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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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1. TNA was right to put on PPV quality matches this iMPACT in an attempt to draw fans over to the show against a weak RAW.


2. One of Team 3D's students, Miss Betsy has just injured Daffney after giving her a Sitout Powerbomb, which Daffney didn't get from for literally 20 minutes and had to have the help of EMTs and all of TNA road agents. [source: 411mania].


I'll be leading to a murder party to find Miss Betsy if anyone cares to join me. I've got enough knives for anyone lacking in weapons.


The Torch says that she got hurt by being tackled against the turnbuckle (I know there's a better word for this, but I can't recall what it was for the life of me).


Either way, she's supposed to be okay, so that's good.

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I'm not gonna quote all your posts but...shouldn't your name ne TNAholic? :D


Seriously, not trying to ofend,but sometimes it seems like you defend them...just because.

And you like to bash them...just because. And now you'll go into why you dislike TNA and why you feel it's right to bash them. Of course you'll also say "and I want TNA to succeed" but really you don't. Many fans don't want TNA to succeed. TNA bashing is the latest wrestling fan fetish. With Hogan and Bischoff in charge TNA can officially do no right and that erection will not go away.


Any title win without a proper build up will hurt a champion, no matter how over his opponent is. As for AJ,think about it in TEW terms. People won't think less of him but he will certainly lose momentum.


Think about it in TEW terms: now AJ will chase the title and will regain all the momentum he lost in the matter of weeks.

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People on the net don't get it. AJ Styles is easily the best talent in the world. The problem is, we're the only ones putting money into TNA PPV right now, so they would not have gotten more buyrates for having RVD and Styles at Sacrifice. But what ever I guess, most of you are complaining about that and saying Pope should have gotten the belt and he draws far less than Styles, so I think the whole debate is pretty sad.


That is not being said on here at all. Maybe other sites. Just that they could have executed it better but given the fact that RAW was weak because of the ash cloud they took full advantage. Kind of a coinflip consideration but both sides have valid points. I would have gone with Bigpapas version and that was my idea as well but I just threw that out there as a consideration.

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Apparently Jim Ross had a meeting with Dixie Carter today, he didn't sign a contract but is interested in joining TNA as possibly an announcer and definitely in a backstage talent relations capacity.


I kinda feel sorry for Jim Ross as he's been relegated to being Vince McMahon's personal lapdog. Using his credibility to wipe Vince McMahon's dirty sanitary napkins on the face of wrestling fans.

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BTW Logan RVD will be doing house shows and is a more established talent then AJ and that is a fact. So he is not a bad choice as new champ and AJ had a hell of a long reign. Longest TNA champ ever.


Wasn't aware that he'd be participating in house shows. If that's true then great for them. I didn't say Styles was more established than RVD - I simply said having RVD beat TNA's established talent the way it went down was mediocre at best. Six and a half months (almost seven) is a nice reign indeed.

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He would be good in the talent department and as a third chair on ppv deal or something.


And yeah TNA bashing goes way to far sometimes and is kind of a hobby on the net. So is E bashing though but to a lesser extent. They get away with a lot more stuff because they are no1 and do the same bad stuff all the time that its kind of a moot point. Like their non existent tag division and their excuse for a women's division.


Well the AJ vs RVD match not being epic kind of left you wanting more and I think that is what they where going for plus commercials always screw with it.

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And you like to bash them...just because. And now you'll go into why you dislike TNA and why you feel it's right to bash them. Of course you'll also say "and I want TNA to succeed" but really you don't. Many fans don't want TNA to succeed. TNA bashing is the latest wrestling fan fetish. With Hogan and Bischoff in charge TNA can officially do no right and that erection will not go away.




Think about it in TEW terms: now AJ will chase the title and will regain all the momentum he lost in the matter of weeks.


I don't want them to fail and i don't like to bash them, i simply criticize the things i don't like (Wich ahve been quite a few lately) but i can also praise the good ones when they happen. Besides, it's obvious i want them to succeed, as it is the only way to assure that the mainstream product will not remai nstale forever. Competition is good, and i hope that this war brings the best of both companies. Besides why the hell would i dislike TNA or adore WWE? I like wrestling, period, don't have personal preferences about the promotions. As a fan all i want is to be entertained with quality.

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Apparently Jim Ross had a meeting with Dixie Carter today, he didn't sign a contract but is interested in joining TNA as possibly an announcer and definitely in a backstage talent relations capacity.


