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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I can't access WO or PWT from where I am, but...


Morale in TNA was said to be quite deflated after the announcement that Impact was being moved back to Thursday. Many of the roster members who don’t follow the history of the business had been convinced by talk a couple of months back that the move to Monday nights was going to turn the company around. Some are fearful that the Thursday ratings will not return to what they were in February, with the Monday experiment perhaps having run off a sizeable portion of the fanbase. In the past, the consensus has been that although the money in TNA was not as good as in WWE this was offset by a far more enjoyable atmosphere at work. Now, the general feeling is that TNA is still a less stressful environment than WWE but nowhere near as much fun as it was a few months ago. Some feel that this is attributable to Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan coming in without any knowledge of the product, storylines or characters and yet changing the dynamic regardless. Others go back farther and attribute it to Jim Cornette being let go in favour of Ed Ferrara. Cornette had been the one who took scenarios that seemed foolish on paper and performed major damage control on them, while Ferrara lacked such instincts. This was said to demonstrate just how little Dixie Carter knew about the business and how easy she could be manipulated. At the moment, it is becoming clear to many that Bischoff has no fresh ideas about how to turn business around. The upcoming schedule should be quite revealing about the creative team. The Sacrifice PPV on 16 May will be followed by TV tapings for four straight weeks of Impact on the 17th, 18th and 19th, right up until the next PPV. This has been done in the past as a cost-saving measure, yet it led to segments being taped out of order on different days and numerous internal logic holes, such as some people being in different outfits for no reason on the same show. When such tapings were being written by Vince Russo the major plot points and directions of the script would be left intact. Under the new regime, there are far more last-minute alterations to major aspects of storylines. Kevin Nash & Scott Hall winning the TNA Tag Team Championships was a last-minute decision after somebody brought up that Nash still had a Feast or Fired briefcase to use for a tag title shot. Bischoff knew nothing about the concept, while Russo had long since forgotten about it. When the subject was brought up they decided to go ahead and use it for a title change. This screwed with the original Sacrifice line-up, where Matt Morgan and a partner were to face Ink Inc, while Hall & Nash would have been in a #1 contenders four-way with Beer Money, Team 3D and Motor City Machine Guns. Now they are having Hall & Nash defend the titles against Ink Inc, with the other tree teams perhaps having a three-way match instead. Morgan has nothing in particular planned, although a match with Samoa Joe is on the cards since Joe cost him the tag titles. The original plan for Morgan was that Hernandez would return as a mystery partner for Homicide, who would have won a tag title shot, yet the entire LAX reunion idea has been forgotten about since the original Hernandez injury angle. Meanwhile, Homicide was confronted about his recent interview comments about his lack of faith in TNA, their current direction and Hulk Hogan’s involvement with the company. He claimed to have been misquoted and so Terry Taylor has asked for a copy of the interview tape.


Credit to Wrestling Observe Newsletter




TNA News: TNA reportedly to begin cutting talent due to budget reasons


May 17, 2010 - 12:35:44 PM


By James Caldwell, Torch assistant editor


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TNA will reportedly begin cutting talent soon due to budget issues, reports the Wrestling Observer.


TNA tapes the next four episodes of Impact this week starting today in Orlando. The shows will complete the build-up to TNA's Slammiversary PPV in June and could be an indication of which talent will remain with the promotion going forward.


Caldwell's Analysis: TNA's roster has become bloated with the addition of a lot of names since the beginning of the year - RVD, Ric Flair, Jeff Hardy, Shannon Moore, Orlando Jordan, Brian Kendrick, Nasty Boys (released), Sean Morley (released). TNA has too many wrestlers, not enough slots, and they're not drawing decent TV ratings with the talent they've brought in and the money they spent. TNA drawing a 0.5 rating in prime time with Ric Flair in a TV main event remains one of the most mind-boggling events this year. TNA's talent roster needs to be trimmed, but everything comes back to creative needing to be overhauled. The fans turning on the product at the PPV last night was the latest in a long line of indicators this company has serious creative issues that need to be solved first and foremost.

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Last year there was a KotM for the X Division title, looks like they're either doing that or dropping the idea completely. Which I don't mind since every KotM match has been pretty bad. It's just a crap idea.


So.. to summarize. They're either doing a King of the Mountain, or, they're not?


I think I could go on the record that at Slammiversary, Jeff Hardy will face Rhyno.


