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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Yeah I'm not sure how much more they could have hyped MCMG vs Beer Money. They talked about it all show leading up to it, they fellated it while it was happening, they had a well done feature re-tracing the entire history of MCMG in TNA on ReAction. What did Heyman want? A bill board in time square hyping 4 guys no one but wrestling fans know exist?
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I just thought of somthing, what if the "They" Abyss was talking about was ROH Guys? I think that could lead to a good story with ROH workers signing with TNA as Strong has a very good chance at a contract and if they could get some more guys it could be pretty cool imo. But I think the they is Fourtune


More new wrestlers? They need to release some and preferably get Xplosion on tv in the States before they start hiring. Except maybe for Knockout's which have suffered an exodus.

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Yeah it's an hour. It dragged on towards the middle.


Yeah to be honest the KO stuff and Dreamer and Dixie stuff bored me. Fortune, Guns, Angle, Anderson, Abyss was nice.


I just want the old BP back together again because they had the best chemistry and no more Lacey, even though she is generic hot, and Madison, even though she is the least bad wrestler of the BP. The BP are supposed to be the anti knockouts not the whole focus of the division imho. Anyone else with me?

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Yeah I'm not sure how much more they could have hyped MCMG vs Beer Money. They talked about it all show leading up to it, they fellated it while it was happening, they had a well done feature re-tracing the entire history of MCMG in TNA on ReAction. What did Heyman want? A bill board in time square hyping 4 guys no one but wrestling fans know exist?


Let. Them. Talk.


Give Beer Money the microphone and let them talk for a few minutes about how this is going to be the biggest ****-kicking of all time. Let them tell the world how important this match is to them.


Give Motor City Machine Guns the microphone and let them talk. Talk about how good it felt to get those belts. Talk about why them don't like Beer Money. Talk about why a 2/3 falls match has the potential to be the greatest match in the history of the world.


You don't become a star just by wrestling. Nowadays, you gotta talk too. You have to let the world grow accustomed to the sound of your voice, and learn about who you are outside of the ring (in kayfabe). People relate to characters. Mike Tenay hyping the match is one thing, but it doesn't get over who James Storm is (Beer drinkin' cowboy ass-kicker) Who Robert Roode is (I have literally no clue) Who Chris Sabin is (X-Division prodigy) Who Alex Shelley is (See Bobby Roode). Let. Them. Talk. Before the match. Not after.


Okay... after too.

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I agree but the whole point of the last show was that it would be all action. I can forgive Anderson's talking as it is part of his entrance and almost forgive the Hogan stuff as it was a cool beatdown. But the whole point of this particular show was no talkie talkie and if you want talkie talkie watch reaction.
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TNA Impact quarter-hour ratings: A full breakdown how the all action, no talk format of The Whole F'n Show special performed in the ratings

Aug 16, 2010 - 03:52 PM


By Jason Powell


The following are the quarter-hour ratings for the August 12 TNA Impact television show.


Q1: 1.03 rating - Kurt Angle vs. A.J. Styles


Q2: 1.05 rating - Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne, Mr. Anderson entrance and promo


Q3: 1.06 rating - Matt Morgan vs. Mr. Anderson vs. D'Angelo Dinero, Jeff Hardy and Shannon Moore introductions


Q4: 1.07 rating - Hardy vs. Moore, Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money


Q5: 1.22 rating - Bulk of the MCMG vs. Beer Money match,


Q6: 1.17 rating - Conclusion of MCMG vs. Beer Money, main event ring introductions, RVD vs. Abyss


Q7: 1.33 rating - Continuation of RVD vs. Abyss, announcers talk and hype TNA Reaction


Q8: 1.29 rating - Hulk Hogan in the ring with Rob Van Dam, introduces EV2.0, Fortune, Matt Morgan, and Douglas Williams beatdown on EV2.0 faction.


Powell's POV: I'm estimating on what took place in the third quarter hour simply because I forgot to note exactly where it was in my live coverage report. The second hour of the show was on pace with what TNA Impact has been drawing lately, but the first hour brought the overall rating down to a 1.15.


credit pro wrestling dot net.


Hmm seems there was a big jump in the second hour. Either the guns vs money was an excellent draw or there where some highly watched shows that just finished or both. Wasn't there a highest rated Jersey Shore ever and American Football on? Too bad about the first hour. Still can't say much going on quarters as you need minute by minutes but I do like the seemingly growth almost throughout the whole show.


Edit smart placement of the guns vs money match too as Q5 is zapping time.

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Just imagine if you'd had all that going on and the tag title match gets put in the main event spot.


That instantly says you have some of the top talent in the last 20 years, you have a title match featuring two guys in the top storyline but you're gonna let 4 relatively unknowns main event and steal the spotlight from all these other guys.


