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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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he British Invasion T-Shirt when they where still active lolz. 8k at a house show in the UK which is a record attendance, television rights fees, high viewer-ship in the UK which makes it easier to sell overseas like their recent Middle East deal. TNA also airs in many other countries like Australia and India. TNA does quite well internationally do not underestimate the income that generates and the importance of it.


All international viewing figures are up for instance with the Hogan era, merchandise sales are up, ppv buys are up, house show attendance is up, international distribution is up. Everything is up except the US ratings, is it as up as could have been hoped? No. Is the US rating figure the only thing that matters? Hell no.


It doesn't do that well down in Australia. If I went up to all my work-mates and asked them about TNA, I'd get a confused look. It's time slot for Impact! is Saturday night at 10:30 on one of the weaker channels on the Fox-cable network.

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TNA is probably going cut so many people that it will bring some not so wanted firings. I'd probably go with a list something like this: Kiyoshi, Brutus Magnus, the Japanese rookie with Suicide gimmick, Jimmy Hart, Tomko, Some refs, Sarita, dr Stevie, Raven, Shark Boy, Lacey, So Cal Val and ODB.
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Why the Christ would you cut Sarita? There's too few workers in the knockouts division anyway. And the division has 2 championships to fill.


I'd cut Sarita for being foreign and maybe bringing extra costs, there were some reports about her being used sparingly due to high salary. And I don't see a great reaction for her, that might be just me and I respect her skills, but still seems like possible cut. I would prefer her to be there, but if there are to be done firings as much as reported she might have to go.


And about Lacey, I think they'll not cut her, but I'd cut her out. She just doesn't have "it" IMO, and she's so green.

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*sigh* that's the thing, though. Is TNA even serious about having a X Division or a Knockouts Division anymore?


They released Christopher Daniels and Tracy Brooks. In the past, I can't fathom why releasing either, unless TNA management doesn't really care about those divisions. I'm certainly getting this vibe.


It literally feels like WCW 2.0 Lite, right now.

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I like how everyones list of who to cut includes all the people we haven't seen in months. Hell, I wouldn't have remembered any of them were part of the company, had no one mentioned them.


Also, take back the blasphemy of cutting Sarita! It's hard to get a good crowd reaction when you've been used 3 times in 5 months, no?

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And what has her being Canadian got to do with her being cut? Its such a funny pairing Sarita a Canadian with a Latino gimmick and Taylor Wilde a Canadian with a proud American gimmick. It depends where they are based and if they are being paid for travel.
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It doesn't do that well down in Australia. If I went up to all my work-mates and asked them about TNA, I'd get a confused look. It's time slot for Impact! is Saturday night at 10:30 on one of the weaker channels on the Fox-cable network.


Maybe the rating is not that great but it is still income from television rights fees. And as with Spike its relative rating for the network that is also important. It was just an example that TNA has quite the international distribution and that gives them a good amount of income.

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I blame TNA creative and management for misbooking, miswriting, and mismanagment.


Are you implying booking him like 1980's hogan and putting him in storyline as brilliant as the fake rape angle won't get him over? :D


In all seriousness, i don't understand why TNA felt the need to take two of its most organic gimmicks and workers in Styles and Abyss and turn them into Ric Flair JR and Hulk Hogan JR.


I just don't get it, both those guys were over with thier old gimmicks and history with the company and you turn them into a generic old school face and old school heel....


If your going to do the mentor storyline, fine, but they should have used guys who weren't already established with the TNA crowd.

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Taking "possession" of a woman against her will? The Abysster is the least likable "good guy" I have ever seen.


Yeah they kinda put themselves in a catch 22 there. If Abyss does not claim her then the stipulation for their match becomes (even more) meaningless but he is a gentleman. If he does claim her, eventhough he has a legitimate gripe against her, he comes of as a bad guy.


Hogan booking and Russo writing for Hogan just is not working.

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Taking "possession" of a woman against her will? The Abysster is the least likable "good guy" I have ever seen.


Tricky tightrope. I haven't seen much of TNA recently, but there's a way it can work I think. First, you'd need to set Chelsea up as someone who deserves comeuppance. I'd go the stuck-up, spoiled little princess route, looking down her nose at everyone. Second, I'd completely remove the sexual component of the 'possession'. Suggested rape isn't good for a babyface. Instead I'd have the little princess washing floors, cleaning toilets. Nothing you can feel sorry for her about, just some amusing ways to knock her off of her high horse. Ideally you'd have built up to it beforehand, so every punishment is deserved because of some past action on her part.


I reckon Pope could pull that type of thing off well. He's got a fun charisma that means you'd cheer him, even when he's being a jerk (see also Rock, The) Abyss... I don't know. Maybe. He's got this gigantic slobbering monster thing going which... Rape isn't cool. It just isn't.

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Tricky tightrope. I haven't seen much of TNA recently, but there's a way it can work I think. First, you'd need to set Chelsea up as someone who deserves comeuppance. I'd go the stuck-up, spoiled little princess route, looking down her nose at everyone. Second, I'd completely remove the sexual component of the 'possession'. Suggested rape isn't good for a babyface. Instead I'd have the little princess washing floors, cleaning toilets. Nothing you can feel sorry for her about, just some amusing ways to knock her off of her high horse. Ideally you'd have built up to it beforehand, so every punishment is deserved because of some past action on her part.


I reckon Pope could pull that type of thing off well. He's got a fun charisma that means you'd cheer him, even when he's being a jerk (see also Rock, The) Abyss... I don't know. Maybe. He's got this gigantic slobbering monster thing going which... Rape isn't cool. It just isn't.


Ya they kinda ruined that with the Rape angel, and the fact that Wolfe has now been shown to not care that Chealsa's not cool with being taken against her will since she's "his"


so in the last three weeks, we've had abyss accused of "attacking" a women we saw with a ripped shirt and disheveled hair for the super awkward "Girl cries rape against an innocent guy" set up


and we finish it with the


"she deserves to be thrown over a shoulder cave man style and taken away by the guy she accused of raping her" angle.


TNA's storyline writing is not good enough to paint that as anything other than it's come off as. the current moral of this storyline is:


"IT's ok to force a women against her will, including throwing her over your shoulder and dragging her away against her will, as long as she's been a bitch to you in the past. She was asking for it." :mad:


Awesome storyline TNA, not morally reprehensible at all :rolleyes:


I mean, not only do you have the stigma of "using force against a women is ok as long as she's not a nice girl" awkwardness, but Wolfe and Abyss both treating her as Physical property, rather than as a human being, is also not really something i think TNA want's to be pushing...hell, Abyss and Desmond BOTH refereed to her as Mine or in the possesive this week. what is Chelsa in all this, a lawn ornament or a human being?

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Guess I should add the whole "winning complete control over another person in a match" storyline in the 'Annoying Things In Wrestling' thread. I have never liked that angle - just seems wrong that a person could win control of someone like that.


I wasn't a big fan of Desmond cutting Abyss with the broken bottle either. It's bad enough to use something like glass in a match, but at least in a match it would kind of make some sense. Seems a little much for just an angle. Can't imagine asking a worker to do something like that.


"Hey, man, I have an idea for you tonight! First, you do this. Then he gets mad and does that. Then you do this, and he cuts the crap out of you with some glass!!!!! What do you think?"


Don't think I could do such a thing as that.

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Plus a cut like that was unnecessary, just slam it over his head and he goes down, keep attacking, he hulks up and lays Wolf out. Points at Chelsea, says you are mine now and walks off. Next week or same Impact we see her scrubbing floors or something. Most problems solved.
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