to know about it, just like people want to know if Favre is coming back before week 1. To me it just came off as very anticlimatic and I doubt it was planned that way unless like someone said TNA wanted to keep it under wraps until Monday and Hogan wanted it out, but Jimmy Harts reaction seemed honest (to me) I'm not even upset Hogan leaked it, but I would have rather him just say the name on the radio. This is all nit picking though b/c RVD is AWESOME!
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Hogan is a moron spoiling that RVD signed with TNA, it would have been so much better if it was a surprise... but guess hogan got a boner from that signing he just had to spoil it... not that i give a flying F@ck anyways.


According to sources, people within TNA are said to be "fuming" mad that the RVD news leaked out. - TNA should strip him of his booking power for that.


Wait, what? Hogan's a moron for leaking that one of the biggest free agents in wrestling not named GOOOOOOLDBEEERG is going to be on TNA television? Am I missing something here?


Also Hogan didn't even 'leak' the story, he just strongly hinted it and Spike put the information in print. So yeah, Hogan should be stripped of the book because Spike TV put something up on Twitter? Seems like that's the least of his problems. Putting up a watchable program is more of a priority.

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Hogan is a moron spoiling that RVD signed with TNA, it would have been so much better if it was a surprise... but guess hogan got a boner from that signing he just had to spoil it... not that i give a flying F@ck anyways.


According to sources, people within TNA are said to be "fuming" mad that the RVD news leaked out. - TNA should strip him of his booking power for that.


Wouldn't you want to leak something like this? Then tease his debut for the next couple of weeks so people tune in wanting to see him. I thought that was how this works?

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Besides here's a great idea, instead of calling Hogan a tool and Bischoff an anti christ - why not revel in the news that Mr Monday Night is going to Monday Nights - for TNA and not WWE's watered down product. ;)

So he can play backseat to 80 minutes of Nasty Boys, 3D, Abyss, Hogan, Bischoff and The Band? Woohoo! Yeah, 10% Match Ratio is where it's at - RVD is sure to be better off there than in a place where they actually had him wrestling.


Jeff Hardy, RVD, AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, Mr Anderson.....to name but a few - TNA is really the place to be. Especially after Wrestlemania if HBK and Undertaker do end up retiring, I still think they might go to TNA. Jim Ross could be a massive surprise on Monday too, purely my speculation though!

Jim Ross is still suffering from his latest Bell's Palsy attack, otherwise he'd be on WWE TV right now. I *highly* doubt HBK or Undertaker would go to TNA. If they retire, it's because they're old and broken down and realise it's time to stop. I get the strong impression that they're both still going simply because WWE needs them and their star quality on the shows.


Neither of them would have *any* incentive whatsoever to go to TNA. "Reduced schedule" means nothing because they already have that. Panda can pay Sting/Angle level money, I guarantee they wouldn't match what WWE is paying HBK or Taker. Less exposure to the public, crappier videogames (and again, far less revenue from the games - as JR recently mentioned there's a lot of money to be had in being in SvR)...


So why exactly would either of them go from the absolute top of the business to a movie studio lot in Florida, where not even the fans in attendance pay to see them?

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