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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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in early tna i think skipper was actully a good draw......he was part of XXX *a good stable in my view* and he had a few runs with the tag titles. I will always remember skipper walking the top of the cage. It was insane and looked great.....the guy would take risks in the ring and i think he was pretty over in the weekley ppv era.


Yes but he had the personality of a gnat. same thing with Benjamin.

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Also what do people think of this idea as a worked shoot?


Say the nasties and bubba come out and he goes Bubba Army, Nastize them sign again followed by pipe down nerds. The other fans throw him over the guardrail. Nasties and bubba come down to defend him. Whole part of the crowd riots and kicks that plant, the nasties and bubba out of the building hopefully never to be seen again. Maybe Dixie or EB comes out after security restores order. And say well the fans have spoken you guys are fired.


I think that would create a lot of buzz.

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Facebook page dedicated to stopping the bubba army plant:




That guy has done more to distract and detract from the product since he has been there then all the other fans before that ever imho.


Detract from who? The same losers the in the impact zone that go behind Lance Hoyt? The ones who created the whole "Whooooaaaaa! Go Abyss!" chant back in 2004? **** THOSE PEOPLE! Milk Bubba the love sponge for all he's worth I say! Otherwise what good is he aside from just making Hogan happy?


Seriously the only thing I hate about Bubba is that he cost Awesome Kong her job, and even that is debatable.

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Also what do people think of this idea as a worked shoot?


Say the nasties and bubba come out and he goes Bubba Army, Nastize them sign again followed by pipe down nerds. The other fans throw him over the guardrail. Nasties and bubba come down to defend him. Whole part of the crowd riots and kicks that plant, the nasties and bubba out of the building hopefully never to be seen again. Maybe Dixie or EB comes out after security restores order. And say well the fans have spoken you guys are fired.


I think that would create a lot of buzz.


Horrible. The only reason people care about Nastys is in relation to the dudley's feud. after the dudleys beat their asses and solidfy themselves as the next Road Warriors, no one is gonna give a damn about them. Plus the angle is relying way to much on the crowd and god knows you NEVER give that crowd that degree of power or what kind of booker are you?


and Dixie should never talk on TV ever. She's way to dear in headlights to be taken seriously (though that segment with Sting was awesome and believable)

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Also what do people think of this idea as a worked shoot?


Say the nasties and bubba come out and he goes Bubba Army, Nastize them sign again followed by pipe down nerds. The other fans throw him over the guardrail. Nasties and bubba come down to defend him. Whole part of the crowd riots and kicks that plant, the nasties and bubba out of the building hopefully never to be seen again. Maybe Dixie or EB comes out after security restores order. And say well the fans have spoken you guys are fired.


I think that would create a lot of buzz.


So option 1, you have actual fans doing the throwing out. That'd never work for a whole host of reasons. Half of them wouldn't behave, you'd have idiots getting to 'into it' and having to be thrown out...all sorts of commotion.


Option 2, you have 20 'plants' in the crowd, hassling another 'plant'. It also sends out the message to drunk idiots in the crowd that they can physically hassle someone. Obviously anyone with a bit of common sense would know otherwise...but there's always one...


Personally I hate all 'worked-shoot' angles. It's either real or make believe, can't have it both ways.

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Horrible. The only reason people care about Nastys is in relation to the dudley's feud. after the dudleys beat their asses and solidfy themselves as the next Road Warriors, no one is gonna give a damn about them. Plus the angle is relying way to much on the crowd and god knows you NEVER give that crowd that degree of power or what kind of booker are you?


and Dixie should never talk on TV ever. She's way to dear in headlights to be taken seriously (though that segment with Sting was awesome and believable)


People care about the nasties because of tv time they are taking up and they where not needed to solidify 3D in any way imho.


What kind of booker I am. Well this is my most out of the box idea to date hehe.


That's why I suggested Bischoff as well. Problem with that is that EB is heel and Hogan would be hard as he is a know friend to those three. He could work though as well.


So option 1, you have actual fans doing the throwing out. That'd never work for a whole host of reasons. Half of them wouldn't behave, you'd have idiots getting to 'into it' and having to be thrown out...all sorts of commotion.


