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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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The silly EV2.0 stuff, in your words, didn't take up too much time fortunately this week. And agree with Morgan he should talk. That is the weird thing with Fortune most of them could already talk on the mic or can now like AJ only exception is Kaz. Still can not wait till they proudly proclaim they have kicked out or marginalised all the 'old' guys and then AJ says: 'Except for one'. And then they all turn and beat the stuffing out of Flair. At least that is my 'dream' pay-off.
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The silly EV2.0 stuff, in your words, didn't take up too much time fortunately this week. And agree with Morgan he should talk. That is the weird thing with Fortune most of them could already talk on the mic or can now like AJ only exception is Kaz. Still can not wait till they proudly proclaim they have kicked out or marginalised all the 'old' guys and then AJ says: 'Except for one'. And then they all turn and beat the stuffing out of Flair. At least that is my 'dream' pay-off.


Only problem with that is we would end up with an AJ vs. Flair match where AJ is the Heel and Flair is the Face. Thought that does seem to fit with what TNA is trying to do which I just don’t get.


So I should boo what makes you different your younger talent and cheer for the people who were made other places? I just hate it. Which is kind of weird cause I don’t hate EV2.0 I don’t hate Sting or Nash (don’t really care about Hogan now or Jarrett ever) I have no problem with the idea of them being there. I also like Fourtune and think it is a good heel stable. The problem is them groups should not be feuding. Fourtune should be feuding with an alliance made up of Lethal, MCMG’s, Pope, some X division guy and Joe. Not in a feud that comes down to (Heel) TNA vs. (Faces) People all at least 10 years pass their prime.

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I'm hoping Fortune annihilate the ECW guys in that 7 on 7 cage thingy. Just run them out of town. It'll put them over as a force to be reckoned with, and they can move on to a more progressive feud with other TNA guys.


P.S. I love AJ's character when he's a heel. The Prince stuff was really cool. It was around then that I went from "AJ's a pretty good wrestler" to "I really like this guy!". It gave him personallity. I love the character, but it's a babyface character to me. He's like Zack Ryder. Everything the guy does makes me want to cheer for him. That's a babyface.

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Only problem with that is we would end up with an AJ vs. Flair match where AJ is the Heel and Flair is the Face. Thought that does seem to fit with what TNA is trying to do which I just don’t get.


So I should boo what makes you different your younger talent and cheer for the people who were made other places? I just hate it. Which is kind of weird cause I don’t hate EV2.0 I don’t hate Sting or Nash (don’t really care about Hogan now or Jarrett ever) I have no problem with the idea of them being there. I also like Fourtune and think it is a good heel stable. The problem is them groups should not be feuding. Fourtune should be feuding with an alliance made up of Lethal, MCMG’s, Pope, some X division guy and Joe. Not in a feud that comes down to (Heel) TNA vs. (Faces) People all at least 10 years pass their prime.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. After a resounding loss (like last week) have the EV2 guys proclaim something along the lines of: Our time is over and we did what we wanted to do, but you disrespected us and our spirit so we found some guys who do respect our work and they will take our vengeance for us. Leading to Lethal, Pope, Guns, Hernandez to come out ( for starters). They can still do that though.

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I'm hoping Fortune annihilate the ECW guys in that 7 on 7 cage thingy. Just run them out of town. It'll put them over as a force to be reckoned with, and they can move on to a more progressive feud with other TNA guys.


P.S. I love AJ's character when he's a heel. The Prince stuff was really cool. It was around then that I went from "AJ's a pretty good wrestler" to "I really like this guy!". It gave him personallity. I love the character, but it's a babyface character to me. He's like Zack Ryder. Everything the guy does makes me want to cheer for him. That's a babyface.


To you. And no offence but as far as I have read you have your own unique taste. But I get your point.

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To you. And no offence but as far as I have read you have your own unique taste. But I get your point.


Sure. And to be fair, I usually watch Impact at work, with the sound turned down pretty low, so maybe there's more booing going on than I'm hearing. In TNA's defense, I do find their babyfaces more likable than WWE's. Mr Anderson. Pope. Motor City Machine Guns. Jeff Hardy. RVD. Young Bucks. Rob Terry (he's Welsh, so I have to love him) AJ's just an anomaly right now.

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8/20 Ratings


Source: PWTorch


Last night's episode of TNA Impact dipped below the 1.00 rating benchmark following the 1.15 rating for last week's "Whole F'n Show" episode.


