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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Bill Goldberg did an interview with TulsaWorld.com to promote appearing on The Celebrity Apprentice. In the interview, Goldberg responded to a January statement where Hulk Hogan said that he may be joining TNA by saying, "Pardon my French, but Hulk Hogan's full of crap because I was never in negotiations with TNA." About returning to wrestling he said, "Do I see myself getting back in the wrestling ring? I'm 43 years old. Do I want to be Ric Flair? Do I want to be Hulk Hogan? In the twilight of my life, do I want to be running around in my underwear trying to injure people? Absolutely not."[/Quote]


that ends any arguing on that :p

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that ends any arguing on that :p


Well kinda as the sources saying Hogan thought Bill would come in or some sort could be very unreliable plus in the full interview Bill said the classic never say never. And with Bisch and Vinny Ru onboard a work is never out of the possibilities.

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There's only one thing about TNA at the moment that kind of irks me, though I understand their need to do this....in any case it's the fact that Disney Carter (i laughed so hard when hogan said that) said that they don't want to repeat history they want to make history - yet we have a ton of rehashed talent and rehashed feuds from a bygone era. Don't get me wrong it's more than watchable for me but the statement from Disney C and the product on television at the moment don't exactly dovetail well right now. I have a feeling that's all about to change though.


Also does anyone think we might see Paul Heyman in TNA alongside RVD ? He'd be great in a creative consultant role. Who better for the creative team than to pick Paul Heyman's mind ?

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Also does anyone think we might see Paul Heyman in TNA alongside RVD ? He'd be great in a creative consultant role. Who better for the creative team than to pick Paul Heyman's mind ?


No. Doubt it. He dislikes Russo, hate Eric's guts, and has shown zero interest in the business since he lef tthe WWE.

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Okay. Color me confused here. What does Fred Savage's character on The Wonder Years have to do with your point about Goldberg?


As in someone who struggles to break what they're initially known for. A lot of childhood stars go through it where they struggle to get meaningful work later on as they're always remembered for something they can no longer be or it makes minimal sense to be. Some try and rehash it and trot it out, but generally fail. The point is Goldberg suffers this effect. If Goldberg is involved with wrestling people automatically associate him with the streak, it would take a very good creative mind to get people's mind past that and onto something new with him.

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So much bad armchair booking here. Goldberg wasn't able to follow up after his loss to Nash because he hurt himself on TV and WCW had to find some excuse to remove him. I don't care who you put over him having him lose and then disappear isn't exactly going to keep the crowd hot.




Ugh, no. Flair, in the worst shape of his life, fifty years old, is going to beat Goldberg with a low blow? Why not just tell every mark in the audience to just leave? There's a reason Flair wasn't booked as an active wrestler during this time period in WCW, and the idea that a guy like him who would receive almost zero rub from ending the streak should've been the guy to do it is just a bad idea.


Nash was the right choice: he got a big win out of it, have him go from tweener to heel turn, re-unite the NWO, all of that was fine. Right up until the point when they put the belt on Hogan AGAIN. Nobody wanted to see that either by that point.


But that was the point, wasn't it? Rather than make something meaningful out of someone going over Goldberg, it was basically a charade to get the belt back on Hogan. It was an epic fail. There are so many better creative options for all concerned, as long as it is a meaningful change and results in long term options, rather than basically construct a program that ends up with Hogan getting the belt in the finger poke of doom.

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No. Doubt it. He dislikes Russo, hate Eric's guts, and has shown zero interest in the business since he lef tthe WWE.


Totally. Though never say never as stranger things have happened, right ? Bisch to WWE? Bret to WWE? Bret and Shawn burying the hatchet live on Raw? Main thread through all these is WWE's exposure and money neither of which TNA have right now though the point is still the same that much like with my Taker/HBK to TNA thing, although it's doubtful you can never outright rule it out.


What bets on JBL turning up tonight for the live Impact ? Unless his statement about him being the hottest free agent in wrestling was a joke, I could conceivably see this happening as you can bet that at least 1 as yet unnanounced surprise debut will occur much like how Jeff Hardy debuted at the last live Impact special and nobody knew.