Option 2, you have 20 'plants' in the crowd, hassling another 'plant'. It also sends out the message to drunk idiots in the crowd that they can physically hassle someone. Obviously anyone with a bit of common sense would know otherwise...but there's always one...


Personally I hate all 'worked-shoot' angles. It's either real or make believe, can't have it both ways.



On using the crowd, have some plants as the vanguard doing the actual shoving and have the rest simply be body mass. Also rehearse it beforehand and make it clear that anybody that gets out of line will be banned for life and get charges pressed against them.


Yeah the drunk idiots would be a problem but seeing as they won't be moving out of the Impact Zone for a while and the regulars take up the seats where hassling is possible I don't think it would be that much of a problem long term.


Ok so you are not a fan of worked shoots ok that is fine. But remember the vast majority of viewers are not IWC. It would be something never seen before and would create massive buzz.


Yeah its totally out of the box and is hard to execute well but I think it would make for exciting television and really ad to the anything can happen atmosphere.


And of course get rid of some of my pet peeves on TNA tv atm.:D

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Got a question. With all those people you listed off (and the ones you didn't), where are they going to find time to give the X-Division some shine? My opinion (and I doubt I'll be proven wrong): they won't. Now before someone jumps out with the 'there was an X-Division match...' tripe, that's not the same thing. Just because you have a match for the division doesn't mean you're developing characters and storylines for and around said division. It's like saying one Knockouts match per show is enough to say the Knockouts are featured. They're not. Seeing as how the X-Division is the only thing TNA has that WWE has nothing even vaguely resembling, you'd think they'd want to press that advantage. But to do so, Knobbs and Saggs and Waltman and Hall have to give up TV time (and that's not gonna happen).


Agreed they won't give up their TV time but for me in my honest opinion nor should they. As someone else said TNA right now are focusing on getting their name out there and gaining mainstream exposure. Sure they'll get their asses kicked in the meantime and there'll be a lot of teething pains but the mere fact they have Hogan, Nasties, live Monday timeslot etc is only good for TNA in the long run in terms of getting their name out there amongst the masses. Now don't get me wrong the X Division is a vital part of this because it's a legitimate part of TNA that is an absolutely unique selling point to them. And I know I'm not the only one who got hooked on TNA via the X Divison, AJ Styles and the MotorCityMachineGuns.....


Basically they'll just have to find time for the X Division platform as they'll quickly find the X Division to be one of the most over attractions that they have even now. But if you're honest, they aren't exactly giving the X Division less exposure under the Hogan era than they have in the last 2 years. But the best thing that TNA can do is really emphasize the X Division and it's athletes and have the big guns promote it too and that's what they're doing. It's just not the main focus of the show and nor should it be right now.


You have to keep in mind as well that there was a time when TNA was the X Division, yet during that time period did they ever break through the glass ceiling as it were ? No. Not saying it wasn't hugely influencial in their rapid growth, it was. But they didn't break the ceiling until Hogan and Bisch came in. Now they've broken through the ceiling by going live on Monday's. That's an accomplishment in and of itself, and TNA can change tac any time they want to, but right now they have their platform and they're getting their name out there and that's why Hall and Hogan are at the top of the card as they are major mainstream draws for TNA, though the recent ratings suggest RVD is and Sting are even bigger draws lol.


The only thing what upsets me is Hogan getting in the ring again, okay Flair vs Hogan had to be done but I don't want Hogan in the ring - and don't get me started on Brooke Hogan, she has zero business being a part of the show. Though what I wouldn't give for her to take a Styles Clash lol. That's actually not a bad idea now I think of it....some real heat for AJ. And plenty of cheers I'm sure.

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Or Brooke becoming one of Flair and AJ's ehm lady friends hehe. Could be entertaining but would take time away from what actually matters so better not. But if they HAVE to use her that's what I would do.


wouldn't though as that only brings Hogan back to being a wrestler. Unless they did it, set up AJ vs Hogan and have AJ DESTROY Hogan... and then the washed up old man turns to Abyss to "Win one for the Hulkster!"

