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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Considering the personality she's shown thus far and the incredibly sad, dysfunctional, and violent family she's come from (and I know this isn't a nice thing to say but it's true) there's a prett goody chance she's not easy to deal with.


Wait a second you could not possibly be talking about the Von Erich's right?:D


I agree with Hyde, to me the BP should just be Love and Velvet. Madison and Lacey just don't have it. What it is, I am not sure but I have never been impressed with them.


I am in favor of the KO Division going back to what it originally was meant to be, a more legit womens wrestling division. Just as long as they keep Velvet around.:D

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It ends as soon as everybody stops giving him attention which is the only thing he aims for.


From Dixie and TNA Wrestling:


"TNA will make a major announcement during tonights TNA iMPACT! on Spike TV at 8ET/7CT. We strive to deliver what our fans want, and the next step in the evolution of the TNA brand will do just that."


Probably just that Wolfe and or Hardy will get a shot, but since they already advertised that earlier on Twitter and Facebook I hope this is something different.

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So what would people actually like to see as the evolution of the TNA brand?


Some options:


- Heyman as heabooker


- Taking Impact and all ppv on the road


- Name change


- Rebranding the Global title


- B show


- Fan getting the chance to join the creative team via a contest


- A much bigger advertising budget lolz.


- Working relations with UFC, hello Brock!


- Other?

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I don't think Heyman wants to come back.


They aren't popular enough to take Impacts and PPVs on the road.


TNA could certainly change their name to a more "wrestling" sounding name.


The Global Title would be better called the TV Title since thats essentially what it is. I don't mind having a Global Title but the original premise was that it'd only be defended overseas. Which I think is a good idea.


A 1-hour long B-Show on Thursday Nights based around the X-Division wrestlers would be great. Follow it up with the Impact replay if necessary.


Fans joining the creative team via a contest sounds nice in theory but really it'd just be them throwing money down the toilet since no one on the creative team would take them serously.


More advertising is a must.


Brock may show up and wave to the crowd at a TNA show but that's it.


TNA needs to emphasize what makes them different from the WWE. If they want to get as big as they want to be, they have to change their product entirely. A name change along with moving away from "sports entertainment" and do something different. I really think if they went old school they'd do very well. "Sports entertainment" has dominated pro wrestling for 20 years now. No one is going to beat the WWE at that product. TNA needs to do something different and carve their own niche. I think going back to the old school style would help them out. Keeping a semblance of kayfabe is something that will help them. Fans want to believe, they don't want the fact they're watching something "fake" rammed into their heads.

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To me, the two most interesting things on that list are Heyman & UFC. I'm not a huge fan of Heyman, I liked ECW fine, but I don't think he's some 'wrestling messiah' or anything. Frankly, I'd be interested in anyone taking the show into a new direction. I was super-psyched for Hogan's 'new direction', but found it far too similar to the old. A new creative force with a new vision and the sheer force of will to do it his way... that interests me.


While I don't think a relationship with UFC is necessary 'good' or 'possible' it would certainly make me peek across the line.


... and I've said it before, I'll say it again. TNA don't deserve a second show.

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TNA have announced that whoever wins the Top 10 Contenders vote will get a title shot this Monday; thing is...


There's literally less than a thousands votes between the two leaders: Jeff Hardy in 2nd and surprise surprise








Go vote for McLariat ok?


I voted for Mr. Anderson.

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Maybe it's moving Impact back to Thursdays. Although that doesn't really fit under rebranding.






The war is over...


According to Dave Meltzer, tonight's big announcement on TNA is that the company will be moving Impact back to Thursday nights. This is due to the "disastrous" rating from last week.

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To me, the two most interesting things on that list are Heyman & UFC.



Would probably tend to agree. But don't underestimate the name change thing. If TNA would do that, it would probably bring in a whole new set of eyes that had dismissed them either due to product confusion or moral objection to an acronym they'd never had accurately broken down for them. You might even get some first time viewers who don't make the connection to the old TNA name and look in thinking it's a brand new promotion.


Now clearly the name change would be far from a panacea. Alone it would be cosmetic crap. So naturally, you'd need to do it conjunction with some other items on the list. Most ideally one of your two choices for most interesting. But the Total Nonstop Action name and the TNA acronym in particular have been barriers to growth ever since the NWA affliation ended. If they've finally recognized and acted on that, I can't help but think that would be a good thing.

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Name change idea: Wrestling Championship World-Wide!


Actually the name I've like to see them take up is Total Nonstop WRESTLING. That way you don't start totally from scratch and retain continuity. Going from being TNA to TNW would be a lot easier than trying to establish brand value to a complete new acronym.





The war is over...


According to Dave Meltzer, tonight's big announcement on TNA is that the company will be moving Impact back to Thursday nights. This is due to the "disastrous" rating from last week.


If true, I can only hope this means a return of the replay being on Saturday mornings. Having both the original airing and the replay be on work nights has been ridiculous. The Saturday morning replay gave me that syndie-era feeling with TNA and I miss that.

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Those where just some suggestions though and as mentioned before TNA wrestlers often show up on UFC events would be nice if that happened conversely.


I would go for the name change as a signal for a true rebranding of TNA. I would go for TWA Total Wrestling Action and go for a Modern more serious Entertainment style as opposed to traditional or comedy entertainment.


With that name you can focus on the fact that they have a real tag team division, a real knockout's division, the X-Division, Different styles of main eventers with a higher more intense pace without losing psychology. Hardcore, swearing, blood etc at times when applicable and a higher match/angle ratio but keeping storylines etc.


As said before it needs to be a total package, they have the tools in the roster they just need to use them right. Heyman and Bisch together should be able to make it work. If those two can not then it is time for someone new altogether.

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On moving back to Thursday's I would call it a tactical retreat after a lost battle. Hope the gained awareness causes increased viewership on Thursday's though or it will have been for naught ratings wise.


Edit: Also moving back to Thursday would not exactly be the next step in the evolution of the brand or responding to the fans really apart from the lower ratings, so do not see the direct correlation. Of course it could just be spin.

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I would go for the name change as a signal for a true rebranding of TNA. I would go for TWA Total Wrestling Action and go for a Modern more serious Entertainment style as opposed to traditional or comedy entertainment.


With that name you can focus on the fact that they have a real tag team division, a real knockout's division, the X-Division, Different styles of main eventers with a higher more intense pace without losing psychology. Hardcore, swearing, blood etc at times when applicable and a higher match/angle ratio but keeping storylines etc.



That might work for me as well. Serves the points I was making as well as Total Nonstop Wrestling would. My concern there would be the TWA acronym and the connection to the late, lamented airline. May be better to be TNW and not have that baggage. (Pardon the pun.) But I wouldn't turn my nose up if they went that route.

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The problem with Total Nonstop Wrestling name would be that it would have one of the problems of the current name as in any angle would/could be frowned upon due to the name. I know about TWA but that is quite a while ago now is it not? TAW then? Total Action Wrestling?


Edit TWA the airline ended in 2001 with December 1st being the last ceremonial TWA flight. The one plane crash was in 1996 if wiki is correct.

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I wish the move to Monday had worked, but they just weren't ready. I don't know if they ever will be, but let's hope starting May 13th they can get a 1.0 and build from there.



Jay Lethal is too good at what he does.

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So this is 'listening to the fans?'


Having a 70 year old Hulk Hogan come out to the ring, decimate the bad guys (doing more damage than Team 3D, Abyss, and RVD combined) and blow off the segment by having him take out AJ Styles with one punch and the 4 millionth Hogan/Flair face-off.


I have no idea how the move to Mondays didn't work out. :rolleyes:

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