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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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That's how I looked at it. People can make the argument that it's just Roxxi and it won't do anything to backstage morale, but it's one of those things that's like, "if they did that to her, why can't they do it to me too?" I look at it as if it were TEW - would a worker get pissed at you if you buried them and then fired them? Yep.


Wouldn't be surprised if that was the straw that broke the back for ODB.

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ODB gone? Excellent. She was nothing great in the ring and had about the worst, most poorly over-acted gimmick around.


By the by, I also really don't like Beer Money for the same reason to a lesser extanet. "Oh, our gimmick is we like to drink, so we have to take a sip every three seconds on the way to the ring". So much BS. How about they fight a REAL drunk in Scott Hall?

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I was under the impression that only James Storm had the 'drunk' gimmick, and true enough he hasn't played that to it's fullest recently. I blame the heel turn. Getting drunk is a babyface thing nowadays (and I thought he was an AWESOME babyface before TNA arbitrarily turned him back) so it's only natural the act would become a bit blander once he's heel.


Read the spoilers. Won't be watching this week either. Their attitude towards turns baffles me. Turning Pope babyface was a good move. Anderson was good but rushed. Every other turn just seems ridiculous and forced. Not that I was enjoying blubbering babyface Abyss, but to seemingly turn him on a dime like this has me rolling my eyes. I'd have to see the show to be sure (and I won't) but it seems like lazy character development to me. That being said, Abyss is one of the few guys I really want to see taking a beating from Hulk Hogan. Hulk Up. Big Boot. Atomic Leg Drop the blubbering sycophant all the way to hell. I don't care if Hulk breaks every bone in his body doing it, just make sure he uses his dying breath to get the pin.

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Looks like Scott Hall is gone..again..


According to a report on ProWrestling.net, the talk backstage at the TNA Impact tapings yesterday was that Scott Hall had been fired from the promotion. His firing is apparently due to his recent arrest on May 14th.


I was pulling for him this time. I thought he could do one more decent run. Boy was I off....

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He was around for six months and honestly he wasn't inspiring. Why did Waltman get fired? The Band concept was cute for a few weeks but the WWE is doing a better nWo remake with NXT than TNA did with the originals so I'm ready for this to be over.


Waltman didn't get fired. He was given time off because he contracted hepatitis c.

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The TNA spoilers never seem to be good "on paper", yet the shows have been worth watching.


Anyone who isn't watching TNA right now, is missing out on a show that is better than 95% of RAW.


Also, as scattered as it seems, they are moving away from a lot of what went on Jan-April as they figure out what hasn't worked and what won't work.


I will continue to tune in to TNA and I will DVR Raw as I won't bother with Raw live until it improves. I feel the Nxt angle could have been GREAT, but it's not.

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A shiny turd in a pile of crap is still feces :p


... but one man's trash is another man's treasure. ;) Some people seem to like the NXT thing. It could be 'better', it could be closer to my cup of tea, but I won't bury it completely. At least they're trying.


... and so are TNA. Kinda. ODB's release saddens me a bit. I thought she added variety to the Knockouts. A nice differentiation from the generic WWE stickfigure body type. I wish she'd done the job to Madison (the career killer!) on her way out, but I expect that's what she was trying to avoid.

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... but one man's trash is another man's treasure. ;) Some people seem to like the NXT thing. It could be 'better', it could be closer to my cup of tea, but I won't bury it completely. At least they're trying.


... and so are TNA. Kinda. ODB's release saddens me a bit. I thought she added variety to the Knockouts. A nice differentiation from the generic WWE stickfigure body type. I wish she'd done the job to Madison (the career killer!) on her way out, but I expect that's what she was trying to avoid.


The NXT angle is interesting. I'm not as enthralled with it as a lot of people seem to be, but for the first time in almost six months I've paid attention to WWE.


Now, about ODB. I was never a fan of hers. I thought she was talented in the ring, but her gimmick literally disgusted me. Trailer trash isn't something anyone should ever embrace. She wasn't even bad looking, but the gimmick was just too much like a redneck. :p

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Your call..but in here defense the trailer trash/redneck gimmick has been a standard part of pro wrestling for about the last 30 years or so.


Yeah, I know. I thought Trevor Murdoch was a hell of a worker, but I couldn't get behind him because of the gimmick.

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Yeah, I know. I thought Trevor Murdoch was a hell of a worker, but I couldn't get behind him because of the gimmick.


I liked him specifically because he was a Dick Murdoch knock off.


Not to get too off topic ..but someone on these boards did an ECW relaunch diary with Murdoch that did a full on "foul mouthed, racist, ignorant" (EXTREME) redneck gimmick and it was f'n brilliant.

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A shiny turd in a pile of crap is still feces


The NXT angle is interesting. I'm not as enthralled with it as a lot of people seem to be, but for the first time in almost six months I've paid attention to WWE.



So its just a shiny turd in a pile of feces? But a shiny turd has you interested in the WWE? I think your going a bit over the top with your description of the NXT angle.


Is it revolutionary? No not in the least, but its different, its interesting.


Honestly if anyone is that desperate to watch the WWE that they'll just watch the best looking piece of crap they put out then thats sad. Watch it if you enjoy it and IF you enjoy it just say so.


Now days it seems like every message board people are afraid to say "Tna's shows are pretty good" and "The WWE still interests me".


Instead they spend time making digs at the promotions because I guess its the in thing to do.


Honestly the NXT angle is the only thing I like about WWE programming but I'm interested and I'm hopeful it continues to entertain me.


TNA has done a bang up job with their show except for Desmond Wolfe CONTINUES to lose I mean seriously when was the last time this guy won a match?

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He has a pin on Jeff Hardy not long ago. And yeah unfortunately negativism abounds on the boards and IWC. Not too bad here though more critical analysis then slagging everything. TNA's shows have been good but the E still does not interest me. If they would lessen on the incessant reruns and what happened on RAW and all the other bs I would probably have watched Smackdown before the draft.


I give them a chance every now and then but nope TNA entertains me way more, they also frustrate me more with stupid stuff but I get more good in return to equal that out.

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My theory on booking pro wrestling pay per views is that you figure out what your big ppv's are. Like people said Genesis, Slammiversery, Bound for Glory, Lockdown whatever.


I like Victory Road's set up so far but




Ric Flair's "real" TNA in ring debut, maybe Hogan Abyss, MCMG finally getting the titles I'd like to see these on an "important" ppv. I'll take what I can get but thats just my opinion.

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