We don't have the official TV rating yet. Impact was out of the Top 50 among cable TV programs last night and the lowest-rated show in the Top 50 chart was a 0.98 rating.


Looking at the target audience ratings, Impact's demographic ratings among males 18-34 and 18-49 were the lowest in five weeks.


Impact scored a 0.71 rating among both key male demographics. Last week's show scored a 0.88 rating among m18-49 and a 0.83 rating among m18-34.


In addition to losing older male viewers, Impact's rating among teenage males dropped nearly 30 percent. Impact scored a 0.85 rating among males 12-17, compared to a 1.19 rating in the demo last week.


Looking at competition on cable TV last night, MTV's "Jersey Shore" hit a series high in the adult demographic, but USA Network's scripted shows on Thursday nights were down slightly in total viewers.


The following is a review of the last ten weeks capturing Impact's ratings this week returning to the previous level from June.


June 17 - 0.99 rating

June 24 - 0.98 rating

July 1 - 0.99 rating

July 8 - 1.14 rating

July 15 - 1.09 rating

July 22 - 1.06 rating

July 29 - 1.22 rating

Aug. 5 - 1.21 rating

Aug. 12 - 1.15 rating

Aug. 19 - below 0.98 rating


Caldwell's Analysis: Not a good sign for TNA trying to follow up on the "Whole F'n Show" last week. The show featured "established stars" involved in key segments taking up the majority of focused TV time involved in programs that have little steam behind them, the beginning of a rapid-fire tournament with short, inconsequential matches, the continuation of EV2.0 featured throughout Impact, and disproportionate focus on younger stars on the roster, best exemplified by only a brief video package on Motor City Machineguns, who drew strong quarter-hour ratings throughout the recent tag title series with Beer Money.


The conclusion isn't that TNA should shift exclusively to featuring younger stars, but that if the "established stars" are going to be utilized on TV, they need to be involved in segments that actually carry a sense of importance and are actually leading somewhere to make money for TNA or build the audience's interest in the TV product. That simply isn't the case with TNA's TV product.






The 8/19 edition of Impact did a 0.97 rating, with 1,350,000 viewers


Reaction also dropped this week more precipitously than Impact, doing a 0.62 rating and 824,000 viewers. Last week's debut did a 0.87.

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I kind of said this would happen a few pages back. They were putting on REALLY good shows week and and week out slowly climbing the ratings chart. Then they hit a peak right when this ECW stuff was just starting. After a few weeks it looks like either


A. People were tuning in for ECW but there is only so much more water you can pull out of that nostalgia well and TNA's pulled up the last remaining buckets of nostalgia out of it.




B. People were never tuning in for ECW they were tuning in because they put three months of interesting, solid booking out there and word of mouth finally caught up to them. Only for these new fans to tune in and realize their friends are on crack for suggesting them this ECW stuff.


The sky isn't falling and they should hover right back around that 1.0 mark their always at but those 1.2's weren't going to keep with Tommy Dreamer main eventing or whatever it is he's doing.

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Watched Reaction. AJ came off as a prick, so... Good job. I also enjoy Kazarian's glasses.


The stuff with the 4 guys in the World Title Tournament... They're too nice. I know they're all babyfaces, but talking about 'respect' and 'entertaining the fans' is just too cutsie poo for my tastes. It makes wrestling sound like ballet. Don't tell Kurt why you respect him, tell him that you're going to beat his ass. I don't want to see a fun match between two entertainers who respect each other. I want to see an intense fight between two of the greatest warriors the world has ever seen, over a prize so valuable that they're willing to kill each other to win it.

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Watched Reaction. AJ came off as a prick, so... Good job. I also enjoy Kazarian's glasses.


The stuff with the 4 guys in the World Title Tournament... They're too nice. I know they're all babyfaces, but talking about 'respect' and 'entertaining the fans' is just too cutsie poo for my tastes. It makes wrestling sound like ballet. Don't tell Kurt why you respect him, tell him that you're going to beat his ass. I don't want to see a fun match between two entertainers who respect each other. I want to see an intense fight between two of the greatest warriors the world has ever seen, over a prize so valuable that they're willing to kill each other to win it.


You know, Self, I get the point about about balance and I definitely agree with you about that. There's no way when I'm booking TEW that we get to this stage of a title tourney and don't have heels in the mix. But sadly, I think we've both heard JR's old line about wishes and fishes by now.