Or he won't.

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So.. to summarize. They're either doing a King of the Mountain, or, they're not?


I think I could go on the record that at Slammiversary, Jeff Hardy will face Rhyno.


Or he won't.


Well that's the answer to the question. They will either do one for the X-Division title or none at all. But they will not have a match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, which was the main point of the entire conversation.


Where did you hear the main event? Is there someone posting results already?




Also, according to the results Mr. Anderson's turned babyface, which makes sense after that promo.

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Well that's the answer to the question. They will either do one for the X-Division title or none at all. But they will not have a match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, which was the main point of the entire conversation.[/color]


I was more pointing out that the way you said it, you gave every outcome. Either it will, or won't happen. There's no third option.

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Last year there was a KotM for the X Division title, looks like they're either doing that or dropping the idea completely. Which I don't mind since every KotM match has been pretty bad. It's just a crap idea.


Despite the overly gimmicky nature some of the matches where pretty good imho, different strokes I guess.

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Title: Dixie not happy about firing anyone


As noted before, there are people within the company looking to cut as many wrestlers from TNA?s roster this week to save money. However, TNA President Dixie Carter is fighting these decisions as she doesn?t want people losing their jobs.


Dixie realizes that these are tough times with the economy, especially in the wrestling business and doesn?t want anyone without work and pay.


Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

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Title: Dixie not happy about firing anyone


As noted before, there are people within the company looking to cut as many wrestlers from TNA?s roster this week to save money. However, TNA President Dixie Carter is fighting these decisions as she doesn?t want people losing their jobs.


Dixie realizes that these are tough times with the economy, especially in the wrestling business and doesn?t want anyone without work and pay.


Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter


Lol way to cover your ass when the reported roster cuts do not happen, and when they do happen you are also right. Sorry but this is bs reporting.

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You think it's BS reporting, I think it's Dixie Carter being naive... about wrestling.


Seriously, Meltzer interviewed her and asked her what she's going to do once Hogan and Bischoff leave. According to Meltzer, the look on her face was as if she didn't think that would happen.

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Title - Hogan Hair Problems


Celebrity wrestler HULK HOGAN has been wearing hair extensions since his split from ex-wife LINDA - after melting off his iconic blond mane in a dyeing mishap.


The star, real name Terry Bollea, relied on his former partner to colour his locks before their divorce last year (Jul09).


After the split, Hogan tried the beauty treatment on his own - but he left the dye on too long and the bleach caused permanent damage.


He explains, "When I was married back in the day Linda would do my hair - I never paid attention. When she filed for divorce and I was on my own and the roots grew out, I went to my local drug store and bought the hair (dye) and put in on. I didn't know you weren't supposed to put it on the scalp. I kind of rubbed it through (my hair) and then the phone rang. It (the dye) was on for an hour... (Then) I'm in the shower and it (my hair) all goes down there (the drain)."


Source: http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/story/hogan-lost-his-hair-in-dye-mishap_1142862

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If they cut some folks, who would you rather see go? Who are you terrified they may let go?


Personally, I want to see Orlando Jordan gone. "OMG, instead of a gay gimmick he's bi but still acts massively gay!" I tend to just flip over to something else. And, honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing Scott Hall go... I get depressed when I see him now. He's really and truly a sad sight on account of how much he's a shell of his former self. That said, I doubt his buddies will allow it.


If there's anyone I'm actually worried about... MCMs? Surely they wouldn't though, right? And I'm not concerned in the least about my hero Mr. Anderson. He's so over that it'd be, argueably, the worst business decision they've ever made to let him go.

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Dr. Stevie, Jesse Neal, Kiyoshi, Brutus Magnus, Raven, Rhino, Shark Boy, Scott Hall, Tomko, Syxx Pac, Kazarian, Amazing Red, Jay Lethal, Eric Young and Shannon Moore should be gone asap.


They won't mostly because of friends in high places but... eh.

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On Air talent:


Some asap some phase out definitely:


Nash, Hall, X Pac, Terry, 3D, Richards, Kiyoshi, Neal, OJ, Okada, Von Erich, Rayne, Chelsea, Tessmacher, Hart.




Red, Kendrick, Sharky, Moore, Magnus, Raven, Tomko, Rhino, Hebner Sr, Hebner Jr.

