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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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For the record, when someone says "Smark." I am aware that it's a contraction of "smart mark," but there seem to be two types: The ROH type, who seem to think that if you're not genuinely hurting yourself you're not trying that hard; and then there's people with brains, who know it's fake but watch anyways.


Which one's right?

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For the record, when someone says "Smark." I am aware that it's a contraction of "smart mark," but there seem to be two types: The ROH type, who seem to think that if you're not genuinely hurting yourself you're not trying that hard; and then there's people with brains, who know it's fake but watch anyways.


Which one's right?


I'm not saying this is 'right', but this is how I make the distinction. "Smarks" watch wrestling matches and critique 'workrate' and 'push'. Marks don't. Both groups know its fake, but Marks watch wrestling on a more emotional and less analytical level. 99% of the folks on this site are what I'd call Smarks, because TEW is a deeply smarky game.


I mean no offense in the use of either of these words. Both Smarks and Marks are awesome. Different, but both great in equal measure.

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I'm not saying this is 'right', but this is how I make the distinction. "Smarks" watch wrestling matches and critique 'workrate' and 'push'. Marks don't. Both groups know its fake, but Marks watch wrestling on a more emotional and less analytical level. 99% of the folks on this site are what I'd call Smarks, because TEW is a deeply smarky game.


I mean no offense in the use of either of these words. Both Smarks and Marks are awesome. Different, but both great in equal measure.


I would agree except with the idea that marks know wrestling is fake. Pretty much by definition a mark thinks that some if not all of a product is really happening. On the other hand smarks have a bad habit of thinking nothing is real and making assumptions about the business. A recent example was the 'no unprotected chairshot' rule, where smarks complained that a "rule" is dumb to have for workers since apparently every action they do is scripted.


Mark can also be used for people who blindly cheer for an inferior product, but that's not really what a mark is in the traditional sense.

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I'm not saying this is 'right', but this is how I make the distinction. "Smarks" watch wrestling matches and critique 'workrate' and 'push'. Marks don't. Both groups know its fake, but Marks watch wrestling on a more emotional and less analytical level. 99% of the folks on this site are what I'd call Smarks, because TEW is a deeply smarky game.


I mean no offense in the use of either of these words. Both Smarks and Marks are awesome. Different, but both great in equal measure.


Mostly agree. i do think it's possible to watch analytically and not be a workrate snob


As a for instance: I absolutley understand the justification behind most of what the WWE does even when I don't enjoy it. So i'm not being a 'mark', but I'm also not going to hammer them for appealing to the vast majority of their audience.

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So the rumor that's flying around now is Tommy Dreamer and Paul Heyman be brought in and Team 3D+Dreamer v The Wolfpac


I'd mark out like a surprise birthday party if this was to happen. Plus it'd mean no more Nasty Boys! I hope...


Where do you see that rumor?


Yea, I'm not seeing that anywhere. You sure that's not some TNA fantasy booking?

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I enjoyed the show, but then again it's starting to look more and more like their product is catering entirely to me and no one else.


Which I don't mind at all.


I must be the only guy in the world that enjoyed that ending.

I have same feeling every week when i watch impact!

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Quote of the day: "What did viewers do to piss of TNA bookers?"




Indeed! Now that is a good review. I think that TNA bookers have truly lost their minds... Wich means that nothing will change, the WWE will not have credible competition and it will remain stale...Dear God...HELP US! :eek:

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For the record, when someone says "Smark." I am aware that it's a contraction of "smart mark," but there seem to be two types: The ROH type, who seem to think that if you're not genuinely hurting yourself you're not trying that hard; and then there's people with brains, who know it's fake but watch anyways.


Which one's right?


They are all smarks only different form. you also missed out the IWC I know its fake so I will critizise everything smarks which are the most numurus on the scene. I generally differantiate them between blind smarks and educated smarks. ROH smarks are a rare breed imho.


Liked des x as usual good and bad stuff from TNA so a 6.5 would be fair. Finish was very very bad as was the sloppiness in the Band match but won't bomb a whole ppv just for that.

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Indeed! Now that is a good review. I think that TNA bookers have truly lost their minds... Wich means that nothing will change, the WWE will not have credible competition and it will remain stale...Dear God...HELP US! :eek:


Yeah and the torch isn't some rag on the level of TMZ that is anti TNA? right? lolz.

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I can't decide what was worse: that terrible ending, or the fact that Jeff Hardy, RVD and Sting were all MIA. Seriously, how are none of those guys on the show?


Because, Bryan Danielson. Wolfpac and the Nastys are expensive, and we can't afford to pay everyone d***it.


PS. This was a joke.

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lovein the fact that the wolfpac is back they never get old i think the ppv in a whole was probly a 6.5/10


I'd knock it down to 5 for the botched finish. Not a terrible PPV by any means, but they can't afford to be doing this kind of **** right now. TNA needs hit after hit after hit to slowly gain that fanbase.


I understand wrestler's make mistakes. Sure Undertaker got lit on fire PPV, but way to go Abyss! Way to screw up your biggest push you ever got. Total Ultimo Dragon moment.

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I understand wrestler's make mistakes. Sure Undertaker got lit on fire PPV, but way to go Abyss! Way to screw up your biggest push you ever got. Total Ultimo Dragon moment.

Huh? I'm sorry, maybe I just don't remember the time Ultimo Dragon was lifted up by one of WWE's top faces and then proceeded to screw up the push soon after. I only remember the part where Vince only hired him to brag about his ability to sign anyone, even going as far as to edit out Dragon's cheers when he got tired of him.

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