But I gotta disagree with you about four faces all playing nice being too cutsie poo.When you have four faces all contending for a title and they are all playing nice, that doesn't make wrestling sound like ballet. It makes it sound like, well, wrestling. Faces are supposed to want the level playing field and have respect for their opponent so they can go out there and the best man can win on his merits. While heels are supposed to disrespect everyone, use the rule book as toilet paper and attempt to create a state of anarchy they believe they alone can control. It's been the way of the ring from the beginning of alignments.


Now, I'll grant you. Faces can have an edge sometimes and that's good. Look at the man in charge here at the moment. One Hulk Hogan. When Hogan was in his prime, sure he could be Mr. Nice Guy and try to give every wayward, slightly shady tweener a fair shake only for them to tip heel on him. But when the chips were down, Hogan enforced all the crowd held good and right with an iron fist and an adamantium leg drop.


Or look at the Ring of Honor guys. From what admittedly little I've seen, it's no wonder to me those guys have the cult following they do. They are able to uphold old-school principles like honor and respect and do so with the kind of hardcore stridence ECW was famous for. So attitude-wise they represent the best of both the old and new schools blended together. And then yes you have the stylistic preferences piled on top of that.


But riddle me this. You have the four guys all playing nice and talking classic face. But what if one of them doesn't mean it? What if one of them's already turned "in their heart" and is waiting for the final to show the world? There's little as prototypically heelish as insincerity. Rare examples like Eddie Guerrero aside, who really loves a liar?


Granted, we as fans shouldn't be having to think about things like this. There should be enough balance we don't have to hope there's a heel turn in the works to justify things. But that lack of balance is the real problem. I have no problem with four face guys all talking "respect" and "may the best man win" to each other as long as they can all convince me I'm meant to believe it. That's not trying to be ballet. That's trying to be wrestling.

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I kind of said this would happen a few pages back. They were putting on REALLY good shows week and and week out slowly climbing the ratings chart. Then they hit a peak right when this ECW stuff was just starting. After a few weeks it looks like either


A. People were tuning in for ECW but there is only so much more water you can pull out of that nostalgia well and TNA's pulled up the last remaining buckets of nostalgia out of it.




B. People were never tuning in for ECW they were tuning in because they put three months of interesting, solid booking out there and word of mouth finally caught up to them. Only for these new fans to tune in and realize their friends are on crack for suggesting them this ECW stuff.


The sky isn't falling and they should hover right back around that 1.0 mark their always at but those 1.2's weren't going to keep with Tommy Dreamer main eventing or whatever it is he's doing.


Yeah I talked about something similar before and I really think it is B that is the problem. TNA has had a habit of doing stuff like that. Good streak of shows with 'low' but over long period slowly climbing ratings. Then right at the peak throw in Nostalgia heavy and get one or two good ones in a row and then a drop off.


I think it is also a question of demographics. The night with the brawl at the end with EV2 was high in the 12-17 demo who where attracted by the good string of shows, then they turned out for the pre ppv show but a lot of nostalgia guys in the 18-39/49 bracket turned in. Then after the ppv those guys left and the 12-17 demo stayed for the Whole F'N show. After the whole F'N show they are back in their normal range as the younger demo was burned by all the nostalgia stuff and the older demo had had their nostalgia shot.


Unfortunately Spike itself seems to target the 18-39/49 demo more then the 12-17 when if you are looking for long term and sustainable growth as a Network and Show/Promotion the 12-17 demo should be targeted imho.

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You know, Self, I get the point about about balance and I definitely agree with you about that. There's no way when I'm booking TEW that we get to this stage of a title tourney and don't have heels in the mix. But sadly, I think we've both heard JR's old line about wishes and fishes by now.


But I gotta disagree with you about four faces all playing nice being too cutsie poo.When you have four faces all contending for a title and they are all playing nice, that doesn't make wrestling sound like ballet. It makes it sound like, well, wrestling. Faces are supposed to want the level playing field and have respect for their opponent so they can go out there and the best man can win on his merits. While heels are supposed to disrespect everyone, use the rule book as toilet paper and attempt to create a state of anarchy they believe they alone can control. It's been the way of the ring from the beginning of alignments.