I kinda feel sorry for Jim Ross as he's been relegated to being Vince McMahon's personal lapdog. Using his credibility to wipe Vince McMahon's dirty sanitary napkins on the face of wrestling fans.


His blog:




Expect to hear from WWE regarding my next assignment w/ them in a day or two. Contrary to what is being carelessly reported, WWE is still my top priority as it relates to wrestling gigs.


Amazed at the amount of inaccurate info regarding my future. Can only say that my future is bright, that I'm very happy, and looking forward to an interesting next few days.


When something is finalized I will accurately report it. Until then, be leery of all the nonsense that you read on line. Many interesting, high road projects are being presented to me of which I've previously discussed. Nothing is a done deal. I'm merely listening to some of them. Many projects that the internet are reporting are completely false. You can believe that or not. Whatever I decide to do will be things that are classy, fun and things that I have been wanting to become involved with.


Right now I'm enjoying a special week for my wife and me and hoping to sell some JR's products to you here on line.


Now the conspiracy theorists can go back to work. Have a great day because we certainly are. Thanks


I don't know where the Carter meeting is being reported, but I kinda tend to tak e JR at his word on this kind of stuff. I don't agree with his views on the business but he tends to be pretty straightforward on his blog.


And yeah TNA bashing goes way to far sometimes and is kind of a hobby on the net. So is E bashing though but to a lesser extent. They get away with a lot more stuff because they are no1 and do the same bad stuff all the time that its kind of a moot point. Like their non existent tag division and their excuse for a women's division.


Unless you can show that a tag division or a legit woman's division would somehow generate more revenue than normal for the E, it's only a 'mistake' in the minds of internet wrestling nerds.


Well the AJ vs RVD match not being epic kind of left you wanting more and I think that is what they where going for plus commercials always screw with it.


AJ vs RVD in a ladder match would beb a perfect PPV headliner, so yeah..leaving us wanting for more is a great strategy.

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And yeah TNA bashing goes way to far sometimes and is kind of a hobby on the net. So is E bashing though but to a lesser extent. They get away with a lot more stuff because they are no1 and do the same bad stuff all the time that its kind of a moot point. Like their non existent tag division and their excuse for a women's division.


I do agree completely that the WWE get more leeway from a lot of fans. In a way, its "earned" leeway. As you say, they are the top dog.


As a fan, I have simply come to accept that the WWE are set in their ways. I have come to accept they are not targeting me as a fan anymore, and may never do so again. The WWE doesn't really need to worry about growth - they can be sustained on their current fanbase quite successfully for a long time, and really only have to worry about some degree of renewal. The current WWE product has plenty of flaws, but I know what I'm getting. Week after week, you pretty know what you will get. That's both good and bad.


The WWE has their formula. But TNA is still trying to find theirs. And that is where much of critism I voice comes from - the hope and belief that TNA can and will get better. "Better" is obviously a subjective thing, but really what I want to see them be "about wrestling" and a true alternative to the WWE. I know there are plenty of fans who love TNA for what it is today, and that's great for them. I think they still have significant areas they can improve that is what I would like to see them do.

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Why does wanting to see a good tag team division make someone a nerd?


That's not even close to what I said.


I refer to ALL internet wrestling fans as nerds.


The point I was making is that the lack of a tag division is only really important to net fans (or nerds), it doesn't affect the E in any significant way, so they have no reason to change it.


So wanting a tag division doesn't make you a nerd...hanging out on these boards and checking wrestling news sites does.

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Great question. And since when does discussing wrestling online makes someone a nerd, or a full time basher? As people would say around here: Menos. Bem menos.


I would say that if you play a text based wrestling simulator, hang out on boards to talk about said simulator, go to message boards ot talk about pro wrestling, and visit news site to do the same..you're a wrestling nerd.


it's cool. Just accept it. Nerd run things these days.

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That's not even close to what I said.


I refer to ALL internet wrestling fans as nerds.


The point I was making is that the lack of a tag division is only really important to net fans (or nerds), it doesn't affect the E in any significant way, so they have no reason to change it.


So wanting a tag division doesn't make you a nerd...hanging out on these boards and checking wrestling news sites does.

Ahh, OK. I can get behind that. I thought you were being derogatory, but you weren't, really. And yeah, you're right, it's not vital for WWE to establish a strong tag division. Just something many people (myself included) think would make their product a bit more interesting.