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I fear Desmond Wolfe would get cut since he's just the JOB guy now anyway. I don't even think he's won a ppv match since Hogan and Bisch took over.


Thats about the only one I fear would be released I'm not saying he would be but its the one guy I don't want released.


I think half the Knockouts will wind up leaving. Whats ODB doing is she injured?


Kendrick is only valuable as a team with London and since London is having too much fun being crazy in PWG I don't see that happening.


Doug Williams could go he's alright but theres no upside. He's older, he's not local, he's not got anything to market. Solid worker but TNA has plenty of those to go around.


Obviously about 30 other guys could go as well.

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If they cut some folks, who would you rather see go? Who are you terrified they may let go?


I'd not mind seeing go: Earl Hebner -- he's too much of an on-screen figure now. Refs shouldn't be characters, unless they're gonna start wrestling. Sorry. Wolf Pack. Abyss. Dr. Stevie. EY. Homicide/Hernandez. Roode. Jesse Neal/Shannon Moore. Magnus, since he's not the badass I thought he'd be when I heard he was debuting. OJ. 3D.


Whatever happened to Rhino? I made this list from TNA's roster, and while I do like Rhino -- not so much that I'd be upset if he was cut but well enough -- I don't think I've seen him since I started watching again.


I'd be really upset to see go:


MCMG. Alex Shelley is the only reason I came back to TNA.

Hamada. Second favorite women's wrestler behind Beth Phoenix.

Daffney. Third favorite, most attracted to.

Kazarian. I know he's not DOING anything, but IMO he's got a really great look that I wish was doing something.

Sting. Do I look stupid? (Don't answer that.)


Incidentally, every time I hear "Paul London" I think of "Paul Burchill" and my reaction is "why does anyone care about him." But now that I've figured out who the hell he is I would love to see TNA pick him up. Ah, well.

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I'd not mind seeing go: Earl Hebner -- he's too much of an on-screen figure now. Refs shouldn't be characters, unless they're gonna start wrestling. Sorry. Wolf Pack. Abyss. Dr. Stevie. EY. Homicide/Hernandez. Roode. Jesse Neal/Shannon Moore. Magnus, since he's not the badass I thought he'd be when I heard he was debuting. OJ. 3D.


I don't see them ever releasing Abyss. They've put way too much time into his character to let him go. They've basically killed the character he once had that people enjoyed though. Letting go of LAX would be a mistake - they're such a good tag team if they bring them back together. Robert Roode is a good talent and Beer Money was one of their most over babyface teams and now they get good heat as heels. Neal and Moore won't be going anywhere as long as TNA stays in Florida because that crowd loves them. I doubt they'd get half the reaction they get anywhere else in the US.


I bet Hebner has such a nice contract with TNA and letting him go would be a good thing. Create your own head referee that's involved with controversial stuff. Why do they think bringing in a popular referee helps a match? I saw him reffing the Knockout match from Sacrifice and he could barely move around the ring with them.

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I'd like to see Homicide and the Machine Guns go...so I can watch them in ROH. MCMG vs. Briscoes and/or KOW, or MCMG vs. Kevin Nash & Scott Hall? Easy choice for me.


Was it me, or was the AJ/RVD match incredibly boring? I couldn't wait for it to end. I liked Williams/Kazarian and the opening 3-way tag match, and LOVED Anderson's promo. But the rest of the show was pretty blah in my opinion.

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I don't see them ever releasing Abyss. They've put way too much time into his character to let him go. They've basically killed the character he once had that people enjoyed though. Letting go of LAX would be a mistake - they're such a good tag team if they bring them back together. Robert Roode is a good talent and Beer Money was one of their most over babyface teams and now they get good heat as heels. Neal and Moore won't be going anywhere as long as TNA stays in Florida because that crowd loves them. I doubt they'd get half the reaction they get anywhere else in the US.


I bet Hebner has such a nice contract with TNA and letting him go would be a good thing. Create your own head referee that's involved with controversial stuff. Why do they think bringing in a popular referee helps a match? I saw him reffing the Knockout match from Sacrifice and he could barely move around the ring with them.


Did... did I say Roode? Shoot. I meant Storm. The reason being that for whatever sick reason I really want Roode to get a push. I can never remember which is which though, so I guessed wrong this time.


I never really liked LAX, and they're not doing anything with either of them, so I figure...

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