If you spend the entire show hyping this match making everything a sideshow to this main event then you instantly solidify those 4 guys as bonafide main eventers and set yourself out as having the best tag division in wrestling (not necessarily true but you can use that to market themselves).


I didn't mind the brawl and RVD being injured however I don't really see who it gets over or what angle it's going to lead to that will deliver a payoff.


Having MCMG vs. Beer Money being the top match and then the entire locker room coming out to applaud that effort would have had a far more lasting impact than the ending to impact we got.

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The Tag match (as well as Angle vs AJ and even to some extent the Triple Threat) really made things seem important. Tag belts are something to FIGHT for. It's not just thrown together, cookie-cutter "hot tag" BS like WWE. I don't know what TNA's "rules" are on illegal guys staying in the ring forever, but it does allow for some amazing action.


The rankings are made to seem like they matter. Angle working his way up, them mentioning who's what rank while they're out there. Seriously, how long have we heard abot "#1 Contender"s with there being no meaning other than "he's the guy we've decided gets a shot"? Now there's rhyme and reason to it. The Mystery GM can say "Orton goes to the back of the line", but it doesn't mean anything. How many guys is he behind? How does he progress? In TNA we can see how it all works.


Really not a fan of this EV2 crap. RVD vs Abyss was exactly what I expected of it, which is to say I enjoyed it less than every other match besides the KOs. Hogan needs to GTFO of the ring, he adds nothing. Really, what does he have to do with EV2? Why should we care that he's out there?


Give the spotlight to those who can shine in it!

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Paul Heyman appeared on The MMA Hour on MMAFighting.com on Monday and commented to host Ariel Helwani on his TNA negotiations. "They're not ready for me," Heyman said. "They're not there yet." Heyman also stated that TNA wrestlers who were over 40 years old would not be happy if he went to work for the company. "If you're over 40, I'd chop your f---ing head off," said Heyman.



So... Paul would get rid of Kurt Angle? The other's over 40 are Jarrett, Nash and Sting. Those three dont even appear on a regular basis.

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The rankings are made to seem like they matter. Angle working his way up, them mentioning who's what rank while they're out there. Seriously, how long have we heard abot "#1 Contender"s with there being no meaning other than "he's the guy we've decided gets a shot"? Now there's rhyme and reason to it. The Mystery GM can say "Orton goes to the back of the line", but it doesn't mean anything. How many guys is he behind? How does he progress? In TNA we can see how it all works.


Yes, like Hernendez jumping over Angle because he ... um ...


It's stuff like this that makes TNA, with my favorite two wrestlers of all time and a few more of my favorite active wrestlers, unwatchable.


I want to love you TNA. I want to so bad. Stop with the gimmicks. Stop with the catering to the nostalgia fans. Stop being the past of wrestling, start being the future.


Of course I've been pleadng to my TV for almost 3 years now. TNA never gets better.

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Yes, like Hernendez jumping over Angle because he ... um ...


It's stuff like this that makes TNA, with my favorite two wrestlers of all time and a few more of my favorite active wrestlers, unwatchable.


I want to love you TNA. I want to so bad. Stop with the gimmicks. Stop with the catering to the nostalgia fans. Stop being the past of wrestling, start being the future.


Of course I've been pleadng to my TV for almost 3 years now. TNA never gets better.


Not true, its as entertaining as ever right now, as for gimmicks what are you talking about matches or charcter gimmicks? The matches have been good with little gimmick besides the Beer Money/MCMG classic series and the EV2 guys. The worker gimmicks are good and improving. Storylines are intriging and fun plus its working it momentum back up from the monday **** they were pulling off. And I presonaly dont know why people make a big deal about Wolfpac being in TNA when WWE is having Taker/Kane Feud for they 100th time.

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Not true, its as entertaining as ever right now, as for gimmicks what are you talking about matches or charcter gimmicks? The matches have been good with little gimmick besides the Beer Money/MCMG classic series and the EV2 guys. The worker gimmicks are good and improving. Storylines are intriging and fun plus its working it momentum back up from the monday **** they were pulling off. And I presonaly dont know why people make a big deal about Wolfpac being in TNA when WWE is having Taker/Kane Feud for they 100th time.


You are advertising a PPV with Hardcore matches. So on free TV you give away:


Ultimate X Match

Street Fight

Steel Cage Match

Hardcore Match


You have:


Orlando Jordan. Insultingly dumb Gimmick.

Eric Young. Insultingly dumb Gimmick.

Biker Chick. Awkward costume and lame gimmick.

Dixie Carter. Why is she on TV now?

Rob Terry. Genetic freak who gets squashed by AJ in 3 minutes.

This whole... EV 2.0 garbage. It's ... sadly reminding me of "The Wrestler". Like they just can't walk away.


Those top two (Jordan & Young) are the reason I can't proudly admit I am a wrestling fan.