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wouldn't though as that only brings Hogan back to being a wrestler. Unless they did it, set up AJ vs Hogan and have AJ DESTROY Hogan... and then the washed up old man turns to Abyss to "Win one for the Hulkster!"


That could be pretty good. And here's a thought the folks who don't like the current Abyss might approve of. What if the process of winning that "one for the Hulkster" was such a long devastating haul that it brought back the primal side of Abyss? Hogan then has to try at getting Abyss back in line and ends up failing. That could take Abyss to whole new level of monsterdom. Hogan's getting to the age where such a destruction could well be permanent. I know I wouldn't want to be the guy who had to deal with Abyss next.

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That could be pretty good. And here's a thought the folks who don't like the current Abyss might approve of. What if the process of winning that "one for the Hulkster" was such a long devastating haul that it brought back the primal side of Abyss? Hogan then has to try at getting Abyss back in line and ends up failing. That could take Abyss to whole new level of monsterdom. Hogan's getting to the age where such a destruction could well be permanent. I know I wouldn't want to be the guy who had to deal with Abyss next.


Back when Jarrett lost the title to Sting, and Samoa Joe was still being built up as a monster I came up with a killer idea. Joe would proceed to kill the roster on his way to TNA title, and after destroying everyone in the company TNA would have to bring back the devil that knew and drove away (Jarrett), to take upon the devil that their dealing with now.

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wouldn't though as that only brings Hogan back to being a wrestler. Unless they did it, set up AJ vs Hogan and have AJ DESTROY Hogan... and then the washed up old man turns to Abyss to "Win one for the Hulkster!"


At this point, a DESTROYED Hulk Hogan vs. an AJ Styles would only make the Hulkster look weak, and wouldn't mean what people think it would.


I've noticed that everyone seems to think if someone like Hogan, HHH, or even Undertaker losing to someone with the popularity of a AJ Styles or equivalent, would equal AJ Styles becoming as over as HHH, Hogan, etc. It wouldn't. Hogan would still be popular, AJ wouldn't gain anything really. Hogan is old, and people would just say "He can't go anymore, look how easy that kid beat him". Would crush Hogan as a draw more then likely as well.

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Yeah in a match it should be a clean win with a half a dominate note so to speak not a burial. In an angle he can destroy him no problem though. He wouldn't automatically gain that level but it does help if done well.


/nod, it would help to an extent if the angle was done well enough.


I take it you got my meaning, which is awesome. I can't help when I read some of the stuff on the forums here, when I see "Undertaker should lose to someone like "X" Wrestler at Wrestlemania", when it you have someone that is too far "below" him, it would hurt him alot more then it would help the other person (that's just an example). For someone like Hogan, it would just crush his believability in the ring as an actual threat... Might as well have someone like Eugene, Marella (in character) or even Hornswaggle beat him clean, it would crush Hogan, and not help them even 1/10th as much as it hurt him.


If I wanted to get AJ over through Hogan, I would have AJ win via Flair low blows Hogan, or something like that... Ref doesn't see, Hogan has a reason to say it wasn't fair, and AJ gets the win. OR, I'd have him Ambush Hogan before he gets to the ring, and get a good beat down to where it's obvious Hogan isn't 100%, and have AJ win cleanly without a cheat (in the ring). These are things that might help a bit more, then just having Hogan start Jobbing to people in TNA. He does that, he might as well leave because he won't be able to help them out anymore.

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Anyone mention the Impact replay rating scored a 1.0 as well? That's impressive.




It could also be another sign that TNA has a hardcore faithful group of fans...and that's it.


It could, but if you look a bit more optimistically (and hopefully they hyped them being on Mondays again on the re-run), it could also mean that alot of people didn't realise they were on Monday.


I've also felt that having the "re-run" on thursday might make alot of people that just like wrestling (don't have this TNA vs. WWE mentality), tune if for Raw on Monday, and TNA on Thursday. I think alot of people really don't care if it's live or not, at least not as many people that the companies seem to think care (both WWE and TNA).


I just did a little thing on TEW. I took that Monday night show, and booked it as close as I could.I Had to eliminate about half the angle's (and a good amount of time on the one's I had), to make it come up to 70% match's as that's the way the MOD I'm playing has their product set to (I guess I'll have to change that to a more realistic way). With just half the angles, and the match's complete, I was only at 54%. Was worse then I thought.


