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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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anyone know the status of Kiyoshi? He's not hurt, as he's made appearences in Japan. But is he still with TNA or not?


I think he's still under contract, just not booked.


Check YouTube. I think he finds his way into some of the 'Web Matches' they post on there every week.


Come to think of it, I think it might have been a couple of weeks since I've seen him though.

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I'm less than impressed with this episode. On the other hand, it's pretty good for TNA.


But Ric Flair looked horrible in his promo, and the whole angle with Chelsea... I have trouble not thinking of jokes to make instead of taking it seriously.


Speaking of the Chelsea bit, watching the "arrest" was hilarious -- clearly, the handcuffs weren't on his hands. You can actually see the other cuff being held up by the back of his hand, nowhere near his wrist. (whee! Spoiler averted!)

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Didn't they just do something similar with Chelsea where she "lied" to Pope? How many times can they do the female valet sets-up the face routine?


The backstage interview bits with the more rough handheld camera feel are different, and in a good way.


If the three way is solid then this is a decent episode. If its ruined by bad booking, then not so much.

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You know, I gotta give TNA credit for using some less desirable (in my world anyway) talents in interesting ways tonight.


Though I'm not watching the three-way because I don't have much use for Jeff Hardy, I did like how they inserted him into it. The whole thing about the fan voting but oh wait who knows where he even is only to show when AJ's trying to use his flakiness as a reason usurp his spot in the match was quite dramatic. Even as a Jeff hater, I have to admit that was pretty cool.


Also liked how the put the belts on The Band. Not sure I'd have made that booking move myself. But since they did, this was a pretty cool way to do it. Between the surprise element of them showing up, resolving the one man title team, and remembering the woebegotton Feast or Fired shot = taking lemons and making lemonade in my book.


Even Tomko being the one to answer Orlando Jordan's open challenge worked for me. I'll never have any great love for the guy but it was pretty cool in the "Wait. Where'd HE come from" kind of way. I'd pretty much forgotten he was even with TNA before his music started.


They may have been other people I'd have preferred to see in every one of those instances. But I'll give them credit for making the most of Hardy, Tomko and The Band. TNA managed to make all those guys as entertaining to me tonight as they will probably ever be. Makes me almost sad Mr. Anderson wasn't around. ALMOST.

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Final thoughts: von Erich face turn?



Could be. And if that is where they are going, then I'm anxious to see how Angelina responds to Lacey. Will Angelina have a long memory and still resent her for replacing her in The Beautiful People or will they bond over having run afoul of Velvet? The dynamic between them is an interesting one. Kinda reminds me of when The Undertaker replaced Sid in The Skyscrapers and then Sid came back. And while WCW never really explored that to it's full potential, I hope TNA does if Lacey does turn face on The Beautiful People.

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This is a random thing but, something I noticed while watching impact today.


I've watched TNA on and odd since the weekly ppv days, and, I think I've seen every impact this year, maybe missed one or two.




They have the most generic music for most people. At this point, almost 6 months into the year, where I can definitely say I've seen it week in and week out. Why is it that everytime music hits, I have no clue who it is? Sure, I know a handful of people, cause they have the knock off of whatever song they've used elsewhere.. but, is this just me?


Also, holy crap, did Tomko eat Amazing Red or something?

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There is truth in that. I had hoped that once TNA really caught on, that maybe the production value would go up. But, not so much. I think they need to find some bands, or, someone out there who they can hook up with, like WWE has on some occasions. Maybe that'll kick start something.
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In in the NWA, WCW whatever and whenever the music was clear and you could atleast tell who it was. You can barely hear the music and their in a t.v studio. Never once have I ever recognized a single TNA them other than one of the Abyss themes. You can barely hear them, they all sound generic. Really its hard to take them serious when you see how small the studio their in.


The WWE is filling up stadiums and arenas world wide and TNA jams roughly 1300 fans into the arena. When I tune into the WWE they have these huge titan trons and big sets and then I tune over to TNA and its hard to hear, its dimly lit, sometimes its so quiet you can hear a pin drop and when it is loud it sounds more like a feisty night at grandma's bingo more than a major wrestling t.v show.


TNA is so focused on guys like Flair and Hogan lending them cred when in reality the casual fan is going to tune in and say "man they must be hurting for money bad if their in this dingy little place".


If I were in TNA the first thing I would do is completely change its appearance. They made a big deal out of the new logo when it looks worse than the last one and its a barely noticable difference. I'd go with something completely new. Then I'd change the set I'd make it stand out more, then I'd focus on getting better equipment in there for production/sound. As well as making "backstage" look more like a "backstage" and not a storage closet with prop walls being put up. They take shots to the outside and you don't see giant parking lots and city landmarks you see roller coaster rides and it all screams second rate.


The WWE has its brand and then brands each worker as well. Everyone from Cena to Taker to Dolph Ziggler has a specified theme, logo, and outfit.


Its not like Eric writes the shows Russo still scripts them and the Bischoff tweaks them and who the hell knows what Hogan does aside from collect a paycheck. Its like everything Bischoff did in 95 to be smart he hasn't even bothered to do. They can put on the best stories ever with the best wrestlers ever but thats only half of the equation. With pro wrestling its about ALL the presentation and no matter how hard you try throwing some "legends" in there with some chaotic storylines and channeling the president with the word "change" every few moments won't cut it. They need a complete overhaul after watching this show tonight I continued to get sucked out of the show by realizing just how bush league they look. I think ROH's HDnet show comes across as TNA's equal as far as production and thats sad considering the budget difference and the fact that you know.......TNA is broadcasting FROM A STUDIO!