It's not just Wolfpac being there but them talking about the past in almost a code. Hogan telling Nash to let young guys go, Nash laughing at Hogan. Casual fan, no idea about WCW, how are they supposed to enjoy that? How are they even supposed to understand that?


Why does every critique of TNA have to be countered into an attack on WWE? Little brother syndrom. Yes, the Kane - Taker thing is redone. How does that make the Sting - Nash - Hogan - Jarrett thing suck less? Does that make Jarrett look like he missed his cue any less? Doe it erase the seemingly minutes of Nash standing ready to jacknife Hogan literally waiting for someone to make the save.


WWE has a bunch wrong with it. Matt Hardy's gut. Wasting CM Punk by having Show snuff him out. Pushing McIntyre while both Kofi and Dolph are stuck at IC. Hot shotting titles. Lack of a Gail Kim title run. In fact the whole Woman's division. And most of Smackdown.


Sadly all of WWE's flaws does not make TNA a better show.

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I guess we have different tastes:) but i understand you points but I like EY more in a comedy gimmick than being thrown into the bands business. And OJ gets limited TV time Rob is getting limited time too.


He was sadly on two weeks in a row when I watched. EY's gimmick is embarrassing. Kinda like Eugene was embarassing.


Of course the company has Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Mr. Anderson, Samoa Joe, AJ Motha' F'n Styles, D'Angelo Dinero and oh yeah, RVD.


The roster alone will keep me watching.

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He was sadly on two weeks in a row when I watched. EY's gimmick is embarrassing. Kinda like Eugene was embarassing.


Of course the company has Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Mr. Anderson, Samoa Joe, AJ Motha' F'n Styles, D'Angelo Dinero and oh yeah, RVD.


The roster alone will keep me watching.


I just wish they would start useing the Wolf/Magnus Team on Impact because I dont get Explosion

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Not true, its as entertaining as ever right now, as for gimmicks what are you talking about matches or charcter gimmicks? The matches have been good with little gimmick besides the Beer Money/MCMG classic series and the EV2 guys. The worker gimmicks are good and improving. Storylines are intriging and fun plus its working it momentum back up from the monday **** they were pulling off. And I presonaly dont know why people make a big deal about Wolfpac being in TNA when WWE is having Taker/Kane Feud for they 100th time.


To quote the Miz... 'Wah Wah Wah' :p


In all honesty, I watched TNA on Thursday, and Checked out TNA Reaction afterward. In my opinion, the stories aren't very entertaining to me personally. Really, It seems that I'm linking everything that TNA does to something I hate about the WWE.


For example:


I'm sick of Undertaker/Kane feuds, yet I'm also sick of Abyss. I just simply hate the character, same way that I think Undertaker needs to retire soon, he's just gotten old for me.


The same way I'm sick of TNA bringing in 'WWE' Rejects, despite the fact that they almost need to for the star power. Kennedy, Kendrick, RVD, Hardy... blah blah blah. I'd rather see them in the WWE where I can actually stand to watch them. In TNA, I can't stand watching them, not one bit. Same way I can barely stand to watch Flair on TNA.


EV2.0 was entertaining for me for about 30 seconds, and then I flipped the channel. I don't like the fact that they practically took One Night Stand and made their own version of it. I did enjoy One Night Stand the first time, and it was good the second, but I just couldn't watch it in TNA. I checked out the video online and didn't enjoy it.


I'm still enjoying Wolfe, but only because he's teaming up with Magnus, who for some reason I really enjoy seeing in the ring, just because of his look I think. But after leaving him out from Fourtune, nuh uh, no thanks.


Just about 2 years ago, Suicide was this next big thing character in TNA... (or at least that's how I perceived it). Now, 2 years later, I don't even know what's going on with him, except that Kaz has been replaced with Akira Raijin, and I don't mind that one bit, because I love Akira. But this seemingly 'Scary' guy, is now stuck in the Midcard. I don't watch Xplosion though, so if I'm incorrect somebody please correct me.


They've got all these great guys on the roster, and the stuff is laughable, and verging on impossible for me to watch.

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The same way I'm sick of TNA bringing in 'WWE' Rejects, despite the fact that they almost need to for the star power. Kennedy, Kendrick, RVD, Hardy... blah blah blah. I'd rather see them in the WWE where I can actually stand to watch them. In TNA, I can't stand watching them, not one bit. Same way I can barely stand to watch Flair on TNA.


I don't see the problem with bringing the likes of Kennedy, Kendrick, Burke etc. These are guys who had a hell of a lot of talent but it just never clicked for whatever reason. I remember watching Burke in ECW and thinking this guy could be huge and then they just lost interest in him. Now I get to see him on regularly, getting made into a big deal.