Now, I'll grant you. Faces can have an edge sometimes and that's good. Look at the man in charge here at the moment. One Hulk Hogan. When Hogan was in his prime, sure he could be Mr. Nice Guy and try to give every wayward, slightly shady tweener a fair shake only for them to tip heel on him. But when the chips were down, Hogan enforced all the crowd held good and right with an iron fist and an adamantium leg drop.


Or look at the Ring of Honor guys. From what admittedly little I've seen, it's no wonder to me those guys have the cult following they do. They are able to uphold old-school principles like honor and respect and do so with the kind of hardcore stridence ECW was famous for. So attitude-wise they represent the best of both the old and new schools blended together. And then yes you have the stylistic preferences piled on top of that.


But riddle me this. You have the four guys all playing nice and talking classic face. But what if one of them doesn't mean it? What if one of them's already turned "in their heart" and is waiting for the final to show the world? There's little as prototypically heelish as insincerity. Rare examples like Eddie Guerrero aside, who really loves a liar?


Granted, we as fans shouldn't be having to think about things like this. There should be enough balance we don't have to hope there's a heel turn in the works to justify things. But that lack of balance is the real problem. I have no problem with four face guys all talking "respect" and "may the best man win" to each other as long as they can all convince me I'm meant to believe it. That's not trying to be ballet. That's trying to be wrestling.


Still think Cappy's friend Anderson could/will turn. And given that Angle vs Anderson was so good at Lockdown that seems like a good bet for the final. Otherwise I would put a rocket on Pope. Seems quite clear at this point it will be Hardy vs Abyss and BFG and with the Angle storyline and his court date he ain't winning.

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But I gotta disagree with you about four faces all playing nice being too cutsie poo.When you have four faces all contending for a title and they are all playing nice, that doesn't make wrestling sound like ballet. It makes it sound like, well, wrestling. Faces are supposed to want the level playing field and have respect for their opponent so they can go out there and the best man can win on his merits. While heels are supposed to disrespect everyone, use the rule book as toilet paper and attempt to create a state of anarchy they believe they alone can control. It's been the way of the ring from the beginning of alignments.


Now, I'll grant you. Faces can have an edge sometimes and that's good. Look at the man in charge here at the moment. One Hulk Hogan. When Hogan was in his prime, sure he could be Mr. Nice Guy and try to give every wayward, slightly shady tweener a fair shake only for them to tip heel on him. But when the chips were down, Hogan enforced all the crowd held good and right with an iron fist and an adamantium leg drop.


Or look at the Ring of Honor guys. From what admittedly little I've seen, it's no wonder to me those guys have the cult following they do. They are able to uphold old-school principles like honor and respect and do so with the kind of hardcore stridence ECW was famous for. So attitude-wise they represent the best of both the old and new schools blended together. And then yes you have the stylistic preferences piled on top of that.


I have no problem with four face guys all talking "respect" and "may the best man win" to each other as long as they can all convince me I'm meant to believe it. That's not trying to be ballet. That's trying to be wrestling.


I don't have a problem with these 4 guys respecting each other, but it's something I'd only mention in passing. "Kurt's one of the greatest of all time, but..." and then talking about how much of an ass-kicker you are, and how it doesn't matter who gets in your way or how much you respect them, nothing's gonna keep you from the holy grail, the ultimate prize, the thing you dream about at night, the TNA World Heavyweight Title. "I don't want to have to end your career, Kurt, but if it comes down to you and me, I'll do it without a moment's hesitation." The title's that important.


I liked Kurt's stuff on Reaction (even if half of it sounded like complaints about creative changing direction and ending his 10-1 challenge) he expressed the desire to win, and the willingness to stop at nothing to get it done. I didn't get that feeling from Anderson or Pope, who spent most of their time putting over everyone else.


I'd love to see Pope win the tournament. Angle's had his time, and Pope is a 'TNA guy' to me now. An interesting standard bearer.

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I don't have a problem with these 4 guys respecting each other, but it's something I'd only mention in passing. "Kurt's one of the greatest of all time, but..." and then talking about how much of an ass-kicker you are, and how it doesn't matter who gets in your way or how much you respect them, nothing's gonna keep you from the holy grail, the ultimate prize, the thing you dream about at night, the TNA World Heavyweight Title. "I don't want to have to end your career, Kurt, but if it comes down to you and me, I'll do it without a moment's hesitation." The title's that important.