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WWE makes amazing music, in comparison TNA looks poor. They're a lot better than some mid-90s WCW were though. Jesus Christ some of those theme songs were just downright un-listenable.


American Males, American Males, American Males, American Males, American Males, American Males.

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I haven't watched TNA too much since the Hogan era started as I am not all that thrilled in seeing every 'big name' from WCW's heydey in the late 90's being the focus of every show. However the few times I have caught some of it, including last night, I can't help but notice how godawfully long most of their angles are. They linger over them well after the point of the angle has already been made and it just drags down everything else around it. The Abyss arrest angle was a good case in point, that just went on too long.
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ya know, I'm well aware it's a set up storyline, but does anyone else find the implied sexual assault angle cringe worthy?


I mean, yea, it's silly and keyfab but do we really need to be sending the scary guy to jail for "assault" on a girl? Can you imagine if abyss turns Heel later? does anyone seriously think the fans won't have some...inappropriate chants about this storyline ready for him?


Between that and using Orlando's sexuality for cheap hateful heat, I'm not sure TNA's booking is moving in the right direction.


This si like, the absolute WORST part of the attutide/WCW era with little to none of the good stuff (see: The band as champs in 2010 when they can barley walk)


I'm also less than thrilled with AJ's "I'm Ric Flair JR!!!" character....just seems so contrived. AJ was a great babyface, not sure you needed to pigion hole him into this role...are people really desperate for the new rick flair? or the new hulk hogan in abyss?


Just seems to me like a bad storyline driven by two guys who can't let it go. Both AJ and Abyss own characters were better...


That's just me though, not impressed with TNA's booking at all, though they continue to put on decent in ring action to keep me tuning in.

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I haven't watched TNA too much since the Hogan era started as I am not all that thrilled in seeing every 'big name' from WCW's heydey in the late 90's being the focus of every show. However the few times I have caught some of it, including last night, I can't help but notice how godawfully long most of their angles are. They linger over them well after the point of the angle has already been made and it just drags down everything else around it. The Abyss arrest angle was a good case in point, that just went on too long.


This is very true. They could have told the entire arrest story in 2 segments instead of 5, and in 5 minutes instead of almost 15. The awkward delay between Abyss getting arrested and Hogan taking his mask off was like nails on a chalkboard to me. I hate when segments aren't doing anything. You're on TV dammit, the show is taped! Edit the segment down! Don't just have Hogan standing with his arm around Abyss for 5 minutes while a few rent-a-cops just stare at him...and stare...and nothing happens. That was the one thing that bugged me most about last night.


And with the background segments, just mic em better. I know the feeling is supposed to be voyeuristic, but even ****ty voyeurs have above average mics.

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This is very true. They could have told the entire arrest story in 2 segments instead of 5, and in 5 minutes instead of almost 15. The awkward delay between Abyss getting arrested and Hogan taking his mask off was like nails on a chalkboard to me. I hate when segments aren't doing anything. You're on TV dammit, the show is taped! Edit the segment down! Don't just have Hogan standing with his arm around Abyss for 5 minutes while a few rent-a-cops just stare at him...and stare...and nothing happens. That was the one thing that bugged me most about last night.


I think you missed the point of the segment then. The reason for the delay in taking off the mask was obviously that Hogan didn't want to take it off. He wanted to protect Abyss and Abyss didn't want to lose his mask and thus lose his identity. Plus Desmond Wolfe was still running around threatening Abyss and Hogan was trying to make sure the cops got rid of him.


Of course that all comes back to needing better production because Desmond Wolfe was yelling about how he was going to kill Abyss but you could barely hear him making it look like Hulk was just standing around.

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I think you missed the point of the segment then. The reason for the delay in taking off the mask was obviously that Hogan didn't want to take it off. He wanted to protect Abyss and Abyss didn't want to lose his mask and thus lose his identity. Plus Desmond Wolfe was still running around threatening Abyss and Hogan was trying to make sure the cops got rid of him..


Of course that all comes back to needing better production because Desmond Wolfe was yelling about how he was going to kill Abyss but you could barely hear him making it look like Hulk was just standing around.


They never showed Desmond Wolfe on camera. And Hogan milked that "but I don't want to" for far too long. The segment was poorly filmed.


Back to the Orlando Jordan character. I think building him up as a Weirdo Bi Bad Ass could work.

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I think you missed the point of the segment then. The reason for the delay in taking off the mask was obviously that Hogan didn't want to take it off. He wanted to protect Abyss and Abyss didn't want to lose his mask and thus lose his identity. Plus Desmond Wolfe was still running around threatening Abyss and Hogan was trying to make sure the cops got rid of him.


Of course that all comes back to needing better production because Desmond Wolfe was yelling about how he was going to kill Abyss but you could barely hear him making it look like Hulk was just standing around.


I think we all understood Hogan was reluctant to take the mask off. I didn't need to see Hogan going


"I know.....I Know brother.....I know..I...Know" for 5 minutes before he did it. that could have been done in about two.


The point was fine, it was an awfully produced segment.

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