Kennedy was on the wrestling scrap heap but TNA picked him up and made him something more. He came in as a midcarder, was given the opportunity to shine and because the fans got behind him he's now a main eventer. His match against Angle (which I didn't get to see unfortunately) is possibly a MOTY candidate. Kennedy in WWE would never have got that opportunity.


Personally one of the reasons I like TNA is they will give guys who didn't get a fair run in the WWE a chance to really develop and reinvent themselves.


That said, the RVD's and Hardys are a bit meh. I don't see that they've added anything and wouldn't miss them (which is weird because I'm a Hardy mark but he just doesn't seem to have "it" in TNA).

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Because from my standpoint Hardy in TNA is more really Jeff Hardy while with the E it was all the image that they made him into. Plus he stood out more from an in ring standpoint in the E possibly.


Also guys like RVD and Hardy are not WWE rejects WWE wanted Hardy to resign badly and always wanted RVD back, they chose TNA. Just to make that clear for others as I did see the ' '.

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Realy the biggest complaints I have right now are EV 2.0 which I'm interested in for a negative amount.


And the fact that Demond Wolfe has less than a zero push right now.


However since EV 2.0 is taking up a bit part of the show, and there were several weeks I watched just to see what Desmond was doing. I haven't watched since right before Hard Justice and I think I'm going to continue not watching until they get this EV 2.0 crap out of their blood. If its your basic TNA storyline I got an over under of 8 weeks.


Are they still doing Hardy/Kennedy as friendemies?


Has the Pope got his own storyline for feud going on?


Have they forgotten about Abyss/Hogan and therefore "they".?


Did Sting ever explain what was black is white and what was white was black? Or has he just resorted to teaming with Nash, making vague references and beating up Hogan?


Did they ever pay off Joe vs. Morgan? Since you know Joe made his return during Matt Morgan's title defense, cost him the championship, etc.


Best I've been able to tell they have dropped all of these storylines and lost focus on The Pope aside from random three way dances with Morgan and Kennedy. Again I haven't watched in about three weeks so maybe I'm wrong afterall Eric has assured me all this stuff going on right now was planned out six months ago, I'm sure he's talking about the abrput ending to interesting angles so that 40 year old men from a hardcore promotion can feud with Fortune. I guess Fortune vs. MCMG, Lethal, Kennedy, etc. wasn't an interesting enough storyline.


There is nothing EV 2.0 is accomplishing with Fortune that feuding them with your actual roster couldn't. Also somebody tell me why Dixie is on T.V now days? There are times she makes Linda McMahon look like Meryl Streep.

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Realy the biggest complaints I have right now are EV 2.0 which I'm interested in for a negative amount.


And the fact that Demond Wolfe has less than a zero push right now.


However since EV 2.0 is taking up a bit part of the show, and there were several weeks I watched just to see what Desmond was doing. I haven't watched since right before Hard Justice and I think I'm going to continue not watching until they get this EV 2.0 crap out of their blood. If its your basic TNA storyline I got an over under of 8 weeks.


Are they still doing Hardy/Kennedy as friendemies?


Has the Pope got his own storyline for feud going on?


Have they forgotten about Abyss/Hogan and therefore "they".?


Did Sting ever explain what was black is white and what was white was black? Or has he just resorted to teaming with Nash, making vague references and beating up Hogan?


Did they ever pay off Joe vs. Morgan? Since you know Joe made his return during Matt Morgan's title defense, cost him the championship, etc.


Best I've been able to tell they have dropped all of these storylines and lost focus on The Pope aside from random three way dances with Morgan and Kennedy. Again I haven't watched in about three weeks so maybe I'm wrong afterall Eric has assured me all this stuff going on right now was planned out six months ago, I'm sure he's talking about the abrput ending to interesting angles so that 40 year old men from a hardcore promotion can feud with Fortune. I guess Fortune vs. MCMG, Lethal, Kennedy, etc. wasn't an interesting enough storyline.


There is nothing EV 2.0 is accomplishing with Fortune that feuding them with your actual roster couldn't. Also somebody tell me why Dixie is on T.V now days? There are times she makes Linda McMahon look like Meryl Streep.


1. No

2. He's been feuding with Morgan and Anderson

3. Nope still going strong he said they were the reason he attacked RVD with Janice

4. He's only been back for one week and did an attack on Hogan so not yet.

5. No, Hardy/Joe were feuding until Joe got him self suspended

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I thought Morgan was Ric's body guard in Fortune and was feuding with ECW 2.0? What are Kennedy, Morgan and Pope feuding about? A title shot? Has the feuding involved any promo time for The Pope or is more or less combinations of the three of them wrestling while Morgan hangs around Flair in the ring or maybe backstage and Kennedy gets to do his thing on the mic?


Either way thats more than I thought they had going on so kudos to them. Although it does bother me they made Morgan drop something that was getting him over and they obviously put effort into just to shock us into a Joe return.

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