Agree with you as far as making the title feel important. But that's another reason the balance is important here. If you had two and two alignment wise, the faces could balance these two basic tasks against each other better. With so many guys to have to express respect for, consistency demands the appearance of fire in the belly go. You short a guy or two on respect to give that ass-kicker talk, it suggests there's none for those other guys. That shines light on confrontations that might only be in people's minds. It creates anticipation for things you may not intend to have happen in the match. Essentially, they've painted themselves in a corner by having so many faces in the mix. Either they have to turn someone so people want to see someone lose out in the title match or the title change is going to have to do without the kind of impact it deserves.

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Dixie Carter really annoyed me with her promo though. Telling AJ Styles "this is my house". That to me is a gigantic heel line. Vince McMahon to Steve Austin level heel. I've had my boss tell me things like that many times, and it made me want to knock him out. I can relate to AJ's plight. Other than kinda wanting to nail her, I feel no emotional connection to Dixie.


*Nods* That was a horrible line for a face authority figure to use. I can only think she may have messed up the line otherwise it boggles the mind why somebody would have scripted that. Bischoff and Jarrett were feuding over less provocative statements than that.


Wolfe's on Xplosion...


Apparently Wolfe & Magnus are being lined up to feud with MCMG, which should be great in itself, although yeah, I'd rather see Wolfe further up the card. Still, beggers can't be choosers.


I liked Kurt's stuff on Reaction (even if half of it sounded like complaints about creative changing direction and ending his 10-1 challenge) he expressed the desire to win, and the willingness to stop at nothing to get it done. I didn't get that feeling from Anderson or Pope, who spent most of their time putting over everyone else.


Kurt put his determination over really well, but given the mileage already in that storyline and the rankings as a whole, the tournament annoys me. This could have been used as a chance to really sell the rankings system and just put the guys in the 1 and 2 spots in a title match to crown a new champion.

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"I'd imagine a lot of the old TNA guys are feeling like they're taking a back seat. The thing is..you can't argue with numbers. Last week TNA broke new all-time records for ratings! TNA needed a change. The 6-sided ring and the great technical wrestlers that nobody knew wasn't working. TNA brought in two rock stars, and look at the company now! Dixie often points out how hiring Jeff Hardy and RVD started a whole new era, why do some of the wrestlers not see it? Too young, too green, too selfish to have the correct perspective. Whereas some of the TNA `stars' are lucky to get recognized walking around the studios, Jeff and myself live like actual celebrities, signing autographs and taking pictures EVERYWHERE we go. Without experiencing this, it's probably hard to imagine. In fact, very few wrestlers stick out in people's minds the way that Jeff and I do. WE love our fans and we love their love. TNA is blowing up. Good things will come our way and I see it all happening now. This is a very exciting time. More people watching TNA means more people to the other wrestlers on the card too...as long as they're good enough to hang around with the rising standards."


Rob Van Dam is an idiot after all - who knew?



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"I'd imagine a lot of the old TNA guys are feeling like they're taking a back seat. The thing is..you can't argue with numbers. Last week TNA broke new all-time records for ratings! TNA needed a change. The 6-sided ring and the great technical wrestlers that nobody knew wasn't working. TNA brought in two rock stars, and look at the company now! Dixie often points out how hiring Jeff Hardy and RVD started a whole new era, why do some of the wrestlers not see it? Too young, too green, too selfish to have the correct perspective. Whereas some of the TNA `stars' are lucky to get recognized walking around the studios, Jeff and myself live like actual celebrities, signing autographs and taking pictures EVERYWHERE we go. Without experiencing this, it's probably hard to imagine. In fact, very few wrestlers stick out in people's minds the way that Jeff and I do. WE love our fans and we love their love. TNA is blowing up. Good things will come our way and I see it all happening now. This is a very exciting time. More people watching TNA means more people to the other wrestlers on the card too...as long as they're good enough to hang around with the rising standards."


Rob Van Dam is an idiot after all - who knew?




I can't read the source article from work, and until I can I'm going to treat it with more than an ounce of suspicion.