But hey, who needs a tag division when you can have a movie character blow up R-Truth? :D

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I would say that if you play a text based wrestling simulator, hang out on boards to talk about said simulator, go to message boards ot talk about pro wrestling, and visit news site to do the same..you're a wrestling nerd.


it's cool. Just accept it. Nerd run things these days.


Exactly. We're all nerds, nerds are everywhere. I'd say once you hit early 20's, all of a sudden it doesn't matter any more, unless you're really insecure in yourself I guess. I'm proud of the fact that I'm a geek. I love hitting the comic book store. My Mrs bought me a set of massive Transformers for my birthday last year that I proudly display in my living room...they are *NOT* to be played with though :-p


We a day at the Wolfslair recently to get some footage of Rampage and Bisping hitting the pads, and do a video interview with Rampage. Know what he does literally every second he isn't on the mats? XBox360. He bought one and a big TV for the 'lair. He literally doesn't stop playing. Nerd.


Know why Dan Hardy has the red stripe in his mohawk? Tribute to Raphael of the Ninja Turtles, which he watches religiously, along with collecting the toys and comics. Nerd.


Nerds are everywhere...and we're takin' over....

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Exactly. We're all nerds, nerds are everywhere. I'd say once you hit early 20's, all of a sudden it doesn't matter any more, unless you're really insecure in yourself I guess. I'm proud of the fact that I'm a geek. I love hitting the comic book store. My Mrs bought me a set of massive Transformers for my birthday last year that I proudly display in my living room...they are *NOT* to be played with though :-p


We a day at the Wolfslair recently to get some footage of Rampage and Bisping hitting the pads, and do a video interview with Rampage. Know what he does literally every second he isn't on the mats? XBox360. He bought one and a big TV for the 'lair. He literally doesn't stop playing. Nerd.


Know why Dan Hardy has the red stripe in his mohawk? Tribute to Raphael of the Ninja Turtles, which he watches religiously, along with collecting the toys and comics. Nerd.


Nerds are everywhere...and we're takin' over....


This. Exactly this.


I love buying comics. I tried to explain TEW to my new gf and eventually she just calls it my "nerdy wrestling game." Anyone who really gets into fantasy sports is nerdy and that's half of sports fans these days...not to get completely off topic but (like brashley said) unless you're an insecure teenager, being called a nerd these days isn't a big deal.


Back to wrestling talk..:p

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I don't mind Rob's push provided its a long slow one.


Neither do I, TommyDreamerFan. What sticks out the most to me about Terry's push is the fan reaction: it's like they are giving him a chance to show what he's made of. For example, when he bobbled Wolfe, I didn't here a you f'd up chant at all. Long and slow is the way to go for Mr. Terry and I am sure he has a locker room full of great wrestlers willing to show him how not to botch like that again, lol.

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They couldn't ask RVD to work a 5th match in 3 days could they? Plus you know he was burnin it all day long it being 4/20 and all.....


RVD didn't have to wrestle for that show to not be a hot mess. And - unless something really changes - that show sounds like it's a hot mess.


(he was totally burnin it for 420 )

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That's not even close to what I said.


I refer to ALL internet wrestling fans as nerds.


The point I was making is that the lack of a tag division is only really important to net fans (or nerds), it doesn't affect the E in any significant way, so they have no reason to change it.


So wanting a tag division doesn't make you a nerd...hanging out on these boards and checking wrestling news sites does.


I think this discussion came up a while back in the E thread as well. It is because I think a good tag division can draw. Main eventers are the main draw but not the only draw. Evidence would be the highpoints in wrestling in the 80's and 90's, yes there was always a strong ME scene but it was accompanied by a good tag team scene. As far as women's wrestling goes there is little evidence as it has never really been tried. But given Richter's induction in her peak she was near as popular as Hogan.

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I think this discussion came up a while back in the E thread as well. It is because I think a good tag division can draw. Main eventers are the main draw but not the only draw. Evidence would be the highpoints in wrestling in the 80's and 90's, yes there was always a strong ME scene but it was accompanied by a good tag team scene. As far as women's wrestling goes there is little evidence as it has never really been tried. But given Richter's induction in her peak she was near as popular as Hogan.




c'mon ...

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Hell there are PWI's claiming that fact. Its not that I say its true but she was very over given the whole Lauper connection etc. Trish, Chyna and to a lesser extent Lita where pretty over as well in recent times. Hell I will leave this to Remi as he is the expert hehe. Still as it has never been seriously tried there is no evidence either way if serious womens wrestling can be a draw on a major scale.
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