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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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maybe he can finially stay clean


he's a pretty good performer when on his game


Totally agree. Matt is a pretty good performer when he actually cares. He's gotten so lazy. I honestly think Matt's slacking because Jeff's not there anymore and neither is Helms. I think Joey Mercury is his only long time friend in the company right now, but he's not even a member of the "core group"

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last year when they were feuding they had some great matches


they had a match at backlash that was just as good as their WM match and you can't say that about many feuds because most die right after WM.


I think it would be good if Matt came to TNA, but I think he would've done it by now considering that Jeff has been jumping ship for a while now

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Totally agree. Matt is a pretty good performer when he actually cares. He's gotten so lazy. I honestly think Matt's slacking because Jeff's not there anymore and neither is Helms. I think Joey Mercury is his only long time friend in the company right now, but he's not even a member of the "core group"


I doubt this has much to do with it. Sure those guys are his friends and have been his friends but Matt's been a part of the WWE for 13 plus years now. I would think he's been around some of these guys for enough time now that he's developed a few friendships.


Matt doesn't care anymore because he's just there. He's never going to be a champion, he's never going to rise above mid card and his best shot at ever being something was during the V1 gimmick and that was what seven years ago?


No doubt he's gotten lazy but Jeff has been gone plenty of times before and Helms has been hurt seemingly non stop since 07 anyway so its not like he's been paling around with these guys every week on the road for years now.


Matt is right where he should be for a 36 year old mid carder.

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I personally like the joke/crazy Eric Young. I really loved it when he moved to parts unknown so TNA could not fire him.


Is LAX going to get back together again? I mean they are really not doing much with either guy right now and I would love to see another team added to the TNA tag team division (which is pretty deep in my opinion).

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last year when they were feuding they had some great matches


they had a match at backlash that was just as good as their WM match and you can't say that about many feuds because most die right after WM.


I think it would be good if Matt came to TNA, but I think he would've done it by now considering that Jeff has been jumping ship for a while now



He's not going to go to TNA at 36 to make less money just to be in there title hunt.


If he was younger, mabey. But i think he's quite happy collecting his larger paycheck from the E to be a midcarder at this stage in his life.


He'll always have a place in the E's midcard because he's over, and he's a good worker who you can count on to make his opponent look good and not hurt them with a botch. No need to uproot his life at age 36 just to be in a title hunt in TNA.

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Is LAX going to get back together again? I mean they are really not doing much with either guy right now and I would love to see another team added to the TNA tag team division (which is pretty deep in my opinion).


I hope so. Hernandez annoys the hell out of me as a singles worker, but I love Homicide.

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It was a 1.22


The odd thing is the demographics were pretty much level or slightly down except for 12-17 males which were up a lot.


Still a 1.22 is the highest since Feb.


Good rating and given that the increase was mainly in that demo I think it might have more to do with the consistent quality over the last couple of months then specifically the ECW stuff given that nostalgia should not appeal to that large an extent to that age group.

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WARNING: This video is NOT for children if you're offended or grossed out don't watch it.




This is what Paul spends his free time doing, just completely killing TNA. The WWE too for that matter.




This video is fine for all ages and just as funny.

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London and Kendrick but unless I missed something London has not only said he won't go to TNA he has openly mocked them on Youtube. I get the impression Paul has saved his money well. The guy has an apartment in Sherman Oaks, CA (very very rich neighborhood).


Sherman Oaks is actually not that nice. Its very lower middle income especially for LA

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Just watched Impact again with my brother since he didn't get to watch it Thursday. Kazarian took two shots at the WWE in his Fortune promo that I didn't catch Thursday.


"We're not just a group of angry rookies..." and "We're the best in the TNA Galaxy"


Nexus and WWE Universe anyone? :p

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Ahhh I always heard rich people talking about it, maybe they were talking about it in a down sorta way my bad ha ha.


Hmmm.... I kinda thought Sherman Oaks must be fairly average given the way it's played out in Two and a Half Men.


I relate everything to Two and a Half Men. That is all.

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Just watched Impact again with my brother since he didn't get to watch it Thursday. Kazarian took two shots at the WWE in his Fortune promo that I didn't catch Thursday.


"We're not just a group of angry rookies..." and "We're the best in the TNA Galaxy"


Nexus and WWE Universe anyone? :p


I noticed the TNA Galaxy one but I missed the angry rookies comment, they seem to be taking a few shots at them each week.

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WARNING: This video is NOT for children if you're offended or grossed out don't watch it.




This is what Paul spends his free time doing, just completely killing TNA. The WWE too for that matter.




This video is fine for all ages and just as funny.


London is brave, has definately burnt some bridges with that first video.

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