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"I'd imagine a lot of the old TNA guys are feeling like they're taking a back seat. The thing is..you can't argue with numbers. Last week TNA broke new all-time records for ratings! TNA needed a change. The 6-sided ring and the great technical wrestlers that nobody knew wasn't working. TNA brought in two rock stars, and look at the company now! Dixie often points out how hiring Jeff Hardy and RVD started a whole new era, why do some of the wrestlers not see it? Too young, too green, too selfish to have the correct perspective. Whereas some of the TNA `stars' are lucky to get recognized walking around the studios, Jeff and myself live like actual celebrities, signing autographs and taking pictures EVERYWHERE we go. Without experiencing this, it's probably hard to imagine. In fact, very few wrestlers stick out in people's minds the way that Jeff and I do. WE love our fans and we love their love. TNA is blowing up. Good things will come our way and I see it all happening now. This is a very exciting time. More people watching TNA means more people to the other wrestlers on the card too...as long as they're good enough to hang around with the rising standards."


Rob Van Dam is an idiot after all - who knew?




Well, first you have to presume this isn't just some muckraker trying to get his career over at RVD's expense by putting his thoughts in RVD's mouth. I don't know this site and the only Ryan Clark I know anything about is a defensive back for the Pittsburgh Steelers. But assuming there is actually some meat here, clearly RVD has never heard of Benjamin Disraeli. "There are three kinds of lies. Lies, damned lies, and statistics."


That said, one has to wonder how much he really knows of TNA before he came in. The roster's been through the "too young, too green and too selfish" drama and come out the other end via the Main Event Mafia. Only for new guys who don't get what's been going on to come in and presume to preach to the stars presumably in the making. If there's anything to this, RVD should ask his fellow "rock star" Jeff Hardy about his prior run in the company. Jeff's not as wet behind the ears about things TNA as RVD would appear to be. Jeff knows what it is to have been there when the guys were scratching and clawing for survival and to not have presented the rock star value RVD's apparently giving him.


But it does appear one of two things is true. Either this writer is a disgrace to the alphabet he uses to cobble words together with or like you said, Brother Sheepy, RVD is indeed an idiot after all. Personally, as one who doesn't read the wrestling sites very often, my gut leans to the former. I see muck being raked here.

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I'm writing this blog before going to work.

Work , for me, involves going to Universal Studios for the biggest hardcore pay per view

night in years.


I love how the circle of life adds depth and validity each time it comes around.

All the energy and time you spent enjoying ECW will be justified tonight, as

we will see that it meant a whole lot to a lot of people.

I expect this to be TNA's highest rated pay per view in the history of the company.

That's based on everyone in the streets telling me how much they're looking forward

to it. Me too.



I'd imagine a lot of the old TNA guys are feeling like they're taking a back seat.

The thing is...you can't argue with the numbers.

Last week TNA broke new all-time records for ratings!

TNA needed a change. The 6-sided ring and the great technical wrestlers -that nobody knew-wasn't working.

TNA brought in two rock stars, and look at the company now!

Dixie often points out how hiring Jeff Hardy and RVD started a whole new era, why do some of the wrestlers not see it?

Too, young, too green, too selfish to have the correct perspective.

Whereas some of the TNA "stars" are lucky to get recognized walking around the studios, Jeff and

myself live like actual celebrities, signing autographs and taking pictures EVERYWHERE we go.

Without experiencing this, it's probably hard to imagine.

In fact, very few wrestlers stick out in people's minds the way that Jeff and I do.

WE love our fans and we love their love.

TNA is blowing up. Good things will come our way and

I see it all happening now.

This is a very exciting time.

More people watching TNA means more people exposed to the other wrestlers on the card too...as long as they're good

enough to hang around with the rising standards.



It doesn't matter if you preferred the old style of wrestling when only you and your buddies

knew about it.

We're into making money.

Tonight is going to be a HUGE indicator of what doing the right thing can accomplish.




In it's entirety it reads more like RVD is sticking up for the people who say that TNA fans don't care about ECW or EV2 or whatever...Van Dam has made some pretty conceited comments in the past, so this isn't exactly a shock


But reading the whole thing, written the day of a PPV, defending his friends...meh...it's not a big deal.

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But it does appear one of two things is true. Either this writer is a disgrace to the alphabet he uses to cobble words together with or like you said, Brother Sheepy, RVD is indeed an idiot after all. Personally, as one who doesn't read the wrestling sites very often, my gut leans to the former. I see muck being raked here.


This is the same bloke who got caught smoking pot whilst the WWE champion and being given the biggest opportunity of his career = idiot ;)


Didn't realise this would cause so much of a stir though. All wrestlers are in the game of self promotion and this is no different. TBH, the fact he's delivered so many average matches annoys me more considering what he was and probably still is capable of. I'm actually left longing for the MEM and the Nation of Violence...

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