The cool thing is that I got a pretty good show out of it anyways. I had almost 500 more people then was expected, and the feedback from fans has been great. It says the show has drawn alot of praise!


So now I think I'm going to continue, as I started it with this month, and did the show as it was so I would be up to date. I can't wait till I can get another show, so I can take over Friday nights as well! LOL

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It could, but if you look a bit more optimistically (and hopefully they hyped them being on Mondays again on the re-run), it could also mean that alot of people didn't realise they were on Monday.


I've also felt that having the "re-run" on thursday might make alot of people that just like wrestling (don't have this TNA vs. WWE mentality), tune if for Raw on Monday, and TNA on Thursday. I think alot of people really don't care if it's live or not, at least not as many people that the companies seem to think care (both WWE and TNA).


Both really good points. Casual folks who heard late that Hogan was in the company and were only now able to catch up with TNA on Thursdays may not have heard that their were doing the Monday thing and just tuned in at the time they knew from their TV Guide. Be that Monday night live or the Thursday night replay.


And I definitely agree with you with about the re-run point. Before Hogan came in and the Saturday morning re-run went away, that's the airing I always tended to target. I couldn't have cared less whether I see the show live or later in the week on tape delay. When I started watching wrestling, there was no issue of that. Wrestling wasn't big enough to think about airing live. The reason I favored the Saturday morning replay was because it made watching TNA feel like I was doing so in the happier times when shows were regularly on during the weekend and syndication was far more common than live TV shows. Now the company I favor is on Monday nights and it feels most comfortable to watch then, so I watch it live. But if the Saturday replay came back, I'd probably go back to that again.


It seems like a lot of this goes on in visual entertainment. The producers have what they want to do or what they see everyone else doing and appear to assume that's the way it has to be. And when they are challenged on it, they use doing what the people want as an excuse. Never stopping to consider the mechanics of how it gets to them is generally one of the last things people care about. The people who care about live vs taped wrestling shows or hand-drawn vs computer animation or what have you aren't the general public but the fundamentalist few. It's like they are too close to the process sometimes. That may or may not be the actual case when you look inside the entertainment company. But from the outside looking in, that impression can certainly be there all the same.

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I thought having the Saturday replay be an edited PG version for the kids would be a good idea. This would make it possible to build that audience and at the same time give one an extra reason to watch the original broadcast.


I know it would be costly but kids do buy more merchandise etc and it would allow them to grow up with the product and become loyal customers. Would need a lot of bleeps, blurs and some edits though. You can then fill that time with video packages and fill in the missed storyline with commentary.

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I had a very werid dream last night, Sting screwed over TNA and showed up on RAW. He announced he'd kick shawn micheals ass for the right to face Undertaker at Wrestlemania but first he had to go back to TNA and fill his last contracted appearance there. But of course when he said TNA it was beeped out.


Vince came on the screen and apologized for stealing sting away from TNA, and then started crying saying he "only did it because he's a failure and his product can't compete with theirs."


...and for a few minutes after I woke up I was all "****! THAT WAS AN AMAZING EPISODE OF WRESTLING LAST NIGHT!"

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I had a very werid dream last night, Sting screwed over TNA and showed up on RAW.


I had a very similar dream last night, except RVD showed up on Smackdown for a match and then after the match Sting came and help RVD do a beatdown after the match. Sting then cut a promo saying they were taking over

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Andy Douglas has apparently retired, too bad as I liked the Naturals and wouldn't have begrudged them another run.


They're my favorite tag team in a long time. I miss them :( saw them live twice and Chase is a real intense worker, came out with all sorts of marks on him both times so props for that and telling people they can go all out on you

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- The TNA brass was devastated by the 1.0 rating last week against Raw, believing the show was solid, reports Dave Meltzer. They were, however, encouraged by the 1.0 rating the replay did.


Friday repeat:


M18-49: .7


M18-34: .71


P2+: 1.3 million viewers



(source: Nielsen Media Research)


GOOD GOD! Their replay rating didn't go down! Thats awesome IMO

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