Unfortunately with it being a huge night for TNA you can guarantee that Orlando Jordan will be stinking up the show, I don't know what it is about him but I've always hated that guy.....I hate him even more now that he's being booked as this superstar talent when Lacey Von Erich has more talent in her boobs than he has in his entire body lol.

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As in someone who struggles to break what they're initially known for. A lot of childhood stars go through it where they struggle to get meaningful work later on as they're always remembered for something they can no longer be or it makes minimal sense to be. Some try and rehash it and trot it out, but generally fail. The point is Goldberg suffers this effect. If Goldberg is involved with wrestling people automatically associate him with the streak, it would take a very good creative mind to get people's mind past that and onto something new with him.


Ah yes, the Baby Brent thing from Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs. I'm with ya. Except I don't know if the Fred Savage example fully works. He followed the path of folks like Potsie Webber and Jerry the dentist from The Bob Newhart Show. He went behind the camera. And while you and I may not know him for that as such, the people who need to know to get their shows made do.

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TNA officially confirmed Sting will appear tonight. No official word on RVD/Hardy but of course its rumoured they will at least show up (I expect at the very least a video hype of RVD)


You guys probably saw too but it appears Hall/Waltman will have a match against Nash/Young. here's hoping we are all wrong in speculating Nash turns on Young to reform the nWo, or the oWo (old world order) although I dont see Hall/Waltman leaving anytime soon now that Hall has his little youtube video and creates hype which TNA loves

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Why would you be shocked ? It was already established he was in deep **** with the drug bust and yet TNA still had him appear on the live special that they did as well as the subsequent episode of Impact. Plus Hardy's trial isn't until NEXT week, so why wouldn't TNA use him tonight ? After next week is a totally different story obviously but as for tonight, man think about it there's no reason not to use him tonight for effect if he's available, which all signs point to him showing up tonight. Along with Sting and RVD.


But I've got a funny feeling we'll be seeing at least 1 *major* shock tonight that we don't yet know about. Also what of this Samoa Joe abduction angle ? I'm assuming it gets resolved tonight or the plot otherwise seriously thickens but at this point I'm not sure where it's going or what it's amounting to.

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Why would you be shocked ? It was already established he was in deep **** with the drug bust and yet TNA still had him appear on the live special that they did as well as the subsequent episode of Impact. Plus Hardy's trial isn't until NEXT week, so why wouldn't TNA use him tonight ? After next week is a totally different story obviously but as for tonight, man think about it there's no reason not to use him tonight for effect if he's available, which all signs point to him showing up tonight. Along with Sting and RVD.



Well it'd make no sense introducing him to all the additional viewers they are expecting to get when they don't know what the outcome of his trail will be. Is he facing prison, restrictions on travel etc that might prevent them from using him for a period of time?


I supposed they could use him in the capacity of fighting RVD for a contract and losing. It's be a good way to get two 'names' into a one-off, high-profile bout, and would explain why Hardy doesn't show up next week if he isn't able to. If all goes well with the trail, Hardy gets a 'second chance' in a couple of weeks.

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Well it'd make no sense introducing him to all the additional viewers they are expecting to get when they don't know what the outcome of his trail will be. Is he facing prison, restrictions on travel etc that might prevent them from using him for a period of time?


I supposed they could use him in the capacity of fighting RVD for a contract and losing. It's be a good way to get two 'names' into a one-off, high-profile bout, and would explain why Hardy doesn't show up next week if he isn't able to. If all goes well with the trail, Hardy gets a 'second chance' in a couple of weeks.


Great idea! Give them 20 minutes. A ladder. And a contract suspended from above. Winner stays in TNA and faces AJ at destination x for the title.

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Yeah isn't Edge's fav growing up also the Warrior? I guess its more an age then a talent thing lol.


Oh btw for those that don't know.


wanker = someone who pleasures himself a lot.


the two finger salute = up yours = up your sphincter.


Tried to keep it PG.

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I enjoy desmend alot......but i don't think i understood a word of his last promo on impact lol.........I thought i knew what some of it ment but way off i think. although i think that might be the point ;)........you get some guy to go speak "street" in the uk and it would be the same way i assume.....
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