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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I have no doubt that Hogan signing complete control to Heyman would be in his best interests. I feel certain in assuming Heyman would use Hogan and get the best out of him, the only flaw I could see is Hogan wanting to be the centre of attention (I haven't watched TNA much recently) but if reports are true that he's on TV less then he may aswell let Heyman book him.
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Please tell me that this big change isn't a name change! I love TNA but it was only like 6 months ago that we lost the 6 sided ring and I'm still not over that... I don't know if I can take a name change too!


Heyman taking control would be sweet though! A second show would be good too. A year ago I would say their best bet would be a Knockout's show...but at this current state the Knockout's are on a fast course to Diva land so they really don't deserve their own show.


Whatever it is it's bound to be good... Dixie Carter never let's me down when she says there is BIG surprises coming up!

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Don't think they hyped Lashley via twitter or just as a surprise not a game changer, the last big twitter ones where Angle, Hogan and Monday's which where big news not that Mondays or Hogan have worked so far. Bisch has been doing good work except for his fondness of bubblegum (OJ).
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Carter also noted that there was a "nice surprise" set for tonight's TNA Slammiversary but that the larger changes she was talking about earlier this week would not happen at the PPV tonight but would take place in a few weeks and when it did, it would change things for TNA. Carter noted she was excited for it to take place.


During the party, I had the chance to talk with Carter, who confirmed the "changes" she was talking about earlier in the week would not be a sale of the company to a new owner. She also shot down a theory that it could be a network television deal for TNA. So, you can scratch those theories off the list. Carter said everyone who know in a few weeks.


Source PWI.

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Kurt Angle vs Amazing Red was a better match than anything WWE has put on in a long time. It's nice they gave Red the rub like that.


The RVD/Sting brawl at the end of the show was really well done. I kept going back and forth on who would "stand tall" at the end of it.


"Deception" scrawled across the title reminds me of back in the day when Hollywood would spray paint nWo on the WCW title. Not sure if that's linked to what Sting's over all goal is.


The eight man tag match was fun with a really nice finish.


It was a nice lead in show for Slammiversary tonight. I can't wait to watch.

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Watching the latest Impact right now on Spike.com. I haven't watched every week, but that could change now considering all of the TV shows I watch are done their seasons. I really like the stuff I've seen with Kazarian and Styles... the rivalry over impressing Flair makes me laugh. And Jay Lethal is extremely entertaining. I've seen him do the Flair skit twice now and he did even better this time than the last. I like the stuff TNA has going right now, but I wish they had started way back in January (when I gave them my full attention as a trial run) with the direction they're taking now.
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Kurt Angle vs Amazing Red was a better match than anything WWE has put on in a long time. It's nice they gave Red the rub like that.


I've been watching Impact off and on today while cleaning our pool and I just saw that match. It was really cool for how long it was and Angle let Red look good with a lot of spots and reversals. Angle vs the top 10 is a really cool storyline (even though it's so basic) and TNA may have just grabbed my attention with this Impact.

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Dixie Carter @TNADixie


To clarify. I will not be making an announcement about how TNA will change forever. You will just see for yourselves in the coming weeks.






I hope this has nothing to do with going "3-D"... that would be a true waste. What other "major changes" would we see for ourselves over the next few weeks? Something that's not announced. iMPACT on the road?

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Slamaversiy has to be huge.....i mean it is there mania......I am not sure yet if it is going to be as big as it needs to be though. Sting vs rvd? that is a good match but its no angle vs sting or hogan vs flair......yes i still want to see one last hogan vs flair or sting.


I hope they do good tonight.........I really want them to have a good show.

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